
listen to the pronunciation of funds
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} devlet tahvili
{i} kapital
{i} para

Arkadaşlarımdan birçoğu kendi başlarına yaşamaya çalıştı ancak yaşam biçimleri için yetersiz para nedeniyle eve döndü. - Many of my friends tried to live on their own but moved back home because of insufficient funds for their lifestyle.

Onun parasının ne zaman biteceğini düşünüyorsun? - When do you think his funds will run out?

{i} tahvilat
{i} para kaynağı

Tom para kaynağını tüketiyor. - Tom is running short of funds.

Biz para kaynağını tükettik. - We exhausted our funds.


Bir boşanma duyduğumuzda biz bunun o iki kişinin temel ilkeler üzerinde anlaşmaya varma yetersizliğinden kaynaklandığını varsayıyoruz. - When we hear of a divorce we assume that it was caused by the inability of those two people to agree upon fundamentals.

Projeye kaynak toplamak için yurt dışına gitti. - He went abroad to raise fund for the project.


Sermaye yetersizliği nedeniyle geleceğimiz zorluklarla dolu olacak. - Our future will be full of difficulties because of lack of funds.

Sermaye yetersizliği nedeniyle projemizi gerçekleştiremedik. - We couldn't carry out our project because of a lack of funds.


Onun taahhütü fon eksikliğinden başarısız oldu. - His undertaking failed for lack of funds.

Yardım fonunu yükseltmek için bir araba gezintisine başladılar. - They started a drive to raise a charity fund.

funds in cash
nakit fon
funds statement
mali durum
funds to
funds collected
(Ticaret) toplanan fonlar
funds flow statement
(Ticaret) fon akım tablosu
funds responsibility
(Askeri) BÜTÇE SORUNU: Bütçe tasarılarının hazırlanma ve savunulmasını ve yetki verilen paraların idaresini içeren görev
funds responsibility
(Askeri) bütçe sorunu
funds transfer pricing
(Ticaret) şubeler cari hesabı
para kaynağı

Tom para kaynağını tüketiyor. - Tom is running short of funds.

Biz para kaynağını tükettik. - We exhausted our funds.

{i} ödenek

Vali, örtülü ödenekteki parayı aldı. - The governor took the money out of a slush fund.

{f} sermayeye çevirmek
allocation of funds
(Politika, Siyaset) fonların tahsisi
bond funds
(Ticaret) bono fonları
bond funds
(Ticaret) tahvil fonları
campaign funds
(Politika, Siyaset) seçim kampanyası fonları
country funds
(Ticaret) ülke fonları
disposable funds
(Ticaret) kullanılabilir para
equity funds
(Ticaret) öz sermaye fonları
para sağlamak
(Ticaret) mali sermaye
(Ticaret) kapital
parasal kaynak sağla

Vali, örtülü ödenekteki parayı aldı. - The governor took the money out of a slush fund.

Onun parasının ne zaman biteceğini düşünüyorsun? - When do you think his funds will run out?

(Politika, Siyaset) mali kaynak
government funds
(Ticaret) devlet istikrazı
hedge funds
(Ticaret) serbest yatırım fonları
mutual funds
(Ticaret) karşılıklı para
mutual funds
(Ticaret) yatırım fonu
mutual funds
yatırım fonları
own funds
öz kaynaklar
own funds
(Ticaret) kendi fonları
pension funds
(Ticaret) sosyal güvenlik kuruluşları
precious metals funds
(Sigorta) kıymetli madenler fonları
precious metals funds
(Ticaret) kıymetli maden fonları
revenue producing funds
(Askeri) gelir getiren fonlar
revenue sharing funds
(Ticaret) gelir paylaşım fonları
revolving funds
döner sermaye
security funds
(Ticaret) menkul kıymet fonu
sources of funds
(Ticaret) kaynaklar
taxes and funds
(Ticaret) vergi resim ve harçlar
borrowed funds
borç alınan paralar
confirm for sufficient funds
provizyon almak
disposable funds
emre hazır fon
disposition of funds
fon kullanımı
finanse etmek

Teleton tıbbi araştırmaları finanse etmek amacıyla para toplamak için her yıl düzenlenen bir Fransız televizyon programıdır. - The telethon is a French TV program organized every year to collect funds in order to finance medical research.

