
listen to the pronunciation of eis
Немецкий Язык - Турецкий язык
(Gıda) dondurma
{ays} s buz
s. ays buz
auf Eis legen
das Eis
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
ice cream
E double sharp
E sharp
E flat
E double flat

You must not eat too much ice-cream and spaghetti. - Du darfst nicht zu viel Eis und zu viele Spaghetti essen.

Most children love ice cream. - Die meisten Kinder mögen Eis.

Eis (gefrorenes Wasser)
Eis am Stiel
ice lolly
Eis am Stiel
ice-cream lolly
Eis am Stiel
Eis am Stiel
Eis gelaufen
Eis in der Tüte / im Stanizel / im Cornet
soft ice cream
Eis laufen
to skate
Eis laufen
to ice-skate
Eis laufend
Eis nach Fürst-Pückler-Art
Neapolitan ice cream
Eis sprengt den Felsen.
Ice is breaking up the rock
Eis/Nüsse/Kräuter zerstoßen
to crush ice/nuts/herbs
(Eis) aufhauen
to pick (ice)
(Eis) aufhauen
to hew
Ablation (Abschmelzen von Schnee oder Eis)
ablation (melting of snow or ice)
Alberto glitt über das Eis.
Alberto slid across the ice
Auskolkung durch Eis
glacial scour
Das Eis auf dem See war bretthart/brettlhart/pickelhart.
The ice on the lake was rock-solid
Die Luftblasen waren im Eis gefangen.
The air bubbles were entrapped in ice
Du hast dich mit Eis bekleckert.
You've got ice-cream on/all over your shirt
Neapolitan ice cream
Ich hätte jetzt Lust auf ein Eis.
I'd fancy an ice cream now
Schale Eis
bowl of ice cream
Schalen Eis
bowls of ice cream
chocolate chip ice cream
Streuen (wegen Eis)
Unsere Pläne müssen wir auf Eis legen.
We must put off our plans
Verweilen auf dem Eis/in der Ladezone verboten!
No loitering on the ice/in the loading zone!
Welche Sorten Eis haben Sie?
What flavours of ice-cream do you have?
Zur Nachspeise gibt's Eis.
There's ice-cream for pudding
auf Eis gelegt
auf Eis gelegt
temporarily shelved
auf Eis legen
to freeze something
auf Eis legend
temporarily shelving
auf Eis legend
auf Eis liegen
to be on hold
auf dem Eis ausrutschen
to slip on the ice
auf einem Holzgestell Eis züchten
to grow ice on a wooden frame
cremiges Getränk aus Frucht und Milch oder Eis
das Auf-Eis-Legen von etwas
the shelving of something
das ewige Eis der Arktis
the eternal ice of the Arctic
das ewige Eis des Gletschers
the eternal ice of the glacier
die Sprengwirkung von Eis
the wedge effect of ice
dünn geschabtes mit Sirup übergossenes Eis
dünn geschabtes mit Sirup übergossenes Eis
snow cone
ein Eis essen
to eat an ice cream
eine Kugel Eis
a scoop of ice-cream
eine Kugel Eis
a ball of ice-cream
eine Kugel Eis
a a scoop of ice cream
eine Portion Eis
a dish of ice-cream
eine kurze Strecke über das Eis rutschen
to slip over on the ice for a short distance
einen Plan zu den Akten/ad acta legen / schubladisieren / auf Eis legen
to shelve a plan
etw. auf Eis legen
to temporarily shelve something
etw. auf Eis legen
to shelve something
etw. auf Eis legen
to put something on the backburner
etw. auf Eis legen
to put something on ice
etw. mit Eis/Reif bedecken
to frost something
ewiges Eis
eternal ice
in der Umgebung eines Eis (liegend/gelegen), ein Ei umgebend
kalt wie Eis
as cold as ice
sich als Eis festsetzen
to solidify as ice
sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen
to walk on thin ice
sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen
to skate on thin ice
sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen
to tread on thin ice
sich auf dünnem Eis bewegen
to be treading on thin ice
vom Eis eingeschlossen
zu Eis gefrieren
to freeze {froze
zu Eis gefrieren
zu Eis gefrieren
to turn to ice
zu Eis werden
to freeze {froze
zu Eis werden
zu Eis werden
to turn to ice
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Environmental Impact Statement, required if a proposed project will have a significant impact The EIS identifies the locations that a proposed project may have an effect on
Enterprise Information Systems
Environmental impact statement, required by the National Environmental Policy Act (See NEPA)
– Environmental Impact Statement
Emissions Inventory Statement
Environmental Impact Statement May be required by the State Environmental Policy Act if a project permitted by an agency of government, or a project of government, is likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment
Required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) whenever the government embarks on a project likely to have a significant effect on the natural or human environment The government must prepare a comprehensive report outlining alternatives to the proposed action which reflect a full range of options, including a no action alternative, meaning do nothing (For projects undertaken by the state of California, they are known EIRs -- Environmental Impact Reports) If a government agency finds negligible impact on the environment from a project, it issues a so-called negative declaration
Enterprise Information Server
Environmental Impact Study
Executive Info Systems An easy-to-use, friendly Decision Support System
(Environmental Impact Statement) - A document required of federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act for major projects or legislative proposals significantly affecting the environment A tool for decision making, it describes the positive and negative effects of the undertaking and cites alternative actions
Executive Information System Describes a front-end interface that lets a user view data graphically The PowerPlay software is considered both an OLAP application and an EIS system
An Environmental Impact Statement is a detailed study required by the National Environmental Policy Act The EIS process involves evaluating alternatives and determining their potential impacts and recommending a proposed solution to address identified transportation needs
Acronym for Executive Information System
environmental impact statement: an evaluation of environmental impacts after preliminary determination (possibly by an EA) that a project would likely have significant impacts, what those impacts are and what magnitude ; an EA or EIS is required (unless categorically excluded by law ) for all federally funded projects by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) An EIS requires a more extensive public involvement and notification process
Environmental Impact Study (NEPA)
Acronym for Enterprise Investment Scheme The Enterprise Investment Scheme is an Inland Revenue approved scheme that encourages individuals to subscribe for shares in unquoted trading companies Tax relief is due on the investment There are many detailed rules applying to this scheme
the booklet Essential Information for Students, also called Proctors' and Assessor's Memorandum
Environmental Impact Statement: A document similar to, but much more extensive than, an EA An EIS must analyze all cumulative, direct, and indirect impacts of a proposed action
Variously defined as Executive/Enterprise/Everyone’s Information/Intelligence System/Service/Software A category of applications and technologies for presenting and analyzing corporate and external data for management purposes Extreme ease of use and fast performance is expected in such systems, but analytical functionality is usually very limited
Executive Information System
Environmental Impact Statement
Нидерландский Язык - Немецкий Язык