
listen to the pronunciation of h-hour
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение h-hour в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Uçak saatte beş yüz kilometre hızla uçar. - The airplane flies at a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour.

Yarın on saat çalışmak zorunda kalacağım. - I'll have to study ten hours tomorrow.

{i} vakit

Ben okula gitmeden önce bir saatlik koşuya vakit ayırdım. - I put in an hour of jogging before I go to school.

vakit zaman
an idle hour boş vakit
bir saatiik yol
ekvatorda on beş derecelik mesafe
hour hand akrep after hours çalışma saatlerinden sonraki zaman
hour hand
saat akrebi
rush hour
(iş gününde) trafiğin en yoğun olduğu zaman
rush hour
yoğun saat

Neredeyse yoğun saatler. - It's almost rush hour.

Yoğun saatlerde okula gitmek yorucu ve tatsızdır. - Going to school during the rush hour is tiring and unpleasant.

rush hour
kalabalık saat
rush hour
işe gidiş-geliş saatleri
rush hour
kalabalık zamanı
you can pick it up in an hour
bir saat içerisinde alabilirsiniz
at this hour
bu saatte
busy hour
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) meşgul saat
consumption per hour
(Otomotiv) bir saatteki yakıt tüketimi
golden hour
altın saat
hour hand
saatte akrep
in one hour
(Bilgisayar) bir saat
local hour
(Askeri) mahalli saat
miles per hour
(Askeri) saatte mil
once per hour
saatte bir kez
one hour
(Bilgisayar) bir saat
per hour

Tom Mary'ye su aygırlarının saatte yaklaşık 30 kilometrelik bir hızla koşabileceğini düşündüğünü söyledi. - Tom told Mary that he thought a hippopotamus could run at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour.

Tren saatte 500 mil gidiyordu. - The train was going 500 miles per hour.

ampere hour
amper saat
ampere hour capacity
amper saat kapasitesi
ampere hour efficiency
amper saat verimi
ampere hour meter
amper saat metre
an idle hour
boş vakit
at the eleventh hour
son dakikada
at the eleventh hour
yumurta kapıya gelince
at the eleventh hour
son anda
children's hour
sınalgıda çocuk sögeni
early morning hour
sabahın erken saatleri
every hour
her saat

Sami, her günün her saatinde Leyla'ya mesaj attı. - Sami texted Layla every hour of every day.

Leyla'nın ölme şansı her saat artıyordu. - Layla's chances of dying were increasing with every hour.

half hour
yarım saat
happy hour
mutlu saat

Mutlu saati kaçırmak istemiyorum. - I don't want to miss happy hour.

Mutlu saat boyunca bütün içkiler yarı fiyatına. - During happy hour, all drinks are half price.

horsepower hour
beygir gücü   saat
hour angle
saat açısı
hour circle
saat dairesi
hour circle
sögen dairesi
hour hand
akrep (sögen)
hour wheel
sögen çarkı
hour wheel
saat çarkı
in every hour
her saat
kilowatt hour meter
kilovat saat metre
kilovat saat
late night hour
gecenin geç saatleri
lumen hour
lümen saat
lumen hour
bir sögenlik çalışma
megawatt hour
megavat saat
miles per hour
milliampere hour
miliamper saat
per hour
her sögen
rush hour
işe gidiş-geliş sögenleri
wages per hour
sögen vergini
working hour
çalışma saati
zero hour
operasyon başlama saati
11th hour
11. saat
11th hour
on birinci saat
a half hour
yarım saat
at a late hour
geç bir saatte
bad quarter of an hour
bir saat kötü çeyrek
each hour
her saat
employee hour
Çalışma saati
yarım saat
happy hour
Bar ve benzeri yerlerde içeceklerin indirimli verildiği indirim saati
Mağaza, restoran, bar ve şair yerlerde günün değişik saatlerinde yapılan indirim saati
his last hour has come.
Onun son saatte geldi
hour after hour
saat sonra saat
hour glass
saat camı
kilometer per hour
Saatte kilometre
Kilowat cinsinden enerjinin saat cinsinden zamanla çarpımı.Belirli bir zamanda (saatte)harcanan,kullanılan kilowat cinsinden elektrik enerjisi
last hour
son saat
machine hour
makine saat
off hour
saat kapalı
peak hour
İş gününün başlangıç saati ve iş çıkışı saati gibi trafik ve insan kalabalığının yoğun olduğu zaman dilşmi
peak hour
pik saat
quarter of an hour
Bir saat çeyrek
rush hour
İş giriş ve çıkış saati, yoğun saat, kalabalık zamanı
rush hour
İş gününün başlangıç saati ve iş çıkışı saati gibi trafik ve insan kalabalığının yoğun olduğu zaman dilşmi
rush hour
iş çıkışı

