
listen to the pronunciation of division
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
(Askeri) TÜMEN, BÖLÜM: 1. Aşağıda gösterilen şekillerde taktik bir birlik/teşkil: (a) Sürekli muharebe için gerekli silah ve hizmetleri bünyesinde toplamış kolordudan küçük, alay ve tugaydan büyük, idari ve taktik birlik/teşkil. (b) İdari veya taktik emir ve komuta maksadıyla gruplanmış, aynı tipten bir miktar gemi, veya iki yada daha çok kısımdan oluşan bir deniz uçak filosu taktik birliği. (c) Hava tümeni: Normal olarak iki veya daha çok uçuş grubu ile uygun hizmet birliklerinden oluşan bir hava muharebe teşkili. Bir hava tümeninin uçuş gruplarında normal olarak aynı tipten uçaklar bulunur. 2. Bir karargahın; personel, istihbarat, planlama ve eğitim veya ikmal ve tahliye gibi özel mahiyetteki askeri konuları idare eden bir teşkilat kısmı. 3. Bir gemi personel kadrosundan, harekat ve idari emir ve komuta için, bir araya toplanmış bir miktar personel
bölme işlemi / bölüm
(Tıp) divizyon
(Spor) siklet
pay etme
(Tıp) dal

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

fikir ayrılığı
bölüm şey
(Spor) Lig

İngiltere'nin tüm üst düzey ekipleri premier ligdedirler. - All the top teams of the UK are in the premier division.

{i} mat. bölme
oy kullanmada Parlamentonun ikiye ayrılması
{i} uyuşmazlık
den donanmanın bir
taksim olunma
{i} küme [fut.]
{i} bölge

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

taksim ayırma

Terörizm, bir ülkenin bölünmesi ve ayrılıkçı bölgelerin oluşumu için en önemli faktördür. - Terrorism is the most important factor for the division of a country and the creation of autonomous regions.

(Tıp) Fasile
{i} ayırma
{i} siklet (boks)
bölme işlemi
(Tıp) Kısımlara (parçalara) ayırma veya ayrılma
{i} dağıtım
{i} bölme, taksim; bölünme
{i} ikiye ayrılma
{i} anlaşmazlık
(math) bölüm
(Tıp) demet

Ben son zamanlarda üretim bölümü müdürü olduğunu öğrenmekten memnuniyet duydum. - I had the pleasure of learning that you recently became the manager of the production division.

Sami, merkezi trafik bölümüne transfer edildi. - Sami was transferred to the central traffic division.

division algorithm
(Matematik) bölme algoritması
division artillery
(Askeri) tümen topçusu
division board
(Arılık) bölme tahtası
division by zero
(Bilgisayar) sıfıra bölme
division commander
(Askeri) tümen komutanı
division into tone groups
(Dilbilim) bilgi birimlerine ayırma
division manager
kısım müdürü
division name
(Bilgisayar) bölüm adı
division of labor
(Ticaret) uzmanlaşma
division of labor
division of labor
işin bölüşümü
division of powers
(Politika, Siyaset) güçler ayrılığı
division of property
malların paylaşımı
division of property
mal paylaşımı
division of property
malların bölüşümü
division of responsibility
(Politika, Siyaset) sorumluluk paylaşımı
division of tasks
görev bölümü
division of work
(Kanun) işbölümü
division plate
bölme levhası
division ring
(Matematik) bölme halkası
division sign
(Bilgisayar) bölme imi
division slice
(Askeri) tümen dilimi
division support area
(Askeri) tümen ağırlıklar bölgesi
division wall
(İnşaat) partisyon
division wall
(İnşaat) bölme duvarı
division line
kesir çizgisi
division of labour
division of loss
zararın bölünmesi
division of stock
hisse senedinin bölünmesi
division of the profit
kâr taksimi
division president
bölüm başkanı
division sign
bölme işareti
division subroutine
bölme altyordamı
division director
bölüm yöneticisi
division into areolæ
areolæ içine bölünme
division lobby
bölünme lobi
division publication
Bölücü yayın, ayrılık yaratan yayın, parçalayıcı yayın, ihtilaf çıkaran yayın
division ammunition office
division artillery
(Askeri) TÜMEN TOPÇUSU: Tümenin devamlı olarak ayrılmaz bir unsuru halindeki topçu. Taktik maksatlarla, bir tümen komutanı emrine verilmiş bütün topçu, tümen topçusu kabul edilir
division direct support missile
(Askeri) TÜMEN DİREKT DESTEK FÜZESİ: Bak. "missile A (division direct support missile) "
division engineer
(Askeri) TÜMEN İSTİHKAM ŞUBE MÜDÜRÜ: Tümenin bütün istihkam birliklerine komuta eden istihkam subayı. Tümenin özel karargahına mensuptur
division force equivalent
(Askeri) tümen kuvveti eşdeğeri
division headquarters
division line
(re: fractions) kesir çizgisi
division line
Bölü Çizgisi
division mark
Bölü İmi
division of labor

