
listen to the pronunciation of education
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Ana baba, çocuklarına verilecek eğitim türünü seçmek hakkını öncelikle haizdirler. - Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children.

Eğitim potansiyel yeteneklerini geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır. - Education aims to develop potential abilities.


Bizim ortak çok şeyimiz var: hobiler, öğretim durumu, ve benzeri. - We have many things in common: hobbies, educational background, and so on.

O, mektupla öğretim ile eğitimine devam edebildi. - She was able to continue her education through correspondence courses.

eğitim ve öğretim
{i} öğrenim

O ülke yüksek öğrenim görmüş bir topluma dönüşüyor. - That country is turning into a society with high education.

(Tıp) edükasyon
eğitim bilimi
eğitim yönünden

Kalbi eğitmeden zihni eğitmek hiç eğitim görmemektir. - Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.

{i} eğitimbilim
educationally terbiye bakımından
{i} terbiye
educational tahsille ilgili

Bir eğitimsel psikolog tanıyorum ve ondan nefret ediyorum. - I know an educational psychologist and I hate her.

Biz konuyu eğitimsel bir bakış açısından tartıştık. - We discussed the matter from an educational point of view.

(Tıp) hasta eğitimi
eğitim alma

Firma eğitsel kitaplar yayınlıyor. - The firm publishes educational books.


Saha gezisini çok eğitici buldum. - I found the field trip very educational.

Tom saygın bir eğitici psikoloktur. - Tom is a respected educational psychologist.


Bir eğitimsel psikolog tanıyorum ve ondan nefret ediyorum. - I know an educational psychologist and I hate her.

Biz konuyu eğitimsel bir bakış açısından tartıştık. - We discussed the matter from an educational point of view.

education and culture
(Eğitim) eğitim ve kültür
education certificate
(Eğitim) öğrenim belgesi
education period
(Eğitim) eğitim öğretim dönemi
education plan
(Askeri) eğitim planı
education psychology
(Tıp) eğitim psikolojisi
education seminar
eğitim semineri
education specialist
(Askeri) eğitim uzmanı
education system
eğitim öğretim sistemi
education technology
(Askeri) eğitim teknolojisi
education department
eğitim bölümü
education policy
eğitim politikası
education language
öğrenim dili
education of art
sanat eğitimi
education of work
iş eğitimi
education officer
eğitim subayı
education status
Tahsil durumu
education strict on memorization
ezberci eğitim
education and state
eğitim ve devlet
education directive
eğitim yönergesi
education economy
eğitim ekonomisi
education in art
sanatta eğitim
education level
education loan
(Ticaret) eğitim kredisi
education manual
(Askeri) öğretim kitabı
education manuals
(Askeri) ÖĞRETİM KİTAPLARI: Askeri personel tarafından vazife dışında faydalanmak ve Silahlı Kuvvetler öğretim programının. tatbikatında kullanılmak üzere, A. B. D. Silahlı Kuvvetler Enstitüsü tarafından, seri, halinde hazırlanan kitaplar
education of princes
prenslerin eğitimi
education reconditioning
(Askeri) RUHİ TEDAVİ: Nekahette bulunan hastaların terbiye, telkin ve tedris suretiyle ruhi durumlarını tahrik, teşvik ve harekete getirme işlemi
education sales supervisor
(Ticaret) eğitim satış sorumlusu
education standard
(Askeri) eğitim standardı
The Law of Unification of Education
(Biyokimya) Tevhid-i Tedrisat Kanunu
agricultural education
tarımsal eğitim
apprenticeship education
çıraklık eğitimi
bilingual education
(Dilbilim) ikidilli eğitim
career education
uzmanlık eğitimi
community education
toplum eğitimi
comparative education
karşılaştırmalı eğitim
consumer education
tüketici eğitimi
continuing education
(Eğitim) sürekli eğitim
continuing education center
(Eğitim) sürekli eğitim merkezi
council of higher education
yüksek öğretim kurulu
domestic education
evde eğitim
early childhood education
erken çocukluk eğitimi

Eğitim sistemi şu anda inceleme altında. - The educational system is now under review.

