(Askeri) (MALZEME) GAYRİ ASKERİ HALE GETİRME: Bazı tip teçhizat ve malzemenin, taarruz veya savunma bakımından sağladığı üstünlükleri ortadan kaldırma işlemi. Terim; bu gibi teçhizat ve malzemenin bir kısmının söküp alınması, denize dökülmesi, ıskartaya çıkarılması, yakılması veya ilk hazırlanışındaki askeri veya öldürücü maksat için ilerde kullanılması önlenecek şekilde değiştirilmesi anlamını kapsar
this means the removal of all foreign forces from Cyprus and the total disbanding of all Cypriot forces (This does not include British troops on the UK sovereign bases areas ) A comprehensive proposal for demilitarization was submitted to the UN by President Clerides in December 1993
The disposal resources, processes, procedures, design considerations, and methods necessary to ensure that military-peculiar attributes of system end items (such as explosives, whether in warheads or employed to effect performance of an item) can be deactivated (rendered harmless) or otherwise disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner
The act of destroying the military offensive or defensive advantages inherent in certain types of equipment or material The term mutilation, dumping at sea, scrapping, melting, burning, or alteration designed to prevent the further use of this equipment and material for its originally intended military or lethal purpose and applies equally to material in unserviceable or serviceable condition that has been screened through the ICP and declared surplus or foreign excess