
listen to the pronunciation of gap
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Zengin ve yoksul arasındaki uçurum daha da genişliyor. - The gap between rich and poor is getting wider.

İki öğrenci arasında fikirlerde büyük bir uçurum vardır. - There is a wide gap in the opinions between the two students.


Onlar arasındaki aralık daraldı. - The gap between them has narrowed.


Kedi çitteki bir boşluktan geçti. - The cat went through a gap in the fence.

Boşluk beklediğimden daha büyüktü. - The gap was bigger than I expected.

{i} fark

Aralarındaki yaş farkı oldukça fazla. - The age gap between them is rather large.

Toplum büyük bir yaş farkı olan insanlar arasında ilişkiyi teşvik etmez. - Society does not encourage relationships between people who have a large age gap.

{f} yol aç
(görüş) ayrılık
(Askeri) GEDİK, BOŞLUK: Bir engelin boş bırakılan kısmı. Bu boşluk; bir dost birliğin muharebe düzeninde geçmesine imkan verecek genişliktedir. 15 metreden fazla ve pek seyrek olarak, 90 metreden az olur. Ayrıca bakınız: "phony minefield"
{i} eksiklik
fikir ayrılığı
{i} ara

Bu ikisinin görüşü arasında büyük bir uçurum vardı. - There was a great gap between the views of the two.

Onlar arasında kuşak farkı var. - There is a generation gap between them.

{i} açıklık

Tom kapının mandalını açmaya çalışmak için açıklıktan çite ulaştı. - Tom reached through the gap in the fence to try to unlatch the gate.

{i} geçit

Bu geçit daralmaktadır. - That gap is narrowing.

açık,v.yol aç: n.boşluk
{i} ayrılık
i f yarık
(Askeri) (IMAGERY) BOŞLUK (GÖRÜNTÜ): Görüntünün asgari örtü gereklerini karşılamadığı herhangi bir yer. Bu görüntüyle aldatmanın olmadığı bir yer veya belirlenen bindirmenin elde edilemediği bir yer olabilir. Ayrıca bakınız: "holiday"
f yol açmak
aralık meydana getirmek
gap width
(Bilgisayar) boşluk genişliği
gap width
(Bilgisayar) boşluk
gap analysis
ayrım çözümleme
gap character
aralık karakteri
gap digit
aralık sayısı
gap fill
boşluğu doldurmak
gap gauge
açıklık mastarı, kalınlık mastarı
gap in market
pazarda boşluk
gap junction
gap birleşme
gap lathe
deveboynu torna
gap length
aralık uzunluğu
gap out
Ara vermek, boşluk bırakmak, aralık yapmak
gap scatter
aralık dağılması
gap year
Üniversiteden önce eğitime verilen bir yıl ara
gap years
gap yıl
gap analysis
Aralık Çözümlemesi
gap character
aralik damgasi (yazi isleme)
gap filler radar
(Askeri) BOŞLUK DOLDURUCU RADAR: Örtünün yetersiz olduğu bölgelerde ana radar örtüsünü takviye için kullanılan bir radardır
gap marker
(Askeri) (LAND MINE WARFARE) GEDİK İŞARETİ (KARA MAYIN HARBİ): Kara mayın harbinde mayın tarlası gediklerini işaretlemekte kullanılır. Gedik giriş ve çıkış yerlerindeki gedik işaretleri, bir arazi noktası veya yardımcı gedik işareti esas alınarak dikilir ve işaretlenir. Ayrıca bakınız: "marker (landmine warfare) ", "minefield gap (landmine warfare) "
gap scanning
(Nükleer Bilimler) kısa sıvı aralığı ile tarama
gap-graded soil
aralıklı derecelenmiş zemin
perception gap
Algı boşluğu
thigh gap
Ayaklar birleştirildiğinde bacakların üst kısmı arasında kalan boşluk
energy gap
(Bilgisayar) bantlar arası enerji farkı
fill a gap
boşluk doldurmak
fill a gap
boşluğu doldurmak
fill a gap
(Ticaret) eksikliği gidermek
fill a gap
boşluğunu doldurmak
fill the gap
gedik kapamak
gender gap
cinsiyet ayrımı
generation gap
kuşaklar arasındaki fark
information gap
(Dilbilim) bilgi boşluğu
joint gap
(İnşaat) fuga
joint gap
(İnşaat) derz aralığı
knowledge gap
bilgi uçurumu
output gap
(Ticaret) çıktı açığı
plug gap
(Otomotiv) tırnak aralığı
point gap
platin açıklığı
poverty gap
(Ticaret) yoksulluk boşluğu
radical gap
(Bilgisayar) kök aralığı
revenue gap
gelir açığı
security gap
(Bilgisayar) güvenlik açığı
skill gap
yetenek açığı
skill gap
yetenek eksiği
skill gap analysis
beceri boşluk analizi
skip gap
kuru pencere
slide gap
(Bilgisayar) slayt aralığı
spark gap
ark aralığı
air gap
hava aralığı
air gap condenser
hava aralıklı kondansatör
armature gap
endüvi aralığı
cloud gap
bulut aralığı
contact gap
kontak aralığı
culture gap
kültür farkı
employment gap
istihdam açığı
generation gap
nesil kopukluğu
generation gap
kuşak farkı

