
listen to the pronunciation of environmental
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Çevresel olarak zarar verici projeler sistematik olarak terk edilmelidir. - Environmentally damaging projects should be abandoned systematically.

Tom Batılı yaşam tarzı ile ilgili çevresel etkileri anlamıyor. - Tom doesn't understand the environmental impacts associated with a Western lifestyle.

{s} çevre

Tom Çevre Koruma Ajansı için çalışıyor. - Tom works for the Environmental Protection Agency.

Bu ev çevre dostudur. - This house is environmentally friendly.

(Jeoloji) ortamla ilişkili
(Jeoloji) çeyreye ait
environmental chamber
Klima odası
environmental awareness
çevre duyarlılığı
environmental actions
(İnşaat) çevre etkileri
environmental analysis
(Çevre) çevre analizi
environmental analysis
(Askeri) çevresel analizler
environmental aspects
çevre koşulları
environmental assessment
çevresel değerlendirme
environmental assessment
(Çevre) çevre değerlendirmesi
environmental audit
çevre denetimi
environmental change
çevresel değişim
environmental chemistry
(Çevre,Kimya) çevre kimyası
environmental conditions
çevresel şartlar
environmental conditions
(Çevre,Teknik) çevre şartları
environmental conservation
(Çevre) çevre korunması
environmental conservation
(Askeri) çevresel koruma
environmental damage
(Çevre) çevresel zarar
environmental degradation
(Çevre) çevre degradasyonu
environmental design
(Çevre,Teknik) çevresel tasarım
environmental design
(Çevre) çevre tasarımı
environmental economics
(Çevre) çevre ekonomisi
environmental effects
(Çevre) çevresel etkiler
environmental engineering
(Çevre,Teknik) çevre tekniği
environmental factor
(Biyoloji) çevresel faktör
environmental factors
(Tıp) çevre faktörleri
environmental geology
(Çevre,Jeoloji) çevre jeolojisi
environmental health
çevre sağlığı
environmental impact
(Çevre) çevresel etki
environmental impact
çevreye saygı
environmental information
(Askeri) çevresel bilgi
environmental issues
(Çevre) çevre sorunları
environmental justice
çevresel adalet
environmental management
çevresel yönetim
environmental monitoring
çevre denetimi
environmental monitoring
(Tıp) çevresel izleme
environmental movement
(Politika, Siyaset) çevre hareketi
environmental planning
(Çevre) çevre planlaması
environmental policy
çevre politikası
environmental project
çevre projesi
environmental protection
cevre koruma
environmental protection
(Ticaret) çevre koruması
environmental protection
(Çevre) çevre korunması
environmental quality
(Çevre) çevresel kalite
environmental quality
(Çevre) çevre kalitesi
environmental resources
(Askeri) çevre kaynakları
environmental responsibility
bir şirketin yada kurumun çevreyi koruyan bir şekilde işletilmesi
environmental safety
(Çevre) çevresel güvenlik
environmental services
(Askeri) çevresel hizmetler
environmental simulation
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çevresel benzetim
environmental studies
(Çevre) çevre çalışmaları
environmental technology
çevre teknolojisi
environmental temperature
çevre sıcaklığı
environmental toxicology
(Çevre) çevre toksikolojisi
environmental variable
çevre değişkeni
environmental  economics
(Ticaret) çevre ekonomisi
environmental conscious
çevre bilinci
environmental control
doğal çevreyi koruma
environmental development
çevre gelişmesi
environmental engineering
çevre mühendisliği
environmental law
çevre hukuku
environmental pollution
çevre kirlenmesi
environmental problem
çevre sorunu
environmental problems
çevre sorunları
environmental protection
çevre koruma
environmental science
çevre bilimi
environmental sciences
çevre bilimleri
Environmental Impact Assesment
(Çevre) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirme (ÇED)
environmental activist
çevre aktivisti
environmental aspect
(Çevre) çevresel etki yaratan unsur
environmental biotechnology
Çevre Biyoteknolojisi
environmental circumstances
Çevresel koşullar
environmental complexity
(Ekonomi) Çevresel karmaşıklık
environmental engineer
Çevre Mühendisi
environmental impact
Çevresel etkiler
environmental integration
Çevresel bütünleşme/bütünlük
environmental integrity
Çevresel bütünleşme/bütünlük
environmental pollution
çevre kirliliği
environmental pressure group
çevresel baskı grubu
environmental problems
çevre ile ilgili sorunlar
environmental problems
çevresel sorunlar
environmental protection agengy
çevre koruma agengy
environmental regulation
Çevre yönetmeliği
environmental relations
çevre ilişkileri
environmental resource
çevresel kaynak
environmental sustainability
çevresel sürdürülebilirlik
environmental tobacco smoke
(Çevre) Pasif içicilik

Environmental tobacco smoke effects the health.

