
listen to the pronunciation of form
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bir kabine oluşturmak zordur. - Forming a cabinet is difficult.

Bir grup oluşturmak için bir araya geldik. - We came together to form a group.


Bazı insanlar reklamın bir beyin yıkama biçimi olduğunu düşünüyorlar. - Some people think that advertising is a form of brainwashing.

Sevmek ve sevilmek, bunlar mutluluğun büyük biçimleridir. - To love and to be loved, these are the biggest forms of happiness.


Tavşanın çabalarından etkilenen Buddha onu aya kadar yükseltti ve onu sonsuza kadar bu şekilde bıraktı. - Buddha, impressed by the rabbit's efforts, raised him unto the moon and set him in that form forever more.

Onu yanlış şekilde formüle ettim. - I formulated it wrongly.

{i} davranış

Davranış vaazın en yüksek biçimidir. - Behaviour is the highest form of preaching.

{i} tarz

Resmi savaş beyanları 1942 yılından bu yana ABD tarzı değildir. - Formal declarations of war haven't been the United States's style since 1942.

{i} karakter

Karakteristik demokrasi, ülke yönetiminin bir şeklidir. - Representative democracy is one form of government.

{i} vücut

Tom eski bir vücut geliştirmeci. - Tom is a former bodybuilder.

{i} tavır
{i} kalıp
{i} sıra

Düz bir sıra oluşturun. - Form a straight line!

{i} yöntem

Bu bir başkaldırı yöntemidir. - It's a form of rebellion.

{f} biçim ver
{i} yapı

Başvuru formuna fotoğrafınızı yapıştırmanız önemlidir. - It is important that you attach your photo to the application form.

Resmi bir işlem yapılmadı. - No formal action was taken.

{f} şekil vermek
{i} model
{i} form
{i} beden

Bizim bedenimiz dört elementten oluşur: toprak, ateş, su ve hava. - Our body was formed out of four elements: earth, fire, water, and air.

basılı kağıt

Bu kadar resmî olmak zorunda mıyız? - Do we have to be so formal?

Tom bizim bu formları doldurmamıza yardımcı olmak için buraya geldi. - Tom came here to help us fill out these forms.

sınıf (okullarda)
formül geliştirmek
(Osmanlıca) ihdas
vücuda gelmek

Ben bir iş bulduktan sonra bile hala bir çeşit müziğe devam etmek isteyeceğimi düşünüyorum. - Even after I get a job, I think I'll still want to continue some form of music.

Sami'de bir çeşit paranoyak şizofreni vardı. - Sami had some form of paranoid schizophrenia.


Çeşitli bulut oluşum türleri vardır. - There are several kinds of cloud formations.

Ulaşımın hangi türünü kullandın? - What form of transportation did you use?

(mektep) sınıf
basılı kâğıt
biçim vermek
{f} oluştur

Esperantoda, o ile biten isimler. Çoğul bir j ekleyerek oluşturulur. - In Esperanto, nouns end in o. The plural is formed by adding a j.

Sözlüklerini kullanma alışkanlığı oluşturmaya gayret etmelisin. - You should try to form the habit of using your dictionaries.

ruh yağdayı
(up ile) düzenlemek

O, hastalığından sonra, eski halinin sadece bir gölgesidir. - After her sickness, she's only a shadow of her former self.

'person''ın çoğul hali 'people''dır, 'persons' değildir. - The plural form of 'person' is 'people', not 'persons'.


Düz bir sıra oluşturun. - Form a straight line!

{f} 1. şekil vermek, biçim
{i} sınıf

On beş yıl önceki mezuniyetten beri eski sınıf arkadaşlarımla hiç karşılaşmadım. - Since graduation fifteen years ago I have never run into my former classmates.

Biçim geçici, sınıf kalıcıdır. - Form is temporary, class is permanent.

{i} İng. (okullarda) sınıf
{f} düzenlemek
(Askeri) TERTİPLEMEK: Saf halinde veya başka bir düzende toplamak, bir düzende tertiplemek
{f} kurmak
{f} şekillenmek
{f} şekil almak

O bir göz biçiminde gizemli tılsıma sahiptir. - He has a mysterious talisman in the form of an eye.

