
listen to the pronunciation of good-time
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение good-time в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

a good long time
hayli uzun zaman
in good time
in good time
önceden belirlenen zamanda
have a good time

Tom'un eğlenmek için paraya ihtiyacı yok. - Tom doesn't need money to have a good time.

O eğlenmek için şehre gitti. - He went to the city to have a good time.

have a good time
iyi vakit geçirmek
in good time
in good time
in one's own good time
hazır olduğunda
all in good time
Tüm zamanında
make good time
(deyim) (genellikle araçta) çok hızlı gitmek, yolu hızlı katetmek
to have a good time
iyi vakit geçirmek için
to make good time
iyi zaman yapmak
all in good time
zamanı gelince olur
all in good time
(deyim) uygun bir zamanda
all in good time
müsait bir zamanda
extra good time
(Askeri) CEZA İNDİRİMİ, EK MUTEBER SÜRE: Bir askeri mahkemece verilmiş mahkumiyetten, ek muteber sürenin kabul edildiği görevlerde fiili çalışma karşılığı indirim. Ayrıca bakınız: "abatement"
go to have a good time
eğlenmeye gitmek
good time charlie
sefa pezevengi
good time charlie
zevk düşkünü kimse
have a good time
İyi eğlenceler
have a good time
(deyim) eglenceli vakit gecirmek
in good time
tam zamanında

Tom masasını temizlemek için tam zamanında ofise gitmek istedi. - Bill wanted to get to the office in good time to clean his desk.

Taksi tam zamanında geldi. - The taxi arrived in good time.

in good time
biraz erken
in good time
in good time
süresi gelince
in his own good time
ne zaman canı isterse
in one's own good time
ne zaman canı isterse
in one's own good time
(isim) zaman canı isterse
in somebody's own good time
ne zaman canı isterse
keep good time
(saat) her zaman zamanı doğru göstermek: My watch keeps good time. Kol saatim zamanı hep doğru gösterir
make good time
(yolu) hızla katetmek: We made good time between Edremit and Burhaniye. Edremit'le Burhaniye arasındaki yolu hızla katettik
make good time
(deyim) (genellikle aracta) cok hizli gitmek
spend good time together
birlikte hoş vakit geçirmek
you will learn in good time
sırası gelince öğrenirsin
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Who enjoys pleasurable activities without regard to the consequences
(deyim) (of music) intended purely to entertain
(deyim) (of a person) recklessly pursuing pleasure
occupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company; "a convivial atmosphere at the reunion"; "a woman of convivial nature"; "he was a real good-time Charlie"
good-time Charlie
an affable or happy-go-lucky convivial man

I couldn't be a good-time Charlie ... when I was a kid I was taught not to talk or joke or laugh at the table -- A.J.Liebling.

all in good time
One should be patient

All in good time!.

all in good time
At a suitable moment in time

Don't worry! I'm sure it will arrive all in good time.

good time
A period of time spent at some pleasant, enjoyable or entertaining activity
have a good time
To enjoy oneself
in good time
Before an appointed time

A taxicab took me round in good time for my appointment.

in good time
At a suitable time

Reagan: And in good time you gave it.

seem like a good idea at the time
To have been a foolish impromptu or impulsive past action. Used especially as part of an expression of regret
make good time
(deyim) Make unimpeded progress on a journey; arrive at one's destination sooner than estimated

There was not much traffic on the expressway so we made good time on our way to the airport.

all in good time
everything at a suitable time
gave him a good time
provided him with an enjoyable time, entertained or amused him
good time
A reduction in sentenced time in prison as a reward for good behavior It usually is one third to one half of the maximum sentence
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience; "we had a good time at the party"; "celebrating after the game was a blast
good time
fun, amusement, entertainment
good time
a highly pleasurable or exciting experience; "we had a good time at the party"; "celebrating after the game was a blast"
good time
A reduction in sentenced time in prison as a reward for good behavior It usually is one third to one half off the maximum sentence
good time
Days subtracted from certain prisoners' sentences for good behavior, required under Michigan law unless the prisoner has violated prison rules; it escalates from 5 days a month to 15 days a month on very long sentences An additional one-half of regular good time can also be earned for exemplary behavior Prisoners sentenced for crimes committed after April 1, 1987, do not earn good time
had a good time
had fun, was entertained
have a good time
enjoy yourself!; have a pleasant time, have fun, enjoy
have a good time!
have fun!
in good time
at the right time
keep good time
be exact (especially of a watch or clock)