
listen to the pronunciation of frequency
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
{i} sıklık

Sami artan sıklıkta ortaya çıktı. - Sami showed up with increasing frequency.

{i} frekans

Dört tip metal kullanarak belirli frekans rozansı bastırılır. - By using four types of metal, specific frequency resonance is suppressed.

İşlemcinin frekansı nedir? - What's the frequency of the processor?

(Kimya) sıksayı
(Dilbilim) ses frekansı
sık sık tekrarlanma
sık sık oluş
olma sıklığı
(Nükleer Bilimler) (inspection) frekans (muayene)
(Askeri) (ELECTRONIC) FREKANS (ELEKTRONİK): Periyodik bir olayın, bir zaman birimi içindeki tekerrür adedi. Elektriki frekanstan bahsederken zaman birimi olarak saniye kullanılır. Örneğin, saniyede 15.000 sikl'dir. Telsiz frekanslar, saniyede kilosikl olarak aşağıda gösterilen şekildedir: Çok alçak frekans (very low frequency, VLF) 30 dan aşağı, alçak frekans (low frequency LF) 30: 300; orta frekans (medium frequency MF) 300: 3000; yüksek frekans (high frequency HF) 3.000: 30.000; çok yüksek frekans (very high frequency VHF) 30.000: 300.000; ultra yüksek frekans, UHF) 300.000: 3.000.000; süper yüksek frekans (super high frequency, SHF) 3.000.000: 30.000.000; son derece yüksek frekans (extremely high frequency, EHF) 30.000.000: 300.000.000
belirli bir zaman içinde tekerrür etme sayısı
(Nükleer Bilimler) (puls repetition) frekans (darbe tekrarlama)
{i} titreşim sıklığı
{i} fiz. frekans
(Nükleer Bilimler) (fundamental) sıklık,frekans(temel)
frequency modulation radyo frekans modülasyonu
(Tıp) Frekans, titreşim sayısı (elektrik, ışık veya ses dalgaları hk.)
{i} sık sık olma
(Askeri) dizi
(Askeri) elektronik frekans
(Askeri) sıra

Şu sıralardaki deprem sıklığı bizi endişelendiriyor. - The recent frequency of earthquakes makes us nervous.

frequency meter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) frekansölçer
frequency shift
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) frekans ötelemesi
frequency swing
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) uçtan uca frekans değişimi
frequency changer
frekans değiştirici
frequency channel
tezlik arnası
frequency control
frekans kontrolü
frequency curve
frekans eğrisi
frequency curve
sıklık eğrisi
frequency distribution
frekans dağılımı
frequency distribution
sıklık dağılımı
frequency error
frekans hatası
frequency graph
frekans grafiği
frequency indicator
frekans gösterici
frequency modulation
frekans modülasyonu
frequency response
frekans cevabı
frequency allocation
frekans ayırımı
frequency analysis
Frekans analizi
frequency analysis
Frekans analizi, rezonans analizi
frequency bridge
frekans köprüsü
frequency capping
(Reklam) Reklamcılıkta frekans ayarlamaReklamın ziyaretçiye sınırlı sayıda gösterilmesi.Websitesi ziyaretcisine gösterilen reklamın sınırlanması anlamına gelen reklamcılık terimi.Bir sitenin bir ziyaretçisinin bir reklamı görme sıklığının sınırlandırılması demek. Adserver üzerinde uygulanan bu özellik sayesinde bir ziyaretçinin, belli süre içinde bir reklamı en fazla kaç kere göreceği belirlenir ve ziyaretçi reklamı belirlenen kereden fazla görmemez. Böylece ziyaretçi gereğinden fazla reklama maruz kalmaz. ilgisi/tepkisi azalmaz. Bu durum kampanya etkiniğini arttırmaktadır

kısaltması: FC.