müracaat fişi
(Biyoloji) v.oluştur: n.şekil
{f} biçim almak
{i} spor form
{i} form, doldurulmak üzere hazırlanmış basılı belge
first form ortabad form etikete aykırı davra
form vermek
tertip etmek
form a trade union
form basis
dayanak olmak
form basis
zemin yaratmak
form basis
zemin oluşturmak
form basis
dayanak sağlamak
form basis
dayanak oluşturmak
form basis
dayanak teşkil etmek
form class
(Dilbilim) eşbiçim kümesi
form cream
kaymak bağlamak
form cream
kaymak tutmak
form down
(Bilgisayar) form aşağı
form feed
(Bilgisayar) sayfa ilerletme
form feed
(Bilgisayar) sayfa başı tuş
form feed
(Bilgisayar) sayfa besleme
form feed
(Bilgisayar) kağıt besleme
form field
(Bilgisayar) form alanı
form item
(Bilgisayar) form öğesi
form label
(Bilgisayar) form etiketi
form left
(Bilgisayar) form sola
form lines
(Bilgisayar) sayfa satırları
form name
(Bilgisayar) form adı
form of government
(Politika, Siyaset) hükümet biçimi
form oil
(İnşaat) kalıp yağı
form page
(Bilgisayar) form sayfası
form panel
(İnşaat) kalıp panosu
form reuse
(İnşaat) kalıpları yeniden kullanma
form right
(Bilgisayar) form sağa
form stop
(İnşaat) beton kesme kalıbı
form text
(Bilgisayar) form metni
form the habit of
huy edinmek
form tie
(İnşaat) kalıp mesafe tutucusu
form view
(Bilgisayar) form görünümü
form word
(Dilbilim) yapı sözcüğü
form word
(Dilbilim) biçim sözcük
(Sanat) biçim 
form a picket line
grev gözcülüğü yapmak
form an opinion
bir fikir edinmek
form of payment
ödeme şekli
form of sale
satış şekli
form up
form a circle
bir çember oluştur
form a line
sıra olmak
form a line, form a rank
(Din) saf tutmak
form a quorum
Bir çekirdek formu
form an impression
Bir izlenim edinmek ya da oluşturmak
form assembling
şeklinde montaj
form boards
form panoları
form class
Form sınıfı
form depth
form derinlik
form division
form bölümü
form entry
form girdi
form flash
şeklinde flash
form focused
biçim odaklı
form heading
form başlığı
form into
form layout
form düzeni
form milling cutter
(Mühendislik) modül freze bıçağı, profil frezesi
form of publication
yayın formu
form of value
değeri şeklinde
form overlay
form kaplaması
form smoke into smother
boğmak içine form duman
form subdivision
şeklinde alt
form teacher
form öğretmen
form tutor
Sınıf öğretmeni

She likes her form tutor at school.

form work
form iş
(Giysi) bedene oturan, bedeni sıkıca saran
form a contrast
kontrast oluşturmak
form a crust
kabuk bağlamak
form a government
kabine kurmak
form a government
hükümet kurmak
form a habit
adet edinmek
form a line
sıra olmak, sıraya girmek
form a policy
politika oluşturmak
form a ring
halka oluşturmak
form a single file
tek sıra olmak, birbiri ardınca sıralanmak
form a view on
fikir belirtmek
form an estimate of
form an opinion
fikir edinmek
form drag
(Askeri) tarama yapma
form factor
bicim katsayisi
form factor of a basin
(Çevre) havza biçim faktörü
form fours
dörderli olmak
form header/footer
(Bilgisayar) form üstbilgisi/altbilgisi
form letter
hazir mektup
form lines
(Askeri) ŞEKİL ÇİZGİSİ HATLARI: Bir haritada eğrilere benzeyen çizgilerdir fakat gözlem veya yetersiz ve güvenilir olmayan harita kaynaklarından alınan ve hepsi birden arazinin şeklini gösteren gerçek yükseklikleri temsil etmez
form of application
(Kanun) talep şekli
form of bail
(Kanun) kefaletin şekli
form of construction
konstrüksiyon şekli
form of contract
(Kanun) akdin şekli
form of documentry credit
akreditifin türü
form of juristic acts
(Kanun) hukuki işlemlerde şekil
form of life
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) yaşam biçimi (wittgenstein)
form of notice
bildirim formu
form of oath
(Kanun) yemin sureti
form of oath
(Kanun) yemin şekli
form of ownership
mülkiyet biçimi
form of presentation
(Askeri) Takdim şekli
form of stalk
sap şekli
form of state
(Politika, Siyaset) devlet şekli
form page wizard
Form Sayfası Sihirbazı
{i} şekillendirme
form up
(Bilgisayar) form yukarı
teşekkül etmek
(Bilgisayar) form

Bu formları doldurarak bütün sabahı harcadım. - I spent the entire morning filling out these forms.

Tom bizim bu formları doldurmamıza yardımcı olmak için buraya geldi. - Tom came here to help us fill out these forms.