Tom bağımlılığını finanse etmek için Tom birkaç kredi kartını çaldı. - Tom stole several credit cards to fund his addiction.

investment funds
yatırım parası
mutual funds
menkul kıymetler
pool funds
fonları birleştirmek
a drive for funds
para toplamak için açılan kampanya
clear the funds from an account
paranın hesaptan tahsil edilmesi
cost of funds
fonlarının maliyet
electronic funds transfer systems
elektronik fon aktarım sistemleri
embezzle funds
zimmetine geçirmek fonları
federal funds
federal fonların
hedge funds
hedge fonları
investment funds
yatırım fonları
matching funds
fonlar eşleme
pension funds
emeklilik fonları
public funds
Kamusal sermaye
allocation of funds
(Avrupa Birliği) fon tahsisatı, fon tahsisi
application of funds
(Ticaret) fon kullanımı
application of funds
(Ticaret) fonların kullanımı
asset allocation funds
(Ticaret) varlık tahsisi fonları
balanced funds
(Ticaret) dengeli fonlar
call for funds
(Ticaret) ödeme yapılmasını isteme
call for funds
ödeme yapılmasını istemek
consolidated funds
(Ticaret) konsolide fonlar
consolidated funds
(Ticaret) konsolide borçlar sermayesi
cost of mutual funds
(Ticaret) yatırım fonu alışları
electronic funds transfer
(Askeri) elektronik fon transferi
electronics funds transfer
(Ticaret) elektronik fon tranferleri
external operation funds
(Askeri) DENİZALTI HAREKAT FONLARI: A. B. D. Anayurt sınırları dışındaki özel görev kuvvetlerine ve harekat alanı komutanlıklarına, her türlü ihtiyaçlarının karşılanması için tahsis edilen para
flexible funds
(Ticaret) esnek fonlar
flow of funds
(Ticaret) kaynak akışı
flow of funds statement
(Ticaret) fon kaynak kullanımı tablosu
flow of funds statement
(Ticaret) fon akım tablosu
foundation funds
vakıf sandıkları
{f} yatırım yapmak

İndeksli yatırım fonlarına yatırım yapmak istiyorum - I want to invest in index funds.