frequency channel
frekans kanalı
frequency converter
frekans konvertisörü, frekans çevireci
frequency converter
frekans dönüştürücü
frequency data of serials
seri sıklığı verileri
frequency departure
frekans sapması, kayması
frequency discriminator
frekans diskriminatörü, frekans ayıklayıcı
frequency distortion
frekans distorsiyonu
frequency distribution
(İstatistik) TEKERRÜR DAÐİLİMİ, TEKERRÜR HESABı: Kriptografide açık veya kriptolu metinlerdeki nisbi tekerrür miktarının sayılması. Buna "frequency count" da denir
frequency domain
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Frekans şıklık bölgesi, frekans ortamı
frequency drift
frekans kayması
frequency filter
frekans süzgeci
frequency fraction
frekans bölünmesi
frequency function
frekans fonksiyonu, şıklık işlevi
frequency graph
frekans grafiği, şıklık çizenegi
frequency modulated; field manual
frekans modüle; alan kılavuzu
frequency modulator
frekans modülatörü
frequency of occurrence
rastlanma sıklığı
frequency of publication
Yayın frekansı
frequency of usage
kullanım sıklığı
frequency polygon
çokluk poligonu
frequency pulling
frekans sürüklenmesi
frequency range
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Frekans aralığı
frequency regulator
frekans regülatörü
frequency relay
frekans rölesi
frequency response
(Mühendislik) Frekans yanıtsaması
frequency standard
frekans standardı
frequency tolerance
frekans toleransı
frequency vocabulary
frequency agility
frekans (siklik) cevikligi
frequency aliasing distortion
spektral ortusme bozulmasi
frequency aspect
(Dilbilim) sıklık görünüşü
frequency assignment
frekans tahsisi
frequency band
(Askeri) FREKANS BANDI: Muhabere ve elektronikte; iki terminal frekans arasında uzanan devamlı bir frekanslar dizisi
frequency chart
(Ticaret) frekans grafiği
frequency coding
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) frekans kodlama
frequency converter
(Nükleer Bilimler) frekans çeviricisi
frequency count
(Askeri) TEKERRÜR HESABI: Bak. "frequency distribution"
frequency count
(Dilbilim) sıklık sayımı
frequency count
(Askeri) frekans hesabı
frequency counter
frekans (siklik) sayaci
frequency deviation
siklik sapmasi
frequency distribution
(Askeri) TEKERRÜR DAĞILIMI, TEKERRÜR HESABI: Kriptografide açık veya kriptolu metinlerdeki nisbi tekerrür miktarının sayılması. Buna "frequency count" da denir
frequency diversity
frekans (siklik) cesitlemesi
frequency divider
siklik bolucu
frequency division
frekans (siklik) bolusumu
frequency division multiple access
frekans bolusumlu coklu erisim
frequency division multiplexing
(Askeri) frekans bölmeli çoklama
frequency domain
frekans (siklik) bolgesi
frequency doubler
frekansi (sikligi) ikiye katlayan devre
frequency downconverter
frekansi (sikligi) asagi kaydirici
frequency exchange keying
(Askeri) frekans değişim anahtarlaması
frequency graph
(Matematik) sıklık çizeneği
frequency hopping
frekans (siklik) hoplamasi
frequency inverter
(Tekstil) frekans invertörü
frequency locking
frekans (siklik) kenetlemesi
frequency management office
(Askeri) frekans yönetim ofisi
frequency management training net
(Askeri) frekans yönetim eğitim ağı
frequency modulation
(Askeri) FREKANS MODÜLASYONU: Taşıyıcı dalga frekansının modülasyon istihbaratına göre değiştirildiği bir modülasyon usulü
frequency monitor
frekans gozleyici
frequency multiplier
siklik carpici
frequency of light
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ışık frekansı
frequency ratio
frekans oranı
frequency record
(Elektrik, Elektronik) frekans kaydı
frequency resource record system
(Askeri) frekans kaynak kayıt sistemi
frequency response
frekans (siklik) yaniti
frequency response characteristics
frekans (siklik) yaniti ozellikleri
frequency scaling
siklik eksenin olceklenmesi
frequency selective fading
secici sonumlenme
frequency selectivity
frekans (siklik) seciciligi
frequency series
(Tarım) tekerrür serileri
frequency shift
frekans (siklik) otelemesi
frequency shift key
(Askeri) frekans kaydırma anahtarı
frequency shift keying
(Askeri) FREKANS KAYMALI GÖNDERME: Bir telgraf veya bilgi kodu işaret ve aralık unsurlarını, taşıyıcı dalga frekansı sabit bir miktar kaydırılarak gönderme usulü
frequency spectrum
(Askeri) FREKANS TAYFI, FREKANS SPEKTRUMU (HV.): Titreşim sayısı veya bir zaman biriminde çevrim olarak alçak bir frekanstan yüksek bir frekansa uzanan frekanslar dizisi
frequency stability
frekans (siklik) kararliligi
frequency step
frekans adımı
frequency swing
uctan uca  frekans degisimi
frequency table
(İstatistik) sıklık çizelgesi
frequency theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) frekans teorisi
frequency translation
frekans otelemesi
frequency upconverter
frekansi (sikligi) yukari kaydirici
frequency valve
frekans valfi
frame frequency
çerçeve frekansı
fracture frequency
(Jeoloji) çatlak sıklığı
relative frequency interpretation
(Politika, Siyaset) Göreli sıklık yorumu
audio frequency
ses dalgalarının frekansı
audio frequency
(Elektrik, Elektronik) alçak frekans
audio frequency
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işitme bandı sıklığı
authorized frequency
(Bilgisayar) yetkilendirilmiş sıklık
bass frequency
(Fizik) alçak frekans
