
listen to the pronunciation of heat
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

4. Susam yağını wokta ısıtın ve tereyağını eritin. - 4. Heat the sesame oil in the wok and melt the butter.

Elektrikli ısıtıcımız iyi çalışmıyor. - Our electric heater does not work well.


Bu sıcaklıkta çalışmayı sevmiyorum. - I don't like studying in this heat.

Sıcaklık bütün gece beni uyanık tuttu. - The heat kept me awake all night.


Indüksiyon ocakları doğrudan tencere ve tavalar ısıtmak için mıknatıslar kullanır. - Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans.

Güneşe göre bir evin yönünü değiştirerek evi ısıtmak ya da soğutmak için gerekli ya da boşa harcanmış enerjinin yüzde otuzunu tasarruf edebilirsiniz. - By simply changing the orientation of a house in relation to the sun, you can save up to thirty percent of the energy required or wasted for heating or cooling it.

(Spor) ısınma turları
eleme yarışı
(dişi ve memeli hayvanlarda) çiftleşme isteği
{f} ısıt

Merkezi ısıtma kışın yeterince ısıtıyor mu? - Is the central heating warm enough in the winter?

4. Susam yağını wokta ısıtın ve tereyağını eritin. - 4. Heat the sesame oil in the wok and melt the butter.


Tom sıcaklıktan dolayı neredeyse bayılacaktı. - Tom almost passed out from the heat.

Tom sıcaktan bayıldı. - Tom passed out because of the heat.

ateşli/azgın dönem
{i} hararet

Kimin başkan olarak seçilmesi gerektiğine dair hararetli bir tartışma vardı. - There was a heated argument as to who should be appointed chairman.

Onun hakkında hararetli bir tartışma yaptık. - We had a heated discussion about it.

{i} işi
{f} işit
(Askeri) helikopter harici hava ulaştırması; yüksek güçte tanksavar patlayıcı madde (helicopter external air transport; high explosive antitank)
{i} ateş

John odaya girdiğinde Tom ve Marry ateşli bir tartışmanın ortasındaydı. - Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room.

Tom'un Mary ile ateşli bir tartışması vardı. - Tom had a heated argument with Mary.

{i} kızışma, kösnü
{i} kızgınlık dönemi
{f} kızışmak
{i} öfke
{i} spor eleme, eleme koşusu/yarışı
{i} kızışma
{f} kızıştırmak
{i} acılık
çiftleşme isteği
bir kere kızdırılma
şehvet galeyanı
{i} tav

Indüksiyon ocakları doğrudan tencere ve tavalar ısıtmak için mıknatıslar kullanır. - Induction cookers use magnets to directly heat pots and pans.

Demir tavında dövülür. - Roast the bhakri while the pan is heated.

{i} hiddet, öfke
{i} kızgınlık
{f} kızmak
{f} hareketlendirmek
{i} baskı
{i} ısınma
{f} kızdırmak
{i} ısıtma

Bu okulun ısıtması yok. - This school has no heating.

Bizim yurdun ısıtma sistemi düzgün çalışmıyor. - Our dorm's heating system isn't working properly.

{i} vücut ısısı
azma tav
(Spor) eleme koşusu/yarışı
(Spor) eleme
(Spor) eleme koşusu

Kimin başkan olarak seçilmesi gerektiğine dair hararetli bir tartışma vardı. - There was a heated argument as to who should be appointed chairman.

Onlar hararetli bir tartışmaya girdi. - They entered into a heated discussion.

