fachgerechte bewertung

listen to the pronunciation of fachgerechte bewertung
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Определение fachgerechte bewertung в Английский Язык Турецкий язык словарь


Bu mali denetim, aynı zamanda şirketin varlıklarının bir değerlendirmesini içerir. - This financial audit also includes an evaluation of the company's assets.

Tam bir değerlendirme istiyoruz. - We want a complete evaluation.

(Tıp) evaluasyon
değer biçme
{i} paha biçme
(Askeri) (NATO) DEĞERLENDİRME: bkz: "intelligence cycle"
{i} değer tahmini
(Askeri) (INTELLIGENCE) İSTİHBARAT DEĞERLENDİRMESİ, İSTİHBARAT KIYMETLENDİRMESİ: Bir haber veya bilginin; istihbarat bakımından değerli, uygun, inanılır ve doğru olup olmadığını tayin için incelenmesi
{i} ölçüm
(Askeri) DEĞERLENDİRME: İstihbarattaki kullanımına göre bir bilginin güvenilirlik, geçerlilik, yararlılık ve doğruluk yönünden değerlendirilmesi. Değerlendirme istihbarat çarkının muhtelif aşamalarında farklı kapsamlar içinde yapılır. İstihbarat subayları ve rapor subayları tarafından yapılan ilk değerlendirmeler kaynağın geçerliliği ve doğruluğunun harekat seviyesine göre eldeki verilerle mukayese edilmesi konusunda odaklaştırılır. İstihbarat analizcileri tarafından yapılan sonraki değerlendirmeler esas olarak bilginin doğruluğunu ortaya koymaya çalışır ve dolayısıyla bilgiyi istihbarata çevirir. Bilgi veya istihbarat kalemlerinin değerlendirilmesi veya kıymetlendirilmesi standart bir harf sayı sistemiyle gösterilir. Kaynakların güvenilirliği A'dan F'ye kadar harflerle, bilginin doğruluğu 1'dan 6'ya kadar rakamlarla gösterilir. Bu, tamamen iki birbirinden bağımsız değerlendirmedir ve bu ayrı değerlendirmeler aşağıda gösterilen sisteme uygun olarak belirtilir. Örneğin, genellikle güvenilir bir kaynaktan elde edilen "muhtemelen doğru" bir istihbarat "B 2" veya "B2" olarak kıymetlendirilirken, "genellikle güvenilir bir kaynak"tan elde edilen "doğruluğuna hükmedilemeyecek" bir bilgi "B 6" veya "B6" olarak gösterilir. Kaynağın güvenilirliği: A- Tamamıyle güvenilir B- Genellikle güvenilir C- Biraz Güvenilir D- Genellikle güvenilmez E- Güvenilmez F- Güvenilirliğine hükmedilemez. Bilginin Doğruluğu: 1. Diğer kaynaklarca teyit edilmiş. 2. Muhtemelen doğru 3. Doğru olması mümkün 4. Şüpheli 5. Doğruluğu muhtemel değil 6. Doğruluğuna hükmedilemez. Ayrıca bakınız: "intelligence cycle", "operational evaluation", "technical evaluation"
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
A completion of a mathematical operation; a valuation
The substitution of a variable with its value
act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of
A completion of a mathmatic operation; a valuation
A judgment of merit based on various measurements, notable events, and subjective impressions A total art program evaluation assesses the quality of components such as facilities, resources, teacher preparation, extra- curricular art activities, or safety in the art room or performance facility, and includes curriculum evaluation and the program for assessment of student learning Assessment of student learning in the arts can lead to refining or reinforcing curriculum (what is taught, when) and Lesson Plans (how) (See Figure G 1 as a demonstration of how arts programs operate within the context of the community and the state )
To measure, compare, and judge the quality of student work, schools, or a specific educational program
A systematic (and as objective as possible) examination of a planned, ongoing or completed project It aims to answer specific management questions and to judge the overall value of an endeavour and supply lessons learned to improve future actions, planning and decision-making Evaluations commonly seek to determine the efficiency, effectiveness, impact, sustainability and the relevance of the project or organisation's objectives An evaluation should provide information that is credible and useful, offering concrete lessons learned to help partners and funding agencies make decisions
{i} appraisal, estimation, act of evaluating
Evaluation is inquiry (quantitative and/or qualitative) designed to reflect the extent of progress made towards attaining the stated goals of an organization or project within an organization Evaluations are most enlightening when they address quantified and measured indicators of progress towards accomplishing stated goals and/or objectives Evaluations typically assess progress made in terms of services, time, resources, and costs required to make a particular level of progress
act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth of an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship
An assessment, such as an annual personnel performance review used as the basis for a salary increase or bonus, or a summary of a particular situation
The process of determining the worth of, or assigning a value to, something on the basis of careful examination and judgment As used in this document, evaluation is one use of assessment information See assessment
the systematic analysis of processes, results, and impacts of a program, activity or policy in order to judge its worth Evaluation may also address the extent to which a program or an institution continues to serve a useful purpose and operates efficiently (See In-depth Evaluation and Institutional Evaluation)
Normative evaluation is a judgment as to whether something is good or bad in some respects, a value judgment ; Evaluation of the results is assessment of what test results indicate about some natural phenomena, or about the performance of some human artifact
making judgments about the quality of student work using information about learning gathered through assessments Good evaluations of learning are generally based on multiple sources of assessment information
a collecting and bringing together of information about a child's learning needs, which may include social, psychological, and educational evaluations used to determine assignment to special programs or services; a process using observation, testing, and test analysis to determine an individual's strengths and weaknesses to plan his or her educational services Parental consent for initial evaluation must be obtained for this process
1 The collection and processing of information and data in order to determine how well a design meets the requirements and to provide direction for improvements 2 A process used to analyze, evaluate, and appraise a student's achievement, growth, and performance through the use of formal and informal tests and techniques
Valuation; appraisement
(applies to school-aged children); a way of collecting information about a student's learning needs, strengths, and interests; the evaluation is part of the process of determining whether a student qualifies for special education programs and services
fachgerechte bewertung