collision frequency
(Bilgisayar,Fizik) çarpışma sıklığı
commander frequency
(Askeri) komuta frekansı
corner frequency
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) köşe sıklığı
cumulative frequency curve
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) birikimsel sıklık eğrisi
cyclic frequency
çevrimsel sıklık
discrete frequency spectrum
ayrık sıklık spektrumu
exposure frequency
(Tıp) maruziyet sıklığı
extremely low frequency
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) çok alçak frekans
gene frequency
(Biyoloji) gen frekansı
instantaneous frequency
anı frekans
instantaneous frequency
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) anlık sıklık
interfering frequency
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) karışma sıklığı
intermediate frequency
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) ara sıklık
medium frequency
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) orta sıklık
medium frequency
300-3000 KHz
medium frequency
(Bilgisayar) orta sıklık 300-3000 khz
normal frequency
(Askeri) çalışma frekansı
penetration frequency
(Bilgisayar) girim sıklığı
penetration frequency
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) girim frekansı
rated frequency
anma frekansı
receiving frequency
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) alış sıklığı
relative frequency
(Bilgisayar,İstatistik) göreli frekans
relative frequency
(Bilgisayar,İstatistik) göreli sıklık
resonance frequency
(Bilgisayar) çınlama sıklığı
resonance frequency
(Fizik,Teknik) çınlama frekansı
restricted frequency
(Askeri) saklı frekans
sampling frequency
örnekleme sıklığı
spatial frequency
(Bilgisayar) uzamsal sıklık
spatial frequency
uzamsal frekans
trip frequency limit
(Denizbilim) sefer sıklığı sınırı
vibration frequency
titreşim frekansı
vision carrier frequency
(Televizyon) resim taşıyan frekans
vision carrier frequency
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim taşıyıcı frekans
vision frequency
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim taşıyıcı frekans
vision frequency
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim frekansı
vision intermediate frequency
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim ara frekansı
absolute frequency
maksimum frekans
actual frequency
efektif frekans
angular frequency
açısal frekans
antiresonance frequency
antirezonans frekansı
atomic frequency
atom frekansı
audio frequency
ses dalgası frekansı
automatic frequency control
otomatik frekans kontrolu
autosave frequency
otomatik kaydetme sıklığı
basic frequency
temel frekans
bass frequency
bas frekans
beat frequency
darbe frekansı
beat frequency oscillator
darbe frekansı osilatörü
bohr frequency condition
bohr sıklık koşulu
carrier frequency
taşıyıcı frekans
cavity frequency meter
boşluk frekansmetresi
centre frequency
orta frekans
channel frequency
arna tezliği
channel frequency
kanal frekansı
clock frequency
saat frekansı
collision frequency
çarpışma frekansı
common frequency broadcasting
ortak frekanslı yayın
component frequency
eleman frekansı
constant frequency
sabit frekans
constant frequency oscillator
sabit frekanslı osilatör
critical frequency
kritik frekans
crossover frequency
geçiş frekansı
cumulative frequency
birikimli frekans
cyclotron frequency
siklotron frekansı
difference frequency
fark frekansı
distress frequency
imdat çağrı frekansı
distress frequency
imdat frekansı
dot frequency
nokta frekansı
double frequency
çift frekans
double frequency oscillator
çift frekanslı osilatör
extremely high frequency
aşırı yüksek frekans
extremely low frequency
aşırı alçak frekans
fundamental frequency
ana frekans
heterodyne frequency
heterodin frekansı
heterodyne frequency meter
heterodin frekansmetre
high frequency
yüksek frekans
high frequency
kısa dalga
high frequency alternator
yüksek frekans alternatörü
high frequency amplification
yüksek frekans amplifikasyonu
high frequency cable
yüksek frekans kablosu
high frequency capacitance microphone
yüksek frekans kapasite mikrofonu
high frequency circuit
yüksek frekans devresi
high frequency coil
yüksek frekans bobini
high frequency discharge
yüksek frekanslı deşarj
high frequency drying
yüksek frekanslı kurutma
high frequency heating
yüksek frekans enerjisiyle ısıtma
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The quotient of the number of times n a periodic phenomenon occurs over the time t in which it occurs: f = n / t
The rate of occurrence of anything; the relationship between incidence and time period
The property of occurring often rather than infrequently
the comparative number of any kind of occurrences within a given time or space
{n} a common occurrence, a concourse
The number of times a wave completes its cycle per unit of time The frequency of a soundwave determines the pitch Usually, frequency is measured in Hz which is the number of cycles (undulations) of the wave per second Click here for a picture of a wave cycle
the number of wave oscillations per unit time or the number of wavelengths that pass a point per unit time
In physics, the number of waves that pass a fixed point in a specific unit time; also the number of cycles or vibrations undergone during one unit of time by a body in periodic motion (As simple as it gets!)