{i} çoğ. fonlar
f sermaye
(Askeri) FON, PARA: Kanuna uygun olarak bir tarafa ayrılmasına ve yalnız belirli maksatlar için kullanılmasına yetki verilmiş bir miktar para veya para yerine geçen vesikalar
(Mukavele) sermaye, fon; stok; sermaye bulmak veya temin etmek
{f} (bir iş/kimse için) para sağlamak
ço para
f sermayeye tahvil etmek
{i} çoğ. para
fon,v.parasal kaynak sağla: n.fon
{f} yatırmak
sermaye bulmak veya temin etmek funded debt birleştirilrrıiş dev let borçları mutual fund tic kendi hisse senetlerini satıp tedarik edilen para ile baş
ser vet
global investment funds
(Ticaret) küresel yatırım fonları
growth funds
(Sigorta,Ticaret) büyüme amaçlı fonlar
impounded funds
(Askeri) SARFI İZİNE BAĞLI TAHSİSAT: Onay makamları emrine doğrudan doğruya veya vasıtalı olarak tahsis edilen, fakat sarfı Bakanlık Bütçe Dairesinin tasvibine bağlı olan fonlar
impounded funds
(Askeri) sarfı izne bağlı tahsisat
income funds
(Sigorta,Ticaret) gelir amaçlı fonlar
income funds
(Ticaret) gelir ağırlıklı fonlar
indemnity for custody of funds
(Ticaret) kasa tazminatı
intelligence contingency funds
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT İHTİMAL FONLARI: Diğer fonların kullanımı mümkün olmadığı zaman veya istihbarat birliğinin görevini tehlikeye atacağı veya engelleyeceği zaman istihbarat faaliyetleri için kullanılmak üzere tahsis edilmiş fonlar
intelligence contingency funds
(Askeri) istihbarat kontenjan fonları
interest on public funds
(Ticaret) devlet eshamı faizi
military funds
(Askeri) ASKERİ FONLAR: Sivil tahsisattan farklı olarak, askeri müessese tahsisatına dahil edilmiş miktar
money funds
(Ticaret) para fonları
money funds
(Ticaret) parasal fon
naval air facility; nonappropriated funds; numbered air force
(Askeri) deniz hava tesisi; tahsis edilmemiş fonlar; sıra numarası verilmiş hava kuvveti
nonappropriated funds
(Askeri) TAHSİS DIŞI MALİ KAYNAKLAR: Savunma Bakanlığı askeri ve sivil personeli ile aileleri tarafından ortaya konulan ve bu personel ile ailelerinin refahını artırmak amacıyla, moral yükseltici, etraflı bir sosyal, dini, tahsil ve eğlence programı hazırlanması için kongre tarafından verilmiş tahsisatı çoğaltmak üzere faydalanılan fon
nonprocurement funds
(Askeri) TEDARİK DIŞI MASRAF FONLARI, TEDARİKTEN GAYRİ MASRAFLARA MAHSUS FONLAR: İşletme ve idari ikmal maddeleri ile malzeme tedarikini içine almayan masraflar karşılığı mevcut fonlar. Onarım nevinden normal bakım masrafları buna dahil; fakat, yedek parçalarla değiştirme parçaları hariçtir
obligation of funds
(Askeri) taahhüt tutarı
obligation of funds
(Askeri) sipariş tutarı
obligation of funds
(Askeri) TAAHHÜT TUTARI, SİPARİŞ TUTARI, BORÇ TUTARI: Verilmiş bir sipariş, ihale edilmiş bir sözleşme, yaptırılmış bir hizmet veya diğer ticari muamele karşılığı, sarf için, bir tahsis fonundan ayrılmış miktar
obligation of funds
(Askeri) borç tutarı
prepaid taxes and funds
(Ticaret) peşin ödenen vergi ve fonlar
procurement funds
(Askeri) TEDARİK FONLARI: İdari maksatlar, imalat işleri ve tesislerin inşasına mahsus malzeme, teçhizat ve ikmal maddelerinin tedarik ve ikmali için lüzumlu fonlar. Bak. "nonprocurement funds"
procurement funds
(Askeri) tedarik fonları
provident funds
(Sigorta,Ticaret) vakıf ve sandıklar
rapid growth funds
(Ticaret) çok riskli
revenue producing funds
(Askeri) GELİR GETİREN FONLAR: Askeri personel ile bazı sivil personelin gereksinimlerini ve hizmetlerini karşılamak ve elde edilen karla sosyal yardım fonlarını desteklemek üzere kurulmuş bütçe dışı yatırımlar
sinking funds
(Ticaret) batık fonlar
special funds
özel fonlar
specialized funds
(Sigorta,Ticaret) ihtisaslaşmış fonlar
structural funds
(Avrupa Birliği) Yapısal Fonlar
sundry funds
(Askeri) MÜTEFERRİK SERMAYE İŞLETMELERİ: Mahdut askeri ve sivil personel gruplarına bazı hizmetler temin maksadıyla kurulmuş bütçe dışı işletmeler. Bunlardan faydalanma; kurulmuş bulunan faaliyete fiilen iştirak veya müşterisi durumunda bulunulmakla sağlanır. İşletmenin; mali bakımdan kendi kendisini destekleme esasına göre çalışması gerekir. Belli başlı müteferrik sermaye işletmeleri subay ve astsubay gazino ve ordu evleridir
supply of investment funds
(Ticaret) yatırım fonları arzı
surety funds
kefalet sandıkları
traditional funds
(Ticaret) geleneksel fonlar
unapplied funds
tahsisi yapılmamış fonlar
use of funds
(Ticaret) kaynak kullanımları
welfare funds
(Askeri) SOSYAL YARDIM FONLARI: Özellikle kar getiren faaliyet merkezlerinden elde edilmiş gelirle kurulan ve devam ettirilen bütçe dışı fonlar. Askeri sosyal yardım fonları, bütçe içi tahsisatla sağlanmış moral, sosyal yardım ve eğlendirme tesisleriyle hizmetleri takviye için kullanılır. Bu fonlarla tedarik edilmiş eğlendirme tipi malzeme ve hizmetlerden, askeri personel ve yakınları birlikte faydalanırlar. Yapılan masrafların, askeri personelin öncelikle karşılanması gerekli ihtiyaçlarına nazaran bir mahiyet arz etmeleri halinde; fon, bu personelin özellikle reşit olmayan yakınları için kullanılabilir. Deniz aşırı bölgelerde fon, sivil personel ile yakınlarının arızı olarak, istifadesine arz edilebilir. Tesis komutanı tarafından sivil personelin morali bakımından, lüzumlu kabul edilen bazı eğlendirme ve mahdut sosyal yardım hizmetleri meydana getirmek üzere sivil sosyal yardım fonlarından faydalanılır. Eğlendirme tesislerinde, mahpuslar için de sosyal yardım fonları kurulabilir
zero funds gap
(Ticaret) sıfır fon açığı
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plural form of fund
Financial resources