İş çıkışındaki yoğun trafiğe yakalanmak korkunçtur. - It's horrible to get caught in rush hour traffic.

rush hour
İş çıkış saati, yoğun saat, kalabalık zamanı
rush hour traffic
trafiğin en yoğun olduğu akşam yada sabah trafiği
small hour
küçük saat
the last hour
son saat
witching hour
Geceyarısı ve sonrasındaki insanın içinde geceye ait korkulu hisleri uyandıran zaman
woman's hour
kadın saat
12 hour clock
12 saatlik zaman biçimi
12 hour time format
12 saatlik zaman biçimi
24 hour time format
24 saatlik zaman biçimi
ampere hour capacity
amper-saat kapasitesi
ampere hour efficiency
amper-saat verimi
ampere hour meter
amper-saat metre
busy hour
mesgul saat
cheap time end hour
(Bilgisayar) indirimli tarife son saati
consultation hour
muayene saati
eleventh hour
son dakika
gallons per hour
gang hour
(Askeri) POSTA İŞ SAATİ: Gemi yükleme ve boşaltma işlerinde (stevedoring) çalışan, genellikle, 12: 21 kişiden mürekkep, ambar ağzı amelesinin bir saatlik çalışması
gang hour
(Askeri) posta iş saati
half an hour
yarım saat

Çadırı kurmak yarım saatimizi aldı. - It took us half an hour to set up the tent.

Neredeyse yarım saattir bekliyorum. - I have been waiting for almost half an hour.

half hour
yarım saatlik
askeri taarruzun başlaması için tespit edilmiş saat
gök kutuplarından geçen büyük daire
{i} zaman

Çocukken odamda yalnız başına kitap okuyarak çok fazla zaman geçirdim. - When I was a child, I spent many hours reading alone in my room.

Birkaç sayfa ingilizceyi çevirmek iki saatten daha fazla zamanımı aldı. - It took me more than two hours to translate a few pages of English.

hour angle
(Askeri) SAAT AÇISI: Gözetleyicinin üzerinde bulunduğu meridyen ile gök yüzünde bulunan belirli bir cisimden geçen saat dairesinin kutupta meydana getirdiği açı
hour angle method
(Askeri) saat açısı usulü
hour by project
(Bilgisayar) projelere göre saatler
hour circle
(Askeri) SAAT DAİRESİ: Gök kubbesinin, kutuplardan geçen herhangi bir dairesi; özellikle, arz meridyenlerinden birinin arz küresi üzerindeki iz düşümü
hour counter
saat sayacı
hour data
(Bilgisayar) saat verisi
hour employee
(Ticaret) saatlik işçi
hour glass
hour of flight
(Havacılık) uçuş saati
hour of work
(Ticaret) iş süresi
hour rate
(Ticaret) saatlik ücret
hour recorder
saat kaydedici
hour reports
(Bilgisayar) saatlik raporlar
inside of an hour
bir saat zarfında
inside of an hour
bir saate kadar
kilometer per hour
kilometre bolü saat
kilometers per hour
(Askeri) kilometre / saat
kiloton(s); knot (nautical miles per hour)
(Askeri) kiloton; deniz mili (deniz mili / saat)
late hour
geç saat
local hour angle
(Askeri) MEVKİ SAAT AÇISI: Gözlemciden geçen meridyen ile rasat edilen gök cisminin enlemi üzerindeki izdüşümünden geçen meridyen arasındaki boylam farkı. Bu fark, kutupta teşekkül eden bir açı ile ifade edilir
lunch hour
öğle tatili
man hour
miles per hour
(Askeri) SAATTE MİL: Bir saat zarfında katedilen mil miktarı
on the hour
saat başı
on the hour
saat başında
per hour
per hour
saat başına