Environmental Impact Statement
(Askeri) Çevreye Olan Etki Raporu
Environmental Protection Agency; evasion plan of action
(Askeri) Çevre Koruma Kuruluşu; sakınma planı
environmental acceptability
(Politika, Siyaset) çevresel kabul edilebilirlik
environmental accounting
(Ticaret) çevre koruma muhasebesi
environmental act
(Çevre) çevre yasası
environmental air pollutants
(Çevre) çevresel hava kirleticiler
environmental auditor
(Ticaret) çevre denetçisi
environmental authority
(Ticaret) çevre yetkili makamı
environmental carcinogens
(Tıp) çevresel karsinojenler
environmental changes
çevresel değişmeler
environmental claim
(Ticaret) çevresel talep
environmental cognition
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çevre bilişi
environmental concentration
(Çevre) çevresel yoğunlaşma
environmental condition
(Havacılık) çevresel şart
environmental conditioning
(Dilbilim) çevre koşullaması
environmental control system
(Havacılık) çevresel kontrol sistemi
environmental control unit
(Askeri) çevre kontrol birimi
environmental cycle
(Havacılık) çevresel cevrim
environmental disruption
(Çevre) çevre bozulması
environmental engineering
(Askeri) ÇEVRE MÜHENDİSLİĞİ (HV.): Mühendislikte; teçhizatı içinde bulunması zaruri çevre şart ve etkilerinin sebep ve neticelerini incelemeye ayrılmış bir safha. Bu terim; bazen "endüstri sağlığı mühendisliği "industrial hygiene engineering" ve "biyomedikal mühendisliği "biomedical engineering" başlıkları altındaki çalışmaları ifade eder
environmental executive agent
(Askeri) çevresel icra üyesi
environmental exposure
(Çevre) çevrenin radyoaktif etkisi
environmental exposure
çevresel etkilenme
environmental geotechnics
(Jeoloji) çevre jeotektoniği
environmental geotechnology
(Çevre) çevre jeoteknolojisi
environmental hazards
(Çevre) çevresel tehlikeler
environmental health risk assessment
(Askeri) çevreye bağlı nedenlerle ortaya çıkan sağlık risk değerlendirmesi
environmental hydraulics
(Askeri) çevresel hidrolik
environmental impact analysis
çevresel etki analizi
environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) (EIA) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi (ÇED)
environmental impact changes
çevresel etki değişimleri
environmental impact statement
çevresel etki raporu
environmental impairment liability
çevre bozulmasına karşı sorumluluk
environmental independence
(Nükleer Bilimler) çevreden bağımsızlık
environmental index
çevre endeksi
environmental inventory
çevre envanteri
environmental landscape
(Mimarlık) çevre peyzajı
environmental laws
(Ticaret) çevre kanunları
environmental limits
(Askeri) çevresel sınırlamalar
environmental mangagement
(Avrupa Birliği) çevre yönetimi
environmental map
(Askeri) çevre haritası
environmental matters
(Ticaret) çevresel hususlar
environmental media
(Biyoloji) çevresel ortamı
environmental medicine
(Askeri) MEŞGULİYETLE TEDAVİ TEBABETİ: Tebabette, çevrenin insan üzerindeki etkilerine tahsis edilmiş bölüm. Bu terim "meşguliyetle tedavi tebabeti occupational medicine" ile eşanlamlıdır. Ayrıca bakınız: "biomedicine"
environmental medicine
(Askeri) meşguliyetle tedavi tababeti
environmental metallurgy
çevresel metalurji
environmental modification
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) çevre değişikliği
environmental pathway
(Biyoloji) çevresel patika
environmental permits
(Ticaret) çevre ruhsatları
environmental plan
(Çevre) çevre imar planı
environmental pollutant
(Biyoloji) çevresel kirletici
environmental pollutants
(Tıp) çevre kirleticileri
environmental protection agency
çevre koruma ajansı
environmental protection law
(Kanun) çevre koruma yasası
environmental quality index
(Çevre) çevre kalitesi indeksi
environmental quality objective
çevre kalite hedefi
environmental quality standard
çevre kalite standardı
environmental range
(Havacılık) çevresel menzil
environmental remediation
(Ticaret) çevre ıslahı
environmental research
(Askeri) ÇEVRE ŞARTLARI ARAŞTIRMASI: Sorumlu makamlarca toplanmış istatistik, meteoroloji, iklim ve coğrafi durum ile ilgili bilgilerin derlenmesi, yorumlanması ve değerlendirilmiş bilgilerin, münasip makamlar tarafından, malzeme, personel ve harekat görevleri lojistik problemlerine uygulanmak üzere, münasip form halinde, bu makamlara sunulması
