
listen to the pronunciation of flag
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Ulusal bayramlarda bayrakları havaya kaldırmalıyız. - We put up the flags on national holidays.

Bana göre bayrak doğru. - It seems to me the flag is correct.

{f} bayrakla işaret vermek
{i} etiket
kuvveti kesilmek
(Bilgisayar) işaretle
(Askeri) yassı kaldırım taşı
yorulmaya başlamak
(Askeri,İnşaat,Teknik) döşeme taşı
işaret etmek
{f} güçsüzleş
canlılığını yitirmek
kapak taşı
geniş yassı taş
güçten kesilmek
(Muzik) Nota kuyruğu
(noun) bayrak
{f} sarkmak
{f} güçsüz kalmak
{f} gevşemek
(verb) bayrak kaldırma
{f} (down) bayrak/el sallayarak (birini, bir vasıtayı) durdurmak
{i} süsen
(Askeri) BAYRAK, SANCAK, FLAMA, FORS: Özel bir anlamı olan renk veya işaret olarak kullanılan bez parçası. Ayrıca bak. "the flag of the United States", "white flag of truce", "weather flag", "color", "ensign", "pennant", "standart", "guidon", "banner"
{i} kaldırım taşı
{f} pörsümek
{i} bandra
{f} bayraklarla süslemek
{f} nefesi kesilmek
i., bot. süsen, zambak
{i} zambak
{f} bu taşlarla döşemek
{f} monotonlaşmak
bayrak,v.güçsüzleş: n.bayrak
flagstone iri ve yassı kaldırım taşı

Amerikan bayrağının renkleri kırmızı, beyaz ve mavidir. - The colors of the American flag are red, white and blue.

Herkes bayrağını sallamaya başladı. - Everybody started waving his flag.

