gave away

listen to the pronunciation of gave away
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение gave away в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

give away
give away
(deyim) bagislamak ,elinden cikarmak. 2.aciga vurmak ,elevermek. a give-away aciga vurma,ele verme. give the game/show away (kd) bir gizi ortaya dökmek
give away
sırrını açıklamak
give away
bağış yapmak
give away
armağan etmek
give away
sırrı dışarı vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) gelinin elini damada vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) geçmesine izin vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) gelini damada vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) geçit vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) kızı vermek
give away
(Dilbilim) elden çıkartmak
give away
hediye etmek
give away
hediye olarak vermek
give away
hibe etmek
give away
(Dilbilim) yol vermek
give away

Neden bütün sırlarımı dışarı vermek zorundasın? - Why must you give away all of my secrets?

Belki de onlar pozisyonlarını vermek istemiyorlar. - Maybe they don't want to give away their positions.

give away
(Dilbilim) yok pahasına satmak
give away
açık etmek
give away
give away
ele vermek
give away
hediye olarak vermek, hediye etmek: "She gave her doğ away. = Köpeğini birine hediye etti."
give away
(deyim) give someone away
give away
(deyim) nikah toreninde gelini damada teslim etmek. give sth. away
give away
feda etmek
give away
hediye olarak vermek, hediye etmek: She gave her dog away. Köpeğini birine hediye etti
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Simple past of give away
give away
To make a gift of (something)

I didn't like that book, so I gave it away.

give away
To relinquish control over

It was a risk: Editors like to control magazine content .

give away
To unintentionally reveal a secret, or expose someone

He gave away his hiding place when he accidentally sneezed.

give away
To concede an advantage in weight, time, height etc

Despite giving away twenty pounds in weight, the challenger found a knock-out blow in the second round.

give away
To formally hand over a bride to the bridegroom; often by her father

Who giveth away this woman to this man in Holy matrimony?.

give away
To give someone or something away means to show their true nature or identity, which is not obvious. Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away
give away
make a gift of; "She gave away her antique furniture"
give away
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret; "The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold"; "The actress won't reveal how old she is"; "bring out the truth"; "he broke the news to her"
give away
give away information about somebody; "He told on his classmate who had cheated on the exam"
give away
If you give away something that you own, you give it to someone, rather than selling it, often because you no longer want it. He was giving his collection away for nothing We have six copies of the book to give away. keep
give away
If you give away information that should be kept secret, you reveal it to other people. She would give nothing away They felt like they were giving away company secrets
give away
bestow, give, forego; exposure of a secret, revelation
give away
If someone gives away an advantage, they accidentally cause their opponent or enemy to have that advantage. We gave away a silly goal = throw away
give away
formally hand over to the bridegroom in marriage; of a bride by her father
give away
In a Christian wedding ceremony, if someone gives the bride away, they officially present her to her husband. This is traditionally done by the bride's father
gave away

    Расстановка переносов

    gave a·way

    Турецкое произношение

    geyv ıwey


    /ˈgāv əˈwā/ /ˈɡeɪv əˈweɪ/