A measure of the number of oscillations per second Measured in Hertz (Hz)
{i} quality of occurring frequently or regularly; rate at which a function reoccurs; number of occurrences within a given period of time; number of wave cycles within a given period of time (i.e. the frequency of a radio wave)
the number of observations in a given statistical category
A crowd; a throng
The number of light waves passing a fixed point unit of time, or the number of complete vibrations in that period of time
The number of times an electromagnetic signal repeats an identical cycle in a unit of time, usually one second One Hertz (Hz) is one cycle per second A kHz (Kilohertz) is one thousand cycles per second; a MHz (Megahertz) is one million cycles per second; a gHz (Gigahertz) is one billion cycles per second
the number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second); "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second"
The number of oscillations of a signal per unit of time: usually expressed in cycles per second (cps) or hertz (Hz)
The number of complete oscillations (cycles) that an electromagnetic wave makes in a second, usually expressed in hertz; or the number of sound waves per second produced by a sounding body
The number of repetitions per unit time of the oscillations of an electromagnetic wave (or other wave) The higher the frequency, the greater the energy of the radiation and the smaller the wavelength Frequency is measured in Hertz
The number of cycles per second of a wave (i e sound wave)
Simply the number of events or cycles that occur in a time period, usually one second Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), which are the number of cycles per second (e g , Humans can experience sound from 20 Hz to over 20,000 Hz )
The number of times something happens in a certain period of time, such as the ground shaking up and down or back and forth during an earthquake
The number of times a periodic action occurs in a unit of time Expressed in hertz (abbreviated Hz) One hertz equals one cycle per second
In physics, the frequency of a sound wave or a radio wave is the number of times it vibrates within a specified period of time. You can't hear waves of such a high frequency. a frequency of 24 kilohertz. low frequency waves. Number of waves that pass a fixed point per unit time; also, the number of cycles or vibrations undergone in unit time by a body in periodic motion. Frequency f is the reciprocal of the time T taken to complete one cycle (the period), or 1/T. The frequency with which earth rotates is once per 24 hours. Frequency is usually expressed in units called hertz (Hz). One hertz is equal to one cycle per second; one kilohertz (kHz) is 1,000 Hz, and one megahertz (MHz) is 1,000,000 Hz. The musical pitch A above middle C (the A string of a violin) has been widely standardized as 440 Hz
A measurement of a signal's vibration, represented as cycles per second or Hertz (Hz)
the number of wave crests that pass a point every second Measured in hertz (Hz) For electromagnetic radiation, the frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength
For an alternating current, the frequency is the number of times that the current goes through a complete cycle per second It is measured in Hertz (cycles per second)
The number of cycles per unit of time, denoted by Hertz (Hz) 1 Hertz = 1 cycle per second
Number of wave vibrations per second; 1 Hertz is one cycle per second (e g , 1420 MHz = 1,420,000,000 vibrations per second)
the number of back-and-forth cycles per second, in a wave or wave-like process Expressed this way, the frequency is said to be given in units of Hertz (Hz), named after the scientist who first produced and observed radio waves in the lab Alternating current in homes in the US goes through 60 cycles each second, hence its frequency is 60 Hertz; in Europe it is 50 cycles and 50 Hertz Radio signals have a frequency in the thousand (kilo) Hertz range and because all electromagnetic radiation can be described as a wave, visible light also has a frequency
The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles
The frequency of an event is the number of times it happens during a particular period. The frequency of Kara's phone calls increased rapidly The tanks broke down with increasing frequency
the number of observations in a given statistical category the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations the number of occurrences within a given time period (usually 1 second); "the frequency of modulation was 40 cycles per second
The number of cycles per second of an AC wave measured in hertz (Hz)
The rate at which an electrical current alternates, expressed as the number of cycles per unit of time (from crest to crest in a sine wave pattern); frequency is typically measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second
The rate of alteration in an electric current or electromagnetic wave, expressed in cycles per second or Hertz (Hz) The number of complete cycles of a periodic waveform per unit time