Bu çalışma sadece işbölümü varsa iyi yapılacaktır. - This work will only be done well if there's division of labor.

division service area
division sign
mat. bölme işareti
division slice
(Askeri) TÜMEN DİLİMİ: Bak. "slice
division supply control point
(Askeri) TÜMEN İKMAL KONTROL NOKTASI: Bak. "supply control point"
division support command
(Askeri) Tümen destek kıtaları komutanlığı
division support command
(Askeri) TÜMEN DESTEK KOMUTANLIĞI: Tümen kuruluşundaki ve emrine verilmiş bütün unsurlara tümen seviyesinde ikmal, ulaştırma, bakım, sıhhiye hizmetleri ile müteferrik hizmetleri teminden sorumlu bir tümen kadro birliği
division support command (Army)
(Askeri) tümen destek komutanlığı (kara kuvvetleri)
division support missile
(Askeri) TÜMEN DESTEK FÜZESİ: Bak. "missile B (division support missile)
division support missile
(Askeri) tümen destek füzesi
division tactical operations center
(Askeri) tümen taktik harekat merkezi
division trains
(Askeri) TÜMEN AĞIRLIKLARI: Bakım, ikmal ve sıhhiye birlikleri de dahil olmak üzere, tümen komutanının emrinde bulunan bütün hizmet kademeleri
division trains
(Askeri) tümen ağırlıkları
division transportation office
(Askeri) tümen ulaştırma şubesi
division unit
(Askeri) tümen birliği
division unit
(Askeri) TÜMEN BİRLİĞİ: Bak. "divisional unit"
airborne division
(Askeri) hava indirme tümeni
civil division
(Kanun) hukuk davaları bölümü
procedure division
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) işlem bölümü
upper division
(Eğitim) üst sınıflar
administrative division
idari bölüm
armoured division
zırhlı tümen
cell division
hücre bölünmesi
data division
veri bölümü
bölmeyle ilgili
identification division
tanıtım bölümü
internal division
iç bölme
made a division
make a division
mitotic division
mitoz bölünme
procedure division
yordam bölümü
sales division
satış bölümü
territorial division
bölgesel ayırım
Civil Division of the Court of Cassation
(Kanun) Yargıtay Hukuk Dairesi
Code Division Multiple Access
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Kod bölmeli çoklu erişim
Reform Division
Fırka-yı İslahiye

The Reform Division was the name of the special military and civilian unit.