Ülkenizde saat başına ortalama ücret nedir? - What's the average wage per hour in your country?

Saat başına ne kadar ücret alıyorsunuz? - How much do you charge per hour?

quarter hour
çeyrek saat
rush hour traffic
iş trafiği
seaborne assault landing hour; specific time an operation or exercise begins
(Askeri) muhasamatın başlama saati
the man of the hour
(deyim) gunun adami
troop information hour
(Askeri) GENEL KÜLTÜR SAATİ: Memleketin birer vatandaşı ve Silahlı Kuvvetlerin birer üyesi sıfatıyla sorumluluklarını idrak etmek ve bunlara gereken önemi vermek maksadıyla, Ordu personeline, görevleriyle ilgili önemli konularda bilgi vermek ve genel kültür için gerekli kaynaklar bulmak üzere hazırlanan ve en az bir saat süren eğitim zamanı. Bu program, haftada en az bir defa uygulanır
twelve hour clock
oniki saatlik zaman
twice per hour
saatte iki kez
unearthly hour
uygunsuz zaman
wages per hour
saat ücreti
what are the charges per hour
saat başına ücretiniz ne kadar
what does it cost per hour
saati ücreti ne kadar
what's the charge per hour
saati ne kadar
witching hour
geceyarısından sonraki saatler
working hour
mesai saati
zero hour
başlangıç anı
zero hour
(Askeri) Harekatın başlama zamanı
zero hour
saldırı anı
zero hour
kritik an
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The hour at which any major event planned for the future is set to begin, as used in United States military
12-hour clock
A timekeeping convention in which the 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods called ante meridiem and post meridiem
24-hour clock
A timekeeping convention in which the 24 hours of the day are treated as one single period
amateur hour
A situation or activity in which the participants show a lack of skill, sound judgment, or professionalism

It's the kind of foul-up that suggests that his campaign team isn't functioning as well as it should, the G.O.P. source said. Presidential campaigns are not the time for amateur hour..

a unit of electric charge, equal to the charge transferred by a current of one ampere in one hour through a specified point in a circuit, equal to 3600 coulombs
block hour
A service hour of an aircraft, measured as an hour after leaving the departure gate and before arriving at the destination gate

Some airlines average more than twelve block hours a day from their long-haul aircraft.

canonical hour
Any of certain times of day at which specified prayers are said according to canon law
canonical hour
The prayers said at these times
dinner hour
the hour from 18h00 (6 p.m.) to 19h00 (7 p.m.)
dinner hour
dinnertime, the hour in which the dinner meal takes place
Alternative form of dinner hour
eleventh hour
Used attributively

Eleventh-hour executive changes are not unique to this outgoing Administration — President Bill Clinton launched a number himself before leaving office.

eleventh hour
A point in time which is nearly too late; the last minute

Egypt had managed to bring the two sides to the brink of a deal two weeks ago, before internal political dynamics prompted the Israelis to back out at the eleventh hour.

A period of time equal to thirty minutes
The time of thirty minutes past any particular hour
happy hour
A time of day, usually in the afternoon or early evening, when a bar or pub offers its drinks at a discounted price
happy hour
Any small gathering, usually in the afternoon or early evening, set aside to relax and have a drink
A measure of energy, one hundred watt-hours, or one-tenth of a UK "unit" of electricity
holy hour
the hour that pubs formerly had to shut in the late afternoon to comply with licencing laws
holy hour
the hour of fasting and prayer before communion is to be taken
A time period of sixty minutes; one twenty-fourth of a day

I spent an hour at lunch.

