
listen to the pronunciation of defence
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Savunma avukatı onun beraatini güvenceye almak için Tom adına elinden geleni yaptı. - The defence attorney did his best on behalf of Tom to secure his acquittal.

Yasayı bilmemek bir savunma gerekçesi olarak kabul edilmez. - Ignorance of the law is not accepted as a defence.

{i} savunma silahları
{i} davalı
i., İng., bak. defense
{i} sanık
{i} doğrulama
(Tıp) Herhangi bir hücum karşısındag österilen savunma, kişinin bir tehlike veya zararlı etkene karşı kendisini savunması
{i} korunma
{i} himaye
{i} defans oyuncusu
(Tıp) Hastalığın oluşmasına veya ilerlemesine karşı koyma, hastalığa direnç gösterme
{i} savunma

Savunma avukatları merhamet için yalvardılar. - Defense lawyers appealed for mercy.

O, böyle bir savunma istemedi. - He did not want such a defense.

defence (brit)
(Kanun) müdafaa
defence expenditure
(Askeri) savunma harcamaları
defence expenditures
(Askeri) savunma harcamaları
defence mechanism
savunma mekanizması
defence budget
savunma bütçesi
defence counsel
savunma avukatı
defence industry
savunma endüstrisi
defence policy
savunma politikası
defence reflex
savunma refleksi
defence spending
savunma harcaması
defence force
savunma gücü
defence lawyer
savunma avukatı
defence of
defence adviser
(Askeri) savunma müşaviri
defence adviser
(Askeri) savunma danışmanı
defence counter air
(Askeri) mukabil hava savunması
defence electronics
(Askeri) savunma elektroniği
defence emergency
(Askeri) acil savunma durumu
defence goods
(Askeri) savunma ürünleri
defence in depth
(Nükleer Bilimler) derinlemesine korunma
defence in place
(Askeri) inatla savunma
defence industry
(Askeri) savunma sanayii
defence information
(Askeri) savunma bilgileri
defence management
(Askeri) savunma yönetimi
defence order
(Askeri) savunma emri
defence plan
(Askeri) savunma planı
defence products
(Askeri) savunma ürünleri
defence science board
(Askeri) savunma bilim kurulu
defence wing
(Askeri) savunma ataşeliği
deputy defence minister
(Politika, Siyaset) savunma bakanı yardımcısı
deliberate defence
(Askeri) hazırlıklı savunma
air defence region
(Askeri) hava savunma bölgesi
chief of defence
(Askeri) genelkurmay başkanı
conduct of defence
(Askeri) savunmanın yürütülmesi
(Spor) defans

Amerikan futbolunda defansın belirli bir işi var. - In American football the defense has a specific job.

