An enum is an enumerated data type, which includes a finite list of fixed, mappable values In TL1 product applications such as the TL1 Workshop, an enum is a type of field for which there is a finite list of fixed, mappable values An example of a field that can be defined as an enum is a condition type, or "condtype "
These are used to define enumerations for which it is desired to have translation routines generated Each enum must have one en_name that contains the enumeration name and prefix for each enumeration value, and one or more en_ent entries that define each enumeration value The en_ent must have a name (ename) and a description (etype)
Keyword declaring a distinct integer type with a set of name integer constants called enumerators Declaration format: enum <tag-name> { <list of enumerators> } The enumerators can be defined and initialized to arbitrary integer constants They can also be declared anonymously, without a tag-name If not initialized, their values default to 0, 1, 2, 3 etc
() Abbreviation of enumeration, used as a keyword in the C programming language and its descendants.