heat up
heat tracing
(Elektrikv vs.) Isı takibi
heat coil
ısı sargısı
heat load
ısıtma yükü
heat loss
ısı yitimi
heat pipes
ısı boruları
heat production
ısı üretimi
heat proof
ısıya dayanıklı
heat pumps
ısı pompaları
heat rash
heat requirement
ısı ihtiyacı
heat sink
heat sink
(Otomotiv) soğutucu bloğu
heat water
sıcak su
heat accumulator
ısı akümülatörü
heat capacity
ısı sığası
heat capacity
ısı kapasitesi
heat coil
ısı bobini
heat conduction
ısı iletimi
heat conductivity
ısı iletkenliği
heat conductor
ısıl iletken
heat consumption
ısı tüketimi
heat content
ısı miktarı
heat detector
ısı detektörü
heat dissipation
ısı kaybı
heat energy
ısınma enerisi
heat energy
ısı enerjisi
heat engine
ısı makinesi
heat engine
sıcaklık makinası
heat exchange
ısı alışverişi
heat exchanger
ısı eşanjörü
heat exhaustion
sıcak çarpması
heat exhaustion
ısı tüketimi
heat insulating
ısı yalıtımı
heat insulating material
ısı yalıtım maddesi
heat insulation
ısı yalıtımı
heat interchange
termal denge
heat interchange
ısıl denge
heat lightning
heat loss
ısı kaybı
heat of condensation
yoğunlaşma sıcaklığı
heat of dissociation
ayrışma sıcaklığı
heat of formation
oluşum sıcaklığı
heat of fusion
kaynaşım ısısı
heat of fusion
erime sıcaklığı
heat of fusion
füzyon ısısı
heat of reaction
reaksiyon ısısı
heat of reaction
tepkime ısısı
heat of solidification
katılaşma sıcaklığı
heat of solution
erime sıcaklığı
heat of solution
erime ısısı
heat of sublimation
süblimleşme sıcaklığı
heat of vaporization
buharlaşma sıcaklığı
heat pump
ısı pompası
heat ray
ısı ışını
heat resistant
ısıya dayanıklı
heat resisting
ısıya dayanıklı
heat resisting
ısı dirençli
heat shield
sıcaklık kalkanı
heat source
ısı kaynağı
heat stroke
sıcak çarpması
heat transfer
ısı aktarımı
heat transfer
ısı transferi
heat transfer
ısı nakli
heat unit
sıcaklık birimi
heat up

Suyu kaynayıncaya kadar ısıt. - Heat up the water until it boils.

heat wave
sıcaklık dalgası
heat wave
sıcak hava dalgası

Japon takımadaları korkunç bir sıcak hava dalgası ile vuruldu. - The Japanese archipelago is struck by a terrible heat wave.

Biz amansız bir sıcak hava dalgasının ikinci haftasındayız. - We're in the second week of an unrelenting heat wave.

Heat Shrink
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Makaron, ısıtılınca büzüşüp, elektrik devrelerinde açıkta kalan kabloların yalıtımını sağlayan ince boru
heat absorbing filter
antikalorik filtre, isikeser süzgeç
heat accumulator
işi akümülatörü
heat capacity
işi sıgası
heat content
işi içerik
heat coping
işi başa çıkma
heat cramp
işi kramp
heat cramps
işi krampları
heat detector
işi detektörü
heat economy
işi ekonomisi
heat exchanger
iŞi DEÐİŞTİRİCİ (HV.): Yakıt dolaşımı ile soğutmada olduğu gibi, bir maddedeki ısıyı başka bir maddeye nakletmeye mahsus cihaz
heat exchanger
işi eşanjörü, bir akışkandan diğerine işi transfer etmek için yapılmış bir alettir. Eşanjörde akışkanların birbirine değmemesi gereken durumda akışkanlar katı bir duvarla ayrılırlar ve bu şekilde akışkanlar asla karışmaz. Akışkanların direkt olarak temas ettiği tiplerde vardır
heat exchanger
(Mühendislik) iŞi DEÐİŞTİRİCİ (HV.): Yakıt dolaşımı ile soğutmada olduğu gibi, bir maddedeki ısıyı başka bir maddeye nakletmeye mahsus cihaz
heat exhaustion
işi yorgunluğu
heat flow
işi akışı
heat flux
işi akışı
heat fusing
işi füzyon
heat gain
işi kazancı
heat insulating material
işi yalıtım maddesi
heat interchange
termal denge, ışıl denge
heat is trying
işi çalışıyor
heat map
en yuğun verilerin sıcak renklerle gösterildiği grafik harita
heat of
heat of hydration
hidratasyon ısısı
heat of reaction
reaksiyon ısısı, tepkime ısısı
heat rash
heat recovery
işi geri-kazanımı
heat recovery
işi geri kazanım
heat recovery
bir bina yada araçtan atılan işinin bazı mekanik düzenlerle bir başka ortama yüklenerek tekrar kullanıma sokulması
heat release
işi yayımı
heat run
işi koşmak
heat sealable
(Mühendislik) ısıyı tutan; işi geçirmeyen; işi geçişine direnimli
heat sensitive
ısıya duyarlı
heat shunt tweezer
işi şant cımbız
heat source
işi kaynağı
heat stress
işi stresi
heat supression system
(Havacılık) işi önleme sistemi
heat the rooms
oda işi
heat transfer
işi transferi
heat transfer coefficient
işi geçişi katsayısı
heat transfer fluid
işi transfer sıvısının
heat transfer medium
işi aktarım ortamı
heat treated
tavlanmis, tavlı, sıcak işlenmiş
heat treatment
(Metal İşleme) ışıl işlem
heat up
işi yayan
ısıya dayanıklı
sıcak mühür basmak
işi isteyen
heat-seeking missile
işi güdümlü füze
işi ile küçülen
ısıya karşı istikrarlı/değişmez/kararlı
işi tuzağı, işi kapanı
işi yakalama
heat fixing
ısıl kaynaşma
heat prostration
güneş çarpması
heat sink compound
(Otomotiv) soğutma plakası bileşimi
{i} ısıtma

Bizim yurdun ısıtma sistemi düzgün çalışmıyor. - Our dorm's heating system isn't working properly.