inner defence area
(Askeri) iç savunma bölgesi
military defence
(Askeri) askeri savunma
mine defence
(Askeri) mayınla savunma
missile defence
(Askeri) füze savunma sistemi
mobile defence
(Askeri) oynak savunma
passive defence
(Askeri) pasif savunma
self defence
(Kanun) nefsi müdafaa
self defence
(Kanun) nefsi müdafa
Minister of National Defence
Milli Savunma Bakanı
Ministry of Defence
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı
air defence
tenek savunması
civil defence
sivil savunma
coast defence
sahil savunma
national defence
milli savunma
meşru müdafaa
özünü savunma
Association for Defence of the National Rights of Anatolia and Rumelia
Anadolu ve Rumeli Müdafaa-i Hukuk Cemiyeti
THAAD ( Terminal High Altitude Area Defence )
(Askeri) Terminal Yüksek İrtifa Alan Savunması
aerial defence
hava savunması
federal defence ministry
federal savunma bakanlığı
ground defence
zemin savunma
in defence
in my defence
Açıklamam gerekirse,
ministry of defence
Savunma Bakanlığı
national defence law
Milli korunma kanunu
secretary of defence
savunma sekreteri
the defence
National Defence Headquarters, Canada
(Askeri) Kanada Milli Savunma Karargahı
aerial defence area
(Askeri) hava savunma sahası
aerospace defence
(Askeri) HAVA-UZAY SAVUNMASI: 1. Taarruz halindeki düşman uçak, füze ve uzay araçlarının dünya yüzeyinden kalktıktan sonra imha edilmesi veya taarruzların etkisini azaltmak üzere tasarlanmış tüm savunma önlemleri. 2. Hava savunmasını ve uzay savunmasını içine alan kapsamlı bir terim
aerospace defence
(Askeri) hava-uzay savunması
aggressive defence
(Askeri) taarruzi savunma
air defence
(Askeri) (NATO) HAVA SAVUNMASI: Düşman hava taarruzunun etkisini ortadan kaldırmak veya azaltmak için alınan tüm önlemler. bkz: "active air defence, passive air defence"
air defence action area
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA FAALİYET SAHASI: Belirli koşullar dışında harekatlarda dost uçak ve yerden havaya silahlara öncelik verilen alan ve bunun üzerindeki hava sahası. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defence operations area". AIR DEFENCE AREA (AMERİKAN SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): HAVA SAVUNMA SAHASI: 1. AMERİKA DIŞINDA: Hava savunma planlaması yapılması ve hava savunmasının sağlanması gereken özel olarak tanımlanmış hava sahası. 2. AMERİKA BİRLEŞİK DEVLETLERİNDE: Acil bir hava savunma durumunda, Milli Güvenlik açısından hava araçlarının göreve hazır durumda olması gereken ve tanımlanmış boyutları ilgili teşkilat tarafından tayin edilmiş hava sahası
air defence area
(Askeri) (NATO) HAVA SAVUNMA SAHASI: Hava savunma planlaması yapılması ve hava savunmasının sağlanması gereken özel olarak tanımlanmış saha
air defence artillery
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA TOPÇUSU: Yerden hava hedeflerine karşı etkin bir muharebeye girmek için kullanılan silah ve teçhizat
air defence artillery action status
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA TOPÇUSU ATIŞ KONTROL DURUMLARI: Hava savunma topçusundan istenen atış kontrol dereceleri. Atış durumu terimleri şunlardır: Ateş serbest (weapon free) -dost olduğu tespit edilememiş her tayyareye ateş et. Ateş kontrollu (Weapon tight) - yalnız düşman tayyarelerine ateş et. Ateş tutuk (Hold fire) ateş etme, ateşe ara ver. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defence artillery weapons control status"
air defence direction center
