
listen to the pronunciation of electromagnetic
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
akım miknatissal
akım mıknatıssal,elektromanyetik
(Tıp) Elektrik akımı ile meydanag etirilen (mıknatıslılık), elektromanyetik
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK: Yüklü partiküllerin radyasyonu veya hareketi ile ilgili müşterek elektriki ve manyetik sahalara ait
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) özindüklenme
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik) özirgiti
electromagnetic induction
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektromanyetik endüksiyon
electromagnetic field
elektromanyetik alan
electromagnetic force
elektromanyetik güç
electromagnetic horn
elektromanyetik korna
electromagnetic induction
elektromanyetik indüksiyon
electromagnetic inertia
elektromanyetik atalet
electromagnetic interference
elektromanyetik girişim
electromagnetic lens
elektromanyetik mercek
electromagnetic loudspeaker
elektromanyetik hoparlör
electromagnetic microphone
elektromanyetik mikrofon
electromagnetic mirror
elektromanyetik ayna
electromagnetic momentum
elektromanyetik moment
electromagnetic oscillograph
elektromanyetik osilograf
electromagnetic oscilloscope
elektromanyetik osiloskop
electromagnetic pulse
elektromanyetik puls
electromagnetic pump
elektromanyetik pompa
electromagnetic radiation
elektromanyetik radyasyon
electromagnetic reaction
elektromanyetik reaksiyon
electromagnetic relay
elektromanyetik röle
electromagnetic screen
elektromanyetik ekran
electromagnetic separator
elektromanyetik ayırıcı
electromagnetic speaker
elektromanyetik hoparlör
electromagnetic spectrum
elektromanyetik spektrum
electromagnetic switch
elektromanyetik anahtar
electromagnetic tube
elektromanyetik tüp
electromagnetic unit
elektromanyetik ünite
electromagnetic unit
elektromanyetik birim
electromagnetic wave
elektromanyetik dalga
electromagnetic braking
elektromanyetik frenleme
electromagnetic deflection
elektromanyetik sapma
Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center
(Askeri) Elektromanyetik Uygunluk Analiz Merkezi
electromagnetic brake
(Tekstil) elektromanyetik fren
electromagnetic clutch
(Tekstil) elektromanyetik kavrama
electromagnetic compatibility
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK UYARLIK: Muhabere teçhizatı, tali sistemler ve sistemlerin, tasarlandıkları çalışma koşullarında, elektromanyetik radyasyon veya tepki sebebiyle, kabul edilemeyecek oranda performansının azalmasına neden olmayacak derecede çalışma yeteneği. a. Tasarım uyarlığına, istenilmeyen sinyalleri yok etmek ve çalışma imkan ve kabiliyetlerini artırmak için, tüm elektromanyetik radyasyon ve alıcı teçhizatının teknik karakteristikleri ve özelliklerinin bir arada düşünülerek tasarlanmasıyla sağlanır. Çalışma uyarlığına, girişimsiz bir çalışmayı temin etmek için, teçhizat esnekliğiyle sağlanır. Çalışma verimliliğini azamiye çıkarmak için, ses frekansı idaresi, açık kavramlar ve doktrinler kullanılması gerekir
electromagnetic compatibility
(Askeri) elektromanyetik uygunluk
electromagnetic delay line
elektromanyetik gecikme hatti
electromagnetic disturbance
elektromanyetik bozanetken
electromagnetic emission
(Askeri) Elektromanyetik yayınlar
electromagnetic environment
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK ÇEVRE: Bir askeri kuvvet, sistem veya platformun, kullanılması düşünülen çalışma çevresinde belirlenen görevini yaparken, radyasyon veya iletim yoluyla karşılaştığı elektromanyetik emisyon seviyelerindeki muhtelif frekans aralıklarında, güç ve zaman dağılımının çarpımı. Elektromanyetik girişim; elektromanyetik sadme; elektromanyetik radyasyonun personel, mühimmat ve uçucu malzemelere, tehlikeleri ve ışıma ile statiğinin doğal etkilerinin toplamıdır. Ayrıca EME de denir
electromagnetic environment
(Askeri) elektomanyetik ortam
electromagnetic environmental effects
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK ÇEVRE ETKİLERİ: Elektromanyetik çevrenin askeri kuvvetler, teçhizat, sistemler ve platformların çalışma imkan ve kabiliyetlerine tesiri. Elektromanyetik uyarlık/elektromanyetik girişim; elektromanyetik hassaslık, elektromanyetik sadme; elektronik karşı-karşı-tedbirler, elektromanyetik radyasyonun personel, mühimmat ve uçucu malzemeye tehlikeleri dahil olmak üzere tüm elektromanyetik hususlar; ve ışıma ile P-statiğinin doğal etkilerinden meydana gelir. Ayrıca E de denir
electromagnetic interface; electromagnetic interference
(Askeri) elektromanyetik ara yüzey; elektromanyetik müdahale (karıştrrma, titreşim)
electromagnetic interference
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK MÜDAHALE/GİRİŞİM: Elektronik/elektrik teçhizatın etkin performansını engelleyen, kesen ya da performansını düşüren veya sınırlayan herhangi bir elektromanyetik parazittir. Elektromanyetik harbin bazı şekilleri gibi kasıtlı olarak veya kasıtsız olarak yanlış emisyon ve tepkiler, intermodülasyon ürünleri ve benzerleri gibi oluşturulabilir. Ayrıca EMI'de denir