Televizyon önemli bir kültür kaynağı olabilir, ve eğitim yayınlarına birçok okulda değer verilmektedir. - Television could be an important source of culture, and its educational broadcasts are valued in many schools.

health education
sağlık eğitimi
higher education council
(Kanun) yükseköğretim kurulu
inclusive education
(Eğitim) kapsamlı eğitim
international education
(Eğitim) uluslararası eğitim
library education
kütüphane eğitimi
modern education
çağdaş eğitim
movement education
hareket eğitimi
nursing education
(Tıp) hemşirelik eğitimi
outdoor education
açık hava eğitimi
peer education
(Eğitim) akran eğitimi
philosophy of education
eğitim felsefesi
physical education
popular education
popüler eğitim
postgraduate education
(Askeri) lisansüstü eğitim
postgraduate education
(Eğitim) lisansüstü eğitimi
psychology of education
eğitim psikolojisi
receive decent education
iyi eğitim almak
receive education
öğrenim görmek
receive education
eğitim almak
receive education
eğitim görmek
receive good education
iyi eğitim almak
right to education
eğitim hakkı
sensitive education
hassasiyet eğitimi
sensitive education
sociology of education
eğitim sosyolojisi
teacher education
(Dilbilim) öğretmen eğitimi
Minister of National Education
Milli Eğitim Bakanı
Ministry of Education
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
adult education
yetişkin eğitimi
basic education
temel eğitim
board of education
ABD okullar idare heyeti
compulsory education
zorunlu öğrenim
computer aided education
bilgisayar destekli eğitim
cost of education
eğitim maliyeti
department of education
eğitim bölümü
eğitim yönünden
terbiye bakımından
elementary education
formal education
yaygın öğretim
higher education
yüksek ögrenim
higher education
yüksek öğrenim
informal education
örgün öğretim
liberal education
genel kültür
mass education
kitle eğitimi
physical education
beden eğitimi

Beden eğitimi dersinde sakatlandım. - I injured myself during the physical education lesson.

Beden eğitimi gerekli bir ders mi? - Is physical education a required course?

preschool education
okulöncesi eğitim
primary education
ilk tahsil
secondary education
orta tahsil
self education
kendi kendini yetiştirme
special education
özel eğitim
General Directorate of Religious Education
(Eğitim) din öğretimi genel müdürlüğü
anthropocentric education
insan merkezli eğitim
bachelor of science in education
Eğitimde bilim lisans
basic objectives of national education
milli eğitimin temel amaçları
business and technology education council
iş ve teknoloji eğitimi konseyi
classic education
hümanist eğitim
co education
co eğitim
commercial education
ticaret öğretimi
director of education
Eğitim müdürü
directorate of education
(Eğitim) Eğitim müdürlüğü
distance education
uzaktan öğrenim
free and appropriate public education
özgür ve uygun halk eğitim
home education
(Eğitim) Evde eğitim
included in the education curriculum
eğitim müfredatında bulunan
inclusive education
(Eğitim) (Geniş) katılımlı eğitim
lifelong education
yaşam boyu eğitim
master of education
Eğitimin ana
media education
Medya eğitimi
ministry of national education
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
national education
milli eğitim
non-formal education
Geleneksel eğitim normlarının dışında olan eğitişm
non-formal education
(Eğitim) Örgün olmayan eğitim
nursery education
Anaokulu/kreş eğitimi, okul öncesi eğitimi
physical education teacher
beden eğitimi öğretmeni
on eğitim
eğitim öncesi
primary education inspector
ilköğretim müfettişi
provincial directorate of national education
Milli eğitim müdürlüğü
religious education
dinsel eğitim
religious education
din eğitimi
significance of technology in education
teknolojini eğitimdeki önemi
the Ministry of Education
Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
undergraduate education
Lisans eğitimi
{s} eğitimle ilgili

Amacımız öncelikle eğitimle ilgili. - Our goal is primarily educational.

Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment

A good teacher is essential for a good education.

Facts, skills and ideas that have been learned, either formally or informally

The educations our children receive depend on their economic status.

