freilassung (aus der sklaverei)

listen to the pronunciation of freilassung (aus der sklaverei)
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
{n} the act of releasing slaves, freedom
release from slavery, freedom, the act of manumitting
a formal written act to free slaves
The act of releasing from slavery, usually by the slave owner
The act of manumitting, or of liberating a slave from bondage
The freeing or emancipation of chattel slaves by their owners, which became more com­mon in the upper South in the wake of so much talk during the American Revolution about human lib­erty George Washington was among those planters who provided for the manumission of his slaves after the death of his wife Martha
manumission is the act of being released from slavery or servitude
{i} act of freeing a slave from bondage, act of emancipating
The act of being released from slavery
n manumit, v Emancipation; the act of setting slaves free; the formal release from slavery
the formal act of freeing from slavery; "he believed in the manumission of the slaves
A formal, written act to free slaves
the formal act of freeing from slavery; "he believed in the manumission of the slaves"
freilassung (aus der sklaverei)