I don't know if I have the funds for this.

Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fund
{n} funded debts evidenced by certificates
the stock of money (cash and liquid resources), required by a business to continue producing or trading
money resources
Scholarships from the Varner and Anna Chance Fund provide need-based financial assistance and scholarships to individuals seeking to participate in the Epworth Forest Choir School program
One of the fundamental principles of governmental accounting is the fund Funds are usually established by legislation and provide an accounting mechanism for keeping track of money raised and spent for a specific activity or set of activities Governments have three broad type of funds and specific funds within those broad type of funds
a general term meaning 'money' of all types and from any sources
{i} monies, capital; cash
Third-person singular of to fund
Any monies (including checks, drafts, or other instruments); any commitment to provide money; or any commitment of insurance that has been, or may be, provided under the guarantor's programs to a borrower enrolled at and attending a participating school, or a borrower accepted for enrollment at a participating school
Available money
assets in the form of money
A term for USDCAD
1 The plural of Fund 2 Monies held in a CF centre or Fund
Plural of fund
funds transfer
transfer of money from one place to another; transfer of money from one bank account to another
funnel funds
transfer money to
forfeiture funds
plural form of forfeiture fund
To pay for
A sum or source of money
A money-management operation, such as a mutual fund

Several major funds were declared insolvent recently.