{f} bayrak çekmek
{i} büyük ve yassı kaldırım taşı
{f} kaldırım taşı döşemek
bayrak kaldırmak
(Askeri) fors
bayrak kaldırma
yassı taş
flag up
İnsanların dikkatini bir şeye çekmek
flag station
trenin bayrakla durdurulduğu tren istasyonu
flag it
(Bilgisayar) bayrakla işaretle
flag officer
(Askeri) sancak subayı
flag staff
(Askeri) sancak gönderi
flag captain
amiral gemisi süvarisi
flag day
yardım parası toplama günü
flag staff
bayrak direği
flag waving
flag bit
bayrak biti
flag burning
bayrak yakma
flag carrier
Mecazen öncü, bayrağı taşıyan
flag day
bayrak bayramı
flag desecration
bayrak saygısızlık
flag event
bayrak olayı
flag fall
Sabit başlangıç ücreti. Genellikle Avustralya'da taksi, cep telefonu vb. servisler için alınan sabit başlangıç ücreti
flag is hung out
bayrak dışarı asılı olduğunu
flag leaf
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) Bir bitkinin gövdesindeki yapraklardan en üstte olanı
flag officer
SANCAK SUBAYı: Amerikan ordusu, Hava Kuvvetleri veya Deniz Piyade sınıfında Orgeneral, Korgeneral, Tümgeneral veya Tuğgeneral, Deniz Kuvvetleri veya Sahil Güvenlik teşkilatında ise Oramiral, Koramiral, Tümamiral veya Tuğamiral rütbesinde olan yüksek rütbeli bir subay için kullanılan terim
flag oriented problem
bayrağa yönelik sorun
flag pole
Bayrak direği
flag ship
bayrak gemisi
flag waving
bayrak sallama
flag-raising ceremony
bayrak töreni
flag a taxi
(down) taksi çevirmek
flag at half mast
(isim) yarıya indirilmiş bayrak
flag at half mast
{i} yarıya indirilmiş bayrak
flag captain
(Askeri) amiral gemisinin komutanı
flag captain
(isim) amiral gemisi süvarisi
flag complete
(Bilgisayar) tamamlandı bayrağı
flag day
{i} bayrak bayramı [amer.]
flag day
{i} yardım toplama günü
flag days
(Askeri) bayrak günleri
flag days
(Askeri) (RED OR GREEN) BAYRAK GÜNLERİ (KIRMIZI VEYA YEŞİL): Kırmızı bayrak günleri, hareket ihtiyaçlarının karşılanmadığı günlerdir, yeşil bayrak günleri ise ihtiyaç miktarınca veya fazla miktarda ulaştırma imkan ve kabiliyetinin olduğu günlerdir
flag down
bayrakla işaret vererek durdurmak
flag down
el sallayarak birini durdurmak
flag gate
kanat kapak
flag law
(Kanun) bayrak yasası
flag lieutenant
amiral emir subayı
flag lieutenant
(Askeri) AMİRAL EMİR SUBAYI: A. B. D. Deniz Kuvvetlerinde herhangi bir amiralin emir subayı
flag message
(Bilgisayar) bayrak iletisi
flag message
(Bilgisayar) iletiye bayrak ata
flag message
(Bilgisayar) iletiye bayrak koy
flag of truce
beyaz bayrak
flag officer
flag officer
flag officer
flag semaphore
(Askeri) FLAMA MUHABERESİ: Bak. "semaphore"
flag semaphore
(Askeri) simafor muhaberesi
flag sequence
bayrak dizisi
flag seremoni
(Politika, Siyaset) bayrak merasimi
flag state
(Politika, Siyaset) bayrak devleti
flag stop
trenin bayrakla durdurulduğu tren istasyonu
flag target
(Askeri) çekme bayrak hedefi
flag target
(Askeri) BAYRAK HEDEF: Bak. "towed flag target"
flag waver
aşırı milliyetçi
flag waver
flag waving
aşırı milliyetçi
flag waving
{f} bayrakla işaret ver: prep
flag to
(Bilgisayar) bayrak
red flag
tehlike işareti
belly for halliard of a flag
(Askeri) uçkurluk
colour flag
(Askeri) flama
completion flag
bitiş bayrağı
follow up flag
(Bilgisayar) izleme bayrağı
having a flag
hint flag
ipucu bayrağı
interment flag
(Askeri) tabut bayrağı
national flag
(Askeri) bandra
national flag
(Denizbilim) bandıra
reference flag
(İnşaat) işaret uzantıları
storm flag
(Askeri) fırtına bayrağı
turkish flag
al sancak
turkish flag
türk bayrağı
white flag
(Askeri) teslim bayrağı
yellow flag
sarı bayrak
yellow flag
karantina flaması
begin to flag
yorulmaya başla
black flag
korsan flaması
black flag
siyah flama
blue flag
carry flag
elde göstergesi
confederate flag
müttefik bayrak
dip the flag
sancakla selamlamak
hang the flag at half mast
bayrağı yarıya indirmek
national flag
milli bayrak
pirate flag
korsan bayrağı
purple flag
erguvani bayrak
red flag
isyan bayrağı
sign flag
işaret bayrağı
signal flag
işaret flaması
union flag
sendika bayrağı
white flag
beyaz bayrak

Kırmızı beyaz bayrak rüzgarda uçuyordu. - A red and white flag was flying in the wind.

Beyaz bayrak sallayan birini gördüm. - I see someone waving a white flag.

zero flag
sıfır bayrağı
code flag
kod bayrağı
corner flag
(Spor) köşe gönderi
dip the flag
bayrağı yarıya indirmek
bayrakla işaret verme
half-mast flag
Gönderde yarıya çekilmiş bayrak
hang flag at half mast
yarım indirilmiş bayrak aşmak
haul down the red flag
kırmızı bayrağı aşağı çekmek
hoist flag
Vinç bayrak
raise the flag
bayrağı yükseltmek
sword flag
kılıç bayrak
unroll a flag, unfold a flag
Bir bayrak açmalarına bir bayrak açmak
warning flag
bayrak uyarısı
water flag
sarı iris
waving flag
bayrak sallama
affirmative flag
(Askeri) evet sancağı
american flag
amerikan bayrağı
beach flag
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA FLAMASI: Zemini renkli ve dikey çizgili flama. Zemin; ait olduğu çıkarma kıyısının rengini, çizgiler kıyının numarasını gösterir. Bu flama; bir çıkarma yeri işareti (beach marker) olarak kullanılmaya elverişli değildir. Kaide olarak, belirli bir çıkarma bölgesinde görevli kontrol vasıtaları ile sair vasıtalar tarafından kullanılır
chaplain's flag
(Askeri) DİN İŞLERİ MEMURU FLAMASI: İbadet yerini veya bir din işleri memurunun mevcudiyetini göstermek üzere, arazide kullanılan ve üzerinde beyaz renkte dini remizler bulunan 2' X 3' boyutunda mavi flama
control flag
(Askeri) işaret flaması
danger flag
(Askeri) tehlike flaması
danger flag
(Askeri) TEHLİKE FLAMASI: Atış esnasında dikkati çekmek ve tehlike ihtimalini belirtmek için atış sahalarına çekilen kırmızı flamalar
desk flag
masa bayrağı
{i} taşlarla döşenmiş kaldırım
iri ve yassı kaldırım taşlar
{s} cansız
{s} zayıf
iri ve yassı taşlarla döşenmiş kaldırım veya sokak
{i} geniş kaldırım taşları
plaka döşeme

