he was in his glory when he could be on that boat

listen to the pronunciation of he was in his glory when he could be on that boat
Английский Язык - Немецкий Язык
Er war im siebenten Himmel, wenn er auf diesem Schiff sein konnte
he was in his glory when he could be on that boat

    Расстановка переносов

    he was in his Glo·ry when he could be on that boat

    Турецкое произношение

    hi wız în hîz glôri hwen hi kûd bi ôn dhıt bōt


    /ˈhē wəz ən həz ˈglôrē ˈhwen ˈhē ˈko͝od bē ˈôn ᴛʜət ˈbōt/ /ˈhiː wəz ɪn hɪz ˈɡlɔːriː ˈhwɛn ˈhiː ˈkʊd biː ˈɔːn ðət ˈboʊt/