the ratio of the number of observations in a statistical category to the total number of observations
The number of times that an electrical or electromagnetic signal repeats itself in a specified time It is usually expressed in cycles per second, or hertz (Hz) Satellite transmission frequencies are usually expressed in gigahertz (GHz)
1 a: Cycles per unit of time b: The number of times an electromagnetic wave goes through a complete cycle in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz) : the frequencies of audiblespeech lie in the range of 400-2000 Hz
Number of pulses or cycles per second; measured in units of Hertz (Hz) where 1 hertz equals 1 pulse/cycle per second 1 KHz = 1 thousand cycles per second; 1 MHz = 1 million cycles per second; 1 GHz = 1 billion cycles per second
frequency assignment
An authorization, given by an administration, for a radio station to use a radio frequency or radio frequency channel under specified conditions
frequency assignment
The process of authorizing a specific frequency, group of frequencies, or frequency radio band to be used at a certain location under specified conditions, such as bandwidth, power, azimuth, duty cycle, or modulation. '
frequency channel
The band used by one customer, among the given total frequency spectrum
frequency modulation
the use of a modulating wave to vary the instantaneous frequency of a carrier wave
frequency multiplier
an electronic circuit that produces an output frequency that is an integral multiple of an input frequency
frequency multipliers
plural form of frequency multiplier
frequency shift keying
Alternative spelling of frequency-shift keying
frequency-shift keying
A form of frequency modulation in which digital information is transmitted through discrete changes of the frequency of a carrier wave
Frequency Division Multiple Access
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is an access technology that is used by radio systems to share the radio spectrum. The terminology “multiple access” implies the sharing of the resource amongst users, and the “frequency division” describes how the sharing is done: by allocating users with different carrier frequencies of the radio spectrum
frequency analysis
In cryptanalysis, frequency analysis is the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters in a ciphertext
frequency capping
Frequency capping is a term in advertising that means restricting (capping) the amount of times (frequency) a specific visitor to a website is shown a particular advertisement. This restriction is applied to all websites that serve ads from the same advertising network
frequency capping
(Reklam) Restriction on the amount of times a specific visitor is shown a particular advertisement.Frequency capping is a term in advertising that means restricting (capping) the amount of times (frequency) a specific visitor to a website is shown a particular advertisement
frequency response
Frequency response is the quantitative measure of the output spectrum of a system or device in response to a stimulus, and is used to characterize the dynamics of the system
frequency band
A continuous range of frequencies extending between two limiting frequencies
frequency band
The C-Band includes 3900 to 6200 MHz A part of the band is used for aeronautical services ; satellite feeder links and MLS
frequency band
  See electromagnetic spectrum
frequency band
assigned for transmitting radio or television signals
frequency band
The range of frequencies occupied by a signal or which can be transmitted by a communication channel
frequency band
A particular range of frequencies
frequency band
A range of frequencies used for transmission or reception of radio waves (e g 10 7 GHz to 12 75 GHz)
frequency band
A range of frequencies in a particular region of the electromagnetic spectrum
frequency band
A range of electromagnetic wave frequencies, expressed in cycles per second, that carry satellite signals
frequency band
a band of adjacent radio frequencies e
frequency control
mechanism which regulates frequency
frequency converter
device which changes the frequency of transmitting waves
frequency distribution
A set of intervals, usually adjacent and of equal width, into which the range of a statistical distribution is divided, each associated with a frequency indicating the number of measurements in that interval. In statistics, a graph or data set organized to show the frequency of occurrence of each possible outcome of a repeatable event observed many times. Simple examples are election returns and test scores listed by percentile. A frequency distribution can be graphed as a histogram or pie chart. For large data sets, the stepped graph of a histogram is often approximated by the smooth curve of a distribution function (called a density function when normalized so that the area under the curve is 1). The famed bell curve or normal distribution is the graph of one such function. Frequency distributions are particularly useful in summarizing large data sets and assigning probabilities
frequency distribution
a distribution of observed frequencies of occurrence of the values of a variable
frequency divider
device which splits frequencies (radio, etc.)