Prensesi karşılamak için bayraklar salladılar. - They waved flags to welcome the princess.

Birleşmiş Milletler merkezinde dünya bayrakları gururla dalgalanıyor. - Flags of the world fly proudly at the United Nations headquarters.

garrison flag
(Askeri) BÜYÜK MERASİM BAYRAĞI: En büyük boyutta ABD'leri bayrağı. Bu bayrak, tatil günlerinde veya ordu yönetmeliklerinde belirtilen merasim günlerinde çekilir
post flag
(Askeri) standart bayrak
problem identification flag
(Askeri) problem tanımlama bayrağı
quarantine flag
(isim) karantina bayrağı
raise the flag
bayrağı göndere çekmek
range flag
(Askeri) ATIŞ FLAMASI: Atışın yapılmakta olduğunu belirtmek üzere, bir atış yerine veya yakınına atış esnasında dikilen kırmızı bayrak
service flag
(Askeri) MİLLİ HİZMET BAYRAĞI: II. Dünya Savaşında ABD Silahlı Kuvvetlerinde hizmet görmüş olan ve halen hizmet etmekte bulunan bir kimsenin en yakın ailesi tarafından açılması caiz olan bayrak
stone flag
(İnşaat) taş plaka
storm flag
(Askeri) FIRTINA BAYRAĞI: ABD Ordusunda garnizon ve ulusal mezarlıklarda kullanılan ve sert havalarda standart bayrak yerine çekilen ulusal bayrak. Bu bayrak 9,5 fit eninde ve 5 fit boyundadır. Bir askeri cenaze töreninde, defin bayrağı yerine, saygı gösterilen cenazenin tabutu üzerine de serilebilir
sway a flag
bayrak dalgalandırmak
the turkish flag
al bayrak
towed flag target
(Askeri) çekme bayrak hedefi
truce flag
(Askeri) mütareke bayrağı
use flag
(Bilgisayar) bayrak kullan
warning flag
(Askeri) uyarı flaması
weather flag
(Askeri) METEOROLOJİ FLAMASI: Hava durumunu halka bildirmek için kullanılan flama
weather flag
(Askeri) meteoroloji flaması
white flag of truce
(Askeri) MÜTAREKE BAYRAĞI: Düşman kuvvetler arasında bir mütareke veya her hangi bir konuşmada, muhasamatın geçici olarak durdurulmasında kullanılan beyaz bayrak. Ayrıca bakınız: "flag"
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A variable or memory location that stores a true-or-false, yes-or-no value, typically either recording the fact that a certain event has occurred or requesting that a certain optional action take place
An abbreviation for capture the flag
To signal to, especially to stop a passing vehicle etc

Please flag down a taxi for me.

A signal flag
To note, mark or point out for attention

I've flagged up the need for further investigation into this.

To lay down flagstones
Any of various plants with sword-shaped leaves, especially irises; specifically, Iris pseudacorus
: To signal (an event)

The compiler flagged three errors.

To mark with a flag, especially to indicate the importance of something
A slice of turf; a sod
: To set a program variable to true

Flag the debug option before running the program.

A piece of cloth, often decorated with an emblem, used as a visual signal or symbol
A slab of stone; a flagstone, a flat piece of stone used for paving
In a command line interface, a notation requesting optional behavior or otherwise modifying the action of the command being invoked
To weaken, become feeble

His strength flagged toward the end of the race.

