The Kantian phenomenon is the real as we are compelled to think it.
Hurricanes are a meteorological phenomenon.
But, all the same, you're a phenomenon, and as queer a phenomenon as you are a blackguard.
The phenomenon of a huge blazing fire, upon the opposite bank of the glen, again presented itself to the eye of the watchman. . . . He resolved to examine more nearly the object of his wonder.
I verily believe that in the Moon there are no rains, for if Clouds should gather in any part thereof, as they do about the Earth, they would thereupon hide from our sight some of those things, which we with the Telescope behold in the Moon, and in a word, would some way or other change its Phœnomenon.
Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomenons, including ESP.
- Parapsikoloji ESP dahil paranormal ve psişik fenomenler hakkında çalışmadır.
To explain this phenomenon, each scientist devised his own theory.
- Bu fenomeni açıklamak için, her bilim adamı kendi teorisini tasarladı.