Formalities are formal actions or procedures that are carried out as part of a particular activity or event. They are whisked through the immigration and customs formalities in a matter of minutes. see also formal
An established order; conventional rule of procedure; usual method; habitual mode
If you say that an action or procedure is just a formality, you mean that it is done only because it is normally done, and that it will not have any real effect on the situation. With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality
compliance with formal rules a manner that strictly observes all forms and ceremonies a requirement of etiquette or custom
Yöntem veya yasaların gerektirdiği işlem. Önem verilmediği hâlde bir zorunluluğa bağlı olarak yapılan biçimsel davranış: "Bir, iki formalite sualinden sonra taburcu edilen birkaç çocuk..."- R. N. Güntekin