
listen to the pronunciation of defensive
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
müdaafa eden

Neden bu kadar savunucusun? - Why are you so defensive?

Savunucu olmayın. Sizi suçlamıyorum. - Don't get defensive. I'm not blaming you.

{s} savunmayla ilgili
(isim) savunma
{s} savunma amaçlı
{s} spor defansif
{s} (hedef alındığını zannederek) savunmaya geçen
(Askeri) SAVUNMA: Savunmaya uygun; korunma maksadı güden, korunma maksadına yarayan. Örneğin; savunma mevzii (defensive position), savunma silahı (defensive weapon) gibi
{s} savunma

Tom neden bu kadar savunmacı oluyor? - Why is Tom being so defensive?

Tom çok savunmacıydı. - Tom was very defensive.

{s} koruyan
defensive system
savunma sistemi
defensive programming
(Bilgisayar) savunucu programlama
defensive alliance
savunma anlaşması
defensive mechanism
savunma mekanizması
defensive programming
savunmalı programlama
defensive against enemy submarines
düşman denizaltıları karşı savunma
defensive alert
savunma uyarı
defensive driving
defansif sürüş
defensive driving
kazaları önlemek için dikkatli ve uyanık bir şekilde araç kullanmak
defensive midfielder
on libero
defensive midfielder
Savunma yapan orta saha oyuncusu
defensive midfielder
(Spor) Orta saha savunma oyuncusu
defensive modernization
(Askeri) Askerî savunma alanında modernleşme
defensive tackle
Amerikan futbolunda savunma oyuncusu
defensive area
(Askeri) SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: Bak. "defense area"
defensive attributions
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) savunmacı yüklemler
defensive behavior
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) savunma davranışı
defensive behaviour
savunmacı davranışı
defensive coastal area
(Askeri) KIYI SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: Kıyı bölgesi ile kıyı hattına bitişik hava, kara ve deniz bölgelerinin, savunma harekatında kara, deniz ve hava kuvvetlerini içine alması muhtemel bir parçası
defensive coastal area
(Askeri) kıyı savunma bölgesi
defensive combat
(Askeri) savunma muharebesi
defensive costal area
(Askeri) kıyı savunma bölgesi
defensive fire
(Askeri) SAVUNMA ATEŞİ: Savunma faaliyeti içinde bulunan bir birliği korumak ve yardım etmek için destek birlikleri tarafından açılan ateş
defensive formation
(Askeri) Savunma düzeni
defensive functioning scale
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) savunmacı işleyiş ölçeği
defensive grenade
(Askeri) SAVUNMA EL BOMBASI: Örtü gerisinden atılan, patlayıcı gücü yüksek el bombası. Nispeten kalın madeni gövdesinden fırlayan parçaların, yüksek süratle dağılması sebebiyle, insanlara karşı tesirlidir. Buna bazen "fragmentation grenade" denir
defensive grenade
(Askeri) Savunma el bombası
defensive independence
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) savunmacı bağımsızlık
defensive information warfare
(Askeri) savunma amaçlı bilgi harbi
defensive measure
(Askeri) savunma tedbiri
defensive measures
(Askeri) Savunma tedbirleri
defensive mine countermeasures
(Askeri) TEDAFÜİ (SAVUNMA) MAYIN KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Düşman mayın döşeme etkisini azaltmak için uygulanan karşı tedbirler
defensive minefield
(Askeri) TEDAFÜİ (SAVUNMA) MAYIN TARLASI: Düşmanın mevziler arasından girmesini başarısızlığa uğratmak, ayrıca mevzilerin savunma gücünü kuvvetlendirmek maksadıyla tesis edilmiş plana göre döşenmiş bir mayın tarlası. Bak. "minefield"
defensive mining
defensive portfolio
(Ticaret) koruyucu portfolyo
defensive position
(Askeri) SAVUNMA MEVZİİ: Birbirini destekleyen savunma bölgeleri veya tahkim edilmiş taktik arazi bölgeleri sistemine göre hazırlanmış ve kıtalar tarafından işgal edilmiş saha. Buna "battle position" da denir
defensive sea area
(Askeri) DENİZ SAVUNMA SAHASI: Deniz ulaştırmasının kontrol ve korunması saha sularına bitişik savunma tesislerinin korunması ve belli sahalar dahilinde gerekli güvenlik tedbirleri alınması için önemli iskele, liman, körfez veya boğaz sularını ve bu istikametlerdeki yaklaşma yollarını içine alan deniz sahası. Bak. "maritime control area"
defensive sea area
(Askeri) deniz savunma sahası
defensive specialist
(Spor) defans uzmanı
defensive systems officer; domestic support operation
(Askeri) savunma sistemleri subayı; yerel destek harekatları
defensive triangle
(Spor) savunma üçgeni
defensive warfare
(Askeri) savunma harbi
defensive warfare
(Askeri) SAVUNMA HARBİ: Savunma muharebeleri yapmak suretiyle sevk ve idare edilen harp
defensive zone
(Askeri) SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: Genel olarak cepheye paralel ve tamamen veya kısmen savunma için hazırlanmış iki veya daha çok muharebe mevziini içine alan arazi şeridi
Eleştiriye karşı aşırı duyarlılık/tepki

