Twenty railroads were closed down.
- Yirmi demir yolu kapatıldı.
There were almost no railroads out west.
- Uzak batıda neredeyse hiç demir yolu yoktu.
Railroads can only compete fully if their tracks are techically compatible with and linked to each-other.
The Thatcherite experiment proved the private sector can railroad as inefficiently as a state monopoly.
Many railroads roughly follow the trace of older land - and/or water roads.
The majority railroaded the bill through parliament, without the customary expert studies which would delay it till after the elections.
A network of railroads spreads all over Japan.
- Bir demiryolu ağı tüm Japonya'yı sarar.
Where is the railroad station?
- Demiryolu istasyonu nerede?
The railroad is parallel to the road.
- Demiryolu karayoluna paralel.
A network of railroads spreads all over Japan.
- Bir demiryolu ağı tüm Japonya'yı sarar.
A new railway bridge will be built between the two cities.
- İki şehir arasında yeni bir demiryolu köprüsü inşa edilecek.
The Siberian Railway is at once the longest and best known railway in the world.
- Sibirya Demiryolu, dünyadaki bir defada en uzun ve en iyi bilinen demiryoludur.
His father worked on the railway.
- Onun babası demiryolunda çalıştı.
The railway crosses the road at this point.
- Demiryolu bu noktada yolu geçer.
The railroad is parallel to the road.
- Demiryolu karayoluna paralel.