Alay aptalların yiyeceğidir.
- Derision is the food of fools.
Hour after hour in hope he bore,nor might his soul its faith give o'er; nor could the tyrant's scorn deriding, steal from that faith one thought confiding!
- Von Stunde zu Stunde gewartet er mit hoffender Seele der Wiederkehr. Ihm konnte den mutigen Glauben der Hohn des Tyrannen nicht rauben.
Tom appeared accompanied by an old woman. Laila and Maria whispered, Is that his grandmother? That must be his new flame! Both of them giggled scornfully.
- Tom erschien in Begleitung einer alten Frau. Laila und Maria tuschelten: „Ist das seine Großmutter?“ – „Das muss seine neue Flamme sein!“ Beide kicherten höhnisch.