frequency modulation
A type of modulation in which the frequency of the carrier wave is varied above and below its normal frequency be an amount that is proportional to the amplitude of the impressed signal In this case, the amplitude of the modulated carrier wave remains constant
frequency modulation
Transmission method in which the frequency of the carrier wave is changed to correspond to changes in the signal wave
frequency modulation
a modulation technique that varies (i e modulates) the carrier frequency of a transmitter in accordance with variations in the strength of the modulating audio signal
frequency modulation
A method of modulation in which the frequency of the carrier voltage is varied with the frequency of the modulation voltage (Also see Amplitude Modulation) 2
frequency modulation
a periodic variation of frequency, creating vibrato
frequency modulation
The frequency of the radio frequency carrier is made to be proportional to the information signal
frequency modulation
An analog modulation technique whereby the frequency of a carrier is varied to encode information
frequency modulation
A type of modulation in which the frequency of a continuous radio carrier wave is varied in accordance with the properties of a second (modulating) wave
frequency modulation
The alteration of the carrier wave frequency to represent 0s and 1s
frequency modulation
A method of data transmission whereby the frequency of a sinusoidal waveform (carrier) is changed in accordance with the information that is to be transmitted
frequency modulation
French: modulation de fréquence (FM) The process of modifying the frequency of a carrier wave in step with the amplitude variations of the signal to be transmitted
frequency modulation
A modulation method in which the frequency of one wave (the carrier) is controlled by the amplitude of another wave (the modulator) Low-frequency FM results in vibrato Modulator frequencies that are themselves in the audio range result in the generation of sideband tones that are not necessarily present in either the carrier or the modulator
frequency modulation
Representation of data or signal states by using different transmission frequencies Where data is in binary form the modulation constitutes two transmission frequencies and is referred to as Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)
frequency modulation
Placing a sound wave on a carrier wave in such a way that the number of recurrences is varied; stations that broadcast between 88 and 108 megahertz 1 14, 14 6
frequency modulation
– Data trans-mission method that encodes data values as variations in the frequency of an analog carrier wave
frequency modulation
A process in which the intelligence of a signal is represented by variations in the frequency of the oscillation of the signal
frequency modulation
A change in the frequency (pitch) of a signal At low modulation rates, FM is perceived as vibrato or some type of trill, depending on the shape of the modulating waveform When the modulating wave is in the audio range (above 20Hz or so), FM is perceived as a change in tone color FM synthesizers, commonly found on computer soundcards, create sounds using audio-range frequency modulation
frequency modulation
A modulation technique where the frequency of the carrier signal is changed by the amplitude of the information signal
frequency modulation
The encoding of a carrier wave by variation of its frequency in accordance with an input signal
frequency modulation
A means of adding voice or data to a radio frequency transmission by varying the carrier frequency Broadcast stations in the 88-108 MHz "FM" band and television station sound channels use this modulation technique FM is relatively insensitive to the static sources that AM is prone to
frequency modulation
A form of modulation in which the frequency of the modulated carrier wave is varied in proportion to the amplitude of the modulating wave In this case the phase of the carrier varies with the integral of the modulating wave See also modulation
frequency modulation
(FM) A form of modulation in which the frequency of the carrier is varied in accordance with the instantaneous value of the modulating signal See also amplitude modulation (AM)
frequency modulation
In addition to being a basic synthesizer technique used by some synthesizers, many synthesizers have a feature which allows you to modulate the frequency (pitch) of an oscillator or filter, producing rich and complex tones Also known as FM
frequency modulation
Changing the carrier wave frequency according to changes in an information stream
frequency modulation
One of three basic methods (see also Amplitude and Phase Modulation) of adding information to a sine wave signal in which its frequency is varied to impose information on it
frequency modulation
alteration of the frequency of transmitting waves to reduce static in the transmitted sound or image
frequency modulation
modulation of the frequency of the (radio) carrier wave
frequency modulation
