Pray remember the grotto July 25 new style, and August 5 old style, is the day dedicated to St James the Greater; and the correct thing to do in days of yore was to stick a shell in your hat or coat, and pay a visit on that day to the shrine of St James of Compostella Shell grottoes with an image of the saint were erected for the behoof of those who could not afford such pilgrimage, and the keeper of it reminded the passer-by to remember it was St James's Day, and not to forget their offering to the saint
A natural covered opening in the earth; a cave; also, an artificial recess, cave, or cavernlike apartment
n a hole eroded in the wall of a cave or side of a cliff by seepage and dissolution or latteral stream erosion; a small cave
an underground passage, often decorated with crystals, bits of broken shells, and broken pieces of mirror, and involving running water in rills and pools; all of this is calculated to create a mysterious effect
A grotto is a small cave with interesting or attractively shaped rocks. Water trickles through an underground grotto. grottos grottoes a small attractive cave
Cave near Montignac, Fr. , that contains perhaps the most outstanding known display of prehistoric art. Discovered in 1940, it consists of a main cavern and several steep galleries, all magnificently decorated with engraved, drawn, and painted animals, some of them portrayed in a "twisted perspective." Among the most notable images are four great aurochs bulls, a curious unicorn-type animal that may represent a mythical creature, and a rare narrative composition involving a bird-man figure and a speared bison. About 1,500 bone engravings have also been found at the site, which has been dated to the late Aurignacian period ( 15,000 BC). Because of heavy tourist traffic, the cave was closed to the public in 1963, but a full-scale facsimile, Lascaux II, was opened in 1983. See also rock art