A flag flown by a ship to show the presence on board of the admiral; the admiral himself, or his flagship
The use of a flag, especially to indicate the start of a race or other event
{v} to grow weak or feeble, droop decline, tire, lay with flags or flat stones
{n} a plant, a large flat stone, colors
If you fly the flag, you show that you are proud of your country, or that you support a particular cause, especially when you are in a foreign country or when few other people do. A plant, such as an iris or cattail, that has long sword-shaped leaves. To pave with slabs of flagstone. Combination of symbols represented on a piece of cloth, serving as a medium of social, typically political, communication. It is usually rectangular and attached by one edge to a staff or is hoisted on a pole with halyards. Flags appear to be as old as civilized human society, though their origin is not well understood. The Chinese may have been the first to develop cloth flags, and it is believed that they were introduced to Europe by returning Crusaders. Most national flags in use today were designed in the 19th and 20th centuries
Any of various types of indicators used for identification of a condition or event; for example, a character that signals the termination of a transmission
a flipflop used to indicate the status of an operation For example, the zero flag will indicate if an operation results in zero if it is set
If you flag or if your spirits flag, you begin to lose enthusiasm or energy. His enthusiasm was in no way flagging By 4,000m he was beginning to flag. see also flagged
communicate or signal with a flag decorate with flags; "the building was flagged for the holiday
One of the wing feathers next the body of a bird; called also flag feather
Any of various types of indicators used for identification (2) A bit sequence that signals the occurrence of some condition, such as the end of a word (3) In high-level data link control (HDLC), the initial and final octets of a frame with the specific bit configuration of 01111110 A single flag may be used to denote the end of one frame and the start of another
or to give or ask information; commonly attached to a staff to be waved by the wind; a standard; a banner; an ensign; the colors; as, the national flag; a military or a naval flag
An indicator of a specific condition that informs a section of a program that this condition has already occurred and is identified by the presence or absence of the flag A flag can be implemented in software and/or hardware
a conspicuously marked or shaped tail
flagpole used to mark the position of the hole on a golf green
provide with a flag; "Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately"
To droop; to grow spiritless; to lose vigor; to languish; as, the spirits flag; the streugth flags
Journalists sometimes refer to the flag of a particular country or organization as a way of referring to the country or organization itself and its values or power. Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag
A flat stone used for paving
An indication of the country in which a means of transport is registered through a reference to the ensign of this country
– an alternative to a cap The flag method of finishing a cigar involves shaping the wrapper leaf at the head of the cigar so it secures the wrapper Sometimes it is tied off in a pigtail or a curly head
The newspaper's name on page one Also called the nameplate
{f} decorate with flags; signal, warn; lose energy or momentum; become weak
A system used to inform boatclubs of which set of safety regulations are in place, depending on the conditions There are four conditions: No flag (or green), Blue flag (novice coxes and steersmen are not allowed), Amber flag (only crews designated "senior" by OURCs are allowed, and Red flag (no rowing) More details are available from the OURCs website
A 1-bit register or flip-flop that is used to indicate the status of some parameter within the computer
To signal to with a flag; as, to flag a train
{i} banner, pennant; paving stone; any of a number of plants with long slender leaves (such as the iris, blue flag, etc.); tufts of feathers on the legs of birds; special symbol used to mark unusual data (Computers)
A pattern reflecting price fluctuations within a narrow range, generating a rectangular area on a graph both prior to and after sharp rises or declines
  In data transmission or processing, an indicator, such as a signal, symbol, character, or digit, used for identification   Note: A flag may be a byte, word, mark, group mark, or letter that signals the occurrence of some condition or event, such as the end of a word, block, or message
An aquatic plant, with long, ensiform leaves, belonging to either of the genera Iris and Acorus
A black cloth on a metal frame that is used to block light from part of the shot
A Boolean (True or False) variable used to determine whether a condition has been met or an event has occurred For example, the flag blnPasswordSet would be set to True when a password is set and to False when the password is cleared
To hang loose without stiffness; to bend down, as flexible bodies; to be loose, yielding, limp
Of or pertaining to an admiral, commodore, or general officer
1) To mark an information item for selection for further processing (2) A character that signals the occurrence of some condition, such as the end of a word
become less intense
emblem usually consisting of a rectangular piece of cloth of distinctive design
decorate with flags; "the building was flagged for the holiday"
A value that is set either on or off to enable a feature Typically, flag values are single bits, though they can be groups of bits or a whole byte Also a keyword that is added to a Newton Book Maker command to enable a feature Source: NPG
A group of elongated wing feathers in certain hawks
a rectangular piece of fabric used as a signalling device
Bits appended to information that are used to indicate the status of that information
A flag is used to indicate if something is on or off It is used as a means of signalling
In bit-oriented communications, a bit pattern of six binary "1"s bounded by a binary "0" at each end (forms a 0111 1110 or Hex "7E") It is used to mark the beginning and/or end of a frame
In computing: A status bit that causes some indication of the state or condition of the processing unit
To furnish or deck out with flags
To let droop; to suffer to fall, or let fall, into feebleness; as, to flag the wings
To convey, as a message, by means of flag signals; as, to flag an order to troops or vessels at a distance
A variable whose truth value indicates the existence or non-existence of some condition
A corrective move against the current trend that is marked by parallel lines Has the appearance of a flag on a flag pole and can occur in a rising or falling market In the latter, the flag pole is upside down
That which flags or hangs down loosely
A group of feathers on the lower part of the legs of certain hawks, owls, etc
plants with sword-shaped leaves and erect stalks bearing bright-colored flowers composed of three petals and three drooping sepals
To set a program variable to true
stratified stone that splits into pieces suitable as paving stones
Flag Day
A day commemorating the adoption of a national flag