hedge funds
plural form of hedge fund
mutual funds
plural form of mutual fund
quant funds
plural form of quant fund
slush funds
plural form of slush fund
trust funds
plural form of trust fund
{n} a stock, stock or bank of money, capital
{v} to appropriate a fund or revenue to the regular payment of interest
Haluka funds
funds raised by the diaspora for Israel
appropriate funds
allocate funding, assign funds
appropriation of funds
allocation of financial resources
bolt funds
freeze funds, deny access to funds
cost of borrowed funds
total cost of taking out a loan (including interest and commission)
cost of funds
Average rate paid on funding liabilities
cost of funds
Refers to the interest and noninterest cost of obtaining equity and debt funds
cost of funds
the cost of borrowing money (the interest rate)
cost of funds
Monthly average cost of borrowings reported by members of the Federal Home Loan Bank system, calculated on either a national or regional basis The COF (Cost of Funds Index) is one of the indexes that a lender can use to determine the rate adjustments on ARM loans
cost of funds
Interest rate associated with borrowing money
donor funds
money that has been contributed by donors
electronic funds transfer
EFT when money is moved from one bank account, business etc to another using only computer systems
electronic funds transfer
(Ticaret) (EFT) Electronic systems that transmit standardized financial data, payments and other transactions between connected parties and do not use paper documents to increment or decrement accounts
electronic funds transfer
system which enables the transfer of sums of money from one account to another by computer
embezzle funds
fraudulently appropriate sums of money entrusted to one's care, misappropriate funds, defraud
equity funds
Mutual Funds that invest primarily in common shares The objective of an equity fund is usually long term growth through capital appreciation Some income may be earned from dividends, and interest could be earned when the fund is not fully invested in stocks
equity funds
Equity funds invest primarily in equity securities, or stock, of selected companies Quite simply, stock is an ownership share or shares of a corporation, which generally allows the owner or shareholder specific rights, such as voting and dividends
equity funds
A mutual fund that tends to be made up of stocks of companies that present potential for superior growth These funds tend to offer greater return potential than growth and income funds, but are typically more risky
escrow funds
funds held in escrow
federal funds
{i} (USA) reserve money lent and deposited overnight by one Federal Reserve Bank to another
flow of funds
passage of money from person to person in the course of economic activity
An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities and residual equities or balances, and changes therein
A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
An accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts for recording assets, liabilities, fund balance, and changes in fund balance Accounts with similar accounting and reporting requirements are classifed into funds
a reserve of money set aside for some purpose furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas"
Independent fiscal and accounting entity; e g , Public Works, Health and Capital Outlay Funds   Governmental entities, including counties, organize and operate their accounting and budgeting systems on a fund basis   The formal definition of a fund is a balanced set of accounts for a major County activity which shows an equal amount of income and expenditures   Funds may contain one or more budget units   With the exception of the General Fund, which accounts for general purpose spending and is funded by discretionary revenues, each fund is restricted to use for specified purposes   Establishing funds enables the County to account for the use of restricted revenue sources and carry on specific activities or pursue specific objectives
A four- to six-digit number denoting the first part of the FOAPAL The fund usually indicates how the money must be managed and/or spent For instance, money "left over" in the General Fund may not be carried over into the next fiscal year, and money in the Federal College Work Study fund (a restricted fund) may be spent only for that program
The 6-character fund number A fund is the unique identifier for a specific set of financial resources that needs tracking or management
To provide and appropriate a fund or permanent revenue for the payment of the interest of; to make permanent provision of resources (as by a pledge of revenue from customs) for discharging the interest of or principal of; as, to fund government notes
To put into the form of bonds or stocks bearing regular interest; as, to fund the floating debt
A store laid up, from which one may draw at pleasure; a supply; a full provision of resources; as, a fund of wisdom or good sense
In governmental accounting a fund may be described as representing a distinct phase of the activities of government and is controlled by a self-balancing group of accounts in which all of the financial transactions of the particular phase are recorded NOTE: A fund is both a sum of resources and an independent accounting entity A self- balancing group of accounts must be provided for each fund to show the assets and other resources, on one hand, and obligations, surplus, and other credits, on the other Accounts must also be set up to permit the identification of revenues and expenditures and receipts and disbursements with the fund to which they apply Although the General Fund is available for all legally authorized purposes, the definition also applies to it, for the fund can be used for governmental purposes only and expenditures cannot be made from it without legal authorization
When a person or organization funds something, they provide money for it. The airport is being privately funded by a construction group. a new privately funded scheme. = finance + -funded -funded government-funded institutions
A sum of money or other resources set aside for specific activities of a school district The fund accounts constitute a complete entity and all of the financial transactions for the particular fund are recorded in them