electromagnetic intrusion
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK ENGELLEME: Operatörleri yanıltmak veya karışıklığa neden olmak amacıyla, iletişim hatlarına kasıtlı olarak elektromanyetik enerjinin herhangi bir yolla sokulması. Bak. "electronic warfare"
electromagnetic methods
elektromanyetik yöntemler
electromagnetic pulse
(Askeri) elektromanyetik pals
electromagnetic pulse
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK PALS: Nükleer aygıtların malzemelerinden veya çevreleyen ortamdan yayılan fotonların "Comptonrecoil" elektronları ve fotoelektronlarının neden olduğu bir nükleer patlamadan meydana gelen elektromanyetik radyasyon. Sonuçta oluşan elektriksel ve manyetik alanlar elektriksel/ elektronik sistemlerle birleşerek hasar verici akım ve voltaj iniş çıkışları oluşturabilir. Nükleer olmayan vasıtalarla da oluşabilir. Ayrıca EMP de denir
electromagnetic radiation
elektromanyetik ışıma
electromagnetic radiation
elektromanyetik radyasyon,elektromanyetik yayılma
electromagnetic radiation
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK RADYASYON TEHLİKELERİ: Gönderici/anten sistemlerinin neden olduğu tehlikeler şunlardır. a. Mühimmat, personel, yakıt doldurma faaliyetlerinin civarında belirlenen güvenli seviyenin üstünde elektromanyetik radyasyon üretmek. b. Mevcut seviyeleri tehlikeli dereceye artırmak. c. Planlanan çalışma veya işgal edilen yere tehlike arzedecek şekilde, elektromanyetik radyasyona maruz kalan bir bölgede konuşlandırılmış personel, yakıt ikmal veya mühimmat tesisinin bulunması. Bu tehlikeler yeterli yoğunlukta elektromanyetik alanın aşağıdakileri gerçekleştirmek üzere bulunması halinde olacaktır: a) Elektronik patlayıcı veya diğer silah sistemleri, mühimmat veya patlayıcı aygıtların hassas patlayıcı aygıtların hassas patlayıcı unsurlarını harekete geçirmek için yeterince büyük oranda indükleme veya akım/voltaj oluşturma. b) İnsanlara veya doğaya zarar ya da yaralanma oluşturmak. c) Etkilenmiş alanda muamele görmesi gereken alev alıcı malzeme karışımlarını ateşlemek için yeterli büyüklükte kıvılcımlar oluşturmak. Aynı zamanda EMD tehlikeleri, RADHAZ, HERO'da denir
electromagnetic radiation
(Nükleer Bilimler) elektromagnetik radyasyon
electromagnetic radiation hazards
(Askeri) elektromanyetik radyasyon tehlikesi
electromagnetic radiation hazards
(Askeri) elektromanyetik radyasyon yayılım zararları
electromagnetic radiation hazards; hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordna
(Askeri) elektromanyetik radyasyonun olumsuz etkileri; elektromanyetik radyasyonun ordu donatım malzemesine olumsuz etkileri
electromagnetic spectrum
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK SPEKTRUM (NATO): Elektromanyetik radyasyonun sıfırdan sonsuza kadar tüm aralıklardaki frekansları. Aralıklar 26 adet alfabetik olarak harflenmiş banttan oluşur. Bak. "electronic warfare"
electromagnetic spectrum
elektromanyetik spektrum,elektromanyetik tayf
electromagnetic testing
(Nükleer Bilimler) elektromagnetik test
electromagnetic vulnerability
(Askeri) ELEKTROMANYETİK HASSASİYET: Belirli seviyedeki çevresel elektromanyetik tesirlere maruz kalmanın sonucunda, bir sistemin karakteristiklerinin belirli derecede performans kaybı göstermesi. Ayrıca EMV'de denir
electromagnetic vulnerability
(Askeri) elektromanyetik hassasiyet
electromagnetic; executive manager
(Askeri) elektromanyetik; icra idarecisi
hybrid electromagnetic wave
melez elektromanyetik dalga
law of electromagnetic induction
elektromanyetik indüksiyon yasası
Echelon 3; electromagnetic environmental effects
(Askeri) Kademe 3; elektromanyetik ortam etkileri
control of electromagnetic radiation
(Askeri) (IADB) ELEKTROMANYETİK RADYASYON KONTROLU (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): Bir taarruz veya yakın tehlike halinde düşman uçaklarının güdümlü füzelerinin veya diğer cihazlarının seyrüseferine yardımcı olacak olan elektromanyetik radyasyonun kullanımını asgari kılmayı amaçlayan bir harekat planı
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuel
(Askeri) elektromanyetik radyasyonun yakıta olan olumsuz etkileri
hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnel
(Askeri) elektromanyetik radyasyonun personele olumsuz etkileri
radio frequency/electromagnetic pulse intelligence
(Askeri) telsiz frekansı/elektromanyetik pals istihbaratı
transient electromagnetic method
kısa-ömürlü elektromanyetik method
transient electromagnetic method
geçici elektromanyetik method
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Referring to the combined electric & magnetic fields caused by electron motion through conductors
{s} pertaining to electromagnetism, pertaining to magnetism produced by electrical currents
Of or pertaining to magnetism produced by or associated with electricity
