
listen to the pronunciation of four-
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение four- в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь

<span class="word-self">fourspan>

Bir, iki, üç, dört, beş, altı, yedi, sekiz, dokuz, on. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Etli pilav sekiz yuan. Vejetaryen pilav sadece dört yuan. - The pilaf with meat is eight yuan. The vegetarian pilaf is only four yuan.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-bladed
dört kanatlı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-colour printing
dört renkli baskı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-cycle
dört devirli
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-cycle engine
dört zamanlı motor
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-cylinder engine
dört silindirli motor
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-dimensional
dört boyutlu
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-footed
dört ayaklı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-layer
dört katmanlı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-layer
dört tabakalı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
açık saçık söz
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-masted
dört direkli
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-phase
dört fazlı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster
dört direkli karyola
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke engine
dört zamanlı motor
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel
dört tekerlekli
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-door
dört kapılı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-eyes
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-fifths
beste dördü
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-laef clover
Dört yapraklı yonca

If you find afour-leaf clover,it will bring you good luck.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf
Dört yapraklı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clover
dört yapraklı yonca
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-o'clock
Akşamsefası (Mirabilis jalapa), Gecesefası olarak da bilinir, Akşamsefasıgiller (Nyctaginaceae) familyasından çok yıllık bir süs bitkisi
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-on-the-floor
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster bed
dört direkli yatak
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stage rocket
dört aşamalı roket
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-way
Dört yollu
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
Dört çekerli sürüş sistemi
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
Dört tekerlekten çekişli
two wheels are better than <span class="word-self">fourspan>
(Ev ile ilgili) Riding a bike is better than driving a car
field <span class="word-self">fourspan>
(Bilgisayar) dördüncü alan
<span class="word-self">fourspan>

1685 itibariyle Fransızların beşte dördü açıkça okuma yazma bilmiyordu. - Four fifths of French were frankly illiterate towards 1685.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>

Dördüncü aya nisan denilir. - The fourth month is called April.

Zülfikar, İslam'ın dördüncü halifesi Hazret-i Ali'nin ünlü kılıcıydı, - Zulfiqar was the famous sword of Hazret-i Ali, fourth caliph of Islam.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
dörtlü takım
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört rakamı 4
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>

Bir karenin dört köşesi vardır. - A square has four corners.

Bir karenin dört kenarı vardır. - A square has four sides.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>

O orada dört yıl kaldı. Onu büyük sevinç ve sıkıntı bekliyordu. - He remained there for four years. Great joy and distress awaited him.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan> horsemen
mahşerin dört atlısı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> persons
dört kişi
<span class="word-self">fourspan> quadrant multiplier
dört bölgeli çarpıcı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> quadrant multiplier
(Bilgisayar) dört dördünlü çarpıcı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> skills
(Dilbilim) dört beceri
<span class="word-self">fourspan> star petrol
süper benzin
<span class="word-self">fourspan> times
dört kere

Dört kere beş 20'dir. - Four times five is 20.

Dört kere altı kaç yapar? - How much is four times six?

<span class="word-self">fourspan> times
4 katı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> times
dört katı

Senin sahip olduğunun dört katı daha fazla CD'lerim var. - I have four times more CDs than you do.

Asya yaklaşık olarak Avrupa'nın dört katı büyüklüktedir. - Asia is roughly four times the size of Europe.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel drive
dört cekis sistemi
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel drive
(Otomotiv) dört çeker
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel drive
(Otomotiv) dört çekişli
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel drive
dört çekerli
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel drive
dört tekerlekten tahrikli
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wheel steering
(Otomotiv) dört tekerlek hareketli
<span class="word-self">fourspan> wire circuit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dört telli devre
passive <span class="word-self">fourspan> terminal network
(Bilgisayar) pasif iki kapılı devre
<span class="word-self">fourspan> bladed
dört yüzeyli
<span class="word-self">fourspan> flush
<span class="word-self">fourspan> footed
dört ayaklı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> footed butterfly
dört ayaklı kelebek
<span class="word-self">fourspan> hundred
dört yüz

İyi haber! Bu, Klingon dilindeki dört yüz kırk dördüncü cümle. - Good news! This is the four hundred forty-fourth sentence in Klingon.