An invested sum, whose income is devoted to a specific object; as, the fund of an ecclesiastical society; a fund for the maintenance of lectures or poor students; also, money systematically collected to meet the expenses of some permanent object
provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest
A fund is an amount of money that is collected or saved for a particular purpose. a scholarship fund for undergraduate engineering students. see also trust fund
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording assets and liabilities for specific activities of the school system
{i} amount of money set aside for a specific purpose; supply
a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"
A stock or capital; a sum of money appropriated as the foundation of some commercial or other operation undertaken with a view to profit; that reserve by means of which expenses and credit are supported; as, the fund of a bank, commercial house, manufacturing corporation, etc
accumulate a fund for the discharge of a recurrent liability; "fund a medical care plan"
Used variously to denote the vehicle for securing contributions; the goal of a capital campaign; goals of a special program or project; or a philanthropic foundation See also: Fund (verb) Topic areas: Fundraising and Financial Sustainability
invest money in government securities provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest place or store up in a fund for accumulation convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds
An aggregation or deposit of resources from which supplies are or may be drawn for carrying on any work, or for maintaining existence
convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds
To place in a fund, as money
Independent fiscal and accounting entity; e g , Library Fund (See Schedule 1)
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts
A fiscal and accounting entity that has a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, as well as related liabilities and residual equity These are segregated to carry on specific activities or objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations
An independent accounting entity with its own assets, liabilities, and fund balance Generally, funds are established to account for financing of specific activities of an agency's operations
{f} finance, supply with money; allocate or set aside financial sums; extend a short-term obligation
An account or series of accounts reflecting resources of the University for unrestricted or restricted purposes
Comprised of funds provided by sponsors for a specified purpose A combination of appropriation, fund source, program year and type of funds (e g , HSF542002R) In SGL, a summary account established in the Treasury for each Appropriation and/or fund showing transactions to such accounts Each such account provides the framework for establishing a set of balanced accounts on the books of the agency concerned Fund is a required data element of the Charge Code for all types of funds
The ChartField which defines a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities and fund balance
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and other financial resources, together with all related liabilities, and residual equities or balances, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions, or limitations
A fiscal and accounting entity with a self balancing set of accounts in which cash and other financial resources, all related liabilities and residual equities, or balances and changes therein are recorded and segregated to carry on specific activities in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations
An independent fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording cash and/or other resources together with all related liabilities, obligations, reserves, and equities which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives
place or store up in a fund for accumulation
a reserve of money set aside for some purpose furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas" accumulate a fund for the discharge of a recurrent liability; "fund a medical care plan" invest money in government securities provide a fund for the redemption of principal or payment of interest place or store up in a fund for accumulation convert (short-term floating debt) into long-term debt that bears fixed interest and is represented by bonds
An independent fiscal and accounting entity with its own assets, liabilities, and fund balances Generally, funds are established to account for financing of specific activities of an agency's operations The funds of a local school systems are: Educational, Operations and Maintenance, Bond and Interest, Transportation, Municipal Retirement/Social Security, Work Cash, Rent, and Fire Prevention and Safety
Funds are amounts of money that are available to be spent, especially money that is given to an organization or person for a particular purpose. The concert will raise funds for research into Aids. government funds. see also fund-raising
A sum of money or other resources set aside for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives
a reserve of money set aside for some purpose
a financial institution that sells shares to individuals and invests in securities issued by other companies
If you have a fund of something, you have a lot of it. He is possessed of an extraordinary fund of energy. W3S3 to provide money for an activity, organization, event etc. International Monetary Fund mutual fund sinking fund trust fund World Wildlife Fund World Wide Fund for Nature United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund United Nations Children's Fund
furnish money for; "The government funds basic research in many areas"
invest money in government securities
A fund is a government accounting device which is like a checking or savings account Revenues are deposited in a fund, and expenditures are drawn from it Almost every local government has a general fund, which is usually its largest and usually pays employee wages and salaries, among other expenditures Most governments have other funds for specific purposes Debt service funds are used to pay interest and principal on bonds Cumulative funds are used to save for future capital expenditures Road and street funds are used to pay for road and street maintenance Each fund is accounted for separately, and usually there is no point in the budget process when all fund revenues or expenditures are added together G H