Referring to the combined electric and magnetic fields caused by electron motion through conductors Electrostatic Pertaining to static electricity, or electricity at rest An electric charge, for example
pertaining to electromagnetism
Referring to the combined electric and magnetic fields caused by electron motion through conductors
Relating to the interplay between electric and magnetic fields In particular, light (as well as x-rays, microwaves, gamma rays, etc ) is electromagnetic radiation, consisting of alternating electric and magnetic fields which move through space
Having both electrical and magnetic properties
Refers to electric and magnetic fields generated by oscillating electric charges Oscillating rates of concern for transient overvoltage range from slowly changing DC to 100's of Kilohertz
pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; "electromagnetic energy"
describes the relationship between electricity and magnetism; having both magnetic and electrical properties
pertaining to or exhibiting magnetism produced by electric charge in motion; "electromagnetic energy
Magnetic (generator) production of electricity
Describes magnetism developed by a current of electricity
Of, Pertaining to, or produced by, magnetism which is developed by the passage of an electric current
The combined electric and magnetic field caused by the flow of electrons in a conductor
Force: The force between electrically charged or magnetised bodies, mediated by the exchange of photons and described by the theory of quantum electrodynamics (QED)
Objects made magnetic by an electric current
A magnetic field cause by an electric current Power lines cause electromagnetic fields that can interfere with nearby data cables
A general term referring to the electric and magnetic fields associated with the movement of electrons through conductors
Electromagnetic is used to describe the electrical and magnetic forces or effects produced by an electric current. electromagnetic fields. adj. electromagnetic field electromagnetic force electromagnetic induction electromagnetic radiation electromagnetic spectrum
Magnetic field caused by the flow of electrons in a conductor
A magnetic field caused by an electric current For example, the electric current in energized power lines causes electromagnetic fields that can interfere with nearby data cables
Electromagnetisch See EM spectrum
Of or pertaining to the magnetic forces produced in a surrounding medium by the flow of current in a conductor
Pertaining to the combined electric and magnetic fields associated with movements of electrons through conductors
electromagnetic energy
The potential energy of an electric or magnetic field
electromagnetic field
The field of force that is due to the interaction of electric and magnetic forces of charged bodies
electromagnetic fields
plural form of electromagnetic field
electromagnetic force
A long-range fundamental force that acts between charged bodies, mediated by the exchange of photons
electromagnetic induction
the production of an electrical potential difference in a conductor situated in a changing magnetic flux
electromagnetic interaction
the fundamental interaction responsible for the electromagnetic force
electromagnetic radiation
Radiation (quantized as photons) consisting of oscillating electric and magnetic fields oriented perpendicularly to each other, moving through space
electromagnetic spectra
plural form of electromagnetic spectrum
electromagnetic spectrum
The entire range of wavelengths of all known electromagnetic radiations extending from gamma rays through visible light, infrared, and radio waves, to X-rays
electromagnetic unit
Any of the various units to measure electricity and magnetism in the CGS (now replaced by SI) system of units; abbreviated emu or EMU
electromagnetic units
plural form of electromagnetic unit
electromagnetic wave
electromagnetic radiation, such as light and radio waves
electromagnetic waves
plural form of electromagnetic wave
electromagnetic delay line
a delay line based on the time of propagation of electromagnetic waves
electromagnetic field
field generated by an oscillating electric charge
electromagnetic field
The field of force associated with electric charge in motion, having both electric and magnetic components and containing a definite amount of electromagnetic energy. Property of space caused by the motion of an electric charge. A stationary charge produces an electric field in the surrounding space. If the charge is moving, a magnetic field is also produced. A changing magnetic field also produces an electric field. The interaction of electric and magnetic fields produces an electromagnetic field, which has its own existence in space apart from the charges involved. An electromagnetic field can sometimes be described as a wave that transports electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic force