Dört yüz milyon insan ilk dilleri olarak İngilizce konuşmaktadırlar. - Four hundred million people speak English as their first language.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> sided
dört kenarlı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> times
in dört katı
the <span class="word-self">fourspan> elements
dört temel öğe
twenty <span class="word-self">fourspan>
twenty <span class="word-self">fourspan> hours
yirmidört saat
Memorandum of the <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
7 Haziran 1945'te Adnan Menderes, Celal Bayar, Fuat Köprülü ve Refik Koraltan tarafından meclise sunulan ünlü bildiri
big <span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört büyük
connect <span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört bağlamak
council of the <span class="word-self">fourspan> hundred
kurulu dört yüz
eighty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Yüz Seksen Dört
fab-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The Beatles, İngiltere'nin Liverpool kentinde kurulmuş bir müzik grubuydu. The Beatles hem sanatsal hem de ticari başarılarıyla tarihte büyük bir üne kavuşmuştur. Modadan müziğe kadar geniş yelpazede bugünkü gelişime payları büyüktür. Grup, birçok satış rekorları kırıp elliden fazla şarkısıyla liste başarısı göstermiştir. Amerika'da büyük bir başarıya ulaşmış ilk İngiliz grubu olmuştur
final <span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört final
<span class="word-self">fourspan> address
dört adres
<span class="word-self">fourspan> ages
Dört yaş
<span class="word-self">fourspan> by <span class="word-self">fourspan>
DÖRT çARPı DÖRT: Çift lastikli tekerlekler bir tekerlek kabul edilmek suretiyle dört tekerleği hareketli motorlu araçlar. Bu genellikle 4x4 şeklinde yapılır
<span class="word-self">fourspan> colour process
dört renk işlemi
<span class="word-self">fourspan> door
Dört kapı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> eyes
<span class="word-self">fourspan> flush
tamamlanmamış el
<span class="word-self">fourspan> <span class="word-self">fourspan> time
dört dört kez
<span class="word-self">fourspan> handed game
dört elle oyun
<span class="word-self">fourspan> hundredth
<span class="word-self">fourspan> leaf shamrock
Dört yapraklı yonca
<span class="word-self">fourspan> needle covering chain stitch
(Tekstil) Sahte karyoka dikiş
<span class="word-self">fourspan> noble truths
dört soylu gerçekler
<span class="word-self">fourspan> page folder
Dört sayfa klasör
<span class="word-self">fourspan> tape sort
dört şerit sıralaması
<span class="word-self">fourspan> times
-in dört katı
<span class="word-self">fourspan> to
<span class="word-self">fourspan> to the floor
dört ayak üzerine düşmek
gang of <span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört çete
having <span class="word-self">fourspan> sides and <span class="word-self">fourspan> equal angles
dört tarafı ve dört eşit acıları olan
number <span class="word-self">fourspan>
sayısı dört
one out of every <span class="word-self">fourspan> people
her dört kişiden biri
quadruped, having <span class="word-self">fourspan> legs
Dört bacağı olan dört ayaklı
quater in die (<span class="word-self">fourspan> times a day)
die (günde dört kez de dörtlü)
three <span class="word-self">fourspan> time
üç dört defa
two by <span class="word-self">fourspan>
iki dört tarafından
wild draw <span class="word-self">fourspan>
(Oyunlar) Uno kart oyununda dört çek kartı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
{i} dört, dört rakamı (4, IV)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
four by four dörder dörder
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
{i} dörtlü
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört rakamı dörtlü dört kişilik takım
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
(isim) dörtlü
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört devirli
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
four corners of the earth dünyanın dört bucağı
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
dört inç kare kereste
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan> by <span class="word-self">fourspan>
(Askeri) DÖRT ÇARPI DÖRT: Çift lastikli tekerlekler bir tekerlek kabul edilmek suretiyle dört tekerleği hareketli motorlu araçlar. Bu genellikle 4x4 şeklinde yapılır
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Fesenglish | adronato
A sweep-oar boat for four rowers There is competition for fours with coxswain and fours without coxswain
A four is a row with four stones
a carreer, one's life work
The Minimum Number for Special Case Reality
n a shoot that is attacked near the left sideline
the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one
(4) Color Process A method of printing that uses dots of cyan, magenta, yellow and black to recreate the continuous tones and variety of colors in a color image
A boat for four, sweep rowers Sometimes written 4- (coxless) or 4+ (coxed)
being one more than three
adj empat
Parry position covering the chest from thrust or horizontal cutting attacks
A sweep boat for four rowers, with or without a coxswain (4+ = with a cox'n; 4 - = no cox'n )
<span class="word-self">Fourspan>-Corner
A method of encoding Chinese characters using four numerical digits per character (in some situations, an additional digit is used)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-acceleration
A four-vector that describes the change in a particle's four-velocity over time
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-and-twenty

