(blēŋ′kēŋ) adj Having a high intensity background color, which causes it to appear with a low intensity background color and a flashing foreground color when viewed in full-screen mode -v Regularly alternating from visible to invisible or from one color to another
In astronomical image processing, a method for comparing two similar but different images wherein a display is switched between the two images in rapid succession Spatial differences appear to move back and forth, while intensity differences pulsate When the switching rate, duty cycle and transfer functions of the displays are controllable by the user, blinking is a powerful tool for assessing subtle but systematic differences between images, e g those due to moving or variable objects in crowded fields, or to subtle artifacts in image formation
A scheduling technique in which the advertiser floods the airwaves for one day on both cable and network channels to make it virtually impossible to miss the ads (Ch 8)
göz kapağının hızla açılıp kapanma hareketi, göz kırpma
Расстановка переносов
göz ka·pa·ğı·nın hız·la a·çı·lıp ka·pan·ma ha·re·ke·ti, göz kırp·ma