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA İDARE MERKEZİ: Tayin edilmiş bir sorumluluk bölgesi içinde hava gözetlemesi, önleme kontrolü ve tahsis edilmiş hava savunma silahlarının idaresini yapma yeteneğine sahip bir tesis. Bu tesis, teşhis yeteneğine de sahip olabilir
air defence division
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA BÖLGESİ: Bir hava savunma sahasının coğrafi olarak bölünmüş kısımlarından biri. Ayrıca bakınız: "air defence sector"
air defence early warning
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA ERKEN HABERLEŞME VE İKAZI: Elektronik ve görme vasıtalarıyla tespit edilmiş havadaki düşman silahları ve silah taşıyıcılarının yaklaşmalarını erken haber verme sistemi
air defence early warning station
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA ERKEN HABER VERME VE İKAZ İSTASYONU: Düşman hava araçları ve füzelerinin yaklaşmasını keşfedecek ve haber verecek şekilde kurulmuş ve teçhiz edilmiş bir tesis
air defence emergency
(Askeri) ACİL HAVA SAVUNMA DURUMU: ABD anayurdunda, Alaska, Kanada veya Grönland'daki Amerika Birleşik Devletleri tesislerine karşı düşman uçak veya füzeleriyle bir taarruz ihtimali olduğunda, böyle bir durum çok yakın olduğunda veya gerçekleştiğinde Başkomutan, Kuzey Amerika Hava Savunma Komutanlığı veya komutanı yada Hava-Uzay Savunma Komutanlığı tarafından ilan edilen bir acil durum
air defence ground environment
(Askeri) (ADGE) HAVA SAVUNMA YER ŞEBEKESİ: Hava savunma harekatının taktik kontrolünde kullanılan belirli bir harekat alanı içindeki radar üsleri ve komuta ve kontrol merkezleri şebekesi
air defence identification zone
(Askeri) (ADIZ) HAVA SAVUNMA TEŞHİS BÖLGESİ (NATO): Uçakların derhal tanımlanmasının, yerinin belirtilmesinin ve kontrolünün gerekli olduğu belirli boyutları olan hava sahası. Genellikle ADIZ olarak bilinir. Ayrıca bakınız: "Air defence operations area". AIR DEFENCE OPERATIONS AREA (AMERİKA SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI, AMERİKAN SAVUNMA KURULU): HAVA SAVUNMA HAREKAT SAHASI: Hava savunmasıyla diğer harekatların birbirine karışmasını en az düzeye indirmek amacıyla belirli yöntemlerin oluşturulduğu saha ve bunun üzerindeki hava sahası. Bu aşağıdakilerden birini veya daha fazlasının tahsis edilmesini gerektirir. Hava savunma faaliyet sahası, hava savunma tanımlama bölgesi, atış gücü şemsiyesi, kati tanımlama ve radar tavsiye bölgesi
air defence operations area
(Askeri) (NATO) HAVA SAVUNMA HAREKAT SAHASI: Hava savunmasıyla diğer harekatların birbirine karışmasını en az düzeye indirmek amacıyla belirli yöntemlerin oluşturulacağı coğrafi sınırları belirlenmiş bölge. Aşağıdakilerden birini ya da daha fazlasını kapsayabilir; Hava savunma faaliyet sahası, hava savunma sahası, hava savunma tanımlama bölgesi ve ateş gücü şemsiyesi
air defence warning red
(Askeri) KIRMIZI HAVA SAVUNMA İKAZI: Düşman uçak ve/veya füze saldırısı beklenmekte veya yaklaşmaktadır. Bu, düşman uçak ve/veya füzelerinin hava savunma bölgesi/mıntıkası içinde olduğu veya bu bölgenin çok yakınında olup büyük bir ihtimalle buraya gireceği anlamına gelmektedir
air defence warning yellow
(Askeri) SARI HAVA SAVUNMA İKAZI: Düşman uçak ve/veya füze taarruzu muhtemeldir. Bu düşman uçak ve/veya füzelerinin hava savunma bölgesi/mıntıkasına doğru yolda oldukları veya düşman olmasından şüphe edilen uçak ve/veya füzelerin hava savunma bölgesi/mıntıkasına doğru yolda veya bu bölgenin içinde oldukları anlamına gelir