Jamba has removed from Marlowe's Doctor Faustus all but the barest of essentials - even half its title, leaving us with an 80-minute hurtle through Faustus's four and twenty borrowed years on earth.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-bagger
A home run

Jones popped a four-bagger into the upper-deck in the fifth.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-ball
A game of golf between two pairs of golfers in which the better score for each pair of players at each hole is counted
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
By extension, any four-wheel-drive vehicle
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A four-wheel vehicle with four-wheel-drive
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A four-wheel-drive vehicle with a four-speed transmission
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-dimensional
Having four dimensions; being measurable along four mutually perpendicular axes
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-dimensional
Relating to the four dimensions of space-time (three spatial dimensions with the addition of time as the fourth)

We live in a four-dimensional universe.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-door
A motor car with four doors
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-eyed fish
A genus Anableps of fish in the family Anablepidae having eyes raised above the top of the head and divided in two different parts, so that they can see below and above the water surface at the same time
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-eyed fishes
plural form of four-eyed fish
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-eyes
A person who wears spectacles
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-flush
To bluff, especially in poker
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-flusher
A lowly, disreputable cheat or fraudster, especially at cards, especially a dull or unimaginative one
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-foot
Alternative spelling of four foot
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-footed
Having four feet; quadruped
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-force
A four-vector that describes the change in a particle's four-momentum over time
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-<span class="word-self">fourspan> time
A meter or rhythm with four beats to a measure and four beats to a whole note. Specifically simple quadruple time or common time
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-in-hand
A carriage drawn by four such horses; a coach-and-four
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-in-hand
A slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other; a simple necktie
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-in-hand
A team of four horses, controlled by a single driver
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf
Of a plant, having four leaves
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clover
An uncommon variation of the clover, having four leaves instead of the usual three
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clover
A bringer of good luck
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clovers
plural form of four-leaf clover
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaved
Of a plant, having four leaves
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-legged
Of an animal, having four legs
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
A swearword or any words considered to be taboo in a given scenario, (regardless of how many letters are actually in the word or words in question)

To me, coming from you, 'Friend' is a four letter word. - Friend Is a Four-Letter Word, Cake.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
A reference to any of several of the strongest English swearword that are also four letters long, especially those composing the so-called seven dirty words
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter words
plural form of four-letter word
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-master
A large four-masted sailboat
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-momentum
A generalization of momentum in four-dimensional spacetime
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-o'clock
Any of several plants, of the genus ''Mirabilis, whose funnel-shaped flowers open in late afternoon
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-on-the-floor
A four-speed manual transmission mounted beside the driver on the floor of the vehicle
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-on-the-floor
A steady, uniformly accented beat with a 4/4 time signature
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-peat
A fourth successive win
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-peat
To win somethings four times consecutively
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster
A four-poster bed
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster
Having four vertical columns, one in each corner, that support a tester, so that curtains can be hung to exclude draughts from the sleeper
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-seam fastball
A backspin pitch thrown with a ball gripped in the direction to cause four of the seams of the ball to cross the flight path and released with roughly equal pressure by the index and middle fingers

