O uğultuya ne sebep oluyor?
- What's causing that hum?
Tom, bulaşık yıkadığı zaman kendi kendine bir melodi mırıldandı.
- Tom hummed a tune to himself as he did the washing up.
We are humming happily along with the music.
A slight gloom fell upon the table. Jacob was helping himself to jam; the postman was talking to Rebecca in the kitchen; there was a bee humming at the yellow flower which nodded at the open window.
The hazers ominously hummed We shall overcome while they paddled the unruly pledges.
We hummed and hawed before buying this house.
The Purple-Throated Hummer is green, with the throat a brilliant violet-purple..
She wore ho-hum clothes, but practical ones.
Look at all this paperwork. Ho-hum!.