Merkezi ısıtma kışın yeterince ısıtıyor mu? - Is the central heating warm enough in the winter?


Tom'un Mary ile ateşli bir tartışması vardı. - Tom had a heated argument with Mary.

John odaya girdiğinde Tom ve Marry ateşli bir tartışmanın ortasındaydı. - Tom and Mary were in the middle of a heated argument when John walked into the room.

{f} ısıt

Akşam yemeği için soğuk çorbayı ısıttı. - She heated up the cold soup for supper.

Ev güneş enerjisi ile ısıtılmaktadır. - The house is heated by solar energy.

ısıtma jüyesi
{i} ısınma
{f} ısıt

İyi bir ısıtma sistemimiz var. - We have a good heating system.

Onlar ısıtma sistemini onarmak için buradalar. - They're here to fix the heating system.

sıcağa dayanıklı
{i} kızışma
Heat exchanger
heat exchanger
(Askeri) ISI DEĞİŞTİRİCİ (HV.): Yakıt dolaşımı ile soğutmada olduğu gibi, bir maddedeki ısıyı başka bir maddeye nakletmeye mahsus cihaz
heat exchanger
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısı değiştiricisi
heat sink
(Askeri) ISI MECRASI (HV.): Sıcaklığın kritik bir parçadan veya parçalardan emilmesine veya başka yere intikaline yarayan bir düzen. Örneğin; burun konisinde sürtünme ile meydana gelen aşırı sıcaklık, emilmek üzere, özel bir metale yöneltilebilir
heat sink
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısı kuyusu,soğutucu
heat sink
ısı alıcı
heat up
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- ısıtmak , kızdırmak 2- çok ısınmak , kızmak
heat up
heat up
heat up
heat wave
sıcak dalgası
heat wave
(Meteoroloji) ısı dalgası
{s} ısıtılabilir
{s} heyecanlı
kanı beynine sıçramış
{s} öfkeli
{s} kızışmış, kızışık, hararetli (tartışma)
{s} tepesi atmış
heating coil rezistans
tahrik edici
Isıtma sistemi

Bu ısıtma sistemi petrol yakar. - This heating system burns oil.

Bizim yurdun ısıtma sistemi düzgün çalışmıyor. - Our dorm's heating system isn't working properly.

the heat
the heat
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
High Explosive Anti-Tank — antitank munition using a high explosive shaped charge to breach armour
The police

The heat! Scram!.

A condition where a mammal is aroused sexually or where it is especially fertile and therefore eager to mate

The male canines were attracted by the female in heat.

A hot spell

The children stayed indoors during this year's summer heat.

An attribute of a spice that causes a burning sensation in the mouth

The chili sauce gave the dish heat.

One or more firearms
A preliminary race, used to determine the participants in a final race

The runner had high hopes, but was out of contention after the first heat.

The condition or quality of being hot

Stay out of the heat of the sun!.

to arouse, to excite (sexually)

The massage heated her up.

An undesirable amount of attention

The heat from her family after her DUI arrest was unbearable.

A fastball

The catcher called for the heat, high and tight.

To cause an increase in temperature of an object or space; to cause something to become hot; often with "up"

I'll heat up the water.

A period of intensity, particularly of emotion

It's easy to make bad decisions in the heat of the moment.

One cycle of bringing metal to maximum temperature and working it until it is too cool to work further

I can make a scroll like that in a single heat.

thermal energy

Heat and temperature, although different, are intimately related. For example, suppose you added equal amounts of heat to equal masses of iron and aluminum. How do you think their temperatures would change? if the temperature of the iron increased by 100 C°, the corresponding temperature change in the aluminum would be only 48 C°.