şekil verme
{f} biçim ver
{i} biçimleme

Orthodontist should consider formability or ease of manipulation factors in assemblance of the appliance.

biçim vererek
{i} kurma

O, kadınlarla ilişki kurmada hızlıdır. - He's quick in forming relationships with women.

O, o ülke ile ittifak kurmamızı savundu. - He argued for our forming the alliance with that nation.

{i} biçimlendirme
{i} kalıplama
{s} biçimsiz
(zarf) şekilsizce
{i} biçimsizlik
(isim) biçimsizlik

Bu formları doldurarak bütün sabahı harcadım. - I spent the entire morning filling out these forms.

Tom bu formları doldurmak zorunda. - Tom has to fill out these forms.

Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Bir şeyin istenilen ve olması gereken durumu. İstenilen şeylerin yazılması, doldurulması için hazırlanmış basılı belge
Bir şeyin istenilen ve olması gereken durumu
Biçim, şekil: "Her çeşit üslup ve form sanat yaratması için yararlı olabilir."- H. Taner
Erkekliğin ve dişiliğin belirlenmesinde rol oynayan kromozom
Bir şeyin istenilen ve olması gereken durum
İstenilen şeylerin yazılması, doldurulması için hazırlanmış basılı belge
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Characteristics not involving atomic components
A class or year of students (often preceded by an ordinal number to specify the year, as in sixth form)

From the sixth form will come the scholars and the administrators.

A window or dialogue box

Throughout this chapter we will work with a form in a new project.

The shape or visible structure of a thing or person
To take shape
The den or home of a hare

The Egyptians therefore in their hieroglyphics expressed a melancholy man by a hare sitting in her form, as being a most timorous and solitary creature.

To constitute, to compose, to make up

Insects form the biggest family group in nature's kingdom, and also the oldest.

A long bench with no back

The prefect grabbed me by the shoulders and steered me down a passageway, and down another and finally through a door that led into a long, low dining-room crowded with loudly breakfasting boys sitting on long, shiny oak forms, as benches used to be called.

To create (a word) by inflection or derivation

By adding -ness, you can form a noun from an adjective.

A criminal record

Jim has form..

To give shape or visible structure to (a thing or person)
An order of doing things, as in religious ritual
A blank document or template to be filled in by the user

To apply for the position, complete the application form.