The time

The hour grows late and I must go home.

A season, moment, time or stound

My passions from a common spring.

hour change
The changing of clocks one hour forward or backward, in line with daylight saving time

The hour change means you'll lose some sleep but gives you more time for fun in the sun.

hour changes
plural form of hour change
hour hand
The hand of a clock or watch face that revolves twice each day and indicates the hours
a “unit” of electrical consumption by which domestic consumers are charged
a unit of electrical energy equal to that done by one kilowatt acting for one hour
man of the hour
A man who has recently caught the attention of, or is being admired or honoured by, a large number of people
The amount of work that can be done by one person in an hour

Since 1950 our agricultural output per man-hour has actually doubled!.

A period when traffic is light
on the half hour
happening hourly, but at 30 minutes past each hour; ie, 08: 30, 09: 30 etc

Trains leave from here to New York every hour on the half hour.

on the hour
hourly, beginning at the start of each hour
peak hour
Rush hour
quarter of an hour
Fifteen minutes
rush hour
The times of the day when traffic jams are commonplace, due mainly to people commuting to or from work

It takes 30 minutes to drive there, but maybe 2 hours during the rush hour.

Of or pertaining to the rush hour

The rush-hour trains are normally extremely busy.

supper hour
the hour from 18h00 (6 p.m.) to 19h00 (7 p.m.)
supper hour
suppertime, the hour in which the supper meal takes place
Alternative form of supper hour
temporal hour
A unit of time which varies depending on the season, so that twelve of them fit between sunrise and sunset
a unit of electrical energy equal to that done by one terawatt acting for one hour
top of the hour
The time at (or very close to) the start of the next hour of time

We'll have a news update at the top of the hour.