criminal division
ceza bölünme
environment division
çevre bölümü
form division
form bölümü
geographical division
coğrafi bölünme
hierarchic division
hiyerarşik bölünme
immigrant services division
göçmen hizmetleri bölümü
infantry division
Piyade Tümeni
logical division
mantıksal bölme
opposition division
Rekabet kurumu
room division
otellerde odalardan sorumlu bölüm
room division manager
odalar bölüm müdürü
solution to a division problem (mathematics)
bir bölünme sorunu (matematik çözüm)
alt bölüm
Army or Marine Corps component intelligence staff officer (Army division or high
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri veya Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti unsur istihbarat karargah subayı (Kara Kuvvetleri tümeni veya daha yüksek karargah, Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti tugayı veya daha yüksek karargah); istihbarattan sorumlu kurmay başkan yardımcısı
Army or Marine Corps component logistics staff officer (Army division or higher
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri veya Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti unsur lojistik karargah subayı (Kara Kuvvetleri tümeni veya daha yüksek karargahı, Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti tugayı veya daha yüksek karar); Lojistikten Sorumlu Kurmay Başkan Yardımcısı
Army or Marine Corps component operations staff officer (Army division or higher
(Askeri) Kara Kuvvetleri veya Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti unsur harekatları karargah subayı (Kara Kuvvetleri tümeni veya daha yüksek karargah, Birleşik Devletler Deniz Piyade (Teşkilatı) Kuvveti tugayı veya daha yüksek karargah); harekatlardan sorumlu kurmay başkan yardımcısı
Criminal Investigation Division Command
(Askeri) Suç Tahkikatı Tümen Komutanlığı
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office; director of major staff office; Division
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Modelleme Ve Simülasyon Ofisi; ana karargah dairesi başkanı; Tümen Tıbbi Malzeme Temin bürosu
Field Administration and Logistics Division
(Askeri) Sahra İdare ve Lojistik Tümeni
Marine division
(Askeri) Deniz piyade tümeni
National Security Directive; National Security Division (FBI)
(Askeri) Ulusal Güvenlik Yönergesi; Ulusal Güvenlik Dairesi (FBI)
Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Hava Harbi Merkezi, Hava Aracı Tümeni
adaptive time division multiplexer
(Askeri) uyumlaştırılabilir zaman bölmeli çoklayıcı
air defence division
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: Bir hava savunma sahasının coğrafi olarak bölünmüş kısımlarından biri. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defence sector"
air division
(Askeri) HAVA TÜMENİ: İki veya daha fazla savaş üssünden oluşan, üs seviyesi üzerindeki birlik veya karargahı, ancak bazen başka teşkilat bünyelerine de uygulanır
air mobility division
(Askeri) hava hareket tümeni
carrier onboard delivery; combat operations division
(Askeri) gemide teslim; muharebe harekat tümeni
civilian personnel division
code division multiple access
kod bolusumlu coklu erisim
code division multiplexing
kod bolusumlu cogullama
combat identification; combat intelligence division; criminal investigation divi
(Askeri) muharebe tanımlama; muharebe istihbarat tümeni; suç tahkikatı tümeni
combat plans division
(Askeri) muharebe planları kısmı/tümeni
command systems operation division
(Askeri) komuta sistemleri harekat dairesi
computer network defense; counternarcotics division
(Askeri) bilgisayar ağ savunması; uyuşturucu maddeyle mücadele kısmı
criminal division
(Kanun) ceza dairesi
criminal investigation division
(Askeri) CEZA İŞLERİ SORUŞTURMA ŞUBESİ: Büyük bir komutanlığın merkez komutanlığının bir şubesi
data division
(Nükleer Bilimler) bilgi bölümü
{s} tümen
{s} bölünme ile ilgili
{s} bölme ile ilgili
{s} tümene ait
{s} bölme
documents division
(Askeri) doküman bölümü
engineer division
(Askeri) İSTİHKAM İNŞAAT BÖLGESİ: İstihkam dairesi başkanının emri altında ve belirli bir coğrafi bölgedeki askeri inşaat, sivil inşaat işleri, gayri menkuller, askeri ikmal ve diğer istihkam sınıfı sorumluluklarının, emir verildikçe, istihkam inşaat as bölgeleri tarafından, icrasından sorumlu büyük bir teşkilat unsuru