  Modulation in which the instantaneous frequency of a sine wave carrier is caused to depart from the center frequency by an amount proportional to the instantaneous value of the modulating signal (188)  Note 1: In FM, the carrier frequency is called the center frequency   Note 2: FM is a form of angle modulation   Note 3:   In optical communications, even if the electrical baseband signal is used to frequency-modulate an electrical carrier  (an "FM" optical communications system), it is still the intensity of the lightwave that is varied (modulated) by the electrical FM carrier   In this case, the "information,"as far as the lightwave is concerned, is the electrical FM carrier   The lightwave is varied in intensity at an instantaneous rate corresponding to the instantaneous frequency of the electrical FM carrier   [After FAA]
frequency polygon
graph of a frequency distribution; scores are plotted on the X axis, and frequencies are plotted on the Y axis
frequency polygon
A graph that displays the frequency of scores by connecting points representing them above each score
frequency polygon
A graph of a frequency distribution with values of the variable on the x-axis and the number of observations on the y-axis; data points are plotted at the midpoints of the intervals and are connected with a straight line
frequency range
span of frequencies
frequency response
A graph of a system's response to a different frequency input signals
frequency response
The frequency response of a system is a curve showing how well the system passes various frequencies A filter is characterized by the shape of its frequency response Good audio systems have a flat frequency response in the audible range of 20 to 20,000 Hertz
frequency response
The range of frequencies over which the transducer voltage output will follow the sinusoidally varying mechanical input within specified limits
frequency response
A term which describes the relationship between a device's input and output with regard to signal frequency and amplitude 2
frequency response
The change of gain with frequency
frequency response
The range of signal frequencies supplied by an amplifier or reproduced by a speaker or microphone, as specified by the upper and lower bounds of the frequency range in Hertz (Hz) Typically, 20Hz to 20kHz encompasses the full range of human hearing and separate audio speakers generally serve different segments of this range
frequency response
The range of frequencies over which a device operates as expected
frequency response
A measure of the output of gain of a device across a range of frequencies of the input signal
frequency response
How sensitive an electronic device (mic, amplifier, speaker, etc ) is to various frequencies; often communicated with a graph
frequency response
The portion of the frequency spectrum over which a device can be used, within specified limits of amplitude error
frequency response
How well a circuit or system transmits the frequencies that are applied to it (e g , The frequency response of my new amplifier was virtually flat from 20 Hz up to 20,000 Hz )
frequency response
How the different frequencies are reproduced in a system The human ear, at its best, has a frequency response of about 20 Hz to about 20 KHz (20,000 cycles per second) Good electronic audio equipment may have a response of 20 Hz to 20 KHz plus or minus 1 dB
frequency response
Range of frequencies that will operate in a given electrical circuit See optical frequency response
frequency response
(electronics) a response depicting the output-to-input ratio of a transducer as a function of frequency
frequency response
The frequency domain response of a circuit to a periodic input signal; a description of how a circuit will behave in the presence of an input signal that continuously repeats
frequency response
The characteristic of a device denoting the range of frequencies over which it may be used effectively
frequency response
The range of frequencies that a device can reproduce or record The human ear has a frequency response of roughly 20 to 20,000 Hz
frequency response
- The range of frequencies that a component is capable of playing This measurement is meaningless unless a tolerance is included, like +/- 3dB A wider frequency response and narrower tolerances indicate better performance
frequency response
The ability of a system or elements of the system to react or respond to a change in system frequency
frequency response
a measure of how "wide" a set of frequencies an amplifier will pass Typically, this is specified as the frequency span between the lower and upper points where the amplitude of the signal has fallen off -3dB, or 0 707 times the midband voltage level Closely related is the term "flatness", which specifies the deviation from center in the passband
frequency response
the frequency range to which a system, or any part of it, can respond Unless a limit of variation in intensity is stated, this specification is meaningless
frequency response
(electronics) a graph of frequency response with signal amplitude or gain plotted against frequency
