A modular package containing a radio-frequency (r f ) amplifier and any associated cryogenic systems, routers and converters (mixers), whose input is the voltage from a receptor and whose output is an intermediate-frequency (i f ) signal In some antenna systems, a feed and associated receptors are also packaged with a front end module, in an integrated front end box See also local oscillator
In a client/server application, front end refers to the part of the program carried out on the client computer
In a computer network, this specialized pre-processor relieves a host computer of a task such as line control, message handling, code conversion, or error control "'Front end" could also refer to a specific system that is placed in front of another system, such as a voice prompting unit in front of a PBX-ACD unit
The returns that come in as a result of a mailing, TV promo etc This may be paid or unpaid, but does not determine the end results
In the client/server model, the front-end part refers to the client side; it's where the user views and interacts with information from a server; for the Web, browsers provide the front end that communicates with Web servers on the back end FTP (File Transfer Protocol): The common procedure used for downloading and uploading files over the Internet With FTP you can login to another Internet site and transfer (meaning, send or receive) files Some sites have public file archives that you can access by using FTP with the account name "anonymous" and your e-mail address as the password This type of access is called anonymous FTP Macintosh owners use a program called Fetch; one of the best FTP programs for Windows is called WS-FTP
The first radio-frequency amplifier stage in a receiver One of the most critical components of the receiver because the sensitivity of the front end dictates the sensitivity of the entire receiver
The user interface that appears on a Web page and allows a visitor to the site to interact with dynamic features, including databases, shopping cart programs, and online purchase processing software
The client part of a client/server application that requests services across a network from a server, or back end It typically provides an interactive interface to the user, for example, a data entry front end, allowing data to be entered into a server through the use of SQL
When used with database management systems, an application, a window, or a set of windows by which the user may access and view database records, as well as add to or edit them
In semiconductor manufacturing, the fabrication process in which the integrated circuit is formed in and on the wafer Compare back end
A user interface which facilitates communication with another computer, or the working aspect of an application
The client interface In other words, the "front" side of a client-server application that directly communicates with the user
often refers to the early stages of C++ compilation, such as parsing and semantic analysis
The part of a software program that a user sees and interacts with The front end has to be carefully designed to be clear and straightforward to use
The RF input stages of a receiver Back to top GaAsFET A type of low noise RF transistor sometimes used in wireless microphone receivers
An area of the vehicle which includes the front bumper, grille, hood, fenders and headlamps
In Komag's manufacturing process, the front end is the initial process that includes the sizing and polishing of substrates, and the subsequent nickel plating and polishing of such substrates
The part of an application users see and interact with It can contain user interface elements as well as code
a kind of four-wheeled tractor, often yellow, used in construction, which has a one-man cabin and a large scoop at the front which can be used to dig up dirt or other material
(Bilgisayar) Front end and back end are generalized terms that refer to the initial and the end stages of a process.The front end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and processing it to conform to a specification the back end can use. The front end is an interface between the user and the back end
General term for client in the generic sense May include terminal emulation, web browsers, and client/server software RMLSs customers can use a variety of front-ends, including Viewpoint, PCAccess, Landmark Connect and Landmark Vista, to access data on Compass
The Front-End is a machine-dependent component of the translator, similar in level of complexity to the code-generating stage of a conventional compiler The Front-End decodes basic blocks of subject-machine code and interacts with the Kernel to build an intermediate representation of these basic blocks
{i} computer that does some set-up and filtering for another computer; software that provides a user-friendly interface for another program (Computers)
The Dataphor Frontend is an Interface Abstraction Layer that provides a uniform view of presentation The Frontend describes interfaces using an XML based language called Dataphor Interface Language (DIL)