engineer division
(Askeri) istihkam inşaat bölgesi
engineering field division
(Askeri) sahra istihkamcılığı tümeni
external division
(Matematik) dıştan bölme
field operations division; foreign object damage
(Askeri) sahra harekatı tümeni; yabancı madde hasarı
frequency division
frekans (siklik) bolusumu
frequency division multiple access
frekans bolusumlu coklu erisim
frequency division multiplexing
(Askeri) frekans bölmeli çoklama
go into division
ikiye ayrılmak
internal division
(Matematik) içten bölme
logistics division
(Askeri) lojistik başkanlığı
mail and records division
(Askeri) EVRAK KISMI: Bir tümen veya diğer büyük bir birlik karargahının bir kısmı. Bu kısım, birliğin postasını alır ve dağıtır; aynı zamanda, karargahtan geçen haberleşmelerin dosya ve kayıtlarını tutar
marginal support date; mobile security division
(Askeri) marjinal destek günü; seyyar emniyet tümeni
marine division/wing team
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ TÜMEN VİNG TİMİ: Deniz piyade sınıfının, normal takviye kıtaları ile birlikte, bir tümen ve bir hava vinginden/ (grup) ibaret bir hava bir. hava-kara timi
military intelligence division
(Askeri) ASKERİ İSTİHBARAT BAŞKANLIĞI: ABD Kara Kuvvetleri karargah heyetine bağlı ve askeri istihbarat işleri ile, yani askeri değerdeki bilgi ve haberleri toplamak, kıymetlendirmek, yorumlamak ve ilgili yerlere ulaştırmakla görevli daire
miscellaneous division
(Askeri) MÜTEFERRİK İŞLER ŞUBESİ, MÜTEFERRİK İŞLER KISMI: Bir Amerikan tümen ya da daha büyük birlikler karargahının, diğer şubelerini ilgilendirmeyen çeşitli yazışma ve raporlara bakan şubesi. Bu rapor ve yazışmalara; evrak, gizli dosyalar, genel emirler, tahsisat kayıtları ile askeri mahkeme ve tahkikat evrakı da dahildir
miscellaneous division
(Askeri) müteferrik işler şubesi
mitosis cell division
(Biyoloji) mitoz hücre bölünmesi
motorized division
(Askeri) motorlu tümen
motorized division
(Askeri) MOTORLU TÜMEN, MOTORİZE TÜMEN: Personelin, silahların ve teçhizatın aynı anda hareketini temin maksadıyla, motorlu ulaştırma araçları ile teçhiz edilmiş bir piyade tümeni
motorized division
(Askeri) motorize tümen
operations division
(Askeri) HAREKAT BAŞKANLIĞI: Harp zamanı bütün askeri harekatın stratejik idaresinden olduğu kadar, planlanıp hazırlanmasından da sorumlu, Kara Kuvvetleri Karargah Heyeti dairelerinden biri
organization and training division
(Askeri) TEŞKİLAT VE EĞİTİM DAİRESİ: Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Karargah Heyetinin seferberlik, teşkilat ve eğitiminden sorumlu olan dairesi
personnel division
(Askeri) PERSONEL BAŞKANLIĞI: Ordu personelinin kişisel işleriyle meşgul olan Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı Karargah Heyetinin bir bölümü
personnel division
(Askeri) personel başkanlığı
personnel readiness division; Presidential review directive
(Askeri) personel hazır bulunma tümeni; Başkanın Gözden Geçirme Direktifi
planning systems division
(Askeri) planlama sistemleri bölümü
point of division
(Matematik) bölme noktası
public information division
railway division
(Askeri) demir yolu işletme kısmı
railway division
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME KISMI: Bir harekat alanındaki demiryolunun coğrafi bir bölümü. Bu kısmın işletilmesi ve bakımı, demiryolu işletme taburu komutanı olan demiryolu işletme amiri tarafından sağlanır
railway grand division
(Askeri) DEMİRYOLU İŞLETME ŞUBESİ: Böyle bir birlik tarafından idare edilen iki veya daha çok işletme kısmı
railway grand division
(Askeri) demir yolu işletme şubesi
reducing division
(Biyoloji) indirgeyici bölünme
regional division of labor
(Ticaret) bölgesel uzmanlaşma
regional division of labor
(Ticaret) bölgesel iş bölümü
remount division
(Askeri) REMONT ŞUBESİ: ABD ordusunda, levazım dairesine bağlı ve ordunun kullanacağı at, katır ve kızak köpeklerini tedarik eden şube. Buna (remount branch) de denir
sample division
(Nükleer Bilimler) numune bölümü
space division
uzam bolusumu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Each of the separate parts of something resulting from division
A disagreement; a difference of viewpoint between two sides of an argument
A calculation that involves this process