{n} warmth, glow, flush, passion, rage
{v} to make hot, warm, put into a passion
(Silahlar) (abbr.) High explosive anti-tank (HEAT)
a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature
applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity
the reverse of cold
becomes directly known to us through the sense of feeling
A heat is one of a series of races or competitions. The winners of a heat take part in another race or competition, against the winners of other heats. the heats of the men's 100m breaststroke. see also dead heat
A violent action unintermitted; a single effort; a single course in a race that consists of two or more courses; as, he won two heats out of three
the energy of a material which is stored in the form of sensible heat (kinetic energy of rotational, vibrational and translational thermal motion of constituent atoms and molecules) and/or latent heat
The sensation caused by the force or influence of heat when excessive, or above that which is normal to the human body; the bodily feeling experienced on exposure to fire, the sun's rays, etc
n a high temperature; a form of energy associated with the rapid motion of atoms in a substance
make hot or hotter; "heat the soup"
{f} become hot; make hot
Energy that causes molecules to be in motion and to raise the temperature of a substance
Agitation of mind; inflammation or excitement; exasperation
The average number of cells that change state per generation Oscillizer also calculates the "minimum heat" (and "maximum heat"), which is the minimum (maximum) number of cells that change state in one generation See also temperature
A form of energy transferred between two systems by virtue of a difference in temperature The first law of thermodynamics demonstrated that the heat absorbed by a system may be used by the system to do work or to raise its internal energy
intense passion or emotion the sensation caused by heat energy a preliminary race in which the winner advances to a more important race a form of energy that is transferred by a difference in temperature make hot or hotter; "heat the soup"
It was formerly supposed to be a subtile, imponderable fluid, to which was given the name caloric
Animation, as in discourse; ardor; fervency
To make hot; to communicate heat to, or cause to grow warm; as, to heat an oven or furnace, an iron, or the like
gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly"
The transfer of energy from one object at a higher temperature to another object at a lower temperature Heat can be transferred by conduction, convection, or radiation Although technically incorrect, the word heat is often used to mean "thermal energy "
energy transferred between two objects because of a temperature difference; the thermal motion of atoms and molecules For chemical systems the sign for heat flow into the system is positive, because this process increases the internal energy of the system Heat flowing out of the system is defined to be negative, since this process decreases the internal energy of the system
Thermal energy in the process of being added to or removed from, a substance
A single complete operation of heating, as at a forge or in a furnace; as, to make a horseshoe in a certain number of heats
Energy transfer which is not associated with the performance of macroscopic work, but occurs on the atomic scale
{i} warmth, high temperature; excitement, passion; early part of a race; state of being prepared for sexual activity (in female animals)
To grow warm or hot by fermentation, or the development of heat by chemical action; as, green hay heats in a mow, and manure in the dunghill
To excite or make hot by action or emotion; to make feverish
The form of energy that is transferred by virtue of a temperature difference or a change in state of a material
You use heat to refer to a source of heat, for example a cooking ring or the heating system of a house. Immediately remove the pan from the heat
As defined in thermodynamics, heat is the energy that flows between two systems as a result of °temperature differences (a system contains neither heat nor °work, but can produce heat or do work) Heat thus differs from °thermal energy
A form of energy associated with the random motion of the elementary particles in matter
In common usage, the term is generally applied to the storage of thermal energy in a body as internal energy, both potential and kinetic More specifically, it is defined as energy in transition due to a temperature difference
Relating to heating or the use of heat for space heating and to produce other forms of energy
You use heat to refer to a state of strong emotion, especially of anger or excitement. It was all done in the heat of the moment and I have certainly learned by my mistake
High temperature, as distinguished from low temperature, or cold; as, the heat of summer and the cold of winter; heat of the skin or body in fever, etc
That which is transferred from a hot body to a cold body It is important not to think of heat as a form of energy but as a transfer of energy from one place to another See the First Law By convention, heat entering the system from the environment is positive, heat leaving the system to the environment is negative
Heat is warmth or the quality of being hot. The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods
the presence of heat
Means both thermal energy and thermal energy transfer
In its nature heat is a mode of motion, being in general a form of molecular disturbance or vibration
Energy that flows between bodies because of a difference in temperature; same as thermal energy
A force in nature which is recognized in various effects, but especially in the phenomena of fusion and evaporation, and which, as manifested in fire, the sun's rays, mechanical action, chemical combination, etc
The heat is very hot weather. As an asthmatic, he cannot cope with the heat and humidity
When a female animal is on heat in British English, or in heat in American English, she is in a state where she is ready to mate with a male animal, as this will probably result in her becoming pregnant. to make something become warm or hot = warm up. Energy transferred from one body to another as the result of a difference in temperature. Heat flows from a hotter body to a colder body when the two bodies are brought together. This transfer of energy usually results in an increase in the temperature of the colder body and a decrease in that of the hotter body. A substance may absorb heat without an increase in temperature as it changes from one phase to another that is, when it melts or boils. The distinction between heat (a form of energy) and temperature (a measure of the amount of energy) was clarified in the 19th century by such scientists as J.-B. Fourier, Gustav Kirchhoff, and Ludwig Boltzmann. heat capacity heat exchanger heat exhaustion heat prostration heat pump heat treating latent heat reaction heat of specific heat induction heating radiant heating solar heating
A form of energy that flows between two samples of matter because of their differences in temperature
To excite ardor in; to rouse to action; to excite to excess; to inflame, as the passions
provide with heat; "heat the house
To grow warm or hot by the action of fire or friction, etc
A gun
A process, by which the internal energy of a system can be changed At the same time, may, but must not, be changed, too
heat capacities
plural form of heat capacity
heat capacity
The capability of a substance to absorb heat energy; specifically, the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one mole or gram of a substance by one degree Celsius without any change of phase
heat death
The state of a thermodynamic system having reached a maximum entropy; temperature is uniform throughout, and no energy is available to do work
heat death of the universe
entropic doom
heat deaths
plural form of heat death
heat detector
A device that detects heat and sounds an alarm
heat detectors
plural form of heat detector
heat dump
A structure or environment into which waste heat can be transferred
heat engine
Any device which converts heat energy into mechanical work
heat engines
plural form of heat engine
heat exchanger
Any device (such as a radiator) that transfers heat from one fluid to another via a separating wall
heat exchangers
plural form of heat exchanger
heat haze
a shimmering atmospheric disturbance caused by currents of warm air between the observer and the object observed
heat map
A two-dimensional graphic representation of data in which different values are represented by different colours
heat maps
plural form of heat map
heat pump
A device that transfers heat from something at a lower temperature to something at a higher temperature by doing work
heat pumps
plural form of heat pump
heat sink
A material capable of absorbing heat
heat sink
An object, system or environment that absorbs and dissipates heat from objects in thermal contact (either direct or radiant) with it
heat sink
A place toward which the heat moves in a system
heat sinks
plural form of heat sink
heat stroke
illness caused by overheating the human body
heat transfer
The transmission of thermal energy via conduction, convection or radiation
heat transfers
plural form of heat transfer
heat up
To heat, to cause to become hotter
heat wave
A period of exceptionally hot weather

