Leonardo da Vinci insan güçlü bir planör icat etti. - Leonardo da Vinci invented a human-powered glider.
Planör havaya yükseldi. - The glider soared high into the air.
(Askeri) PLANÖR: Havadan ağır motorsuz hava aracı. Bu araç; ya yedekte çekilerek havaya kaldırılır veya muhtelif vasıtalarla havaya fırlatılır. Planörler yere doğru süzülebilir veya yukarı doğru çıkan hava cereyanları ile yükselirler. Ayrıca bakınız: "performance type glider", "primary type glider", "secondary type glider"
(Askeri) PLANÖR UÇUŞ ZAMMI: Esas askeri görevleri icabı muntazam ve sık sık planör uçuşu yapan ve planörle muharebeye girmek üzere yetişmiş veya yetişmekte olan hava indirme birlikleri personeline verilen ek ücret
(Askeri) YÜKSEK PERFORMANSLI PLANÖR: Aerodinamik özellikleri yüksek bir hadde çıkarılmış ve irtifa kaybetme hızı en düşük hadde indirilmiş bir planör. Bu planör, özellikle süzülüş için kullanılır. Bak. "glider"
(Askeri) ACEMİ PLANÖRÜ: Planör pilotu olacak öğrencilerin başlangıç eğitiminde kullanılmak üzere, sağlam bir şekilde yapılmış planör. Bak. "glider". PRIMARY U. S. ARMY OVERSEA SUPPLY AGENCY: ABD KARA ORDUSU DENİZAŞIRI ANA İKMAL BÜROSU: ABD Kara Ordu'sunun, belirli bir denizaşırı bölgeye ait ikmal destek sorumluluğu verilmiş bir denizaşırı ikmal makamı
(Askeri) TEKAMÜL PLANÖRÜ: Acemi planöründen daha iyi aerodinamik kabiliyette olan ve az eğitim görmüş pilotlar tarafından kullanılabilecek kadar sağlam yapılan planör. Bak. "glider"
An aircraft without an engine that is towed to a given height and then set free to glide on air currents Used for sport and sightseeing
A glider is an aircraft without an engine, which flies by floating on air currents. a light plane that flies without an engine. Nonpowered heavier-than-air craft capable of sustained flight. Early experimenters in glider flight included George Cayley, who built the first man-carrying glider in 1853, and Otto Lilienthal (1848-1896), who introduced tail stabilizers on his first practical man-carrying craft in 1891. Improvements by Octave Chanute (1832-1910) in 1896 and by Wilbur and Orville Wright in 1902 perfected the control needed for developing the Wrights' powered airplane in 1903. The slender-winged glider was launched by being towed behind an airplane or a car. Gliders were used in World War II to carry troops. Today they are mainly used for recreation; the sailplane type is built for soaring on the lift from thermals. See also hang gliding
An aircraft that flies without using an engine. If the pilot of a glider is hung beneath the wing, then the glider may be either a hang glider type or a paraglider. When the pilot is in a fuselage and not hung below the wing, then the glider may also be referred to as a sailplane
A configuration which recurs periodically, each time at a fixed offset from the last appearance
A highly efficient engineless aeroplane Capable of flying for long periods in gently rising air currents (thermals)
The feathertail glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), also known as the pygmy gliding possum, pygmy glider, pygmy phalanger, flying phalanger and flying mouse, is the world's smallest gliding possum and is named for its long feather-shaped tail
The feathertail glider (Acrobates pygmaeus), also known as the pygmy gliding possum, pygmy glider, pygmy phalanger, flying phalanger and flying mouse, is the world's smallest gliding possum and is named for its long feather-shaped tail
A hang-glider is a type of glider, made from large piece of cloth fixed to a frame. It is used to fly from high places, with the pilot hanging underneath