A thing that gives shape to other things as in a mold
A grouping of words which maintain grammatical context in different usages
If you say that someone is on form, you think that they are performing their usual activity very well. Robert Redford is back on form in his new movie `Sneakers'
When a particular shape forms or is formed, people or things move or are arranged so that this shape is made. A queue forms outside Peter's study They formed a circle and sang `Auld Lang Syne' The General gave orders for the cadets to form into lines
You can refer to something that you can see as a form if you cannot see it clearly, or if its outline is the clearest or most striking aspect of it. She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form
If you say that someone is off form, you think they are not performing as well as they usually do. = below par
When something can exist or happen in several possible ways, you can use form to refer to one particular way in which it exists or happens. Valleys often take the form of deep canyons They received a benefit in the form of a tax reduction
Web forms permit a user to return information to a web server for some action The forms are handled by a CGI program For example, the mailform form offers spaces for you to enter the subject and content of the message, and the CGI processing consists of mailing the message
A set of data-entry fields on a page that are processed on a Web server The data is sent to the server when a site visitor submits the form by clicking on a button or, in some cases, by clicking a graphic
A group of elements (enclosed by a FORM element) in an HTML document, which generate graphical controls such as text entry boxes, radio buttons, and check boxes when the document is displayed in a browser The user can enter information in a form and use the browser to submit it to a program on a Web server
In Web publishing, a Web page or portion of a Web page that is filled out by the user and sent back to the server for processing
the spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; "geometry is the mathematical science of shape"
Z-folded pin-fed paper is called "continuous form " May also refer to printed documents like tax forms Special software is available to create and fill in forms Internet browsers use the term to describe an area of the screen where responses are entered (user name and ID, for example)
a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality; "sculpture is a form of art"; "what kinds of desserts are there?"
A set of form fields on a web page whose information is processed by a web server The information on a form is sent to a server when the user submits the form by clicking a button or image
make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the riceballs carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword"
A set of data-entry fields on a page that are processed on a server The data is sent to the server when a user submits the form by clicking on a button or, in some cases, by clicking an image
a body of students who are taught together; "early morning classes are always sleepy"
A form of something is a type or kind of it. He contracted a rare form of cancer Doctors are willing to take some form of industrial action I am against hunting in any form
a life-size dummy used to display clothes
alternative names for the body of a human being; "Leonardo studied the human body"; "he has a strong physique"; "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak"
develop into a distinctive entity; "our plans began to take shape"
The form of something is its shape. the form of the body
(physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary; "the reaction occurs in the liquid phase of the system"
establish or impress firmly in the mind; "We imprint our ideas onto our children"
If something is arranged or changed so that it becomes similar to a thing with a particular structure or function, you can say that it forms that thing. These panels folded up to form a screen some five feet tall
The arrangement, manner or method used to convey the content, such as free verse, ballad, haiku, etc In other words, the "way-it-is-said " Sidelight: Form provides a "pattern" for the poem, but is usually most effective when it is the least obvious Sidelight: The form of a poem which follows a set pattern of rhyme scheme, stanza form and refrain (if there is one), is called a fixed form, examples of which include: ballade, limerick, pantoum, rondeau, sestina, sonnet, triolet and villanelle (Compare Diction, Motif, Persona, Style, Texture, Tone)
as, valiform; oviform
give a shape or form to; "shape the dough"
any spatial attributes (especially as defined by outline); "he could barely make out their shapes through the smoke"
In the context of the World Wide Web, part of a Web page which allows - indeed, requests - the user to give information by answering questions The answers may be given by typing text into a box, by clicking buttons to make a selection or by selecting an item from a menu The user then clicks a special button which sends the information to the server where the page resides, where it is processed
A web form is like a conventional form that needs to be filled in and then sent off or 'submitted' Some web sites use them for gathering market research type information - they are ideal for gathering short responses Some On-line Learning sites also use forms Questions may be presented as multiple choice questions or offer users areas where they are expected to type their answers to provide feedback As with e-mail, forms are not the best environment for writing anything which requires a lot of thought and care When completed a form is transmitted back to the host server (for instance a University's Internet computer) by the user pressing a Submit button
A web page that has input fields for a user to submit information Frames: A feature that divides a Web page into separate windows, each of which can be scrolled independently of the others   Many search engines can't index framed sites FreeBSD: An operating system, which is a version of UNIX FreeBSD runs on Intel microprocessors, and powers the servers of the Web's largest sites
A suffix used to denote in the form or shape of, resembling, etc
n 1 any object meant to be evaluated 2 a symbol, a compound form, or a self-evaluating object 3 (for an operator, as in "<<operator>> form") a compound form having that operator as its first element {"A quote form is a constant form "}
A set of data entry fields on a page that are processed on the server The data is sent to the server when the user submits the form by clicking on a button or, in some cases, by clicking on an image
If something consists of particular things, people, or features, you can say that they form that thing. Cereals form the staple diet of an enormous number of people around the world
When something takes form, it develops or begins to be visible. As plans took form in her mind, she realized the need for an accomplice The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness
If someone or something behaves true to form, they do what is expected and is typical of them. My luck was running true to form True to form, she kept her guests waiting for more than 90 minutes. In the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle the active, determining principle of a thing. The term was traditionally used to translate Plato's eidos, by which he meant the permanent reality that makes a thing what it is, in contrast to the particulars that are finite and subject to change. Each form is the pattern of a particular category of thing in the world; thus, there are forms of human, stone, shape, colour, beauty, and justice.Whereas the physical world, perceived with the senses, is in constant flux and knowledge derived from it restricted and variable, the realm of forms, apprehensible only by the mind, is eternal and changeless. Particular things derive what reality they have by "participating" in, or imperfectly copying, the forms. Aristotle rejected the abstract Platonic notion of form and argued that every sensible object consists of both matter and form, neither of which can exist without the other. For Aristotle, the matter of a thing consists of those of its elements which, when the thing has come into being, may be said to have "become" it; the form of a thing is the arrangement or organization through which such elements have become the thing in question. Thus a certain lump of bronze is the matter that, given a certain form, becomes a statue or, given another, becomes a sword. The Aristotelian concept of form was adapted and developed by St. Thomas Aquinas and other scholastic philosophers. The Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant used the notion of form to describe the mentally imposed conditions of sensible experience, namely space and time
If you say that it is bad form to behave in a particular way, you mean that it is rude and impolite. It was thought bad form to discuss business on social occasions
If you form an organization, group, or company, you start it. They tried to form a study group on human rights They formed themselves into teams
A form is a paper with questions on it and spaces marked where you should write the answers. Forms usually ask you to give details about yourself, for example when you are applying for a job or joining an organization. You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and occupation. application forms. see also sixth form
If you say that someone is in good form, you mean that they seem healthy and cheerful
{v} to model, make, plan, contrive, arrange
A group of elements (enclosed by a FORM element) in an HTML document, which generate graphical controls such as text boxes, radio buttons, and check boxes when the document is displayed in a browser The user can enter information in a form and use the browser to submit it to a program on a Web server
A set of data-entry fields on a page that are processed on a Web server The data is converted to plain html format and forwarded to the recipient
{n} a method, shape, seat, bench, ceremony
If you say that something forms a person's character or personality, you mean that it has a strong influence on them and causes them to develop in a particular way. Anger at injustice formed his character. = mould
to train
A web page feature that allows you to fill something in is called a form Your web developer can design a form that will allow people viewing your web pages to provide proscribed data They can see the blank spaces and fill them in right on their screens Forms can easily deliver data as formatted e-mail In a significantly more complex and costly scenario they can also deliver data into a database at the server Online databases are not cheap or simple
An HTML page which passes variables back to the server These pages are used to gather information from users Also referred to as scripts
If you form a relationship, a habit, or an idea, or if it forms, it begins to exist and develop. This should help him form lasting relationships An idea formed in his mind
To give form or shape to; to frame; to construct; to make; to fashion
system; as, a republican form of government
The shape and structure of anything, as distinguished from the material of which it is composed; particular disposition or arrangement of matter, giving it individuality or distinctive character; configuration; figure; external appearance
To run to a form, as a hare
the phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word that can be used to describe or identify something; "the inflected forms of a word can be represented by a stem and a list of inflections to be attached"
form class
A collection of organisms that is given formal recognition at the rank of class with a taxonomic name, but which is known to be an artificial group rather than a natural one

