
listen to the pronunciation of haggadah
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
{i} liturgical book read during the Seder meal on the Jewish holiday of Passover
or Haggada In Judaism, the text that guides the performance of ritual acts and prayers at the Seder dinner celebrating Passover. The Haggadah retells the story of Exodus, offering commentaries that provide a religious philosophy of Jewish history and supplying answers to the traditional questions asked by children at the beginning of the Seder. More broadly, the term Haggadah can refer to the part of rabbinical literature not concerned with the law (e.g., stories, parables, legends, history, and astronomy)
Talmudic literature that does not deal with law but is still part of Jewish tradition
Passover haggadah
small booklet containing prayers and Biblical passages related to the holiday of Passover (used during the Passover Seder)

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    /həˈgədə/ /həˈɡʌdə/


    [ h&-'gä-d&, hä ] (noun.) 1856. Hebrew haggAdhAh.