The pitcher had a blazing four-seamer.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-seam fastballs
plural form of four-seam fastball
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-seamer
A four-seam fastball
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke engine
An engine in which the pistons perform four strokes per engine cycle (i.e. intake, compression, power, exhaust)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke engines
plural form of four-stroke engine
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroking
A type of abnormal operation of a two-stroke internal combustion engine where the cylinder only fires every second cycle (like a four-stroke engine does). This occurs when the exhaust scavenging and inlet charging leaves a mixture in the cylinder which does not ignite, but needs a second scavenge/charge to produce an adequate mix
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-vector
A vector in four-dimensional vector space, especially one having three spatial and one temporal dimensions
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-velocity
A generalization of velocity in four-dimensional spacetime
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel
Having a transmission that drives all four wheels
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel
Having four wheels
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
A four-wheeled vehicle with a drivetrain that allows all four wheels to receive torque from the engine simultaneously
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheeled
Having four wheels
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheeler
Any vehicle with four wheels
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheeler
A horse-drawn hackney cab with four wheels, as opposed to a hansom or dogcart

At length we saw a four-wheeler drive up. Out of it, in leisurely fashion, got Lord Godalming and Morris. And down from the box descended a thick-set working man with his rush-woven basket of tools. Morris paid the cabman, who touched his hat and drove away.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>-hand
designed for four hands "a four-hand piano piece"
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-hand
engaged in by four persons "a four-hand card game"
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-handed
designed for four hands "a four-handed piano piece"
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-handed
engaged in by four persons "a four-handed card game"
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-on-the-floor
(Argo) gear shift with four forward gears located on the floor of a car (as opposed to "three-on-the-tree")
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-barrel carburetor
(Otomotiv) A carburetor with four barrels that works like two 2 barrel carburetors but with double the air intake and fuel mixture volume. Usually found on older, large V-8 engines
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
large four-wheeled vehicle having front wheel suspension
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
a vehicle that has four wheels and a four-wheel drive
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-colour map problem
In topology, a long-standing conjecture asserting that no more than four colours are required to shade in any map such that each adjacent region is coloured differently. First posed in 1852 by Francis Guthrie, a British math student, it was solved by Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken using a computer-assisted proof in 1976
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-cornered
having four corners
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-dimensional
involving or relating to the fourth dimension or time
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-dimensional
pertaining to the fourth dimension
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-eyed fish
Either of two freshwater fishes (Anableps anableps or A. microlepis) of tropical America, having bulging eyes divided horizontally, with the upper part adapted for vision above the water and the lower part for vision below the water
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-footed
walks on four feet; having four feet
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-hitter
a game in which a pitcher allows the opposing team 4 hits
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-hundredth
the ordinal number of four hundred in counting order
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-in-hand
a long necktie that is tied in a slipknot with one end hanging in front of the other
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-lane
having two lanes for traffic in each direction
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clover
a clover plant that has four leaves instead of the usual three, and is considered to be lucky
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaf clover
clover with four leaves (often considered to be a sign of luck)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-leaved clover
clover with four leaves (often considered to be a sign of luck)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
any of several short English words (often having 4 letters) generally regarded as obscene or offensive
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-letter word
A four-letter word is a short word that people consider to be rude or offensive, usually because it refers to sex or other bodily functions. = swear word. a word that is considered very rude and offensive, especially one relating to sex or body waste = swearword
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-lined plant bug
yellow or orange leaf bug with four black stripes down the back; widespread in central and eastern North America
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-membered
of a chemical compound having a ring with four members
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-minute man
someone who has run the mile is less that 4 minutes
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-o'clock
{i} tropical American plant having multicolored tubular flowers
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-o'clock