that she certainly can, can-can! — Marilyn Monroe, There's No Business Like Show Business.

heat waves
plural form of heat wave
Resistant to but not wholly proof from the effects of fire or intense heat
To enclose (something) in plastic wrapping and make an airtight seal by applying heat to fuse the edges of the wrapping together
Heat Shrink tubing
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Heat shrink tubing (or commonly "heat shrink") is a tube which shrinks in diameter when heated. Its diameter and thickness can vary, and there are three main categories, thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tube. Heat shrink is used to insulate wires, connections, joints and terminals in Electrical Engineering. It can also be used to repair wires, bundle wires together, and to protect wires or small parts from minor abrasion
heat deflection temperature
The heat deflection temperature or heat distortion temperature (HDT or HDTUL) is the temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load. This property of a given plastic material is applied in many aspects of product design, engineering, and manufacture of products using thermoplastic components
heat exhaustion
A condition caused by exposure to heat, resulting in the depletion of body fluids and causing weakness, dizziness, nausea, and often collapse. The condition can be alleviated by rest and the administration of fluids and electrolytes to compensate for those lost through excessive sweating. Also called heat prostration
heat map
a graphical representation of data where the values taken by a variable in a two-dimensional table are represented as colors
heat of transformation
The quantity of heat absorbed or released by a substance undergoing a change of state, such as ice changing to water or water to steam, at constant temperature and pressure. Also called 'latent heat'
heat setting
(Tekstil) Heat setting is a term used in the textile industry to describe a thermal process taking place mostly in either a steam atmosphere or a dry heat environment
heat shrink
Heat shrink tubing (or commonly "heat shrink") is a tube which shrinks in diameter when heated. Its diameter and thickness can vary, and there are three main categories, thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tube. Heat shrink is used to insulate wires, connections, joints and terminals in Electrical Engineering. It can also be used to repair wires, bundle wires together, and to protect wires or small parts from minor abrasion
heat treatment
The use of heat for therapeutic purposes in medicine or to modify the properties of a material, especially in metallurgy
heat capacity
Heat capacity of an assembly is the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of all the components of a unit area in the assembly 1°F It is calculated as the sum of the average thickness times the density times the specific heat for each component, and is expressed in Btu per square foot per °F
heat capacity
(heat) (meas) The amount of heat required to raise by one degree the temperature of a unit mass of a substance F - capacite thermique S - capacidad calorifica
heat capacity
the ability of water to absorb heat without becoming extremely hot itself
heat index
degree of apparent temperature (calculated by combining humidity, wind velocity, and air temperature)
heat of condensation
The heat liberated by a unit mass of gas at its boiling point as it condenses to a liquid Equal to the heat of vaporization
heat rash
obstruction of the sweat ducts during high heat and humidity
heat sink
Facility to provide cooling of PAR and MSR components while "buttoned up" during a nuclear attack Water for component cooling was re-circulated through an underground storage cavern where its heat was dumped Click here for photo (B17)
heat sink
A device which possesses low thermal resistance in order to effectively transfer dissipated heat to the ambient temperature Heat Sink Compound A compound which is used to assure a good thermal connection between a heat dissipating device and a heat sink Hertz A unit of frequency named after Heinrich R Hertz (1857-1894) which is equal to one cycle per second
heat sink
A component, typically zinc alloy, that dissipates heat CPUs require heat sinks
heat sink
a piece of metal used to mount components and draw heat away from them It is usually made of finned aluminum
heat transfer
The transfer of heat from a warmer to a colder substance
Simple past tense and past participle of heat
very agitated, angry or impassioned