Onlar arasında kuşak farkı var. - There is a generation gap between them.

head gap
kafa aralığı
inflationary gap
enflasyonist açık
interaction gap
etkileşim aralığı
interblock gap
bloklararası boşluk
interrecord gap
kayıtlar arası boşluk
made a gap
boşluk yarat
make a gap
boşluk yarat
stop a gap
stop a gap
stop a gap
trade gap
ticari açık
water gap
dağ geçidi
wind gap
hava boşluğu
zero gap
sıfır aralığı
age gap
Yaş farkı
band gap
band aralığı
bridge a gap
köprü bir boşluk
bridge gap
köprü boşluğu
bridging the gap
boşluk köprüleme
budget gap
Bütçe açığı
credibility gap
güvenilirlik açığı
credibility gap
(Politika Siyaset) söylenilen veya vaat edilen şey ile gerçekte yapılan şey arasındaki tutarsızlık
funding gap
finansman açığı

Matematik bilgimde birçok boşluklarım var. - There's a lot of gaps in my knowledge of math.

gender gap
Kadın ve erkek arasındaki iletişimsizlik veya farklılık
gender gap
Erkek ve kadın cinsleri arasındaki farklılık
generation gap
kuşak çatışması
generatıon gap
nesil farkı
inflationary gap
enflasyon farkı
interblock gap
bloklararasi boşluk
leaf gap
yaprak boşluk
lexical gap
(Dilbilim) Bir dilde bir kelimenin bulunmaması durumu
mind the gap
mind the gap
Tiren veya metro istasyonlarında platform ile tiren ya da metro arasındaki boşluğa yolcuların dikkatini çekmek için "boşluğa dikkat edin" uyarı yazısı
missile gap
füze açığı
output gap
çıkış aralığı
record gap
kayıt aralığı
seismic gap
(Jeoloji) Sismik boşluk
social gap
sosyal uçurum
spark plug air gap
buji tırnak açıklığı
spark plug gap
buji tırnak aralığı
stretch mark, ladder, gap
streç işareti, merdiven, boşluk
the gap
the gap above suspended ceiling
asma tavan boşluğu
trade gap
ticaret açığı
wage gap
maaş farkı
wing gap
kanat açıklığı
yawning gap
giderek genişleyen açıklık
accidental gap
(Dilbilim) atlanmış aralık
authority gap
(Askeri) otorite boşluğu
block gap
(Askeri,Bilgisayar,Teknik) öbek aralığı
block gap
(Askeri) ÖBEK ARALIĞI: Bir bilgi ortamı içinde bir blok veya kayıt sorununu belirtmek için kullanılan bir anlam
burst receive gap time
(Bilgisayar) burst alma aralığı süresi
cloud gap
(Meteoroloji) bulut boşluğu
column gap
(Askeri) KOL BOŞLUĞU: Aynı rotada ilerleyen iki arka arkaya elemanın aralarındaki mesafe. Bir unsurun gerisinden, takip eden unsurun önüne kadar olan mesafenin uzunluk birimi veya zaman birimi cinsinden ölçülebilir
column gap
(Askeri) kol boşluğu
communications gap
haberleşme boşluğu
contact gap
(Otomotiv) platin tırnak açıklığı
demographic gap
demografik boşluk
dry gap bridge
(Askeri) KURU YERLERE KURULAN KÖPRÜ: Su olmayan bir açıklığı birleştirmek için kullanılan sabit veya taşınabilir köprü. Örneğin; tanksavar çukurları, yol kraterleri
duration gap
(Ticaret) süre boşluğu
electronic gap admittance
elektronik etkilesim araligi gecirisi
embellishment gap
(Bilgisayar) süsleme aralığı
end gap
(Otomotiv) uç açıklığı
energy gap
bantlar arasi enerji farki, enerji araligi
file gap
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) dosya aralığı
file gap
(Askeri) KÜTÜK ARALIĞI: Bir bilgi ortamında bir kütüğün sonunu ve muhtemelen bir diğerinin başlangıcını belirtmek için kullanılan bir alan
generation gap
nesil farkı
income gap
(Ticaret) gelir uçurumu
justification gap
(Bilgisayar) bloklama boşluğu
knowledge gap
bilgi ucurumu
maturity gap
(Ticaret) vade açığı
minefield gap
(Askeri) mayın tarlası geçidi
minimum gap
(Bilgisayar) en küçük aralık
narrow the gap
açığı kapamak
osmotic gap
(Tıp) osmotik açık
piston ring gap
(Otomotiv) segman boşluğu
productivity gap
(Ticaret) verim farklılığı
ring gap
segman ucu
ring gap
(Otomotiv) segman ağız aralığı
ring gap
segman ağız açıklığı
rotary hook point gap
(Tekstil) çağanoz aralığı
saving gap
(Ticaret) tasarruf açığı
spark gap
kıvılcım aralığı
spark gap
buji tırnak aralığı
time gap
(Askeri) ZAMAN FASILASI, ZAMAN ARALIĞI: Birbirini takip eden araçların, veya yürüyüş birlik veya kollarının, belirli bir noktadan geçerken, aralarında bulunan zamanca fasıla. Bu fasıl, öndeki birlik kol nihayetinin o noktayı terkettiği andan, müteakip birlik kol başının aynı noktaya varış anına kadar geçen zamandır. Buna (tıme interval) da denir
trade deficit/gap
ticaret açığı
wage gap
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ücret uçurumu
wage gap
maaş uçurumu
zero funds gap
(Ticaret) sıfır fon açığı
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Ağaçtan yapılan yular sapı
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
a sheltered area of coast between two cliffs (mostly restricted to place names)