US June 14, for the adoption of the US flag in 1777.

flag captain
the captain of a flagship
flag captains
plural form of flag captain
flag carrier
A strong supporter of a cause, or perhaps the strongest and most visible supporter of said cause

Bill was the flag carrier of the movement to improve inner city education..

flag carrier
A person carrying a standard or flag, usually at sporting events and parades, previously on the battlefield
flag carrier
A transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state
flag carrier
An aircraft carrier serving as a flagship
flag carriers
plural form of flag carrier
flag complex
A simplicial complex that contains a simplex wherever the adjacency of vertices permits one
flag day
A day designated for changing to an incompatible system
flag day
A day on which a registered charity raises money, usually by selling small lapel flags
flag day
A change which is neither forward nor backward compatible
flag days
plural form of flag day
flag down
Use a flag or some kind of signal to get the attention of someone

If you want a taxi in Central London, you'll have to stand in the road and flag one down.

flag football
A version of American football where the players must remove a flag, worn around the waist, from the ball carrier instead of tackling
flag of convenience
Registration of a ship in a country chosen for its low taxes, permissive regulations, and so on
flag of convenience
The flag flown by a ship so registered (which flag then corresponds to the country of registration)
flag officer
(US military, informal) In addition to naval officers of Navy and the Coast Guard, a general officer in the Army, Marines, or Air Force with the rank of brigadier general or higher
flag officer
A naval officer with the rank of rear admiral or above, such officers are entitled to fly a personal flag, especially on the flagship
flag officers
plural form of flag officer
flag poles
plural form of flag pole, an alternative spelling of flagpole
flag rank
Any of several equivalent ranks in several other naval or other military organizations
flag rank
The rank of a flag officer
flag ranks
plural form of flag rank
One who carries a flag, especially at a ceremony
the act of burning a flag, especially the flag of a nation as an act of protest at that nation's activities
the captain of a flag-ship
flag up
Mention something so that people know about it
flag burning
See: flag desecration
flag desecration
Flag desecration is a blanket term applied to various acts that intentionally deface a flag, most often a national flag (though other flags can be defaced as well)
flag fall
Flagfall or flag fall is common Australian expression for a fixed start fee, especially in the haulage and railroad industry. From the Australia mobile phone industry the expression has recently begun to spread to other English language countries, as business jargon for an initial fixed fee for establishing each phone call. The expression is also beginning to find its way into other businesses as a synonym to "start fee"
flag leaf
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) The uppermost leaf on a stem
Flag Day
{i} (In USA) holiday celebrated on June 14 in honor of the anniversary of the adoption of the official U.S. flag in 1777
Flag Day
In the United States, Flag Day is the 14th of June, the anniversary of the day in 1777 when the Stars and Stripes became the official U.S. flag. In Britain, a flag day is a day on which people collect money for a charity from people in the street. People are given a small sticker to wear to show that they have given money. June 14, observed in the United States in commemoration of the adoption in 1777 of the official U.S. flag. June 14th, a day in the US when people fly the US flag, remembering the day in 1777 when the Stars and Stripes (=US flag) was officially accepted and first used
flag at half mast
{i} flag flying halfway down a flagpole as a sign of mourning
flag at half staff
flag lowered to half-mast as a sign of respect for the dead or as a distress signal
flag captain
{i} captain of a flagship of a fleet
flag day
flag in 1777
flag day
{i} (In England) tag day, day for collection of contributions in which people try to raise money for a particular cause in exchange for small flags
flag day
commemorating the adoption of the U S flag in 1777
flag day
commemorating the adoption of the U
flag down
signal to stop; "Let's flag down a cab--it's starting to rain"; "The policeman flagged down our car
flag down
If you flag down a vehicle, especially a taxi, you wave at it as a signal for the driver to stop. They flagged down a passing family who stopped to help them Marlette was already out of the door, flagging down a taxi. = hail
flag down
signal someone to stop
flag football
{i} softer and more gentle form of football
flag football
A type of football in which the advancement of the ball is stopped by removing a flag attached to the ball carrier's clothing. a game like American football in which players tear off small pieces of cloth called flags from around other players' waists instead of knocking them down touch football
