The footnotes are at the bottom of the page.
- Dipnotlar sayfanın alt kısmındadır.
He fell into the bottomless pit.
- O, dipsiz bir çukura düştü.
The footnotes are at the bottom of the page.
- Dipnotlar sayfanın alt kısmındadır.
See the footnote on page 5.
- Sayfa beşteki dipnota bakın.
The negotiations are aimed at ending the worst diplomatic crisis between the two countries.
- Müzakerelerin amacı, iki ülke arasındaki en kötü diplomatik krizin sona ermesi.
Diplomatic dialogue helped put an end to the conflict.
- Diplomatik diyalog çatışmayı bitirmeye yardımcı oldu.
The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
The Moocher was a dip in a dilettante sort of way, and his particular graft was boarding street-cars with his papers and grabbing women's pocket-books.
I'm going for a dip before breakfast.
There is a dip in the road ahead.
The sailor rushed to the flag hoist to dip the flag in return.”.
Hmmm, this onion dip is just scrumptious.
He dipped the end of a towel in cold water and with it began to flick him on the face, his wife all the while holding her face between her hands and sobbing in a way that was heart breaking to hear.
Dip your lights as you meet an oncoming car.
O kendini yanan mumlarla çevrili köpük banyosuna daldırdı.
- Surrounded by burning candles, she dips herself into a bubble bath.
Sos çok sıcaktı, dilimi yaktı.
- The dip was so hot, it burned my tongue.
Bu ızgara et için bir daldırma sos var mı?
- Is there any dipping sauce for this grilled meat?
Kuş kafasını suya daldırdı.
- The bird dipped its head into the water.
Parmağımı bala daldırdım.
- I dipped my finger into the honey.
Kim gelecekte bir diplomat olmaya niyet ediyor.
- Kim means to be a diplomat in the future.
Tom bir diplomat olmak istiyordu.
- Tom wanted to become a diplomat.
Bu ızgara et için bir daldırma sos var mı?
- Is there any dipping sauce for this grilled meat?
Humus nohuttan yapılmış bir daldırma veya yaymadır.
- Hummus is a dip or spread made from chickpeas.