environmental resistance
(Denizbilim) çevresel direnç
environmental restoration
çevre restorasyonu
environmental sample
(Biyoloji) çevresel numune
environmental scanning
(Ticaret) çevresel tarama
environmental scarcity
çevresel kıtlık
environmental services
(Askeri) ÇEVRESEL HİZMETLER: Askeri planlama ve karar verme işleminde ve askeri harekatın geliştirilmesinde uzay, atmosferik, oşinografik ve karasal çevrenin geçmişi, bugünü ve geleceği hakkında elde edilmesi, üretilmesi ve temin edilmesi gereken bilgilerin bilimsel, teknik ve danışma faaliyetlerinin (geliştirme işlemleri; yani suni ve doğal unsurların etkisi dahil olmak üzere) muhtelif terkipleri
environmental stress
(Havacılık) çevresel zorluk
environmental studies
environmental system manager
(Ticaret) çevre sistem yöneticisi
environmental terrorism
çevre terörizmi
environmental test
(Telekom) çevre testi
environmental test chamber
klima odası
environmental testing
(Havacılık) çevresel kontrol
environmental utilisation
(Askeri) çevre kullanım
environmental volunteer
çevre gönüllüsü
environmental waste
çevresel atık
çevresel olarak
global environmental facility
(Denizbilim) gef
global environmental facility
(Politika, Siyaset) küresel çevre imkanı
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design
İç mimarlık ve çevre tasarımı
çevre açı
Echelon 3; electromagnetic environmental effects
(Askeri) Kademe 3; elektromanyetik ortam etkileri
Joint Environmental Management Board
(Askeri) müşterek çevre yönetim kurulu
National Environmental Policy Act
(Askeri) Milli Çevre Politikası Kanunu
National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (DOC)
(Askeri) Milli Çevre Uydusu, Veri Ve Bilgi Hizmeti (DOC)
Navy Integrated Tactical Environmental System
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Entegre Taktik Çevresel Sistemi
Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document
(Askeri) Deniz Aşırı Çevre Klavuz Dayanak Belgesi
Tactical Environmental Support System
(Askeri) Taktik Çevre Destek Sistemi
best practicable environmental option
en kullanışlı çevresel seçenek
crisis action weather and environmental support system
(Askeri) kriz müdahele meteoroloji ve çevresel destek sistemi
disease and environmental alert report
(Askeri) hastalık ve çevresel alarm raporu
electromagnetic environmental effects
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK ÇEVRE ETKİLERİ: Elektromanyetik çevrenin askeri kuvvetler, teçhizat, sistemler ve platformların çalışma imkan ve kabiliyetlerine tesiri. Elektromanyetik uyarlık/elektromanyetik girişim; elektromanyetik hassaslık, elektromanyetik sadme; elektronik karşı-karşı-tedbirler, elektromanyetik radyasyonun personel, mühimmat ve uçucu malzemeye tehlikeleri dahil olmak üzere tüm elektromanyetik hususlar; ve ışıma ile P-statiğinin doğal etkilerinden meydana gelir. Ayrıca E de denir
çevresel yönden
(zarf) çevresel olarak
european environmental agency
(Avrupa Birliği) Avrupa Çevre Ajansı
geostationary operational environmental satellite
(Askeri) yer sabit harekat çevre uydusu
global environmental facility
(Avrupa Birliği) (GEF) Küresel Çevre İmkanı
medium equipment transporter; mobile environmental team
(Askeri) orta teçhizat taşıyıcısı; seyyar çevre timi
national environmental action plan
(Avrupa Birliği) (NEAP) Ulusal Çevre Eylem Planı (UÇEP)
naval mobile environmental team
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri seyyar çevre timi
raise environmental awareness
çevre bilinci oluşturmak
regulation on environmental impact assessment
(Avrupa Birliği) Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Tüzüğü
transboundary environmental impact assessment convention
(Avrupa Birliği) Sınıraşırı Çevresel Etki Değerlendirmesi Sözleşmesi
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors"