{n} the instruction of children, skill
college, community education, school district, university
Click HERE to send us your definition! Definition and Study by Infed org
Includes general teacher training, teacher training programmes with specialization in vocational subjects, education science
the result of good upbringing (especially knowledge of correct social behavior); "a woman of breeding and refinement"
is the propagation of a set of beliefs, or Propaganda We call it "education" if we already believe in it, and "propaganda" if we don't Beliefs are things known or believed to be true, as opposed to attitudes, which are evaluations of objects that we think about Beliefs are important precursors to both attitudes and behavior, but are often used or created after the fact to defend attitudes and behaviors we already own
The laws concerning education in schools, colleges and universities, further education and external and vocational qualifications Education laws also cover discipline, exclusion and targets for basic educational requirements and assessment
Strategies that teach people critical information about alcohol and other drugs (or violence), and the physical, emotional and social consequences
includes tuition; fees; and textbooks, supplies, and equipment for public and private nursery schools, elementary and high schools, colleges and universities, and other schools
Specifies the highest level of education completed by a head of household From a machine-based measure perspective, an example would be "a machine belonging to a household where the highest level of education completed was a graduate degree ”
Education involves teaching people various subjects, usually at a school or college, or being taught. They're cutting funds for education
Education comprehends instruction and discipline intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations To give them a religious education is indispensable Education: the action or process of [developing mentally or morally]
Information of interest to teachers, students, and others
(employment category) Primary and secondary public school teachers Administrative employees of the Ministry of Education and local school administrators are generally excluded from this category and accounted for as Civilian central government employees See the figure presenting the Main Components of Government Employment
The cost centers which provide clinical activities and facilities for the formal education of registered nurses and other health professionals which leads to a diploma or degree Inservice education activities are not included within these cost centers
all those experiences in which people learn Many are unplanned, incidental, and informal Some are trial-and-error
the gradual process of acquiring knowledge; "education is a preparation for life"; "a girl's education was less important than a boy's"
concerned with increasing our general knowledge, understanding, and background (See training) for contrast
Public Finance and Administration
Facts, skills and ideas that have been learnt, either formally or informally
Process of 'out-leading' performance of tasks from a person, through encouraging them to arrive at their own methods by resolving the mechanics of the task with their own personal approaches to it The educator's own methods for resolving the task are used as a starting-point for personal discovery, rather than the pseudo-objective mimicry used in training
the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university)
Instruction which emphasizes far-transfer learning objectives; traditionally knowledge-based instruction which is not tied to a specific job, as opposed to training (Wilson)
Lillput (I: 6;11-18): "Parents are the last of all others to be trusted with the Education of their own Children: and therefore they have in every Town publick Nurseries, where all Parents, except Cottagers and Labourers, are obliged to send their Infants of both Sexes to be reared and educated when they come to the Age of twenty Moons" (I: 6;11)
knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was clear that he had a very broad education
The investigation of the structure, materials, and condition of cultural property including the identification of the extent and causes of alteration and deterioration
High School Diploma required, must have completed Introduction to VCT course prior to learning basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
{i} learning, instruction, imparting of knowledge
knowledge acquired by learning and instruction; "it was clear that he had a very broad education"
the profession of teaching (especially at a school or college or university) the activities of educating or instructing or teaching; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good teaching is seldom rewarded"
Therapists "demystify" ADD, letting children know what ADD is and what it isn't Children with ADD need to learn that their behaviors are not always in their own control, and they need to learn why this happens This allows them to stop blaming and start learning to forgive themselves Therapists use materials such as games, questionnaires, and stories to begin to educate children with ADD about their differences in an attempt to "de-mystify" their myths Children with ADD may also need to understand their own anger and disappointment in the adults in their lives Often children wonder why no one ever "helped" them before They may feel "picked on" at home and at school
The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education
the activities of educating or instructing or teaching; activities that impart knowledge or skill; "he received no formal education"; "our instruction was carefully programmed"; "good teaching is seldom rewarded"
Education of a particular kind involves teaching the public about a particular issue. better health education. see also adult education, further education, higher education. Learning that takes place in schools or school-like environments (formal education) or in the world at large; the transmission of the values and accumulated knowledge of a society. In developing cultures there is often little formal education; children learn from their environment and activities, and the adults around them act as teachers. In more complex societies, where there is more knowledge to be passed on, a more selective and efficient means of transmission the school and teacher becomes necessary. The content of formal education, its duration, and who receives it have varied widely from culture to culture and age to age, as has the philosophy of education. Some philosophers (e.g., John Locke) have seen individuals as blank slates onto which knowledge can be written. Others (e.g., Jean-Jacques Rousseau) have seen the innate human state as desirable in itself and therefore to be tampered with as little as possible, a view often taken in alternative education. See also behaviourism; John Dewey; elementary education; higher education; kindergarten; lyceum movement; progressive education; public school; special education; teaching. Brook Farm Institute of Agriculture and Education Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka continuing education adult education education philosophy of elementary education primary education higher education National Education Association parochial education physical education preschool education progressive education secondary education special education technical education
v IC Is a journey of guided discovery where we are supported, nurtured and loved in our natural quest to learn about ourselves, our culture and the world, as we grow and develop our talents, personality and well-being and discover our real purpose in life is our contribution to others
gaining explicit knowledge through formal schooling; see also skill, experience Éducation
Means a program or programs to develop and promote the training, general knowledge, or academic, technical, and vocational skills and cultural attainments of individuals in a community or other given political area These programs may be conducted by schools, including preschool activities and child care centers, colleges, universities, schools for the mentally retarded or physically handicapped, educational radio and television stations, libraries, or museums Public educational programs may include public school systems and supporting facilities such as centralized administrative or service facilities
the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students); created 1979
Education Minister
government secretary in charge of national education affairs
Education and Culture
two key aspects of governmental responsibility generally combined within one government ministry
Education and Culture Enterprises
branch of the Histadrut concerned with education and culture
education center
institution dedicated to educational enrichment
education corps
corps in charge of educational matters
education department
division which deals with educational issues
education department
Department of Education: the United States federal department that administers all federal programs dealing with education (including federal aid to educational institutions and students); created 1979
education leave
year in which an employee takes time off from his current job in order to continue his studies
education officer
person in charge of educational matters
education reform
passage and/or amendment of laws pertaining to schooling and educational standards
Personal Social Health Education
A school subject in which students are taught important facts of life not covered in other subjects, such as sexual relationships, drugs and so on
adventure education
The use of cooperative games, trust activities, problem solving initiatives, high adventure activities, and wilderness expeditions as a means of helping individuals, families, groups, communities, and organizations engage in a change or growth process
adventure education
outdoor education
Of, or relating to education
Instructive, or helping to educate
further education
higher education, education at university level or higher
higher education
Continued education after the point at which attendance of an educational institution is no longer compulsory
higher education
University education or higher
ministries of education
plural form of ministry of education
ministry of education
a governmental department responsible for education and related affairs
outdoor education
Organized learning that takes place in the outdoors. Outdoor education programs often involve residential or journey-based experiences in which students participate in a variety of adventurous challenges such as hiking, climbing, canoeing, ropes courses, and group games. Outdoor education draws upon the philosophy and theory of experiential education and on environmental education
physical education
An element of an educational curriculum concerned with bodily development, strength, physical co-ordination, and agility

