hair net saç filesi

listen to the pronunciation of hair net saç filesi
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Haircloth; a hair shirt

I requyre you take thys hayre that was thys holy mannes and put hit nexte thy skynne, and hit shall prevayle the gretly.

A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. Such hairs are totally unlike those of vertebrates in structure, composition, and mode of growth
cloth woven from horsehair or camelhair; used for upholstery or stiffening in garments
A bristle from a brush
emphasis If you say that someone has not a hair out of place, you are emphasizing that they are extremely smart and neatly dressed. She had a lot of make-up on and not a hair out of place
n [long thread growing on your body or the body of an animal (There's cat ~ all over the pillow )] bulu 2 n [long thread growing on your head (Her ~ is black )] rambut
a very small distance or space; "they escaped by a hair's-breadth"; "they lost the election by a whisker"
If you say that someone faced with a shock or a problem does not turn a hair, you mean that they do not show any surprise or fear, and remain completely calm. No one seems to turn a hair at the thought of the divorced Princess marrying
A slender outgrowth from the chitinous cuticle of insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other invertebrates
A haircloth
One of the structures typically found on a caterpillar It can come in a variety of forms, such as feathery, branched, or forked The more correct term for this kind of hair is seta (pl setae)
Hair is the threads that cover the body of an animal such as a dog, or make up a horse's mane and tail. I am allergic to cat hair. dog hairs on the carpet
If you say that someone is splitting hairs, you mean that they are making unnecessary distinctions between things when the differences between them are so small they are not important. Don't split hairs. You know what I'm getting at. Threadlike outgrowths of the skin. Babies shed a layer of downy, slender hairs (lanugo) before or just after birth. The fine, short, unpigmented hairs (vellus) then grow. Starting at puberty, terminal hair, longer, coarser, and more pigmented, develops in the armpits, crotch, sometimes on parts of the trunk and limbs, and, in males, on the face. Scalp hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes are different types. The number of scalp hairs, which grow about 0.5 in. (13 mm) per month, averages 100,000-150,000. The hair shaft (above the skin) is dead tissue, composed of keratin. Only a few growing cells at the base of the root are alive. Hair is formed by cell division at the base of the follicle (a tiny pocket in the skin), part of a cycle of growing, resting, and falling out. Vellus lasts about four months, scalp hairs three to five years
course, order, grain
dense growth of hairs covering the body or parts of it (as on the human head); helps prevent heat loss; "he combed his hair"
a filamentous projection or process on an organism any of the cylindrical filaments characteristically growing from the epidermis of a mammal; "there is a hair in my soup"
a filamentous projection or process on an organism
may be covered for folkloric dances, uncovered for classical dances Dancers in the Arabian Gulf region may toss their hair in time to the music
Your hair is the fine threads that grow in a mass on your head. I wash my hair every night a girl with long blonde hair I get some grey hairs but I pull them out
filamentous hairlike growth on a plant; "peach fuzz