In assessing a company with respect to its environmental footprint we score a company on whether the company is a service, light or heavy industry, and if it is a miner whether it is involved in underground or open cut operations In addition we look for involvement in smelting, recent environmental awards or incidents and factors such as carbon credits Using WMC as an example again, while WMC is focused on environmental issues and is a signatory of the Australian Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management, the company has scored only one star, due to not only for it's mining activities, but the company also produces significant emissions through its smelting and refining activities
concerned with the ecological effects of altering the environment; "environmental pollution"
of or relating to the external conditions or surroundings; "environmental factors
Non-genetic influences that can affect a person's health and personality, for example, diet, upbringing and circumstances
Any nongenetic influence on the phenotype Also refers to the conditions under which an organism exists, such as climate, altitude, other species, food sources, and so on
Environmental means concerned with the protection of the natural world of land, sea, air, plants, and animals. the environmental claims being made for some products Environmental groups plan to stage public protests during the conference. + environmentally en·vi·ron·men·tal·ly the high price of environmentally friendly goods
pertaining to ones environment
Environmental means relating to or caused by the surroundings in which someone lives or something exists. It protects against environmental hazards such as wind and sun. adj. environmental terrorism environmental geology Environmental Protection Agency environmental sculpture
Requirements The requirements that characterize the impact of the environment on the system/configuration item (CI) as well as the system/CI's impact on the natural environment
Possible conditions of the application to be considered (i e corrosion, dust, moisture/humidity, temperature, acid wash, and UV )
{s} pertaining to the environment
environmental ethics
The branch of ethics that examines questions of moral right and wrong relating to the management, protection, or endangerment of the natural environment
environmental refugee
Somebody who flees a country due to environmental issues, rather than political, religious or economic ones
environmental science
The integrated study of factors that influence the environment and environmental systems, especially the interaction of the physical, chemical, and biological components of the environment
environmental scientist
A scientist whose speciality is environmental science
environmental scientists
plural form of environmental scientist
environmental chamber
An enclosure used to test the effects of specified environmental conditions on biological items, industrial products, materials, and electronic devices and components
environmental responsibility
the duty that a company has to operate in a way that protects the environment
Environmental Impact Assesment
(Çevre) An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is an assessment of the likely influence a project may have on the environment. “Environmental Impact Assessment can be defined as: The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made.” (IAIA 1999). The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision-makers consider environmental impacts before deciding whether to proceed with new projects
environmental biotechnology
Environmental biotechnology is when biotechnology is applied to and used to study the natural environment. Environmental biotechnology could also imply that one try to harness biological process for commercial uses and exploitation. The International Society of Environmental Biotechnology defines environmental biotechnology as "the development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly processes (green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development)"
environmental complexity
(Ekonomi) The strength, number, and interconnectedness of the specific and general forces that an organization has to manage
environmental pressure group
A group of environmentalist people who supports the preservation of natural environments, politically as well