An independent accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts recording revenue and expenditure reported on an accrual basis together with residual equities, deficits, and changes therein, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specified activities or attaining certain objectives in accordance with special regulations, restrictions or limitations
The stock of a national debt; public securities; evidences (stocks or bonds) of money lent to government, for which interest is paid at prescribed intervals; called also public funds
hedge funds
an investment fund where the fund manager is authorised to use derivatives and borrowing to provide a higher return
hedge funds
Definition Coming Soon!
hedge funds
Speculative funds managing investments for private investors (in the US, such funds are unregulated if the number of investors does not exceed one hundred)
hedge funds
Funds that are extremely flexible in their investment options because they use financial instruments generally beyond the reach of mutual funds, which have SEC regulations and disclosure requirements that largely prevent them from using short-selling, leverage, concentrated investments and derivatives This flexibility, which includes use of hedging strategies to protect downside risk, gives hedge funds the ability to best manage investment risks
hedge funds
Correct at 30 June 2002
hedge funds
An investment fund where the fund manager is authorised to use derivatives and borrowing to provide a higher return, albeit at a higher risk
insufficient funds
inadequate financial resources
matching funds
funds that will be supplied in an amount matching the funds available from other sources
medicaid funds
public funds used to pay for medicaid
misuse of funds
use funds improperly, use funds illegally
money market funds
Funds which invest in short-term debt instruments - Treasury bills, commercial paper, bankers' acceptances, etc - that are issued and traded in the money market An investor's risk is low to moderate with these funds
money market funds
Almost all assets in Canadian money market instruments such as treasury bills, certificates of deposit, short-term government bonds and commercial paper
money market funds
A mutual fund that pools the resources of individuals to invest in certain managed investments
money market funds
Funds whose assets have to be invested in short term securities Due to the guarantee provided by them, they are almost equivalent to cash
money market funds
Best described as short-term versions of bonds These relatively low-risk variable funds hold very short-term securities such as U S government securities, certificates of deposit, cash and cash equivalents Investments in Money Market funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency Although they seek to preserve the value of your investment at $1 per share, it is possible to lose money in Money Market funds
money market funds
~ A professionally managed, diversified portfolio of short-term securities that seeks to preserve capital while providing income and liquidity There are two major types of money market funds, taxable and tax-free funds
money market funds
Noninsured, nonregulated private investment pools
money market funds
Mutual funds that invest in money-market instruments
money market funds
Refers to mutual funds which invest solely in money market instruments
money market funds
Investment funds which concentrate on money market instruments
money market funds
Invest in short-term securities, such as Treasury bills and commercial paper Degree of investment risk: low
money market funds
A mutual fund that invests in short-term investments These funds are generally sold as no load funds and may offer check writing privileges
money market funds
Invest in short-term securities, such as Treasury bills and commercial paper Degree of investment risk: low See also Treasury Bill (T-bill), Commercial Paper
money market funds
Refers to mutual funds investing solely in money market instruments
money market funds
A type of mutual fund composed of short-term debt instruments, including commercial paper, negotiable certificates of deposit, Eurodollar certificates of deposit, bankers' acceptances, Treasury bills, and discount notes of the Federal Home Loan Bank and the Federal National Mortgage Association The dealers in these markets, mainly located in New York, London, and Tokyo, are in constant touch with each other and major borrowers and investors, buying and selling these instruments, which can have maturities from a few days to a few weeks
money market funds
A basic, conservative investment option that offers investors moderate income with a highly stable principal
money market funds
MFIs which issue units that are close substitutes for deposits and which invest mainly in money market instruments and/or other transferable debt instruments with a residual maturity of up to one year, in bank deposits and/or deposits aiming for a yield close to that on money market instruments
mutual funds
– are corporations which accept dollars from savers and then use these dollars to buy stocks, long-term bonds, or short-term debt instruments issued by businesses or government units These organizations pool funds and thus reduce risks by diversifications There are literally hundreds of different mutual funds with dozens of different goals and purposes
mutual funds
Are pools of money managed by professionals Mutual funds may invest in a wide diversity of securities
mutual funds
These are open-end funds that are not listed for trading on a stock exchange and are issued by companies which use their capital to invest in other companies Mutual funds sell their own new shares to investors and buy back their old shares upon redemption Capitalization is not fixed and normally shares are issued as people want them
mutual funds
These are mutually owned funds invested in diversified securities Shareholders are issued certificates as evidence of their ownership and participate proportionately in the earnings of the fund
mutual funds
Mutually owned funds invested in diversified equities and/or securities Shareholders are issued certificates as evidence of their ownership and participate proportionately in the earnings of the fund
mutual funds