At Birling Gap we can stop and go have a picnic on the beach.

the difference between the cost of an item and what the medical insurers will pay for
A mountain or hill pass

The exploring party went through the high gap in the mountains.

An opening in anything made by breaking or parting

He made a gap by kicking a weak spot.

The regions between the outfielders

Jones doubled through the gap.

An opening allowing passage or entrance

We can slip through that gap.

To check the size of a gap

I gapped all the sparkplugs in my car then realized I used the wrong manual and had made them too small.

To make an opening in; to breach
An opening that implies a breach or defect

There is a gap between the roof and the gutter.

To notch, as a sword or knife
A hiatus

I'm taking a gap.

A vacant space or time

I have a gap in my schedule next Tuesday.

The space (or spaces) between established points
If there is something missing from a situation that prevents it being complete or satisfactory, you can say that there is a gap. We need more young scientists to fill the gap left by a wave of retirements expected over the next decade Like a good businessman, Stewart identified a gap in the market
{n} an opening, breach, passage, hole, defect
{i} American corporation headquartered in California, operator of three major chains of retail clothing stores (Gap, Banana Republic, and Old Navy)
a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs"
Financing that is required, but for which no provision has been made The difference in total funding needed for a proposal and the amount of funding already made available
A gap is a period of time when you are not busy or when you stop doing something that you normally do. There followed a gap of four years, during which William joined the Army. = break
An opening in anything made by breaking or parting; as, a gap in a fence; an opening for a passage or entrance; an opening which implies a breach or defect; a vacant space or time; a hiatus; a mountain pass
the time interval between the passage of consecutive vehicles moving in the same stream, measured between the rear of the lead vehicle and the front of the following vehicle
make an opening or gap in
in a biplane
A span in price between the high of the previous trading session, & the low of the subsequent trading session or between the low of the previous trading session & the high of the subsequent trading session in which no trades occurred
Generally refers to the distance the spark must travel in jumping from the center electrode in a sparkplug; or the spacing between the points in the contact breaker fitted to the distributor
The space between the wrest plank and upper belly rail into which the registers are fitted
The GAP is generally known as the difference between the lessor's payoff and any insurance proceeds in the event of a total loss VFNA has made the decision not to hold the lessee liable for this, excluding the lessee's deductible under the policy and any amounts by which the settlement may be reduced for items such as excess mileage or wear and use The lessee will be liable for the GAP if their insurance claim is not fully honored Any past due payments at the time of the loss are the responsibility of the lessee
The distance between two graphic entities, usually lines, on a digitized map Gaps may arise through errors made while digitizing or scanning the lines on a map
an act of delaying or interrupting the continuity; "it was presented without commercial breaks"
The area between the point and the shank of a hook
(Otomotiv) The space between the spark plug electrodes, or between the points when they are as far apart as they can get. Adjusting this space is called "gapping." See also point gap, spark plug gap
{i} opening, breach; hiatus; space; great difference, disparity
A gap is a space between two things or a hole in the middle of something solid. He pulled the thick curtains together, leaving just a narrow gap. the wind tearing through gaps in the window frames
The gap (more correctly called a pause) is a space dividing tracks on a CD In some situations a gap is required by the standards (Red Book and other "color" books) For example, if you have data and audio tracks within the same session, they must be separated by a gap Also, there must be a gap of 2 to 3 seconds preceding the first track on a disc
A space introduced into an alignment to compensate for insertions and deletions in one sequence relative to another To prevent the accumulation of too many gaps in an alignment, introduction of a gap causes the deduction of a fixed amount (the gap score) from the alignment score Extension of the gap to encompass additional nucleotides or amino acid is also penalized in the scoring of an alignment
an open or empty space in or between things; "there was a small opening between the trees"; "the explosion made a gap in the wall"