a heated argument.

Present participle of heat
Causing heat
A system that raises the temperature of a room or building. Confer heater
insulating and incombustible

For safety always use bunsen burners on heatproof mats.

To make insulating and incombustible
heat exchanger
A device for transferring thermal energy from one fluid to another
heat exchanger
A device, such as a radiator, used either to cool or heat by transferring heat from one object to another
heat exchanger
to facilitate the movement of heat from one location to another For example, the engine coolant in an automobile serves to transfer heat from the engine block to the atmosphere Likewise, water facilitates the movement of heat from the reactor core to the outside of a nuclear reactor
heat exchanger
A device designed to transfer heat between two physically separated fluids or mediums of different temperatures
heat exchanger
(heat) (impl) A device, such as a coiled copper tube immersed in a tank of water which is used to transfer heat from one fluid to another through a separating wall A CONDENSER is one type of heat exchanger F - echangeur de chaleur S - termopermutador
heat exchanger
fuel-oil cooler, to help cool the oil The exchanger is a cylindrical oil chamber surrounded by a jacket through which the fuel passes Heat from the oil is transferred to the fuel by conduction
heat exchanger
A series of tubes in a furnace that absorb the heat of combustion and transfer it to the plenum
heat exchanger
device that passes heat from one substance to another; in a solar hot water heater, for example, the heat exchanger takes heat harvested by a fluid circulating through the solar panel and transfers it to domestic hot water
heat exchanger
Any of several devices that transfer heat from a hot to a cold fluid. In many engineering applications, one fluid needs to be heated and another cooled, a requirement economically accomplished by a heat exchanger. In double-pipe exchangers, one fluid flows inside the inner pipe, and the other in the annular space between the two pipes. In shell-and-tube exchangers, many tubes are mounted inside a shell; one fluid flows in the tubes and the other flows in the shell, outside the tubes. Special-purpose devices such as boilers, evaporators, superheaters, condensers, and coolers are all heat exchangers. Heat exchangers are used extensively in fossil-fuel and nuclear power plants, gas turbines, heating and air conditioning, refrigeration, and the chemical industry. See also cooling system
heat exchanger
A device for transferring heat from one fluid to another without intermixing the fluids, as (a) a regenerator and (b) an apparatus for cooling or heating the air in a wind tunnel See radiator, sense 2
heat exchanger
Located in the furnace, the heat exchanger transfers heat to the surrounding air, which is then distributed throughout the home
heat exchanger
A cooling unit that recirculates a small volume of water in a closed-loop; sometimes used with water-cooled lasers Hot water from the laser is cooled by water-to-water or water-to-air heat transfer There is no active refrigeration, as in a chiller [See Also: Recirculator]
heat exchanger
Device (e g , a radiator) that is designed to transfer heat from the hot coolant that flows through it to the air blown through it by the fan
heat exchanger
A device which transfers heat through a conducting wall from one fluid to another
heat exchanger
device that transfers heat from one liquid to another without allowing them to mix
heat exchanger
A piece of brewing equipment used for heating or cooling the wort or beer rapidly
heat exchanger
A device used to transfer heat from one substance to another Heat exchangers can be air to air, air to liquid, or almost any combination
heat exchanger
A device located inside the heater providing for the transfer of heat from the heat source to the water This is usually a seriew of metallic tubes with fins located just above the flames
heat exchanger
A device used to transfer hear from a fluid (liquid or gas) to another fluid, where the two fluids are physically separated (usually by metal tubing) Household examples of heat exchangers are heating radiators and the coils on your refrigerator and room air conditioner
heat exchanger
Enables furnaces to safely transfer heat from combustion into breathable air The primary heat exchanger transfers heat from combustion gases to the air blowing through the ductwork, never allowing combustion gas into the air stream The primary heat exchanger handles the hottest gases In high-efficiency furnaces, secondary heat exchangers recover heat that used to be vented up the chimney with the exhaust gases By recovering this heat, the furnace becomes more efficient
heat exchanger
A device that transfers heat from one substance to another
heat exchanger
device that transfers heat from one substance to another
heat exchanger
A device that enables furnaces to transfer heat from combustion safely into breathable air
heat exchanger
The part of a furnace that transfers heat to nearby air That air is then distributed through the Ductwork throughout your home