I've got ten divisions to do for my homework.

The act or process of dividing anything
A formation, usually made up of two or three brigades
A concept whereby a common group of debtors are only responsible for their proportionate sum of the total debt
Any of the four major parts of a COBOL program source code
A set of pipes in a pipe organ which are independently controlled and supplied
The process of dividing a number by another
A florid instrumental variation of a melody in the 17th and 18th centuries, originally conceived as the dividing of each of a succession of long notes into several short ones
A section of a large company
A rank (Latin divisio) below kingdom and above class, particularly used of plants or fungi, also (particularly of animals) called a phylum; a taxon at that rank

Magnolias belong to the division Magnoliophyta.

{n} a dividing, variance, part of a discourse, just time
A grouping of states within a census geographic region, established by the Census Bureau for the presentation of census data The current nine divisions (East North Central, East South Central, Middle Atlantic, Mountain, New England, Pacific, South Atlantic, North Central, and West South Central) are intended to represent relatively homogeneous areas that are subdivisions of the four census geographic regions
Separation of the members of a deliberative body, esp
a league ranked by quality; "he played baseball in class D for two years"; "Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA"
A large military unit, usually made up of two or three brigades
The act or process of diving anything into parts, or the state of being so divided; separation
a group of ships of similar type a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings an administrative unit in government or business (botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum (biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
  A sub-section or major activity within a department that provides specific services   For example, the Juvenile Hall is a division of the Probation Department and Parks is a division of the Public Works Department
Used by the state Court of Appeals, which is organized in three divisions comprised of three districts each
The pipes are grouped into several separate sections called divisions Each one has a name and is controlled through it's own manual or the pedalboard There are several manual divisions and the most common are: Great, Swell, and Choir or Positive There is only one Pedal division
A grade or rank in classification; a portion of a tribe or of a class; or, in some recent authorities, equivalent to a subkingdom
The fundamental divisions of the Iconclass hierarchy are represented by the numbers 0 to 9  Of these ten 'main divisions', the numbers 1 to 5 are 'general' topics, designed to comprise all the principal aspects of what can be represented  Divisions 6 through 9 accommodate 'special' topics, coherent subject matter of a narrative nature, with an emphasis on the Bible (7) and Classical Mythology (9)  See also Hans Brandhorst on The Duality of Iconclass: > Iconclass history > Duality of Iconclass A tenth division, represented by the number 0, was added in 1996 at the request of Iconclass users, to accommodate abstract art  Division 0 has no subdivisions
A division is a significant distinction or argument between two groups, which causes the two groups to be considered as very different and separate. The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains. = divide
If the patent office decides that an application covers too large an area to be considered as a single patent, then the application is split into one or more divisional applications A divisional application has the same specification as the "parent" but claims a different invention (see also Continuing Applications)
the separation of the members of a house of Parliament into two groups, for and against a proposal, so that their votes can be counted one of the parts that a country or state is divided into for the purpose of holding elections, specifically an electoral division a self-contained section or part of an Act
An Army Division would traditionally be made up of 3 or 4 Brigades depending on the specific role it is to undertake and is configured in a similar fashion to a Brigade but on a larger scale 1 (UK) Division and 3 (UK) Division are fighting Divisions whereas 2, 4 and 5 Division are responsible for administrative support of specific geographical areas
one of the portions into which something is regarded as divided and which together constitute a whole; "the written part of the exam"; "the finance section of the company"; "the BBC's engineering division"
in the U S , an additional application derived from an earlier application that claims two or more inventions, as determined by the patent examiner The filing date of the earlier application is used for determination of prior art
1 - the separation of the members of the house into two groups , for and against, so the votes can be counted and recorded in Hansard 2 - one of the parts that a country or state is divided into for the purpose of holding an election
the act or process of dividing the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed discord that splits a group an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
Disunion; difference in opinion or feeling; discord; variance; alienation
an army unit large enough to sustain combat; "two infantry divisions were held in reserve"