A spatial opening in a plant community Can be caused by natural death or by some other abiotic or biotic disturbance
A mountain pass
A short-term, high-interest loan covering the possible gap in construction financing if rent-up requirements are not met and the long-term lender does not vest takeout mortgage in full and/or the construction mortgagee holds back a portion of the interim financing
A place in the text where something is left out; as a reader, you can identify those gaps and use them to help interpret the story Like with irony, identifying a gap (between what's being presented and the reality of the situation) can help you come to a more developed or better understanding of a text
A mismatch between maturities and cash flows in a bank or individual dealers position book Gap exposure is effectively interest rate exposure
A sharp move up / down in a market where the entire trading range of a day / time period is above / below that preceding it A powerful move
a pass between mountain peaks
The space or spaces between established points
Financing which is required, but for which no provision has been made A Gap is the difference in total funding needed for a proposal and the amount of funding already made available
A term used by technicians to describe an opening price that is substantially higher or lower than the previous day's closing price Significant gaps are usually related to market-moving news that occurs overnight while a stock cannot be traded
The difference in time between individuals and/or groups of riders As a verb, to increase the gap
A space introduced into a sequence within a multiple sequence alignment that allows similar or conserved sequence regions to be aligned in columns
The distance between two entities (usually lines) on a digitized map Gaps may indicate errors made while digitizing or scanning a map See sliver
A term used by technicians to describe a significant jump or drop in prices on the current opening price compared to the previous closing price Significant gaps are usually related to market-moving news, which occurs overnight while a stock cannot be traded Gaps are considered by technicians to be likely to be filled at a later date
Difference between a stock's price at the opening of a trading day compared to the previous trading day’s closing price For example, if XYZ Corp opened on Tuesday at 102 5/8 after closing Monday at 99, then it is said that "XYZ gapped up 3 5/8 at the open " Stocks often gap up or down on news released between trading sessions
a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack" a conspicuous disparity or difference as between two figures; "gap between income and outgo"; "the spread between lending and borrowing costs" make an opening or gap in
A gap between two groups of people, things, or sets of ideas is a big difference between them. the gap between rich and poor America's trade gap widened Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry
noun A popular clothing store Also, a distance between two riding surfaces which skaters ollie over, and often do other more sophisticated tricks over
The vertical distance between two superposed surfaces, esp
a narrow opening; "he opened the window a crack"
a protein found in neurons, a component of the exocyst involved in regulating actin polymerization
gap year
A yearlong break from study taken by some students on leaving school before starting university, often spent gaining work experience or travelling/traveling
gap years
plural form of gap year
Attributive form of gap year

gap-year adventure.

gap tooth
a space between the two front teeth on the upper row of teeth in a person's mouth
gap out
Become distracted; to space out
gap bridging
overcoming differences, reaching compromises
gap in one's education
blank space in one's education, disparity in one's education
gap junction
An intercellular network of protein channels that facilitates the cell-to-cell passage of ions, hormones, and neurotransmitters
gap year
A gap year is a period of time during which a student takes a break from studying after they have finished school and before they start college or university. I went around the world in my gap year. a year between leaving school and going to university, which some young people use as an opportunity to travel, earn money, or get experience of working
In language teaching, a gap-fill test is an exercise in which words are removed from a text and replaced with spaces. The learner has to fill each space with the missing word or a suitable word. = cloze
having widely spaced teeth; "his gap-toothed grin
If you describe a person or their smile as gap-toothed, you mean that some of that person's teeth are missing. a broad, gap-toothed grin. having wide spaces between your teeth gap-toothed smile/grin
credibility gap
A discrepancy between the statements made by a person in authority (especially by a politician) and the perceived truth
gender gap
A measurable difference between the behaviors of men and women

