Freddie Mac's 15-year, fixed-rate pass-through securities issued under its cash program
Freddic Mac's 15-year, fixed-rate pass-through securities issued under its cash program
Freddie Mac's 15-year fixed-rate pass-through securities issued under its cash program
an "entity" or "elemental" that dwells in the plane of Earth or is associated with the EARTH Element
Gnomes are quite small underground-living humanoids that are mostly known for their skill in magics They're not very tough or strong, so they're not very good fighters
an open source, free software computer desktop environment for Unix operating systems. (GNOME is an acronym for "GNU Network Object Model Environment".)
an open source, free software computer desktop environment for Unix operating systems. (GNOME is an acronym for "GNU Network Object Model Environment".)"
A free desktop environment for UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems; one of the two leading desktop environments for Linux (the other one is KDE) For more information, please visit GNOME Web site Officially, GNOME stands for GNU Network Object Model Environment The only part of this name that really matters is GNU, which is there to indicate that GNOME is a part of the larger GNU project
One of the common races Gnomes stand about 3 to 3-1/2 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds Their skin color ranges from dark tan to woody brown, their hair is fair, and their eyes can be any shade of blue Males of the race like to wear short, carefully trimmed beards Gnomes are welcome everywhere as technicians, alchemists, and inventors They are known for their prankish sense of humor as well as their engineering skills
GNOME or the GNU Object Model Environment is best regarded as a desktop rather than as a window manager GNOME will work with any window manager which is GNOME-compliant but the Enlightenment w m seems to be the default choice
(GNU Network Object Model Environment) - One of several user interfaces (window managers) for GNU/Linux, built with Gtk For more on GNOME, go to www gnome org (Also, see AfterStep, Enlightenment, KDE and X Window System )
An aphorism, a short statement of (Atasözü)ial truth Composers of such verse are known as gnomic poets (Compare Allegory, Apologue, Didactic Poetry, Epigram, Fable, Proverb)
This word is used to describe small, stocky little people who are earth spirits, and can be found underground or near rocks They're related to dwarves in that way In recent times, the most popular gnome is the cheerful garden gnome, a white-bearded fellow with a red cap and a smiling face These gnomes can be found in lawns and gardens everywhere, and Robert B Gnome was inspired by this type of gnome
In children's stories, a gnome is an imaginary creature that is like a tiny old man with a beard and pointed hat. In Britain people sometimes have small statues of gnomes in their gardens. A pithy saying that expresses a general truth or fundamental principle; an aphorism
a short pithy saying expressing a general truth a legendary creature resembling a tiny old man; lives in the depths of the earth and guards buried treasure
One of the fair races little over three feet in height, the gnomes are dilineated into two subspecies, the D'Kar (or southern) gnomes and the Qualiste (or northern) gnomes [See also: D'Kar, Qualiste]
Турецкое произношение
/ˈnōmz/ /ˈnoʊmz/
[ 'nOm ] (noun.) 1577. Greek gnOmE, from gignOskein to know; more at KNOW.