Volunteering means campaigning for change, such as getting involved with a local environmental pressure group to stop logging in a rainforest, or supporting a global drive to abolish landmines.

environmental tobacco smoke
Smoke that comes from the burning end of a cigarette and smoke that is exhaled by smokers. Also called ETS or second-hand smoke. Inhaling ETS is called involuntary or passive smoking
Environmental Protection Agency
{i} U.S. government agency that sets and enforces standards for protecting the environment, EPA
Environmental Protection Agency
the EPA a US government organization whose aim is to protect the land, air, and water from pollution, for example by dangerous chemicals, smoke, or industrial waste. U.S. government agency that sets and enforces national pollution-control standards. It was established by Pres. Richard Nixon (1970) to supersede a welter of confusing and ineffective state environmental laws. Its early accomplishments include banning the use of DDT (1972), setting deadlines for the removal of lead from gasoline (1973), establishing health standards for drinking water (1974), and monitoring fuel efficiency in automobiles (1975). The EPA's enforcement was in large part responsible for a decline of one-third to one-half in most air-pollution emissions in the U.S. from 1970 to 1990, and during the 1980s the pollution standards index improved by half in major cities; water quality and waste disposal also improved significantly. The EPA also oversees the cleanup of abandoned waste sites through Superfund. Its existence has resulted in heightened awareness and concern for the environment worldwide
Environmental Resource Management
ERM, worldwide organization that works to improve environmental quality and preservation of natural resources (with cooperation with various companies and industries)
environmental condition
the state of the environment
environmental conditions
state of the environment (weather, topography, etc.)
environmental disaster
environmental holocaust, disaster that greatly affects the environment
environmental education
educational process dealing with the human interassociation with the environment, process that uses an interdisciplinary approach to solving problems explaining values; organized attempts to educate how natural environments operate and how people can manage their behavior and ecological systems as to sustain themselves
environmental geology
Scientific field concerned with applying the findings of geologic research to the problems of land use and civil engineering. It is closely allied with urban geology and deals with the impact of human activities on the physical environment. Other important concerns of environmental geology include reclaiming mined lands; identifying geologically stable sites for constructing buildings, nuclear power plants, and other facilities; and locating sources of building materials, such as sand and gravel
environmental impact
ecological effects of a particular action or project
environmental influences
effects of natural forces
environmental justice
(Legal) branch of law that deals with the right for people of all races incomes and religions to live in unpolluted environments
environmental laws
regulations concerning the protection and conservation of the environment
environmental monitoring
measuring changes in the quality of the environment in order to guide changes of policy or activity, and in order to detect improvements as a result of actions taken
environmental monitoring
The measurement of external dose rates due to sources in the environment or of radionuclide concentrations in environmental media
environmental monitoring
The process of checking, observing, or keeping track of something for a specified period of time or at specified intervals
environmental monitoring
The process of sampling and analyzing environmental media in and around a facility to (1) confirm compliance with performance objectives and (2) detect contamination entering the environment to facilitate timely remedial action
environmental monitoring
Observation of effects of development projects on environmental resources and values
environmental problem
difficult environmental issue, troublesome matter related to the environment; situation or event that harms the environment, something that causes damage to the environment
environmental protection
measures which are put into effect to protect the quality of the environment
environmental protection agency
an independent federal agency established to coordinate programs aimed at reducing pollution and protecting the environment
environmental psychology
branch of psychology that studies the influence of environments on human behavior (natural environments, social environments, learning environments, etc.)
environmental sculpture
Art form, developed in the 20th century, that involves or encompasses the spectator. The environmental sculptor can use any medium, from mud and stone to light and sound. Indoor environmental works often incorporate sculptural figures in detailed settings in gallery or museum spaces. Outdoor works in natural or urban settings include "earthworks" (large-scale alterations of the Earth's surface effected by earth-moving equipment) such as Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty (1970), a rock-and-dirt spiral 1,500 feet long in the Great Salt Lake. The wrapped buildings of Christo are notable urban environmental works
environmental studies
study of ecology
Minister of Environmental Protection
head of the government office responsible for protecting and improving the environment
Ministry of Environmental Protection
government office responsible for protecting and improving the environment
causing environmental damage
injuring nature, causing harm to the natural environment
council on environmental policy
the executive agency that advises the President on protecting the environment
for the environment; "the new recycling policy is environmentally safe"
in a manner affecting ones environment
for the environment; "the new recycling policy is environmentally safe
from an environmental standpoint
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение environmental в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

çevre kirliliği/kirlenmesi environmental pollution, pollution of
the environment
çevre korunması environmental protection, protection of
the environment

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    /ənˌvīrənˈmentəl/ /ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmɛntəl/


    ... There is no guarantee that it will continue though.  Environmental challenges, the challenges ...
    ... environmental issues, we have been putting forward some tough ...