allied defence publication
(Askeri) müttefik savunma yayını
beach defence
(Askeri) kıyı savunması
biological defence
(Askeri) BİYOLOJİK SAVUNMA: Biyolojik harp maddeleri kullanan saldırılara karşı savunma önlemleri saptanan veya icra etmede kullanılan metotlar, planlar ve usuller. Ayrıca bakınız: "NBC defence"
chemical defence
(Askeri) kimyasal harp savunması
chemical defence
(Askeri) KİMYASAL MADDELERE KARŞI SAVUNMA: Ayrıca bakınız: "NBC defence"
chiefs of defence staff
(Askeri) savunma kurmay başkanları
civil defence
(Askeri) SİVİL SAVUNMA: Aşağıdaki hususları temin maksadıyla girişilen bütün faaliyetler ve alınan tedbirler: 1. ABD'ne karşı vaki bir düşman taarruzunun sivil halk üzerinde sebep olduğu veya olabileceği etkileri azaltmak. 2. Böyle bir taarruzun yaratacağı yakın tehlike koşullarını yoluna koymak. 3. Böyle bir taarruzla tahrip edilmiş veya hasar görmüş sıhhi tesisler ve diğer sıhhi tesislerde acil onarım yapmak veya bunların süratle ıslahı yoluna gitmek
civil defence
(Askeri) (NATO) SİVİL SAVUNMA: Sivil hayatın bütün yönleri üzerinde düşman taarruzu tesirlerini pasif tedbirlerle azaltmak maksadıyla sivil halkın seferber edilmesi teşkilatlanması ve idaresi
civil defence emergency
(Askeri) Bak. "domestic emergencies"
civil defence intelligence
(Askeri) SİVİL SAVUNMA İSTİHBARATI: Taarruz öncesi safhasında alınan acil durum önlemleri ve sivil nüfusun hazırlık tahminleri dahil bir düşman taarruzunun muhtemel veya gerçek hedefleri olan ABD ve onun arazilerdeki durumunu tüm veçheleriyle ilgili bilginin toplanması ve değerlendirilmesi sonucu ortaya çıkan netice. Gerçek bir taarruz durumunda; zarar derecesi, serpinti seviyesi zayiat ve kaynak tahminlerine ağırlık vererek hazırlanmış etkilenen bölgenin tanımına denir. Bu neticeler kararların formulasyonu harekatların icrası ve planlama işleminin devamında kullanılmak üzere sivil ve askeri makamlar tarafından istenir
classified defence information
(Askeri) GİZLİLİK DERECELİ SAVUNMA HABERLERİ, GİZLİLİK DERECELİ SAVUNMA BİLGİLERİ: Bilginin hassasiyet derecesine göre ÇOK GİZLİ, GİZLİ ve ÖZEL olarak sınıflandırılmış savunma bilgisi. Ayrıca bakınız: "defence information"
close defence
(Askeri) YAKIN SAVUNMA: Bknz. "closed-in-protection"
coast defence
(Askeri) kıyı savunması
coast defence
(Askeri) KIYI SAVUNMASI: Kıyı hattına veya yakınına yapılacak bir taarruza karşı korunma temini maksadıyla deniz kuvvetleri, topçu vesaire tarafından alınmış bütün tedbirler
coastal defence
(Askeri) KIYI SAVUNMASI: Bak. "coast defence"
coastal defence
(Askeri) kıyı savunması
coastal defence facilities
(Askeri) kıyı koruma yapıları
coastal defence facilities
(Askeri) kıyı koruma tesisleri
coastal frontier defence
(Askeri) kıyı hudut savunması
coastal frontier defence
(Askeri) KIYI HUDUT SAVUNMASI: ABD Anayurdu ve denizaşırı toprakları kıyı hudut bölgelerinin emniyetine tahsis edilmiş silahlı kuvvetlerin malzemesinin ve kuvvetlerinin organizasyonu
composite defence
(Askeri) KARMA HAVA SAVUNMASI: Hava savunma topçusunda; tek savunma için birleştirilmiş iki veya daha çok cinsten ateş birliklerinin kullanıldığı bir savunma
composite defence
(Askeri) karma hava savunması
defence savunma
defenseIess müdafaasız
{i} sanık
koruyan şey
{i} savunma silahları
{i} spor savunma, defans
{i} davalı
{i} doğrulama
{i} (isim) sporda defans oyuncusu
muhafaza eden herhangi bir şey
{i} koruma