flag of convenience
A ship registered under the flag of a country that offers conveniences regarding taxes, crew, and safety requirements
flag of convenience
Registry of the vessel is foreign to that of the country in which the company that owns the ship is located
flag of convenience
A ship registered under the flag of a nation which offers conveniences in the areas of taxes, crew, and safety requirements » Back to top of screen
flag of convenience
The granting of nationality (and the right to fly a flag) to a ship by a state when there is little or no connection (such as ownership, nationality of the crew, routes followed, etc ) between the ship and the state
flag of convenience
The flag of a country with easy or lax maritime regulations and low fees and taxes, flown by ships that register their vessels in such countries, even though their ownership and main cruising areas are elsewhere
flag of convenience
A ship registered under the flag of a nation which offers conveniences in the areas of taxes, crew, and safety requirements
flag of convenience
A foreign flag under which a merchant vessel is registered for purposes of reducing operating costs or avoiding government regulations
flag of truce
A white flag brought or displayed to an enemy as a request for a conference or as a signal of surrender
flag of truce
white flag: flag consisting of a piece of white cloth that is hoisted to signal surrender or to ask for a truce
flag officer
a senior naval officer above the rank of captain
flag officer
high ranking naval officer entitled to display a flag indicating his rank, naval officer in command of a group of ships, any officer in the navy above captain
flag officer
An officer in the navy or coast guard holding a rank higher than captain, such as rear admiral, vice admiral, or admiral
flag pledge
oath of allegiance
flag pole
pole on which a flag is raised and flown
flag smut
smut affecting leaves and stems of cereals and other grasses
flag smut fungus
a smut fungus causing a smut in cereals and other grasses that chiefly affects leaves and stems and is characterized chains of sori within the plant tissue that later rupture releasing black masses of spores
flag state
Country of registry of a sea going vessel A sea going vessel is subject to the maritime regulations in respect of manning scales, safety standards and consular representation abroad of its country of registration
flag state
Country of registry of a sea-going vessel A sea-going vessel is subject to the maritime regulations in respect of manning scales, safety standards and consular representation abroad of its country of registration
flag state
The state that allows a ship to fly its flag and that grants the ship its nationality
flag stone
{i} flat paving stone; (Geology) rock that splits into slabs
flag waving
an appeal intended to arouse patriotic emotions
person who carries a flag
disapproval You can use flag-waving to refer to the expression of feelings for a country in a loud or exaggerated way, especially when you disapprove of this. The real costs of the war have been ignored in the flag-waving of recent months. the expression of strong national feelings, especially when these feelings seem too extreme
fly the freak flag
To behave in a unconventional or unrestrained manner; to exhibit the uninhibited side of one's personality

What she realized, in short, is she could go with her funk and quirk, be who she was and fly the freak flag high.

Union Flag
The flag of the United Kingdom, consisting of the flags of England (St. George's Cross), Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross), and Ireland (St. Patrick's Cross) now only used in Northern Ireland combined
Union Flag
The flag, consisting of the flags of England (St. George's Cross), Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross), and Ireland (St. Patrick's Cross) now only used in Northern Ireland combined, flown on ships of the government of the United Kingdom
Union Flag
The flag, consisting of the flags of England (St. George's Cross) and Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross) combined, flown on ships of the government of Great Britain
Union Flag
The flag of the Great Britain, consisting of the flags of England (St. George's Cross) and Scotland (St. Andrew's Cross) combined
black flag
A flag with a black color, used as a symbol of anarchism
buzzer flag
A linesman's flag that is equipped with a button that causes a receiver (typically worn by the referee) to buzz, thus warning him of the flag's use
capture the flag
a game normally played by children in which two teams have a flag which is stored at the other team's base. Whichever team returns their flag to their own base first is the winner. This game is often played in paintball
capture the flag
A computer game with similar rules, usually in first-person shooter format
checkered flag
Alternative spelling of chequered flag
chequered flag
A black-and-white chequered flag which signifies the end of a race
chequered flag
A victory in a race