There is defensiveness between two sides.

a defensive form of command and control warfare
(Askeri) komuta ve kontrol harbinin korunmacı bir şekli
be on the defensive
savunma durumunda olmak
close defensive fires
(Askeri) Taciz ateşi
close defensive fires
(Askeri) YAKIN SAVUNMA ATEŞLERİ: Taarruz eden, düşmana hücumdan önce ateş tevcih ederek emir ve komuta düzenini bozmak, taarruz mevzilerini baskı altında tutmak, gözetlemesine engel olmak ve destek ateşlerini zayıflatmak, böylece taarruzların bütünlüğünü ortadan kaldırmak için planlanmış ateşler. Ayrıca bakınız: "fire"
savunur şekilde

Tom savunur şekilde tepki gösterdi. - Tom reacted defensively.

indigenous defensive fighter
(Askeri) yerli savunma uçağı
offensive defensive
(Askeri) taarruzi savunma
on the defensive
on the defensive
savunma durumunda
passive air defensive
(Askeri) PASİF HAVA SAVUNMASI: Düşman hava taarruzlarının tesirini azaltmak maksadıyla aktif savunma dışında alınmış bütün tedbirler. Bu tedbirler; örtme, gizleme, kamuflaj, dağılma ve koruyucu inşaatı içermektedir. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defense" (Not: NATO, kendi tanımında "deception" kelimesini kullanmaktadır)
passive air defensive
(Askeri) pasif hava savunması
retrograde defensive
(Askeri) SAVUNMALI ÇEKİLME: Makul başarı ihtimalleriyle bir taarruza geçmek üzere hazırlıklar yapılıncaya kadar, kesin muharebeye girmeksizin yapılan savunmalı çekilme. Bu hareket; düşmanın ilerlemesini geciktirir, ikmal üslerinden uzaklaştırır ve ulaştırma hatlarını uzatır
strategic defensive
(Askeri) STRATEJİK SAVUNMA: Bir milletin savaşta, özel bir harekatı kasteden taktik savunmanın aksine, geniş ölçüde uyguladığı savunma hareketi
tactical defensive
(Askeri) TAKTİK SAVUNMA: Stratejik savunma çerçevesine girmeyen ve belirli bir muharebe harekatında tatbik olunan savunma. Ayrıca bakınız: "strategic defensive"
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Intended to deter attack
A means, attitude or position of defense
Intended for defence; protective
Displaying an inordinate sensitivity to criticism; compare paranoid
Performed so as to minimise risk
Of a bowling or fielding tactic designed to prevent the other side from scoring runs.; of a batting tactic designed to prevent being out
carried on in resistance to aggression
{a} proper for defense, defending
{n} a safeguard, guard, state of defense
In a state or posture of defense
an attitude of defensiveness (especially in the phrase `on the defensive') intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack; "defensive weapons"; "a defensive stance"
attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing
In sports, defensive play is play that is intended to prevent your opponent from scoring goals or points against you. I'd always played a defensive game, waiting for my opponent to make a mistake. attacking + defensively de·fen·sive·ly Mexico did not play defensively
{i} attitude of defense, position of defense
intended or appropriate for defending against or deterring aggression or attack; "defensive weapons"; "a defensive stance"
attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing serving as or appropriate for defending or protecting; "defensive fortifications"; "defensive dikes to protect against floods
You use defensive to describe things that are intended to protect someone or something. The Government hastily organized defensive measures against the raids
If someone is on the defensive, they are trying to protect themselves or their interests because they feel unsure or threatened. Accusations are likely to put the other person on the defensive
That which defends; a safeguard
Carried on by resisting attack or aggression; opposed to offensive; as, defensive war
Someone who is defensive is behaving in a way that shows they feel unsure or threatened. Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives. + defensively de·fen·sive·ly `Oh, I know, I know,' said Kate, defensively. + defensiveness de·fen·sive·ness He felt a certain defensiveness about his position
serving as or appropriate for defending or protecting; "defensive fortifications"; "defensive dikes to protect against floods"
{s} protective, watchful, on guard
an attitude of defensiveness (especially in the phrase `on the defensive')
Displaying an inordinate sensitivity to criticism; cf. paranoid
Serving to defend or protect; proper for defense; opposed to offensive; as, defensive armor
defensive back
Collective term for the defensive players who are in position farthest from the ball at the start of a play and whose principal responsibility is to defend against passes. Includes cornerbacks and safeties in both codes, and defensive halfbacks in the Canadian game
defensive field
A field set with fielders in positions designed to prevent runs rather than take wickets
defensive halfback
A defensive back whose primary jobs are to cover the slotback on passing plays and prevent running plays from going to the outside
defensive indifference
An official scoring judgement in which a runner is not credited with a stolen base because the team playing the field did not try to stop the steal. This typically occurs late in a game when the fielding team is winning

