Write the amount on the check in letters as well as figures.
- Çek miktarını hem rakamla hem de harflerle yazın.
They were rich as well as happy.
- Onlar hem zenginlerdi hem de mutlulardı.
Not only was he a doctor, he was also a very famous novelist.
- O hem bir doktor hem de çok ünlü bir roman yazarıdır.
Not only were there strong winds yesterday, but also it rained heavily.
- Dün hem güçlü rüzgarlar vardı hem de yoğun yağmur yağdı.
Both Tom and Mary were busy at that time.
- Hem Tom hem de Mary o zaman meşguldü.
Tom and I were both busy at that time.
- Hem Tom hem de ben o zaman meşguldük.