Surveys show a gender gap with women favoring Democrats 12 percent more than men.

generation gap
A disconnect between members of one generation and members of the next based on the later generation developing habits, attitudes, and preferences inconsistent with the experience of the former
genetic gap
A flaw in the DNA
leaf gap
A gap or break in the central cylinder of vascular tissue within a plant's stem, caused by the extension of the tissue as a leaf trace
spark gap
A gap, between two electrical terminals, across which sparks are generated
spark gap
Such a gap as a component of an engine's ignition system, especially that between the electrodes of a spark plug
Temporary; short-term

They put a stop-gap solution in place, but need something more permanent.

A temporary measure or short-term fix used until something better can be obtained

The small company uses their new product features as a stop-gap until they can develop a new product.

band gap
In solid state physics and related applied fields, the band gap, also called an energy gap or stop band, is a region where a particle or quasiparticle is forbidden from propagating. For insulators and semiconductors, the band gap generally refers to the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band
gender gap
A disproportionate difference, as in attitudes and voting preferences, between the sexes
lexical gap
(Dilbilim) A lexical gap or lacuna is an absence of a word in a particular language. Types of lexical gaps include untranslatability and missing inflections
mind the gap
"Mind the gap" is a warning to train passengers to remind them of the sometimes significant gap between the train door and the station platform. It was first introduced in 1969 by the London Underground rapid transit system
mind the gap
"Mind the gap" is a warning to train passengers of the gap between the train door and the station platform. It was introduced in 1969 by the London Underground. The phrase is so associated with the Underground that Transport for London sells T-shirts with the phrase on a London Transport symbol
seismic gap
A seismic gap is a segment of an active geologic fault or subduction zone that has not slipped in an unusually long time; they are often considered susceptible to future strong earthquakes
shadow gap
(Mimarlık) A shadow gap is a small rebate scribed into one corner of an abutment. Without using this technique, a thin crack can be visible when the the two pieces are joined together. The shadow gap is filled when the case is painted, stained or varnished thus reducing this effect
spark gap
(Elektrik, Elektronik) A space between electrical terminals across which a transient discharge passes
A gap
Air gap
The area of ocean between US and Great Britain that was too far out to allow air cover from fighter aircraft
Air gap
An open vertical gap or empty space that separates one water system from another water system from another The open gap protects the water system from contamination by backflow or backsiphonage ADVANCE\x 540
Air gap
Vertical, unobstructed distance, between the flood level in a plumbing fixture and the lowest water supply inlet, such as the distance between the rim of the tub and the faucet
Air gap
A clear vertical space between a water or drain line and the flood level of a receptacle to prevent back-flow or siphoning from the receptacle in the event of negative pressure or vacuum Most plumbing codes require the air gap to be at least twice the diameter of the water or drain line, with a minimum of 1-1/2 inches (3 8 cm) (See vacuum breaker or back-flow presenter )
Air gap
The space between the surfaces of two electrodes as in a spark gap
Air gap
Open vertical gap or empty space that separates drinking water supply to be protected from another water system in a treatment plant or other location The open gap protects the drinking water from contamination by backflow or backsiphonage
Air gap
– A physical separation between the free flowing end of a potable water supply line and the overflow rim of an open or non-pressurized receiving vessel
Air gap
The space between magnetic poles or between rotating and stationary assemblies in a motor or generator
Air gap
The space between magnetic poles or between rotating and stationary assembly's in a motor or generator
Air gap
Space between two electrical contacts or pickups
Air gap
The distance between the edges of any two conductors See also spacing ›› Back to Words List ‹‹
Air gap
In a permanent magnet alternator, the distance between the magnets and the laminates
Air gap
A device to prevent water backflow to a potable water supply It is an unobstructed open space that separates an outlet of the potable water supply (for example, a faucet) from any potentially contaminated source, such as water in a sink or drain pipe
Air gap
An air gap in the water supply system in the unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device, and the flood level rim of the receptacle
Air gap
the air space between two magnetically or electrically related components; for example, the space between the armature and poles in a motor
Air gap
A means of cross-connection control which eliminates the physical link between a safe water supply and potentially unsafe water Air gap must equal to at least two times the effective diameter of the inlet
Air gap
The clearance between the rotating rotor and the stationary winding on an open motor Known as a vapor gap in a hermetically sealed compressor motor