Separating overgrown plants by dividing them into sections with a shovel or forks in preparation for replanting the sections Herbs should be divided either after flowering in late summer or in early spring The best time is when growth is minimal, and in warm, mild weather to avoid cold damage It is important not to let roots dry out Replant divisions right away Before dividing, prepare the site where you will replant or get pots ready for the new plants After lifting the plant, wash off the roots, disentangle them, and pull them apart or cut if the clumps are woody (thyme, for example) Make sure each section has a good root system Replant immediately Water thoroughly, and keep the plants well watered and weed-free until well-established
A course of notes so running into each other as to form one series or chain, to be sung in one breath to one syllable
A means of grouping submissions for an account A company might create divisions that correspond to its major product lines or business units Account administrators can create and remove divisions, assign users to them, and provide a billing address and purchase order number that differ from those of the main account
Major subdivision within a department /agency comprised of one or more Budget Units
Difference of condition; state of distinction; distinction; contrast
Two or more brigades under the command of a general officer
(botany) taxonomic unit of plants corresponding to a phylum
(Note: Repeatable Field )Names the company division which produced the document See Personal Name Element below for a further explanation of the format of this field [Dublin Core Metadata Mapping: Creator]
discord that splits a group
A military formation consisting at full strength of approximately 18,000 men, comprising 12 battalions, usually commanded by a major general Australia eventually fielded 5 divisions in the First World War
Two companies of infantry maneuvering as one subdivision of a battalion
The division of something among people or things is its separation into parts which are distributed among the people or things. The current division of labor between workers and management will alter
The distribution of a discourse into parts; a part so distinguished
The inverse operation of multiplication (cf Integer Division Discussion, Fraction Multiplying and Dividing Discussion)
(biology) a group of organisms forming a subdivision of a larger category
the act of dividing or partitioning; separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
{i} act of separating into parts, partitioning; basic mathematical operation in which one number is divided by another; department, faculty; group of soldiers that form a distinct tactical unit within a squadron; league, ranking, level according to difficulty
The separation of a genus into its constituent species
A division is a group of military units which fight as a single unit. Several armoured divisions are being moved from Germany
an arithmetic operation that is the inverse of multiplication; the quotient of two numbers is computed
The portion separated by the divining of a mass or body; a distinct segment or section
an administrative unit in government or business
of the Houses of Parliament, to ascertain the vote
  Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical area or operation   Divisions are established when the number of resources exceeds the span-of-control of the operations chief   A division is located within the ICS organization between the branch and the task force/strike team
in the every increasing corporatisation of University education, we don't have faculties anymore but 'divisions' There are five divisions in the University three academic and two non-academic: Management & Technology; Communication & Education; Science & Design; Corporate Services and Client Services
One of the larger districts into which a country is divided for administering military affairs
Divisions are normally established to divide an incident into Geographical areas of operation Divisions are established when the number of resources exceeds the span-of-control of the Operations Chief A division Is supervised within the organization between the Task Force/Strike Team and the Branch (see also "Group")
The process of finding how many times one number or quantity is contained in another; the reverse of multiplication; also, the rule by which the operation is performed
Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation Divisions are established when the number of resources exceeds the span-of-control of the operations chief A division is located with the Incident Command System organization between the branch and the task force/strike team
a group of ships of similar type
a unit of the United States Air Force usually comprising two or more wings
Division can be thought of as repeated subtraction In the expression a b = c, a is the dividend, b is the divisor, and c is the quotient The number a is divisible by b if the remainder is zero
Divisions are used to divide an incident into geographical areas of operation A Division is located within the ICS organization between the Branch and the Task Force/Strike Team (See Group ) Divisions are identified by alphabetic characters for horizontal applications and, often, by floor numbers when used in buildings
In some sports, such as football, baseball, and basketball, a division is one of the groups of teams which make up a league. The teams in each division are considered to be approximately the same standard, and they all play against each other during the season. reduction division division of labour panzer division Sturmabteilung German: Assault Division
One of the groups into which a fleet is divided