The physical education instructor also served as the coach of the track team.

sex education
Education about human sexual anatomy, reproduction, and intercourse and other human sexual behavior
special education
Any of several educational services designed for students with learning difficulties, mental health problems, or other disabilities
tertiary education
higher education
tertiary-level education
higher education
alternative education
{i} nontraditional education, teaching methods that are based on new or non-standard educational philosophy
physical education
education of health maintenance via physical activity, development of physical stamina, gym, sports
physical education
training in the development of and care for the human body; stresses athletics; includes hygiene
physical education
Physical education is the school subject in which children do physical exercises or take part in physical games and sports. Education in the care and development of the human body, stressing athletics and including hygiene. PE sport and physical exercise that are taught as a school subject. Training in physical fitness and in skills requiring or promoting it. In the U.S. it is required in most primary and secondary schools. It generally includes calisthenics, gymnastics, various sports, and some study of health. College majors in physical education have been available since the early 20th century. Most teaching is done in gymnasiums, though outdoor sports are also emphasized
Business and Technology Education Council
The Business & Technology Education Council (BTEC) was a subdegree-conferring council in the United Kingdom until 1996, when its functions were transferred to Edexcel. The council offered further and higher education awards, particularly to polytechnics, and in particular the BTEC Nationals and BTEC Higher Nationals awards which remain prominent. It is not to be confused with BTech
board of education
(Eğitim) A board of education or a school board or school committee is the title of the board of directors of a school, local school district or higher administrative level
formal education
(Eğitim) Formal education education in an academic institution
home education
Homeschooling or homeschool (also called home education or home based learning) is the education of children at home, typically by parents but sometimes by tutors, rather than in other formal settings of public or private school
inclusive education
Inclusive education is an approach to educating students with special educational needs. Under the inclusion model, students with special needs spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students. Implementation of these practices varies. Schools most frequently use them for selected students with mild to severe special needs
physical education
Beden eğitimi dersi
physical education
Sport and physical activity taught as a school subject
physical education
Beden eğitimi
learning, instruction, imparting of knowledge
Leave without pay for educational purposes
Describes programming which is part of an educational programme linked with a defined curriculum
providing knowledge; "an educational film" relating to the process of education; "educational psychology
A free (or low cost) trip for travel consultants, provided by a travel operator or airline as a means of promoting their service. A fam trip
{s} pertaining to education, instructive, used in the educational process
Educational matters or institutions are concerned with or relate to education. the British educational system. pupils with special educational needs. + educationally edu·ca·tion·al·ly educationally sound ideas for managing classrooms
programs are considered "educational" if they are planned learning experiences designed to bring about changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes which contribute directly to the competent practice of librarianship Continuing education credit may be obtained for educational programs by applying to the Certification Specialist
Of or pertaining to education
relating to the process of education; "educational psychology
relating to the process of education; "educational psychology"
providing knowledge; "an educational film"
Services or supplies for which the primary purpose is to provide the patient with
An educational experience teaches you something. The staff should make sure the kids have an enjoyable and educational day. = instructive
Includes all elementary schools, jr highs and high schools, community colleges and Arizona State University
In an educational manner
in an educational manner; "the assistant masters formed a committee of their own to consider what could be done educationally for the town
from an educational standpoint, instructionally, informatively
plural of education