her şeyi yapabilecek güçte olan

listen to the pronunciation of her şeyi yapabilecek güçte olan
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Describing a cell (especially a stem cell) that is capable of developing into any type of cell or forming any type of tissue (also called a totipotent cell). See also pluripotent
{a} almighty, all-powerful
possessed of unlimited and universal power
Having unlimited power of a particular kind; as, omnipotent love
Having unlimited power, force or authority
Able in every respect and for every work; unlimited in ability; all-powerful; almighty; as, the Being that can create worlds must be omnipotent
Means having absolute power over everything Omnipotence is an essential attribute of God and one that belongs to God only Because God is omnipotent, we can trust Him in all things and with all things List of Terms
Having unlimited power or authority
having unlimited power
{s} almighty, having infinite power and authority
Someone or something that is omnipotent has complete power over things or people. Doug lived in the shadow of his seemingly omnipotent father. = all-powerful. able to do everything = all-powerful (from omni- ( OMNI-) + potens ( POTENT))
Click to check definition belief that God is all-powerful
her şeyi yapabilecek güçte olan

    Расстановка переносов

    her şe·yi ya·pa·bi·le·cek güç·te o·lan

