Don't look down on others.
- Diğerlerini hor görme.
We shouldn't look down on other people.
- Diğer insanları hor görmemeliyiz.
Von Stunde zu Stunde gewartet er mit hoffender Seele der Wiederkehr. Ihm konnte den mutigen Glauben der Hohn des Tyrannen nicht rauben.
- Hour after hour in hope he bore,nor might his soul its faith give o'er; nor could the tyrant's scorn deriding, steal from that faith one thought confiding!
Tom erschien in Begleitung einer alten Frau. Laila und Maria tuschelten: „Ist das seine Großmutter?“ – „Das muss seine neue Flamme sein!“ Beide kicherten höhnisch.
- Tom appeared accompanied by an old woman. Laila and Maria whispered, Is that his grandmother? That must be his new flame! Both of them giggled scornfully.