All fungi for which sexual reproduction is unknown are assigned to the form class Deuteromycota until such reproduction is discovered in that species.

form classes
plural form of form class
form factor
A factor describing the stress distribution of a body
form factor
The ratio of the RMS value to the absolute mean of a sinusoidal wave (especially to that of an alternating current)
form factor
The geometry of an object, especially in engineering design; configuration

I want him to barely remember that this is the form factor that dictionaries used to come in.

form factor
A function that describes the scattering power of an atom as function of the scattering angle
form factor
Any of several functions that describe the unknown internal state of a particle
form factor
The emissivity of a material
form factors
plural form of form factor
form feed
A control character traditionally used to cause the printer to eject the current page of output and start a new page, more recently equivalent to a carriage return
form genus
A collection of organisms that is given formal recognition at the rank of genus with a taxonomic name, but which is known to be an artificial group rather than a natural one

All fossilized roots of scale trees are assigned to the form genus 'Stigmaria'.

form letter
A letter that is written generically with blanks to be filled in with individual details, often sent in bulk, and frequently regarded as impersonal

For my trouble, they sent me a form letter with my name misspelled.

form taxa
plural form of form taxon
form taxon
A collection of organisms that is given formal recognition at some rank with a taxonomic name, but which is known to be an artificial group rather than a natural one

All fossilized roots of scale trees are assigned to the form taxon 'Stigmaria'.