heat exchanger
A device in which heat is transferred from one substance to another, for the purpose of cooling (or heating) one (or both) of the substances Wort chillers (both immersion and counterflow) are examples of heat exchangers, as are HERMS mashing systems
heat exchanger
A cooling system that transfers heat from one medium to another with no direct contact between the two media Exchangers can be water-to-water, water-to-air, air-to-air, or a refrigeration cycle The liquid in the closed system may be other than water, and the gas may be other than air
heat exchanger
A unit that transfers heat from one liquid (or vapor) to another without mixing the fluids A condenser is one type of heat exchanger
heat exchanger
A device that transfers heat between two fluids through a separating wall A radiator is a type of heat exchanger that transfers heat from the liquid coolant to the atmosphere
heat sink
1 In thermodynamic theory, a means by which heat is stored, or is dissipated or transferred from the system under consideration
heat sink
Any material used to absorb heat In the environment, this is usually air or water that absorbs waste heat produced in the operation of electric power plants or other industrial facilities
heat sink
1) A body that is capable of accepting and storing heat, and therefore may also act as a heat source 2) A building component such as a wall or floor that is capable of absorbing heat and reradiating it over a period of many hours
heat sink
Made of a heat conductive material, a heat sink is used to dissipate heat over an increased surface area
heat sink
metallic object which is connected to electronic components and prevents overheating
heat sink
Part of the frame of the speaker used to conduct and radiate heat away from the motor assembly 4
heat sink
Good thermal conductor used to remove destructive heat from an area
heat sink
A reservoir that absorbs heat without a significant increase in temperature
heat sink
a metal conductor specially designed to conduct (and radiate) heat
heat sink
– Metal plate, extrusion, case, etc used to transfer heat away from sensitive components and/or circuits Also see Base Plate
heat sink
A metal base or plate onto which one or more components are mounted to absorb, carry away, or radiate the heat generated by the component(s) Overheating may result in the malfunction or destruction of the part(s) generating the heat or might cause damage to other parts of the circuit
heat sink
Device which conducts heat away from a heat-producing component so that it stays within its safe working temperature range
heat sink
A component designed to lower the temperature of an electronic device by dissipating heat into the surrounding air All modern CPUs require a heat sink Some also require a fan A heat sink without a fan is called a passive heat sink; a heat sink with a fan is called an active heat sink Heat sinks are generally made of a zinc alloy and often have fins
heat sink
The area or media where heat is deposited (inside a home, etc )
heat sink
1 Thermodynamic A body which can absorb thermal energy 2 Practical A finned piece of metal used to dissipate the heat of solid state components mounted on it
heat sink
An assembly that serves to dissipate, carry away, or radiate into the surrounding atmosphere heat that is generated by an active electronic device
heat sink
A metal plate, thermally conductive potting material, extrusion, case, etc that is used to transfer heat away from sensitive components and/or circuits See Base Plate
heat sink
(sol) A body that is capable of accepting and storing heat It therefore may also act as a heat source F - puits de chaleur S - sumidor de calor
heat sink
The medium - air, water or earth - which receives heat rejected from a heat pump
heat sink
1 Thermodynamic A body that can absorb thermal energy 2 Practical A finned piece of metal used to dissipate the heat of solid-state components mounted on it
heat sink
– Thermal mass placed in direct contact with a processing or other device to improve heat dissipation
heat sink
A substance or device used to dissipate or absorb unwanted heat, as from a manufacturing process (or, with lasers, from reflected rays)
heat sink
A component, typically zinc alloy, that dissipates heat  CPUs require heat sinks
heat up
make hot or hotter; "heat the soup"
heat up
make more intense; "Emotions were screwed up
heat up
When you heat something up, especially food which has already been cooked and allowed to go cold, you make it hot. Freda heated up a pie for me. = warm up
heat up
gain heat or get hot; "The room heated up quickly"
heat up
When something heats up, it gradually becomes hotter. In the summer her mobile home heats up like an oven. cool down
heat up
When a situation heats up, things start to happen much more quickly and with increased interest and excitement among the people involved. Then in the last couple of years, the movement for democracy began to heat up. = hot up cool off
heat up
make more intense; "Emotions were screwed up"