A mix of investments managed by a professional manager that may include stocks, bonds and cash investments Some mutual funds have high growth as their objective and may consist of high risk stocks Others may have more modest growth goals and show less volatility
mutual funds
(US) - organizations that place investors' money in a variety of stocks and shares
mutual funds
Definition Coming Soon!
mutual funds
The American term for Collective Investment Schemes
mutual funds
~ A mutual fund is a company that makes investments on behalf of investors with similar goals (e g , growth, income, etc ) As a shareholder, you participate in the fund's gains, losses, income and expenses in an amount proportionate to your investment
mutual funds
A fund that pools the money of its investors to buy a variety of securities
mutual funds
A mutual fund is a portfolio of investment securities held in the name of the fund, which is owned by people who have bought shares in the fund itself
mutual funds
Investment funds in which a large number of investors combine their money to purchase securities These securities make up a shared investment portfolio based on an investment strategy that is common to all fund investors
mutual funds
Mutual funds, or "funds" for short, are an investment vehicle according to which assets are pooled and jointly managed for investors, invested in securities or real estate Investors participate by owning shares
mutual funds
are a method of investing in various underlying investments such as stocks, bonds, mortgages, treasury bills and real estate Mutual funds provide the advantages of professional investment management, liquidity, investment record keeping and diversification Investing through mutual funds is the indirect ownership of the underlying investment vehicles
mutual funds
A type of managed investment company in which the investor owns a share of the portfolio assets equal to his number of shares in the fund
mutual funds
A mutual fund is an investment company that continually offers new shares and stands ready to redeem existing shares from the shareholders Mutual funds are regulated by the Investment Company Act of 1940 and vary substantially in terms of types of investments, their sales charges and their management fees Mutual funds offer their shareholders the opportunity to pool money with other investors with similar investment objectives Other benefits include continuous professional management of the fund's securities, diversification, or part ownership of dozens of different securities to help spread the risk, and easy-to-track performance Automatic reinvestment of earnings and ready liquidity also add to the list of benefits of mutual fund investing - which helps to explain their popularity There are currently more than 9,000 mutual funds available, and this number is growing each and every day
non-sufficient funds check
check written from an account lacking sufficient funds to cover it
pension funds
Funds launched to meet pension plan requirements Their management and custody is delegated to the management and depositary entities of pension plans They offer fiscal bonuses
pension funds
Pension funds usually have large amounts of money available for investment Because of the comparatively high yields and low risks offered by mortgages, pension funds have begun to participate actively in financing real estate projects Most real estate activity for pension funds is handled through mortgage bankers and mortgage brokers (See noninstitutional lenders)
pension funds
Savings of households that are invested in order to provide income during retirement Pension funds are frequently part of an employee's benefits package and are managed by investment companies
public funds
{i} money that belongs to the government and is used for the good of the public; money donated by individuals to be used for public good
reserve funds
Funding which has been set aside for a predetermined purpose
special funds
allocation of money for selected institutions
the national funds
treasury of the World Jewish Congress
trustee for public funds
one who administers a treasury of public funds
uncollected funds
The portion of bank deposits held as checks which have not yet been exchanged for funds from the bank on which the check was drawn
uncollected funds
Refers to items deposited in an account that have not yet been collected, or paid, by the bank on which they were drawn Unsecured credit - Credit that is not secured with collateral A customer can qualify for unsecured credit based on their credit history and financial strength U S Treasury bill - Commonly called a bill or T-bill A Treasury bill is a short-term government security sold through competitive bidding at weekly and monthly auctions in denominations from $10,000 to $1 million T-bills mature in less than one year, are the most widely used of all government debt securities and are a primary instrument of Federal Reserve monetary policy
uncollected funds
Reason for returned check: the amount of a check is greater than the amount in the debtor's checking account
uncollected funds
The amount credited to a depositor's account not yet available to the depositor Back to Top
uncollected funds
The amount of bank deposits in the form of checks that have not yet been paid by the banks on which the checks are drawn
uncollected funds
Funds that have been deposited in an account or cashed against an account by a check that has not yet been cleared through the check collection process and paid by the drawee bank Financial Institutions typically place a temporary hold on their customers' uncollected funds, making those funds unavailable for withdrawal until the time period of the hold expires
uncollected funds
The portion of the deposit not yet collected by Highland Bank If a negative collected balance occurs during the month, it will be charged interest at the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate plus 3%
uncollected funds
The dollar amount of deposited cash items that have been given immediate, provisional credit but are in the process of collection from drawee banks; also known as uncollected funds Also referred to as float
uncollected funds
Refers to items deposited in an account that have not yet been collected, or paid, by the bank on which they were drawn
uncollected funds
(see Uncleared Deposits)
withdrawal of funds
taking out money from a bank account