triple witching hour
The final hour of trading during which three types of derivatives contracts expire
A unit of electrical energy equal to the power of one watt in use for one hour; often used as a unit of electricity consumption
watt-hour meter
A meter which measures, and registers, the amount of electricity consumed in a circuit; especially one connected to a domestic power supply for the purpose of billing
watt-hour meters
plural form of watt-hour meter
witching hour
the hour after midnight, when witches and other supernatural beings were thought to be active
zero hour
The scheduled time for the start of some event, especially a military operation; H-hour
rush hour
the times at the beginning and end of the working day when many people are traveling to or from work
rush hour
The rush hour is one of the periods of the day when most people are travelling to or from work. During the evening rush hour it was often solid with vehicles Try to avoid rush-hour traffic. the time of day when the roads, buses, trains etc are most full, because people are travelling to or from work
Something that happens out of hours happens at a time that is not during the usual hours of business or work. Teachers refused to run out of hours sports matches because they weren't being paid
{n} the twenty-forth part of a day, time
by the hour
For many hours at a time
happy hour
A period of the day when drinks are sold at reduced prices in a bar or other establishment
Happy Hour is a marketing term for a period of time in which a restaurant or bar offers discounts on alcoholic drinks, such as beer, wine, and cocktails
If something happens on the hour, it happens every hour at, for example, nine o'clock, ten o'clock, and so on, and not at any number of minutes past an hour
peak hour
A rush hour or peak hour is a part of the day during which traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport is at its highest. Normally, this happens twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening, the times during when the most people commute. The term is very broad but often refers to specifically private automobile transportation traffic, even when there is a large volume of cars on a road but not a large number of people, or if the volume is normal but there is some disruption of speed
rush hour
A rush hour or peak hour is a part of the day during which traffic congestion on roads and crowding on public transport is at its highest. Normally, this happens twice a day—once in the morning and once in the evening, the times during when the most people commute. The term is very broad but often refers to specifically private automobile transportation traffic, even when there is a large volume of cars on a road but not a large number of people, or if the volume is normal but there is some disruption of speed
Woman's Hour
a British radio programme broadcast on BBC Radio, which has news, interviews, and discussions on subjects considered to be of special interest to women
quantity of electricity transferred by a current of one ampere in one hour
a unit of charge equal to 3600 coulombs
at the eleventh hour
at the last minute, at the last possible moment
bad quarter of an hour
very unpleasant few moments
by the hour
every hour; "daily, hourly, I grew stronger"
canonical hour
(Roman Catholic Church) one of seven specified times for prayer
contact hour
An hour of scheduled instruction that a learner receives from an instructor
contact hour
one hour of Commission approved operator instruction in accordance with 15A NCAC 8G 0701
contact hour
A unit of measure that represents an hour of scheduled instruction given to students See CLOCK-HOUR
contact hour
A unit of measure that represents an hour of scheduled instruction given to students Also referred to as clock hour
contact hour
A unit of measure that represents an hour of scheduled instruction given to students May also be called clock hour
credit hour
A credit hour is a credit that a school or college awards to students who have completed a course of study. Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate. A credit in a school or college, usually representing one hour of class per week for one term
dinner hour
{i} mealtime, regular time when dinner is usually consumed
eleventh hour
last minute, last possible moment for doing something (before it is too late)
every hour
every 60 minutes, each hour
every man has his hour
everyone gets some attention or good luck in his lifetime
annual weedy herb with ephemeral yellow purple-eyed flowers; Old World tropics; naturalized as a weed in North America
free hour
hour in which one has no commitments or responsibilities
half an hour
period of 30 minutes
a half of an hour
a period of time that is 30 minutes long
happy hour
the time of day when a bar sells alcoholic drinks at a reduced price
happy hour
period of time in the early evening when some restaurants sell drinks at a reduced price and often serve free appetizers
happy hour
In a pub, happy hour is a period when drinks are sold more cheaply than usual to encourage people to come to the pub. A period of time, usually in late afternoon and early evening, during which a bar or lounge features drinks at reduced prices. a special time in a bar when alcoholic drinks are sold at lower prices
his hour has struck
he has reached the end of his life
If you do something after hours, you do it outside normal business hours or the time when you are usually at work. a local restaurant where steel workers unwind after hours see also after-hours
a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour"
(Greek and Latin, hora ) At the eleventh hour Just in time not to be too late; only just in time to obtain some benefit The allusion is to the parable of labourers hired for the vineyard (Matt xx ) My hour is not yet come The time of my death is not yet fully come The allusion is to the belief that the hour of our birth and death is appointed and fixed "When Jesus knew that His hour was come " - John xiii 1 In an evil hour Acting under an unfortunate impulse In astrology we have our lucky and unlucky hours In the small hours of the morning One, two, and three, after midnight To keep good hours To return home early every night; to go to bed bedtimes "Se retirer la nuit de bonne heure " In Latin, "Tempestive se domum recipere "