Division is the arithmetical process of dividing one number into another number. I taught my daughter how to do division at the age of six. multiplication
division level
A metric level faster than the beat level of a piece of music
division levels
plural form of division level
division of labour
The separation of work into different categories or tasks; each category or task being carried out by different groups of workers
division ring
A ring with 0 ≠ 1, such that every non-zero element a has a multiplicative inverse, meaning an element x with ax = xa = 1
division rings
plural form of division ring
division sign
Any symbol (in particular ÷ or / ) used to denote the operation of division
division signs
plural form of division sign
division archaebacteria
in some classifications considered a kingdom
division artillery
artillery unit whose purpose is to provide artillery assistance to the fighters
division eubacteria
one-celled monerans having simple cells with rigid walls and (in motile types) flagella
division into groups
separation of a large group into smaller sub-groups, separation into clusters or aggregations
division of attention
distribution of awareness and concentration, state of being aware of a number of different things simultaneously
division of employment
office which deals with matters of employment
division of functions
separation and distribution of tasks
division of labor
Different cooperative strategies, usually for males and females
division of labor
A dividing up of work, letting each worker "do what they do best " All modern economies are based on the principle of division of labor
division of labor
the division of tasks in a society between women and men, old and young, ability, knowledge, experience
division of labor
division of labor means breaking up a task into a number of smaller, more specialized tasks so that each worker can become more adept at a particular job
division of labor
Assigning of specific tasks to workers and productive resources; it is a reflection of economic specialization [FACS] (see also economics)
division of labor
division of responsibilities between the debate speakers esp as applied to the Neg Generally, the first Neg argues topicality, terms, inherency, significance, and methodological challenges while the second Neg argues solvency and disadvantages
division of labor
dividing a production process into a series of jobs, with each worker focusing on a limited set of tasks; the advantage of division of labor is that each worker can practice and perfect a particular set of skills
division of labor
distribution of work, division of a job into specialized parts with a few individuals assigned to each task in order to enable mass production of a product
division of labor
The increasing specialization of occupations and specific tasks within occupations The Division of Labor becomes more evident with increasing industrialism and modernity in societies
division of labor
A process that occurs when students collaborate, negotiate, compromise, and interface with others to investigate a driving question
division of labor
Term coined by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations Allocation of specific tasks in a production cycle among workforce to to increase productivity by worker specialization
division of labor
Breaking down a job into small tasks which might be performed by a specialist
division of labour
the division of production into various parts in which different groups of workers specialise (chapter 2)
division of labour
the organisation of job tasks whereby the manufacturing process is split into different stages with each stage having its own trained workers
division of labour
The relations of production in a given society – in other words, who does what within a productive process
division of labour
The extent to which the organization's work is divided into different jobs to be done by different people (12)
division of labour
Specialization in the production process. Complex jobs can usually be less expensively completed by a large number of people each performing a small number of specialized tasks than by one person attempting to complete the entire job. The idea that specialization reduces costs, and thereby the price the consumer pays, is embedded in the principle of comparative advantage. Division of labour is the basic principle underlying the assembly line in mass production systems. See Émile Durkheim
division ring
(Mathematics) is a ring in which every nonzero element has a multiplicative inverse but multiplication is not necessarily commutative (abstract algebra)
division sign
symbol placed between two numbers showing that the first is to be divided by the second (Mathematics)
division sign
A division sign is the symbol ÷ used between two numbers to show that the first number has to be divided by the second
division support command
military unit that provides assistance to combat units
Barisal Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Chittagong Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Dhaka Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Khulna Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Rajshahi Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Rangpur Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
Sylhet Division
One of the seven administrative divisions of Bangladesh
asexual division
The process of binary fission in cells where a cell divides to form daughter cells
cell division
a process by which a cell divides into two cells
data division
The part of a COBOL program in which the format and layout of external files and databases, and internally-used variables and constants are defined