Ornamental perennial plant (Mirabilis jalapa; family Nyctaginaceae), also called marvel-of-Peru or beauty-of-the-night, native to the tropical New World. It is a quick-growing species up to 3 ft (1 m) tall, with oval leaves on short leafstalks. The stems are swollen at the joints. The plant is called four-o'clock because its flowers, which vary from white and yellow to shades of pink and red, sometimes streaked and mottled, open in late afternoon (and close by morning)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-part harmony
harmony in which each chord has four notes that create four melodic lines
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-ply
having a thickness made up of four layers or strands; "four-ply yarns
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-ply
having a thickness made up of four layers or strands; "four-ply yarns"
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster
a bed with posts at the four corners that can be used to support a canopy or curtains
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-poster bed
A four-poster bed or a four-poster is a large old-fashioned bed that has a tall post at each corner and curtains that can be drawn around it. four-'poster a bed with four tall posts at the corners, a cover fixed at the top of the posts, and curtains around the sides
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-pounder
an artillery gun that throws a shot weighing four pounds
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-spot
a playing card or domino or die whose upward face shows four pips
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-square
To stand four-square behind someone or something means to be firm in your support of that person or thing. They stood four-square behind their chief, and they would not accept pressure on him to resign
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-star
'four-star a four-star hotel, restaurant etc has been judged to be of a very high standard. a type of petrol with lead in it
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-star general
a general of a high rank in the US army
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-star hotel
high-quality hotel
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke engine
an internal-combustion engine in which an explosive mixture is drawn into the cylinder on the first stroke and is compressed and ignited on the second stroke; work is done on the third stroke and the products of combustion are exhausted on the fourth stroke
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke engine
an engine that works with two up and down movements of a piston
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-stroke power cycle
(Otomotiv) The most common internal combustion engine process. It refers to the distinct movements of the piston that draw fuel/air mixture into the combustion chamber (intake stroke), compress the mixture (compression stroke), transmit the power created by the combustion to the crankshaft (power stroke), and expel the exhaust gases from the cylinder (exhaust stroke)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-tailed bandage
a bandage consisting of a strip of cloth split in two on both ends; the central part is placed under the chin to restrict motion of the mandible and the tails are tied over the top of the head
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel
of or relating to vehicles with four wheels; "a four-wheel drive
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
(Otomotiv) A gearing system that allows all four wheels to be drive wheels rather than just the front 2 or rear 2. Four-wheel drive gives better traction than 2 wheel drive, but should be used only when needed because it doesn't work efficiently under normal road conditions
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
A four-wheel drive is a vehicle in which all four wheels receive power from the engine to help with steering. This makes the vehicle easier to drive on rough roads or surfaces such as sand or snow. An automotive drive system in which mechanical power is transmitted from the drive shaft to all four wheels. a system in a vehicle which gives the power of the engine to all four wheels to make it easier to drive, or a vehicle that has this type of system
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheel drive
a transmission that provides power directly to all four wheels of a motor vehicle a motor vehicle with a four-wheel drive transmission system
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-wheeler
a hackney carriage with four wheels
<span class="word-self">fourspan>-winged
{s} having four wings
Fab <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The Beatles
Final <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The final two rounds of the NCAA Division I tournament
Final <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The final round of the continent-wide Euroleague club basketball competition, featuring four teams with one becoming champion
Final <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
An appearance in the Final Four

These two teams have an amazing number of Final Fours between them.

Final <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The four regional champions of the NCAA Division I tournament, one of whom will become the national champion
<span class="word-self">Fourspan> Horsemen
Alternative form of Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
<span class="word-self">Fourspan> Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Harbingers of doom; several signs which combine to imply the imminence of literal or figurative destruction

has identified four types of communication, which he calls the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, that are signs of a marriage having problems.

<span class="word-self">Fourspan> Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four beings in Revelation 6: 1–8 that bring about the Apocalypse, each riding a different-colored horse representing a different aspect of the Apocalypse
Frozen <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The final two rounds of the NCAA Division I tournament
Frozen <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
The four regional champions of the NCAA Division I tournament, one of whom will become the national champion
Frozen <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
An appearance in the Frozen Four

These two teams have an amazing number of Frozen Fours between them.