Air gap
The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest opening from any pipe or faucet supplying water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device and the flood level rim of the receptacle (2)
Air gap
A clear vertical space between the end of the RO drainline and the flood level rim of the house sanitary drain system connection point
Cumberland Gap National Historical Park
National historical park, Tennessee, U.S. Created in 1940 to preserve the Cumberland Gap, a natural pass at 1,640 ft (500 m) through the Cumberland Plateau, it includes the Wilderness Road, blazed by Daniel Boone, which became the main artery that opened the Northwest Territory. The park covers 32 sq mi (83 sq km)
a gap
air gap
type of network security where a network is kept physically separate from other local networks and the Internet (Computers); the distance between the contact armature and the iron core which is magnetized (Mechanics); clearance
air gap
An air-filled gap in a magnetic or electric circuit; specif
bridge the gap
{f} solve the problem; make a connection where there is much difference
close the gap
narrow the difference, narrow the disparity
credibility gap
A credibility gap is the difference between what a person says or promises and what they actually think or do. There is a credibility gap developing between employers and employees
cumberland gap
a pass through the Cumberland Mountains between Virginia and Kentucky that early settlers used in order to move west
fill a gap
close a space or hole
Graduate APS
The costs or services that are not covered under the Original Medicare Plan
plural of gap
Missing technologies or action
The amount by which needs as expressed by the demand model exceed resources as expressed by the supply model
gender gap
A disproportionate difference, as in attitudes and voting preferences, between the sexes. Difference in opinions or attitudes between men and women concerning a variety of public and private issues, including political candidates, parties, or programs. Until the 1980s men and women in the U.S. exhibited similar voting habits. Since then, however, women have been more likely than men to support the Democratic Party and liberal policies, particularly on issues such as equal employment opportunity, child care, and gun control. In contrast, in western Europe women historically have been more likely than men to support conservative political parties
generation gap
essential differences among different generations
generation gap
If you refer to the generation gap, you are referring to a difference in attitude and behaviour between older people and younger people, which may cause them to argue or may prevent them from understanding each other fully. A difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents. the lack of understanding or the differences between older people and younger people
inflationary gap
the inflationary gap is the amount by which equilibrium real GDP exceeds the full-employment level of GDP
inflationary gap
This occurs when there is too much demand in the economy This excess level of demand will tend to lead to demand-pull inflation
inflationary gap
market surplus combined with the state of full employment (Economics)
information gap
insufficient amount of information, lack of information awareness
leaf gap
A break in the vascular tissue of a stem above the point of attachment of a leaf trace
lexical gap
{i} (Linguistics) lack of a word in a specific language, lacuna
mediation gap
difference between the manufacturer's price and the consumer's price
miscibility gap
area between two immiscible elements that is neither mixed nor unmixed (e.g. area between oil and water where the two substances touch)
narrow the gap
make the gap smaller
point gap
(Otomotiv) On vehicles with non-electronic ignitions, the space between the points when they're fully open. Adjusting this gap is a primary part of the basic tune-up because the spark that jumps this gap is affected, both in intensity and in duration, by the width of the gap. See also feeler gauge
product gap
amount of goods that unemployed manufacturers could have produced (Economics)
social gap
economic and cultural differences between various social classes
socioeconomic gap
economic difference between the classes in society
spark gap
the gap between two high-potential terminals a component of an ignition system; consists of two shaped electrodes and the space between them
spark gap
The space filled with air or other dielectric between high potential terminals (as of an electrostatic machine, induction coil, or condenser), through which the discharge passes; the air gap of a jump spark
stop a gap
close an opening; correct
synaptic gap
The minute space between the cell membrane of an axon terminal and that of the target cell with which it synapses
technological gap
shortage of industrial machinery, lack of practical scientific knowledge
trade gap
If a country imports goods worth more than the value of the goods that it exports, this is referred to as a trade gap. trade deficit
water gap
A transverse cleft in a mountain ridge through which a stream flows
wind gap
a pass in a mountain ridge with no stream flowing through it
wind gap
A shallow notch in the crest of a mountain ridge
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the gap