The play was scored as defensive indifference.

defensive midfielder
A midfield player who specialises more in defensive duties
defensive tackle
Any of a few defensive positions in the middle of the defensive line
defensive zone
The ice between a team's own blue line and its end board
defensive zones
plural form of defensive zone
defensive midfielder
(Spor) The Sweeper or libero (Italian: free) or defensive midfielder is a more versatile type of centre back that, as the name suggests, "sweeps up" the ball if the opponent manages to breach the defensive line. Their position is rather more fluid than other defenders who mark their designated opponents. The sweeper's ability to read the game is even more vital than for a centre-back
defensive tackle
Defensive tackle (DT) is a position on the field in American football. Defensive Tackles are typically the largest and strongest of the defensive players
defensive alert
state of readiness to fend off an expected attack
defensive battle
battle fought in response to a military offensive, battle fought to protect one's land or people
defensive driving
driving in a manner which will prevent accidents, careful and alert driving
defensive driving course
course which teaches drivers to drive in a manner which will prevent accidents (intended for drivers who have many traffic violations)
defensive interval
measure used to estimate the financial stability of a business (Accounting)
defensive structure
a structure used for defense; "the artillery battered down the defenses
defensive war
war fought in response to a military offensive
on the defensive
prepared to defend or protect against criticism, attack or aggression
Operation Defensive Wall
{i} operation launched by Israel in March 2002 following a series of deadly suicide bombings in Israel, operation that was intended to uproot the terrorist infrastructure which was responsible for the unexampled intense rise of terror attacks that struck Israel
in a defensive manner, protectively
In a defensive manner
On the defensive
in a defensive manner; "the general conviction that our side is in the right and acting defensively over what Russians call the German question and Americans the Berlin crisis"
in an apologetic and self-defensive manner; "`I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively"
in an apologetic and self-defensive manner; "`I felt it better you should know,' said Sir Cedric defensively
{i} quality of being on guard, protectiveness, watchfulness
The state or quality of being defensive
excessive sensitivity to criticism; "his defensiveness was manifested in hurt silence"; "the fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians' defensiveness
go over to the defensive
become defensive, defend oneself
on the defensive
prepared to defend one's actions, ready to justify one's actions
take the defensive
defend oneself, prevent oneself from being attacked