İyi büyümek için, bu bitkilerin çok fazla nem içermeyen toprağa ihtiyacı var.
- In order to grow well, these plants need soil that does not contain too much moisture.
Tepede bir sürü bodur ağaçlar büyümektedir.
- Lots of low trees grow on the hill.
Bitkilerin yetişmek için güneş ışığına ihtiyacı var.
- Plants need sunlight to grow.
Japon ekonomisinin büyüme hızı bu yıl % 0.7'yi geçecek.
- The growth rate of the Japanese economy will top 0.7% this year.
Ağaç büyümeyi durdurdu.
- The tree stopped growing.
Bu kalın bıyığı uzatmak uzun zamanımı aldı.
- Growing this thick mustache has taken me quite a while.
Tom, bütün yaz sakal uzatmaktadır.
- Tom has been growing a beard all summer.
Büyüdüğünde ne olmak istersin?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
Büyük ve güçlü olmak için büyüyebilesin diye sebzelerini ye.
- Eat your vegetables so that you will grow up to be big and strong.
Sami, Kosta Rika'ya gitmek ve muz yetiştirmek istiyordu.
- Sami wanted to go to Costa Rica and grow bananas.
Tayland'da ülkenin bazı kısımları pirinç yetiştirmek için şimdiden aşırı kuru hale geldi.
- In Thailand it has already become too dry to grow rice in some parts of the country.
Ayrıca,bebeğim sekiz aylık,sağlıklı ve çabucak büyüyor.
- My baby is also eight months old, is healthy and is growing by leaps and bounds.
Büyüdüğüm zaman bir pilot olmak istiyorum.
- I want to be a pilot when I grow up.
Tatoebanın popülaritesi kurulduğu günden beri katlanarak artmaktadır.
- Tatoeba's popularity has been growing exponentially since the day of its inception.
Elektrikli araçların popülaritesi artmaktadır.
- Electric vehicles are growing in popularity.
Bir ağacı büyütmek yıllar alır, ve ama onu kesmek saniyeler sürer.
- It takes years to grow a tree, yet it takes seconds to cut it.
Japonya, 1980'lerde en hızlı büyüyen ekonomilerden biriydi.
- Japan was one of the world's fastest growing economies in the 1980s.
Kütüphanenin önünde büyüyen bir sürü ağaç var.
- There are many trees growing in front of the library.
Tom evin etrafında büyümüş olan pek çok yabani otları görebiliyor.
- Tom can see the many weeds that had grown up around the house.
O, adeta, büyümüş bir bebek.
- He is, as it were, a grown up baby.
Karımla yaşlanmak istiyorum.
- I want to grow old with my wife.
Yaşlanmak istemiyorlar.
- They don't want to grow old.
Yaşlandıkça unutkan olduk.
- We become forgetful as we grow older.
Yaşlanmaktan korkmayan insanları seviyorum.
- I like people who are not afraid to grow old.
Tom iki dilli büyümek için şanslıydı.
- Tom was lucky to grow up bilingual.
Büyümek istiyorsan, çok süt içmek zorundasın.
- If you want to grow up, you have to drink a lot of milk.
Büyüdüğüm zaman bir pilot olmak istiyorum.
- I want to be a pilot when I grow up.
Büyüdüğümde ben önemli biri olmak istiyorum.
- I want to be somebody when I grow up.
My roses grew back this summer.
to develop from smt (exact mean).
Soon their legs grew weak.
Kalabalık gittikçe büyüyor.
- The crowd is growing larger and larger.
Ayrıca,bebeğim sekiz aylık,sağlıklı ve çabucak büyüyor.
- My baby is also eight months old, is healthy and is growing by leaps and bounds.
İki ülke arasındaki ticaret sürekli gelişiyor.
- Trade between the two countries has been steadily growing.
Tom'un yetişkin bir kızı var.
- Tom has a grown daughter.
Çocuklar için tasarlanmış kitap yetişkinleri eğlendiriyor.
- Intended for children, the book entertains grown-ups.
Açık hava pazarları yerel çiftliklerde yetiştirilen gıdaları satar.
- Open-air markets sell food grown on local farms.
Küba'da çok şeker kamışı yetiştirilir.
- A lot of sugar cane is grown in Cuba.
Babamın hobisi gül yetiştirmektir.
- My father's hobby is growing roses.
Kendi yiyeceğini yetiştirmeye çalışmalısın.
- You should try growing your own food.
Organik tarım kimyasallar olmadan bir bitkileri (tahıllar, baklagiller, meyve) yetiştirme yöntemidir.
- Organic agriculture is a method of growing plants (grains, legumes, fruit) without chemicals.
Hava kirliliği bazı bitkilerin büyümesini önler.
- Air pollution prevents some plants from growing well.
Tom Boston'da büyüme hakkında konuştu.
- Tom talked about growing up in Boston.
Onlar artan bir nüfusa sahip, bu yüzden çok daha fazla yiyeceğe ihtiyaçları var.
- They have a growing population; therefore they need more and more food.
The town grew smaller and smaller in the distance as we travelled.
A long tail began to grow from his backside.
He grows peppers and squash each summer in his garden.
Children grow quickly.
At first, the new job as managing director was way over my head, but I grew into it.
His new jumper was a bit big for him, but he'll grow into it in a couple of years.
Why has National Strategies been allowed to grow like Topsy in some respects, and at the same time become even more complex, making it difficult for teachers to take in the amount of guidance that they receive?.
I didn't like this song at first, but now it's starting to grow on me.
Police sweep massive grow op: ‘Sophisticated organized crime’ behind pot: Police.
Still, I see you mean well enough, and are merely suffering from the debilitating cheerfulness of youth. You will soon grow out of that.
I give my old clothes to charity when I've grown out of them.
What do you want to be when you grow up?.
Socialism grew up in the industrial cities..
Will you grow up please, and stop making silly faces..
I didn't like the song at first, but it is a real grower.
He was an orange grower from Florida.
Growing season here begins in March.
What one was a farm was grown with trees.
A suburban arena that was so sepulchral you could hear the grass grow.
Heimdall is the watchman of the gods. . . . So acute is his ear that no sound escapes him, for he can even hear the grass grow and the wool on a sheep's back.
He was quick to appreciate Blankenhorn's engaging personality and intelligent use of his skills. Chief among these was a remarkable ability to keep track of developments—to ‘hear the grass grow’.
Don't give up on the project - mighty oaks from little acorns grow!.
Money doesn't grow on trees — and even the paper for money isn't made of wood!.
... Populations grow. ...
... the land surface of the earth. The land, the arable land, the land where we can grow ...