frequency response
A graph which shows how a system or piece of equipment or even an environment such as a room responds to different frequencies Ideally, for audio work the graph should plot a flat line from below 20 Hz to above 20 kHz In practise this is often not achieved, and the line will fluctuate up and down between these points, indicating that the equipment or environment makes some frequencies louder or quieter than others Humans have a well documented "non-flat" response and this is the response used to specify the dB(A) scale for determining loudness The term should not be confused with bandwidth which concerns itself only with the attenuation above an upper limit frequency and below a lower limit frequency and does not concern itself with the range between them
frequency response
The range of frequencies the speaker will reproduce (lowest frequency to the highest) The wider the range, the better While the optimal normal is 20 - 20,000 Hz (Hertz), the range of human hearing for individuals is often much more restricted A good speaker system however, will reproduce as much of this range as possible, to cover all variations
frequency response
The range of frequencies that are reproducible by a speaker or electronic component
frequency response
The range where a consistent or constant level (in decibels) is found after testing a speaker system with sine waves Also, the statement of the results of this measurement, expressed in decibels of the change in amplitude within the constant frequency amplitude range, for example: +/- 3 dB from 35 Hz to 20 kHz Generally, a wide range with low variation in amplitude in that range is desirable
frequency response
1 The portion of the frequency spectrum which can be sensed by a device within specified limits of amplitude error
frequency selector
switch which enables one to choose one of a number of available frequencies
frequency-response curve
(electronics) a graph of frequency response with signal amplitude or gain plotted against frequency
angular frequency
A scalar measure of rate of rotation
audio frequency
A frequency, or range of frequencies of sound waves, that are audible
high frequency gravitational wave
Alternative spelling of high-frequency gravitational wave
Of or pertaining to high frequency sound or other radiation
high-frequency gravitational wave
gravitational radiation, in the megahertz to gigahertz region, which is proposed to have been produced by the Big Bang or by the collision of massive astronomical objects or artificially in the laboratory. Gravitational waves having frequencies higher than 100 kHz
high-frequency gravitational waves
plural form of high-frequency gravitational wave
intermediate frequency
A frequency to which a carrier frequency is shifted as an intermediate step in transmission or reception; generally associated with superheterodyne receivers
radio frequency
A frequency in this range
radio frequency
That part of the electromagnetic spectrum, between about 3 kHz and 300 MHz, within which radio waves are transmitted
radio frequency integrated circuit
An integrated circuit containing analog circuitry operating at frequencies in and above the ultrahigh frequency band
Of or pertaining to electromagnetic radiation in the radio frequency band of the spectrum
radio-frequency identification
The storage and retrieval of data using tags attached to individual packages, animals or people; the tags contain an integrated circuit to store and process the data, and an antenna to transmit and receive such data
very high frequency
The frequency area from 30 MHz through 300 MHz, commonly used for radio and TV broadcasting
angular frequency
The frequency of a steadily recurring phenomenon expressed in radians per second. A frequency in hertz can be converted to an angular frequency by multiplying it by 2p
Also called "marginals " In survey research, the number of respondents who responded to each of the possible answers to a question Often codebooks list the frequency of response to each question
The number of recurrences of a periodic phenomenon, such as a carrier wave, during a set time period, such as a second 10 1, 14 5
plural of frequency
Any of the electromagnetic waves that are used for radio and television transmission
(Also called "marginals ") In survey research, the number of respondents who responded to each of the possible answers to a question Often codebooks list the frequency of response to each question So, for instance, you might be able to tell from a codebook how many House Members voted in favor of a bill and how many voted against it
A report of how many responses that a question received, for the purpose of building a banner, e g , if 1,000 did a questionnaire and only 3 responded to a certain question it is not worth putting on as a banner
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение frequency в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

extreme high frequency
(Havacılık) ehf
high frequency
(Havacılık) hf