Honda got their changes right, as Button beat De la Rosa to the chequered flag by 30.8 seconds-.

corner flag
A flag that to denote the corner of the field of play
freak flag
Unconventional or unrestrained behavior; extreme, nonconformist views; the side of one's personality which harbors a tendency toward such behavior or such views

A: If you ever watched The Family Stone, it says, Everyone has a freak flag, so fly your freak flag proudly. So that's kind of the way I am.

quarantine flag
a yellow flag hoisted by all ships on entering a harbor, to show that it has contagious or infectious disease aboard, or by a ship that has been quarantined
raise the flag and see who salutes
To float an idea, (or otherwise do some action) to see what response or controversy (if any) it generates, usually as a preliminary step

Much of the discourse on and the spirit of group interaction have an improvisational flavor: we “float trial balloons” in the groups we belong to or “raise a flag and see who salutes.”.

red flag
A cue, warning, or alert; a sign or signal that something is wrong

Improper formatting is a red flag to look for other problems with the data.

show the flag
Of a naval vessel or military force, to identify itself by displaying the flag of its country of origin, especially in order to establish an authoritative presence and to exert diplomatic or political influence

On a routine cruise to show the flag, the British warships Amphion and Contest steamed into the harbor of Santa Ana Island in the southern Solomons (which are under a British protectorate).

show the flag
To represent one's country or some other group in a manner intended to suggest the authority or importance of that country or group

The Bush-Cheney re-election campaign will send a high-profile team of surrogates to both Iowa and New Hampshire in the coming days to train and motivate Republican activists and to show the flag in states in which the Democratic presidential race has dominated political debate.

show the flag
To display the flag of one's country, especially as an expression of patriotic pride
sweet flag
a perennial wetland plant, Acorus calamus, with an aromatic medicinal root, formerly used to strew floors, also known as calamus
white flag
A flag with a white color, often used as a symbol of surrender
wrap in the flag
To claim as deserving support for patriotic reasons

He manages to wrap every bit of pork for his district in the flag.