One of the four known basic forces in the universe. Electromagnetism is responsible for interactions between charged particles that occur because of their charge, and for the emission and absorption of photons (electromagnetic radiation). The phenomena of electricity and magnetism are consequences of this force, and the relationships between them were first described by James Clerk Maxwell in the 1860s. The physical description of electromagnetism has since been combined with quantum mechanics into the theory of quantum electrodynamics. The electromagnetic force is about 10^36 times as strong as the gravitational force (see gravitation), but significantly weaker than both the weak force and the strong force
electromagnetic induction
Induction of an electromotive force in a circuit by varying the magnetic flux linked with the circuit. The phenomenon was first investigated in 1830-31 by Joseph Henry and Michael Faraday, who discovered that when the magnetic field around an electromagnet was increased or decreased, an electric current could be detected in a separate nearby conductor. A current can also be induced by constantly moving a permanent magnet in and out of a coil of wire, or by constantly moving a conductor near a stationary permanent magnet. The induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of the magnetic flux cutting across the circuit
electromagnetic induction
production of an electric current by changing the magnetic field enclosed by an electrical circuit
electromagnetic interaction
an interaction between charged elementary particles that is intermediate in strength between the strong and weak interactions; mediated by photons
electromagnetic interference
disruption of the operation of electrical devices which is caused by the presence of electromagnetic radiation, EMI
electromagnetic intrusion
the deliberate insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths with the objective of confusing or deceiving operators
electromagnetic pulse
The pulse of intense electromagnetic radiation generated by certain physical events, especially by a nuclear explosion high above the earth
electromagnetic radiation
radiation consisting of waves of energy associated with electric and magnetic fields resulting from the acceleration of an electric charge
electromagnetic radiation
any type of electromagnetic wave (waves composed of undulating electrical fields and magnetic fields)
electromagnetic radiation
Energy propagated through free space or through a material medium in the form of electromagnetic waves. Examples include radio waves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma rays. Electromagnetic radiation exhibits wavelike properties such as reflection, refraction, diffraction, and interference, but also exhibits particlelike properties in that its energy occurs in discrete packets, or quanta. Though all types of electromagnetic radiation travel at the same speed, they vary in frequency and wavelength, and interact with matter differently. A vacuum is the only perfectly transparent medium; all others absorb some frequencies of electromagnetic radiation
electromagnetic spectrum
n. The entire range of radiation extending in frequency from approximately 10 centimeter to infinity and including, in order of decreasing frequency, cosmic-ray photons, gamma rays, x-rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves. Total range of frequencies or wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. The spectrum ranges from waves of long wavelength (low frequency) to those of short wavelength (high frequency); it comprises, in order of increasing frequency (or decreasing wavelength): very-low-frequency to ultrahigh-frequency radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X rays, and gamma rays. In a vacuum, all waves of the electromagnetic spectrum travel at the same speed: 299,792,458 m/sec (186,282 mi/sec)
electromagnetic spectrum
the entire frequency range of electromagnetic waves
electromagnetic unit
Any of various systems of units for electricity and magnetism based on a system of equations in which the permeability of free space is taken as unity and by means of which the abampere is defined as the fundamental unit of current
electromagnetic unit
any of various systems of units for measuring electricity and magnetism
electromagnetic wave
A wave of energy having a frequency within the electromagnetic spectrum and propagated as a periodic disturbance of the electromagnetic field when an electric charge oscillates or accelerates
electromagnetic wave
wave of radiation from the electromagnetic spectrum
by means of electromagnetism
in an electromagnetic manner, via an electromagnet

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    /əˌlektrōmagˈnetək/ /ɪˌlɛktroʊmæɡˈnɛtɪk/


    ... This is the internet.  The internet is a simple byproduct of the electromagnetic force. ...
    ... of it, compliments of Faraday's electromagnetic force. ...