heat up
{f} calorify
heat wave
A period of abnormally and uncomfortably hot weather It could last from several days to several weeks
heat wave
A period of abnormally and uncomfortably hot weather It could last from several days to several weeks The Weather Channel uses the following criteria for a heat wave: a minimum of ten states must have 90°F plus temperatures and the temperatures must be at least five degrees above normal in parts of that area for at least two days or more
heat wave
prolonged period of excessively hot weather
heat wave
a wave of unusually hot weather
heat wave
A period of unusually hot weather. a period of unusually hot weather, especially one that continues for a long time   cold spell
heat wave
A period of abnormally and uncomfortably hot and usually humid weather It could last from several days to several weeks The Weather Channel uses the following criteria for a heat wave: a minimum of ten states with 90 degree plus temperatures and the temperatures must be at least five degrees above normal in parts of that area for at least two days or more
heat wave
An extended time interval of abnormally hot and usually humid weather
heat wave
a period of time which consists of more than three days of maximum temperatures at or above 32 C
{s} able to be heated
capable of becoming hot; "the heatable tip of a soldering iron
If someone gets heated about something, they get angry and excited about it. You will understand that people get a bit heated about issues such as these + heatedly heat·ed·ly The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem
{s} warmed, made hot; raging, angry; stormy, excited
past of heat
made warm or hot (`het' is a dialectal variant of `heated'); "a heated swimming pool"; "wiped his heated-up face with a large bandana"; "he was all het up and sweaty"
A heated discussion or quarrel is one where the people involved are angry and excited. It was a very heated argument and they were shouting at each other calm
marked by emotional heat; vehement; "a heated argument
{s} warmed
utility to warm a building; "the heating system wasn't working"; "they have radiant heating"
Ah! If only life were as easy as in the halcyon days of year 7, where one could simply bung your beaker-load of 'stuff' over a Bunsen and hope for the best If heating is required, this should be stated, with suitable temperature if this is critical 'Reflux' is not taken to imply heating Think about what else you need to add to that to make the conditions clear The use of room temperature should be explicitly (clearly) stated if this is the correct condition
Heating is the system and equipment that is used to heat a building. I wish I knew how to turn on the heating. see also central heating. a system for making a room or building warm American Equivalent: heat central heating. Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct heating methods such as fireplaces and stoves. Central heating, adopted for use again in the 19th century, is a method of indirect heating: heat is produced away from the occupants and then conveyed to them. In warm-air heating, air heated by a furnace rises through ducts to rooms above, where it is emitted through grills. In hot-water systems, a pump circulates water from a boiler through a system of pipes to radiators or convectors in rooms. In steam systems, steam is generated in the boiler and led to radiators through pipes. The high temperature of the steam makes it hard to control, and steam heating has been largely superseded. A common type of electric heating system converts electric current to heat by means of resistors that emit radiant energy. See also radiant heating, solar heating. induction heating radiant heating solar heating
{i} process of warming, becoming hot
serving to heat; "a heating pad is calefactory"
Detail Inventory Table category including: andirons, fenders, miscellaneous, stoves, and tools
Present participle of "to heat
On average, the efficiency rate is 80-82% with natural gas, oil or propane
Heat is usually transferred by radiation, conduction, or convection In air drying wood, some heat is provided by direct radiation from the sun but the major heat source is by convection of the surrounding air In conventional kiln drying, heat is transferred to the wood by forced convection by means of a fan system
the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperature
Includes central heating system, kerosene heater, gas heater, electric heater, coal or firewood heater or any combination of these
This identifies the type of heating
That heats or imparts heat; promoting warmth or heat; exciting action; stimulating; as, heating medicines or applications
Heating is the process of heating a building or room, considered especially from the point of view of how much this costs. You can still find cottages for £150 a week, including heating. heating bills
Type of heating in a dwelling
without generating heat; "luminescent organisms emit heatless light
Destitute of heat; cold
{s} lacking heat
insulating and inflammable