Gang of <span class="word-self">Fourspan>
A leftist political faction composed of four Chinese Communist Party officials that came to prominence during the Chinese Cultural Revolution
back <span class="word-self">fourspan>
The set of defenders in a team

it was a comfortable evening for the Gunners back four.

clue-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
An object used when roughly imparting clue to the clueless

Sometimes the magic clue-by-four is so obvious that even your oblivious rock-headed uncle picks up on it.

coxless <span class="word-self">fourspan>
A boat, used in competitive rowing, having four rowers, each with a single oar
coxless <span class="word-self">fourspan>
A race in which such craft participate
eighty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following eighty-three and preceding eighty-five
fifty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following fifty-three and preceding fifty-five
flat back <span class="word-self">fourspan>
collectively, a set of defenders who stay on the same level on the pitch
forty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A .44 Magnum handgun
forty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following forty-three and preceding forty-five
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Describing a set or group with four components
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A four-pennyworth of spirits

I was a-strollin' down, thinkin' between ourselves how uncommon handy a four of gin hot would be, when suddenly the glint of a light caught my eye in the window of that same house.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Quadruple sculls
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Anything measuring four units, as length

Do you have any more fours? I want to make this a little taller.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A numerical value equal to 4; the number after three and before five; two plus two. This many dots (••••)

There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
An event whereby a batsman hits a ball which bounces on the ground before passing over a boundary in the air, resulting in an award of 4 runs for the batting team. If the ball does not bounce before passing over the boundary, a six is awarded instead
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A person who is fours years old

I'll take the threes, fours and fives and go to the playground.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The digit or figure 4; an occurrence thereof
<span class="word-self">fourspan> L
A law student in his or her fourth year of law school; generally an unusual situation occurring where a student has either taken an extended part-time curriculum, or has failed a class needed for graduation and must stay on for an extra semester after the three L year
<span class="word-self">fourspan> by two
A Jew
<span class="word-self">fourspan> by two
a length of sawn wood, of cross section 4 inches by 2 inches, most often employed as structural framing lumber (dimension or dimensional lumber)
<span class="word-self">fourspan> by twos
plural form of four by two
<span class="word-self">fourspan> door house
A house with four doors, specifically a house with a garage, a garage door that connects to the home, a front door, and a back door
<span class="word-self">fourspan> fingers
The sign made by the manager directing the pitcher to issue an intentional walk

Four fingers are up for Jones because the weak-hitting Smith will follow.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> foot
the space between the rails on a standard gauge railway line

The car came to rest with its front wheels in the four foot of the nearest railway line, the down Leeds line.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> hundred
The cardinal number occurring after three hundred ninety-nine and before four hundred one, represented in Arabic numerals as 400
<span class="word-self">fourspan> o'clock
The start of the fifth hour of the day in both the 12-hour and the 24-hour clock; 4: 00
<span class="word-self">fourspan> of a kind
Four cards of the same rank
<span class="word-self">fourspan> oh <span class="word-self">fourspan>
in America for naive or clueless

Yup, clueless in Seatle, a 404 if I ever saw one.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> one one

Can you give me the 411 for their next concert?.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> pips
four of a kind, aces
<span class="word-self">fourspan> score and seven years ago
<span class="word-self">fourspan> score and seven years ago
As an opener, a sometimes sarcastic indicator to indicate a past event being mentioned is particularly important
<span class="word-self">fourspan> score seven years ago
Alternative form of four score and seven years ago
<span class="word-self">fourspan> sheets to the wind
Extremely drunk

He would flee the apartment when the baby fussed and cried, only to return much later four sheets to the wind.

