gevşetici ilaç

listen to the pronunciation of gevşetici ilaç
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
A medicine that relaxes; a laxative
relaxes nerves and muscles; relieves tension
Any substance that calms, soothes, and relieves tension
Something which promotes relaxation
Soothing, causing relaxation, relieving strain or tension
a drug or treatment that relaxes and relieves tension tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension; "a relaxant drug
a drug or treatment that relaxes and relieves tension
A substance that relaxes or relieves muscular or nervous tension
Affects nervous system and nerve function due to its ability to diminish muscle or nervous tension
{i} drug that causes relaxation of muscles
tending to relax or relieve muscular or nervous tension; "a relaxant drug"
gevşetici ilaç