We use the data division to control the definition of these fields.

Of or pertaining to a division
environment division
The part of a COBOL program that specifies the hardware on which it is designed to run, the symbolic names to be used by files, and certain other specifications

The environment division is the link between the COBOL program and the computer and input-output devices the program uses.

equation division
the second of the two divisions of meiosis, a type of cell division
identification division
The (sometimes optional) part of a COBOL program that identifies the name of the program (and optionally of its programmer)

The identification division is used to establish the identification of the program and its author.

long division
A procedure for dividing multidigit numbers, breaking down the division into a series of easier steps
procedure division
The part of a COBOL program containing all the instructions that the computer is to execute

In the following alternative formulation of the procedure division, the PERFORM statement is used to execute a sequence of paragraphs.

reduction division
the first of the two divisions of meiosis, a type of cell division
reduction division
meiosis as a whole, a type of cell division
reproductive division
The process of mitosis or meiosis
square division
a division composed of two brigades of two regiments each
square division
a division composed of two brigades
square division
a division composed of four regiments
triangular division
a division composed of three regiments
A divisional patent application (sometimes referred to as a divisional application or simply a divisional) is a type of patent application which contains matter from a previously filed application (the so-called parent application)
{a} dividing, separating
Frequency Division Multiple Access
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Frequency Division Multiple Access or FDMA is an access technology that is used by radio systems to share the radio spectrum. The terminology “multiple access” implies the sharing of the resource amongst users, and the “frequency division” describes how the sharing is done: by allocating users with different carrier frequencies of the radio spectrum
A division
military division dealing with personnel
Cape Provincial Division
division of the South African High Court
Cassini division
The large gap between the two most prominent of Saturn's rings, caused by the gravitational pull of the moon Mimas
Code Division Multiple Access
(in Cellular Communication) use of a unique code for each user (allows transferal of all of the calls for subscribers of one cell on a very wide band without causing interference), CDMA
Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex
technology for transmitting data by light waves via optical fibers (each signal is sent on its own wavelength - up to 80 channels can be sent through a single optical fiber)
Premier Division
the top group of professional football clubs in Scotland, consisting of 10 teams who play against each other
Q division
maintenance division of the Israeli Defense Forces
Time division Multiple Access
method of cellular communications which allows alternating transmission on one channel by dividing time into "slices" and giving one "slice" to every transmission, TDMA
Ulster Division
contingent of Irish troops in the Commonwealth forces during World War I
appellate division
judicial division that handles appeals (Law)
cell division
{i} (Biology) separation of cell either by mitosis or meiosis
cell division
the process in reproduction and growth by which a cell divides to form daughter cells
cell division
The process by which a cell divides to form two daughter cells. Upon completion of the process, each daughter cell contains the same genetic material as the original cell and roughly half of its cytoplasm
criminal investigation division
section in the police department that investigates crimes
That divides; pertaining to, making, or noting, a division; as, a divisional line; a divisional general; a divisional surgeon of police
serving to divide or marking a division; "the divisional line between two states"
{s} of or pertaining to division
of or relating to a military division; "divisional artillery"
constituting a division or an aliquot part of the basic monetary unit; "American divisional (fractional) coins include the dime and the nickel"; "fractional currency is currency in denominations less than the basic monetary unit"
of or relating to a military division; "divisional artillery
Of or pertaining to the process of division
Divisional means relating to a division of a large organization or group. An alarm links the police station to the divisional headquarters. relating to one of the parts into which a large organization, group etc is divided
So as to be divisional
The University’s academic organisation is based on multidisciplinary Divisions The four academic Divisions are
Oklahoma city Community College's degree programs are grouped into the following six divisions: Arts and Humanities, Science and Mathematics, Business, Information technology, Social Science and Health Professions
plural of division
In 1990, this University grouped its various Academic Organisational Units, departments and centres into Divisions Data have been presented to reflect this structure wherever appropriate
Divisions are normally employed to distinguish between the type of services that are provided at the call center or the type of telephone used by the caller (e g : pulse or tone)
a military unit composed of headquarters and usually three to five brigades
form division
an artificial taxonomic category for organisms of which the true relationships are obscure
investigations division
branch of the police involved in investigating crime
long division
mathematical process of division when the divisor is greater than 12 (Mathematics)
long division
the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail
long division
A process of division in arithmetic, usually used when the divisor is a large number, in which each step of the division is written out. a method of dividing one large number by another
maturation division
Either of the two successive cell divisions of meiosis, with only one duplication of the chromosomes, that results in the formation of haploid gametes
naval air warfare center weapons division
the principal Navy agency for research and development for air warfare and missile weapon systems
panzer division
(German panzer, "armoured") Self-contained military unit of the German army, built around the capabilities of armoured vehicles. In World War II, it consisted of a tank brigade with four battalions; a motorized infantry brigade with four rifle battalions; an artillery regiment; and reconnaissance, antitank, and military-engineering battalions and service units. Germany had six panzer divisions in 1939 and 20 by 1941. It remains the principal offensive element of the German army
personnel management & records division
department in the military which places workers into available jobs
phase of cell division
a stage in meiosis or mitosis
properties division
department that deals with assets and property
short division
the operation of division in which the sequence of steps is performed without writing them out
short division
mathematical operation of division when it is done mentally instead of on paper (especially when the divisor is less than 12)
short division
The process of dividing one number by another without writing down all the steps, especially when the divisor is a single digit
synthetic division
A method of dividing polynomials when the divisor is a polynomial of the first degree, by using only the coefficients of the terms
the division plan
plan to divide Israel between Jews and Arabs
time division multiplexing
multiplexing method in which two or more signals are sent over a single communications network by allotting time slots for each signal, TDM (Telecommunications)
word division
division of a word especially at the end of a line on a page