(Askeri) DİJİTAL KOMPÜTER (HV.): Tek harf veya rakam (digit) halindeki bilgiler üzerinde işlem yapan bir kompüter. Harf veya rakamlar, genellikle, delikler, elektrik ve ses palsları vesairenin boşluk-zaman dağılışıyla ifade edilir. İlk zamanlarda diş, dişli ve levyelerden faydalanan mekanik cihazlar şimdi çok geniş sahadaki problemleri çok süratle ve otomatik olarak işlemeye muktedir kompüter imaline elverişli elektronik tekniğinden faydalanmaktadır. Bak. "analogue computer"
A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system. Computer capable of solving problems by processing information expressed in discrete form. By manipulating combinations of binary digits (see binary code), it can perform mathematical calculations, organize and analyze data, control industrial and other processes, and simulate dynamic systems such as global weather patterns. See also analog computer
A computer which operates with information, numerical or otherwise, represented in a digital form
Computer that represents and manipulates data as digital (usually binary) signals
computer that processes data (including text, sound, graphics, and vedio) into a digital (numeric) value
A computer that consists of one or more central processing units (CPUs), that is controlled by internally stored programs, and that stores and processes data in digital form