Bear Flag Revolt
Short-lived rebellion in 1846 by American settlers in California against Mexican authorities. In June a small group captured Sonoma, a settlement north of San Francisco, and declared independence, raising a flag that featured a grizzly bear. Capt. John C. Frémont soon arrived to give his support and was elected to head the "republic." In July U.S. forces occupied San Francisco and Sonoma and claimed California for the U.S. The bear flag later became the state flag
battle flag
a flag that leads troops into battle
dip the flag
lower the flag
past of flag
A flagged path or area of ground is covered with large, flat, square pieces of stone. covered with flagstones
One who directs traffic past a construction site using signs or flags
Bouncing of goods as the needle moves up and down during the embroidering Often caused by improper framing, incorrect backing or facing, maladjusted presser foot height or using a hoop too large for the embroidery design Can cause poor quality embroidery and running problems such as skipping stitches, fraying of thread and breaking of thread
weak from exhaustion
Drawing blood into a syringe to ensure the drug will enter a vein; also called "booting" in the USA
Up and down motion of goods under the action of the needle, so named because of its resemblance to a waving flag Often caused by improper framing of goods Flagging may result in poor registration, unsatisfactory stitch formation and birdnesting
{i} material used to pave a walkway, flagstones, paving stones; pavement
Growing languid, weak, or spiritless; weakening; delaying
A peeling away from the surface of the end of a length of tape' particularly in a spiral-wrap application
Marking or tagging process based on the occurrence of some specific event (e g , search result)
Extending one's foot or entire leg out into space to provide a counter-balance that enables a climber to reach for a hold in the opposite direction
A tree crown that looks similar to a flag due to persistent mortality of needles on one side of the tree caused by abrasion or desiccation
Colored plastic ribbon attached to trees or stakes to make boundaries, stakes, and other markers visible (20)
A pavement or sidewalk of flagstones; flagstones, collectively
— Up and down motion of goods under action of the needle, so named because of its resemblance to a waving flag Often caused by improper framing of goods Flagging may result in poor registration, unsatisfactory stitch formation and birdnesting
present participle of flag
becoming tired or losing strength flagging spirits/energy/morale
{s} weak, exhausted; weakening, losing strength; losing energy or momentum
Dried strips of a marsh weed, such as cattail
The automated marker on an account indicating that one or more account holders is deceased, and that all future Federal payments for that account should be returned
Up and down motion of the fabric under the needle action caused by improper hooping Results in poor registration, unsatisfactory stitch formation and birdnesting
VARCHAR2(35) Indicates whether or not a proxy can activate all client roles, no client roles, or a specific client role
are used to convey quality information or operating modes They are usually set to zero to mean OK and 1 for not OK The spare flag are set to zero There may be exceptions, then a particular description of the usage of the flag is provided
Flag is accelerator jargon for a sheet of phosphorescent material through which the beam passes As the beam passes through the sheet (typically aluminum oxide in a thin ceramic plate) it "lights up", showing the beam size and position at that particular flag location A camera mounted externally to the beam vacuum chamber "looks" through a quartz viewport to capture the light and is displayed on standard video displays
Pennants that are suspended over the width of each end of the pool 15 feet from the wall
flags flags
plural of flag
An internet header field carrying various control flags
Marks in some distinctive manner
Zero or more color dialog flags telling how to render the box
What the color guard uses on the field They add visual beauty and impact to the movement of the band proper There are more than one set of flags used during the show Flags are designed by the guard instructor and sewn by band parents
The race officials will communicate with the drivers via flags Every driver should be familiar with the flags and their meaning used at their track Flags will be shown by the flag man
Refers to the access given to an individual on a bot/eggdrop Flags determine what an individual can and cannot do on or through a bot/eggdrop
Flags signal drivers of events or conditions Green, white, white/red, black, checkered, blue, yellow, red and red/yellow flags each have a different meaning See each individual color for an explanation of what each flag means
Used to control the race and to let drivers know certain information during the race
Backstroke flags placed 5 yards or 5 meters from the end of the pool
opaque squares or rectangles used to block off part of light beams
lowered the flag to half-mast
lowered the flag to the midpoint of the flagpole (to commemorate a sad event)
pilot flag
The flag hoisted at the fore by a vessel desiring a pilot, in the United States the union jack, in Great Britain the British union jack with a white border
raising of the flag
raising of the flag to the top of the flagpole each morning or on holiday occasions
red flag
something that irritates or demands immediate action; "doing that is like waving a red flag in front of a bull"
red flag
An irregularity or anomaly that provides warning or indication that something is amiss
red flag
A warning term used to indicate further analysis is warranted
red flag
the emblem of socialist revolution
red flag
The race has been stopped Proceed slowly to the pits
show the white flag
surrender, give in
sweet flag
A hardy perennial herb (Acorus calamus) of the Northern Hemisphere, growing in marshy places and having grasslike leaves, minute greenish flowers borne on a thick spadix, and aromatic rhizomes. Also called calamus
the flag was lowered to half-mast
flag was lowered half-way down the flag-pole, lowering of a flag as a symbol of mourning or commemoration
wheat flag smut
fungus affecting leaves and stems of wheat
white flag
white banner hoisted as a signal of truce or surrender
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение flag в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

yellow flag
(Askeri) sick flag

    Турецкое произношение



    do well, increase, rise, strengthen


    /ˈflag/ /ˈflæɡ/


    [ flag also flAg ] (noun.) 14th century. From Middle English flag, flagge (“flag”), of Dutch or North Germanic origin. Compare Old Dutch vlagghe (“flag”), Modern Dutch vlag (“flag”), German Flagge (“flag”), Swedish flagg (“flag”), Danish flag (“flag, ship's flag”), Swedish flage (“to flutter in the wind”), Old Norse flögra (“to flap about”). Akin to Old High German flogarōn (“to flutter”), Old High German flogezen (“to flutter, flicker”), Middle English flakeren (“to move quickly to and fro”), Old English flacor (“fluttering, flying”). More at flacker.


    flags, flagging, flagged

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    flag up


    ... by their parents. Had gone to school here, pledged allegiance to the flag. Think of this ...
    ... Or a reader somewhere could flag ...