<span class="word-self">fourspan> square
A sport played by four players where players have to hit a ball into other people's squares, and attempt to make a return hit
<span class="word-self">fourspan> thousand
ninety-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following ninety-three and preceding ninety-five
petit <span class="word-self">fourspan>
A small cake generally eaten at the end of a meal or served as part of a large buffet
seventy-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following seventy-three and preceding seventy-five
seventy-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A ship having seventy-four guns

the ocean stream / Here and there studded with a seventy-four .

sixty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following sixty-three and preceding sixty-five
thirty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following thirty-three and preceding thirty-five
twenty-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The cardinal number immediately following twenty-three and preceding twenty-five
twenty-<span class="word-self">fourspan> seven
Constantly, without interruption

They're open twenty-four seven, you can go there any time you want.

twenty-<span class="word-self">fourspan> seven
An abbreviation which stands for "24 hours a day, 7 days a week", including holidays and days otherwise that may alter limitations of work. In commerce and industry, it identifies a round-the-clock service, as might be offered by a supermarket, ATM, gas station, concierge service or manned data center
two by <span class="word-self">fourspan>
A length of sawn wood of cross section 2 inches by 4 inches, most often employed as structural framing lumber (dimension or dimensional lumber)
two-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
measuring two inches by four inches
two-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A length of timber having this cross section. (Note: often this is dimensional lumber that was this size BEFORE being planed to finished form, which removes a quarter inch from each side.)
two-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
small or cramped
two-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A case of 24 bottles of beer
two-by-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
piece of wood that is four units wide and two units thick; narrow, tight (Informal); lack of importance (Informal)
train-of-<span class="word-self">fourspan>
(Tıp, İlaç) A test for measuring the level of neuromuscular blockade. Four consecutive stimuli are delivered along the path of a nerve, and the response of the muscle is measured in order to evaluate stimuli that are blocked versus those that are delivered. Four equal muscle contractions will result if there is no neuromuscular blockade, but, if nondepolarizing blockade is present, there will be a loss of twitch height and number, which will indicate the degree of blockade. This test is commonly used in intensive care units
train-of-<span class="word-self">fourspan> test
(Tıp, İlaç) A test for measuring the level of neuromuscular blockade. Four consecutive stimuli are delivered along the path of a nerve, and the response of the muscle is measured in order to evaluate stimuli that are blocked versus those that are delivered. Four equal muscle contractions will result if there is no neuromuscular blockade, but, if nondepolarizing blockade is present, there will be a loss of twitch height and number, which will indicate the degree of blockade. This test is commonly used in intensive care units
<span class="word-self">Fourspan>
<span class="word-self">Fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
being one more than three
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The sum of four units; four units or objects
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
{i} number 4

Judith is married with four children.

<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A four is a row with four stones
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
{s} being 4 in number
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
n a shoot that is attacked near the left sideline
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
a shoot that is attacked near the left sideline
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
One more than three; twice two
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
(4) Color Process A method of printing that uses dots of cyan, magenta, yellow and black to recreate the continuous tones and variety of colors in a color image
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Parry position covering the chest from thrust or horizontal cutting attacks
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
If you are on all fours, your knees, feet, and hands are on the ground. She crawled on all fours over to the window. having four letters Four Books Four Freedoms Four Horsemen Four Hundred Council of the Four Noble Truths four colour map problem four o'clock Gang of Four Point Four Program Vierwaldstättersee Lake of the Four Forest Cantons
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A boat for four, sweep rowers Sometimes written 4- (coxless) or 4+ (coxed)
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
four horses; as, a chariot and four
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A symbol representing four units, as 4 or iv
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The Minimum Number for Special Case Reality
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A score of 4 runs
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
The number after three and before five; one plus three; two plus two; two times two. The typical number of fingers, other than the thumb, on one hand. Ordinal: fourth
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A sweep-oar boat for four rowers There is competition for fours with coxswain and fours without coxswain
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Four things of the same kind, esp
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
a carreer, one's life work
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
the cardinal number that is the sum of three and one being one more than three
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
A sweep boat for four rowers, with or without a coxswain (4+ = with a cox'n; 4 - = no cox'n )
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
adj empat
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
Four is the number
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
{i} quat
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>
<span class="word-self">fourspan>



    ... And in fact, its creation, over four billion years ago, ...