form an alliance
create a union; unite
form and matter
shape of an object and the material from which it is made
form class
A set of words that have one or more grammatical or syntactic characteristics in common, such as the class of transitive verbs in English
form criticism
form critical adj
form division
an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
form factor
the physical layout of a motherboard in regards the relative position of the adapter card expansion slots, the number of those slots, the relative size of the motherboard, and the orientation of the board in the chassis For the purpose of this FAQ, only the Baby AT (BAT), ATX, and MicroATX form factors will be considered
form factor
Form factor is just a way of describing how large a drive is and telling you what size drive bay you need The vast majority of internal hard drives for the desktop are 3 5 inches A few exceptions, typically including the largest capacity drives available, are half-height or full-height 5 25-inch drives When you choose a drive, make sure you have an appropriate-size bay available for whatever drive you get A 3 5-inch drive can fit in either a 3 5-inch or half-height 5 25-inch bay, but you may have to buy a separate mounting kit to install it in a 5 25-inch bay
form factor
The size, shape, an dimensions of a motherboard Common form factors are AT, Baby AT, and ATX
form factor
The physical size and shape of a device Often used to describe the size of disk arrays in a rackmount enclosure
form factor
The physical size and shape of a device In motherboards it pertains to the size and shape of the board, but it also describes the physical layout of the different components and devices on the motherboard With system cases, it describes certain specific features and what kind of motherboard fits inside
form factor
physical size of a drive
form factor
The standard physical configuration of a typical device such as a motherboard or a 3 5-inch hard disk drive
form factor
A standard for the physical organization of motherboard components and motherboard size The most common form factors are ATX, NLX, and AT
form factor
- The physical outer dimensions of a device as defined by industry standard For example, most Quantum disk drives use a 3 1/2-inch form factor
form factor
the physical size and shape of a device; often used to describe the size of disk arrays in a rackmount enclosure
form factor
The industry standard that defines the physical, external dimensions of a particular device The size, configuration, and other specifications used to describe hardware Examples of memory form factors are: SIMM, DIMM, RIMM, 30-pin, 72-pin, and 168 pin
form factor
The physical dimensions of a device Two devices with the same form factor are physically interchangeable The IBM PC, XT and XT Model 286, for example, all use power supplies that are internally different but have exactly the same form factor
form factor
General size and shape of a handheld computer
form factor
The size, configuration, and other specifications used to describe hardware Examples of memory form factors are: SIMM, DIMM, RIMM, 30-pin, 72-pin, and 168-pin
form factor
What does form factor mean?
form factor
Various manufactures have defined specifications to make motherboards compatible with other components such as the cabinet, SMPS and add-on-cards These are design suggestions for the shape and size of the motherboard, location of various components, heat dissipation considerations, power supply design, shielding, etc These specifications are broadly referred to as the form factor of a motherboard
form factor
is an industry term for the size, shape, power supply type, and external connector type of the PCB (personal computer board) or motherboard The standard form factors are the AT and ATX, although TYAN also makes some Baby-AT boards [ top]
form feed
Sending the Form Feed control character to a printer will cause it to eject the current page
form feed
(SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference; search in this book)
form feed
A control code and control panel button that advances the paper to the next top-of-form position
form feed
command which instructs a printer to discharge the current sheet of paper
form feeder
processor which automatically inserts paper
form genus
A genus of fossil plants or imperfect fungi classified according to their asexual organs
form genus
an artificial taxonomic category established on the basis of morphological resemblance for organisms of obscure true relationships especially fossil forms (biology) an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
form letter
letter which is prepared with a uniform formula and is intended to be distributed to a group of people
form letter
a letter that is printed in multiple copies and mailed to a list of recipients
form master
teacher of a school class (British)
form teacher
the teacher who is responsible for all the students in the same class at a school
form word
{i} word that indicates mainly grammatical relationship (such as auxiliary verb, preposition or conjunction), function word
The quality or degree of being formable
Without form; shapeless
{a} having no form or shape, irregular
The relative ease with which a metal can be shaped through plastic deformation
{i} quality of being able to be shaped
A comparative measurement of how difficult or easy a metal alloy can be shaped with mechanical stresses
{s} can be shaped, can be molded; can be created, can be devised
formed in the mind
Arranged, as stars in a constellation; as, formed stars
fully developed as by discipline or training; "a fully formed literary style"
having or given a form or shape
clearly defined; "I have no formed opinion about the chances of success"
having taken on a definite arrangement; "cheerleaders were formed into letters"; "we saw troops formed into columns"
See Ferment, n
Having structure; capable of growth and development; organized; as, the formed or organized ferments
Past tense and past participle of to form
fully developed as by discipline or training; "a fully formed literary style" having taken on a definite arrangement; "cheerleaders were formed into letters"; "we saw troops formed into columns" having or given a form or shape
Any process designed to convert catalyst precursor mixtures into useful solid forms
A processing procedure where the metal is shaped by bending or stretching the metal into an engineered shape Sheet mill products are typically used for this process
Present participle of to form
Operation converting a flat sheet metal workpiece into a three dimensional part See, also "Bending" and "Drawing "
A general term encompassing processes in which the shape of plastic pieces such as sheets, rods or tubes is changed to a desired configuration
The first phase of group development exemplified by group members directing comments toward the formal leader, members relying on identity and status outside the group, and little trust
{i} creating; being created, developing, taking shape
The process that changes the shape and size of a material without cutting it
The act or process of giving form or shape to anything; as, in shipbuilding, the exact shaping of partially shaped timbers
The portion of the glass fiber production process where the fibers are drawn, attenuated from molten glass, and collected in forming cakes
A process that brings about a change in the shape of stainless steel by the application of force (i e cold forming, hot forming, wire forming)
having no definite form or distinct shape; "amorphous clouds of insects"; "an aggregate of formless particles"; "a shapeless mass of protoplasm"
{s} unformed; without form, shapeless