A measure of distance traveled
If you refer, for example, to someone's hour of need or hour of happiness, you are referring to the time in their life when they are or were experiencing that condition or feeling. the darkest hour of my professional life
You can refer to the period of time during which something happens or operates each day as the hours during which it happens or operates. the hours of darkness Phone us on this number during office hours
sixty minutes, as in: It seemed like I waited an hour, but it was only twenty minutes
Certain prayers to be repeated at stated times of the day, as matins and vespers
You can refer to a particular time or moment as a particular hour. the hour of his execution = time
If something happens in the early hours or in the small hours, it happens in the early morning after midnight. Gibbs was arrested in the early hours of yesterday morning
A 24th part of a day
see eleventh hour see lunch hour see rush hour
a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour
measure used for medium amounts of time -- " his commute takes one hour and 51 minutes " (230)
disapproval If you say that something happens at all hours of the day or night, you disapprove of it happening at the time that it does or as often as it does. She didn't want her fourteen-year-old daughter coming home at all hours of the morning
A unit of time One hour equals 60 minutes, or 3 600 seconds
a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour"
An integer from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11 p m )
{i} unit of time equal to 60 minutes; certain time of day
The time of the day, as expressed in hours and minutes, and indicated by a timepiece; as, what is the hour? At what hour shall we meet? Fixed or appointed time; conjuncture; a particular time or occasion; as, the hour of greatest peril; the man for the hour
A clock that strikes the hour strikes when it is exactly one o'clock, two o'clock, and so on
distance measured by the time taken to cover it; "we live an hour from the airport"; "its just 10 minutes away"
clock time; "the hour is getting late"
distance measured by the time taken to cover it; "we live an hour from the airport"; "its just 10 minutes away" a period of time equal to 1/24th of a day; "the job will take more than an hour" clock time; "the hour is getting late" a special and memorable period; "it was their finest hour
hour after hour
for a long time, tediously
hour angle
The angular distance, measured westward along the celestial equator, between the celestial meridian of the observer and the hour circle passing through a celestial body
hour by hour
each hour
hour circle
(Astronomy) great circle that passes through both poles of the celestial sphere
hour circle
A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and intersecting the celestial equator at right angles
hour hand
short hand that indicates the hours on a clock or watch
hour hand
the shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours
hour of crisis
critical time, time of emergency, moment of distress
kilometers per hour
the ratio of the distance traveled (in kilometers) to the time spent traveling (in hours)
kilometers per hour
unit of measurement of velocity which indicates the number of kilometers traveled in one hour
kilowatt hour
34 horse-power hour
kilowatt hour
unit for measuring the consumption of electrical energy by the time of use
kilowatt hour
a unit of energy equal to the work done by a power of 1000 watts operating for one hour
kilowatt hour
= 1
A kilowatt-hour is a unit of energy that is equal to the energy provided by a thousand watts in one hour
light hour
the distance light travels in a vacuum in one hour; approximately one billion kilometers
lunch hour
Your lunch hour is the period in the middle of the day when you stop working, usually for one hour, in order to have a meal. the period of time in the middle of the day when people stop working in order to eat
man hour
a time unit used in industry for measuring work
one hour of work by employees
A man-hour is the average amount of work that one person can do in an hour. Man-hours are used to estimate how long jobs take, or how many people are needed to do a job in a particular time. The restoration took almost 4,000 man-hours over four years. the amount of work done by one person in one hour
megawatt hour
amount of electricity need to supply power to approximately 1000 homes for one hour
on the hour
at the beginning of the hour
propitious hour
favorable time, good time, hour of high morale or responsiveness
quarter of an hour
period of 15 minutes, 1/4 of an hour
a quarter of an hour
rush hour
{i} period in the morning and evening of the greatest burden upon the channels of transportation
semester hour
a unit of academic credit; one hour a week for an academic semester
serve the hour
surrender to the decisive moment, give in to the moment of fate
sidereal hour
1/24 of a sidereal day
story hour
time when tales are told, story time
the man of the hour
person who is currently in the spotlight, person who excels at something for a certain period of time
triple witching hour
The hour before the stock market closing on the third Friday of March, June, September, or December, when both options and futures on stock indices expire, known for its high trading volume and volatile prices in futures, options, and underlying securities
twelfth hour
noon, midnight; critical moment, last chance
twenty four hour banking
possibility to conduct bank activity at any hour of the day
unearthly hour
very early hour, very early time of the morning
a unit of energy equal to the power of one watt operating for one hour
weekly hour
hours of work per week, hours of lessons per week, academic points
zero hour
A post-Crisis mini-series that redefined the DC universe again It did an even worse job than Crisis
zero hour
The time an attack began, usually in the early morning
zero hour
the time set for the start of an action or operation
zero hour
hour of fitness, fateful hour, deciding hour
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение h-hour в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

one and half hour
bir buçuk saat



    ... There are new websites appearing every hour. ...
    ... a bit least ten dollars and ten cents an hour because if you call ...