
listen to the pronunciation of einmündung
Немецкий Язык - Английский Язык
An intersection of routes where one road terminates as it joins a (usually higher priority) road at approximately 90°. In most countries, a give way or stop road sign will be seen at a T-junction
If you arrive at a T-junction, the road that you are on joins at right angles to another road, so that you have to turn either left or right to continue. a place where two roads meet and form the shape of the letter T
Einmündung (Straße)
Einmündung eines Tals / Flusses
die Einmündung
the conflux
die Einmündung
the watersmeet
die Einmündung
the junction (of two watercourses/glaciers)
die Einmündung
the confluence