formless but often malevolent beings
having no physical form; "belief in a world filled with formless but often malevolent beings"
Something that is formless does not have a clear or definite structure or shape. A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen. = amorphous. without a definite shape
having no physical form; "belief in a world filled with
Shapeless; without a determinate form; wanting regularity of shape
In a formless manner
in a formless manner; "the dress hung formlessly on her body
without form, without shape
The quality of being formless
{i} shapelessness, state of being without set form; vagueness
plural of form
Any document that contains blank fields in which web users can enter data The fields may contain any personal information, such as name, address, email address, phone number, etc A Form is the most common and easiest tool to collect information
third-person singular of form
Web forms allow web publishers to receive information ranging from feedback to orders for products from the reader of your web page All major Web browsers support forms functionality
A set of HTML commands which allows the author to control information sent to them by visitors Forms can make it easier for visitors to give feedback because the author does all the work All the visitor has to do is answer the author's questions (Other times, forms aren't any easier to fill out than an email screen, and the tiny input areas make it more frustrating )
Forms are a feature of HTML They act as an interface to pass information from the end user to CGI scripts They enable the user to upload structured information to the server
Forms enable data to be entered into webpages for processing by the server They can include text boxes of different sizes, round buttons of which only one can be selected (eg 'yes or no'), square checkboxes of which any number can be selected (eg, 'I like chocolate, tea and toast') and buttons which tell the browser to process the information when clicked Example form for you to play with: Choose either Yes No Choose your favourite fireman: Hew Pew Barley McGrew Cuthbert Dibble Grub Tick the box!
These are HTML tags that define and label text-entry boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and/or drop-down menus to create simple on-screen forms, for collecting information from the viewer
Forms are one of the ways to send information on the internet They usually appear as a series of boxes you either check or type in After you fill out the form you hit the submit button to send the information off Sometimes you see where it goes (such as our Political Discussion Forum), the information can also be sent to a webpage not accessible to the public or it may be e-mailed to the person collecting the information you provided
A form on a web pages can be filled in by users online and, when submitted, the information is sent electronically to the relevant domain The data captured may be assembled and sent as an e-mail or may be used to update or interrogate a database
Forms are web pages comprised of text and "fields" for a user to fill in with information They are an excellent way of collecting and processing information from people visiting a website, as well as allowing them to interact with web pages Forms are written in HTML and processed by CGI programs The output can be sent as an e-mail form, stored online, printed, and/or returned to the user as an HTML page When you enter a keyword in the search field of an Internet directory, you are filling in a form It is then processed by a CGI program, returning a list of possible matches with your keyword Forms are also used for online catalogs, surveys, requests for information, and conferencing In the World Wide Web, online electronic forms that you can fill in if you have a forms-capable Web browser such as Netscape Navigator 1 0 or NCSA Mosaic 2 0
Words can appear in a number of different forms This is particularly true of new words, where a "standard" form has yet to crystallize In the evidence for "e-tailer", the forms "e-tailer", "E-tailer", "etailer", and "eTailer" are all used I list them all, not only for the convenience of a person interested in this word, but also so that a user of the Internet version of the Dictionary (www oed com) is able to find the entry via whichever form of the word they type into the search box
Part of a web page where viewers can enter information view a virtual 'form' (e g using tick or selection button Usually this info can then be processed (e g by a CGI script, Java applet or JavaScript) for a variety of uses
The pages in most browsers that accept information in text-entry fields They can be customized to receive company sales data and orders, expense reports or other information They are often used to communicate the input of the form to an email address
HTML tags that define and label text-entry boxes, check boxes, radio buttons, and/or drop-down menus to create simple on-screen forms for collecting information from the viewer
This refers to an interface element used within Web documents to allow user to send information back to a Web server With a forms interface, the user is requested to type responses within entry windows to be returned to the server for processing Forms rely on a server computer to process the submittals They are becoming more common as browser and server software improve
Any document that contains blank fields that surfers can fill in with data The fields may contain any personal information, such as name, address, email address, phone number etc A Form is the most common and easiest tool to collect information
Forms add extra interactivity to Web sites Questionnaires can be created, that include text areas, check boxes and radio buttons which are then sent by the viewer to a specified mailbox, usually the manager of the Web site
A formatted document containing blank fields that users can fill in with data With paper forms, it is usually necessary for someone to transfer the data from the paper to a computer database, where the results can then be statistically analyzed They can't handle handwritten text Electronic forms solve this problem by entirely skipping the paper stage Instead, the form appears on the user's display screen and the user fills it in by selecting options with a pointing device or typing in text from the computer keyboard The data is then sent directly to a forms processing application, which enters the information into a database
Web page elements used to gather information from a user visiting a site Forms can have a variety of different input methods such as text input, check boxes, radio buttons, and drop-down lists A "Submit" button is found at the end of a form to allow you to send the entered information to a CGI program or translation application for processing
An HTML page which passes variables back to the server These pages are used to gather information from users Also referred to as scripts
Forms are usually rectangular boxes you can type in to send information to the the host of the webpage you're viewing Such information might include your name, email address, credit card number, your comments about their service, etc
An HTML page which passes variables back to the server These pages are used to gather information from visitors Also referred to as scripts
Forms are HTML documents that allow a user to submit information to the Web server for processing The processing of the information submitted is done by a CGI program that runs on the server
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Being in good shape takes effort. - Formda olmak çaba gerektirir.

What do you do to stay in shape? - Formda kalmak için ne yaparsın.


An athlete must keep in good condition. - Bir atlet formda olmalıdır.


Physical fitness requires time and dedication. - Fiziksel form zaman ve özveri gerektirir.

(Bilgisayar) forms

I spent the entire morning filling out these forms. - Bu formları doldurarak bütün sabahı harcadım.

Tom has to fill out these forms. - Tom bu formları doldurmak zorunda.

form (filled in when applying or registering)
form, shape
form, shape " biçim, şekil; form, fitness

Some people stay trim even without going to a gym. - Bazı insanlar bir spor salonuna gitmeden bile formunda kalırlar.

form alanları
(Bilgisayar) form fields
(Bilgisayar) open form
form denetimi
(Bilgisayar) form control
form doldurmak
fill in

I have to fill in for Tom at the store. - Mağazada Tom için form doldurmak zorundayım.

form ekle
(Bilgisayar) add form
form gönderme
(Bilgisayar) form submission
form ilerletme
(Bilgisayar) form feed
form kaynağı
(Bilgisayar) forms on
form mektup
(Bilgisayar) form letter
form no
(Bilgisayar) form number
form numarası
(Bilgisayar) form number
form psikolojisi
gestalt psychology
form sihirbazı
(Bilgisayar) form wizard
form tasarımı
(Bilgisayar) form design
form vermek
form yeri
(Bilgisayar) forms on
form yukarı
(Bilgisayar) form up
form özellikleri
(Bilgisayar) form properties
form üst başlığı
(Bilgisayar) form caption
Form başı
Top of Form(TOF)
form alan kümesi
(Bilgisayar) form fieldset
form alanı adı
(Bilgisayar) form field name
form alanı biçimi
(Bilgisayar) format form field
form alanı bırak
(Bilgisayar) drop-down form field
form alanı gölgele
(Bilgisayar) form field shading
form alanı seçenekleri
(Bilgisayar) form field options
form alanı sonu
(Bilgisayar) end form field
form alanı yardımı
(Bilgisayar) form field help
form altbilgisi
(Bilgisayar) form footer
form ayırıcı
(Bilgisayar) form separator
form başlığı sayfası
(Bilgisayar) form title page
form boyutuna uydur
(Bilgisayar) size to fit form
form engelleme kuvveti
(Havacılık) form drag
form giriş metni
(Bilgisayar) form input text
form görünümü açılışı
(Bilgisayar) form view popup
form görünümüne izin ver
(Bilgisayar) allow form view
form hizalama
(Bilgisayar) form alignment
form içinde ortala
(Bilgisayar) center in form
form işleyici
(Bilgisayar) form handler
form kitaplığı
(Bilgisayar) forms library
form rapor tasarımı
(Bilgisayar) form report design
form sayfası sihirbazı
form page wizard
form seçimi
(Bilgisayar) form select
form süzgeci
(Bilgisayar) filter by form
form tabanlı sorgulamalar
(Bilgisayar) form-based queries
form tabanlı sorgulamalar
(Bilgisayar) forms-based queries
form ve görünüm
(Bilgisayar) forms and views
form veri sayfası
(Bilgisayar) form datasheet
form verisi yok
(Bilgisayar) no form data
form yazdır
(Bilgisayar) print form
form yöntemi
(Bilgisayar) form method
form yükle
(Bilgisayar) install form
form yığını
(Bilgisayar) stack of forms
form üstbilgisi
(Bilgisayar) form header
form şablonu
(Bilgisayar) form template
form doldurmak
fill out

Tom had to fill out lots of forms. - Tom bir sürü form doldurmak zorundaydı.

form doldurmak
fill up a form
forms of
(Hukuk) forms

Please ask Tom to come here and help us fill out these forms. - Lütfen Tom'a buraya gelmesini ve bu formları doldurmamız için bize yardım etmesini rica et.

I spent the entire morning filling out these forms. - Bu formları doldurarak bütün sabahı harcadım.