Tom kendini korumak için Mary'yi vurduğunu iddia ediyor. - Tom claims he shot Mary in self defense.

(Askeri) SAVUNMA: Düşmanın yaptığı her çeşit taarruzlara karşı eldeki bütün vasıta ve usullerle karşı koyma ve korunma. Savunma; savunan kuvvetin vaziyetine ve kullandığı usullere göre aktif veya pasif olur
defans oyuncusu
distributed area defence
(Askeri) bölünmüş alan savunması
excess defence articles
fifth column defence
(Askeri) beşinci kola karşı savunma
fifth column defence
(Askeri) BEŞİNCİ KOLA KARŞI SAVUNMA: İç emniyet faaliyetinin bir şubesi. Bu şube; devlet tesisleri ile her çeşit kaynak ve tesisleri sabotaj casusluk ve diğer yıkıcı faaliyetlere karşı korumakla görevlidir
foreign internal defence
(Askeri) YABANCI DAHİLİ SAVUNMA: Bir devletin askeri ve sivil kuruluşları tarafından diğer bir ülkenin içinde olduğu kışkırtma, kanunsuzluk ve karışıklıklara karşı tedbir alması. Ayrıca bakınız: "internal defence"
harbor defence
(Askeri) LİMAN SAVUNMA: Bir liman veya demirleme yeri ve su yaklaşma yollarını; (a) Denizaltı, sinsi hücum ve taarruz timlerinin küçük su üstü araçlarının, (b) Düşman mayınlama harekatına, (c) Sabotajlara karşı savunulması. Bir limanın güdümlü veya havadan atılan füzelere karşı savunulması hava savunmacısının bir parçası olarak kabul edilir. Bak. "port security"
harbor defence command
harbour defence command
(Askeri) liman savunma komutanlığı
hasty defence
(Askeri) HAZIRLIKSIZ SAVUNMA: Normal olarak düşmanla temas halinde iken veya temas çok yakın olduğunda yapılan bir savunma. Bu savunmada özellik avcı çukurları, silah mevzileri ve engellerden faydalanarak arazinin tabii gücü geliştirilir. Bak. "deliberate defence"
hasty defence
(Askeri) hazırlıksız savunma
high level air defence
(Askeri) yüksek irtifa hava savunması
indirect air defence
(Askeri) endirekt hava savunması
integrated air defence
(Askeri) entegre hava savunması
integrated defence
(Askeri) birleştirilmiş savunma
line of defence
(Askeri) savunma hattı
line of defence
savunma tezi
line of defence
ask. savunma hattı
linear defence
(Askeri) hat savunması
minister of defence
milli savunma bakanı
muscular defence
(Tıp) defans mösküler
night defence
(Askeri) gece savunması
offensive defence
(Askeri) taarruzi savunma
office of civil defence
(Askeri) SİVİL SAVUNMA BÜROSU: Sivil hava haber verme ve ikaz hizmeti, genel sığınaklar ve tahliye planları gibi tedbirlerden sorumlu resmi makam
organic army air defence
overall air defence
(Askeri) genel hava savunması
passive defence
(Askeri) PASİF SAVUNMA: İnsiyatifi ele geçirmek gibi bir düşünce gütmeden, düşman taarruzlarının sebep olabileceği hasar ihtimalini azaltmak ve hasar tesirini asgari düzeye indirmek üzere alınan tedbirler
passive defence plan
(Askeri) pasif savunma planı
passive satellite defence
(Askeri) pasif uydu savunması
perimeter defence
(Askeri) çepeçevre savunma
perimeter defence
(Askeri) çevre savunması
position defence
(Askeri) MEVZİ SAVUNMASI: Savunma kuvveti büyük kısmının; kati neticeli muharebenin cereyanı düşünülen seçilmiş mevkilere yerleştirildiği savunma şekli. Bu savunmada başarı; savunulan mevkilerdeki kuvvetlerin bulundukları mevzileri ellerinde tutma ve oradaki araziyi kontrol etme kabiliyetlerine dayanır. İhtiyattan; derinliği arttırmak, muharebe mevziini karşı taarruzla tıkamak veya eski durumuna getirmek için faydalanılır
positional defence
(Askeri) MEVKİSEL, DURUMSAL SAVUNMA: Bak. "position defense"
radiological defence
(Askeri) RADYOLOJİK SAVUNMA: Nükleer veya radyolojik silahların kullanılmasından doğan radyasyon tehlikesine karşı alınması gerekli savunma tedbirleri
radiological defence officer
regional air defence commander
(Askeri) bölge hava savunma komutanı
satellite defence
(Askeri) peyk savunması
satellite defence
(Askeri) uydu savunması
secretary of defence
savunma bakanı
self defence
kendini koruma
self defence
meşru müdafaa
self defence
self defence
meşru savunma
standing defence plan
(Askeri) devamlı savunma emri
standing defence unit
(Askeri) hazır savunma kuvveti
sustained defence
(Askeri) sürekli savunma
territorial defence
(Askeri) bölge savunması
torpedo defence net
(Askeri) TORPİL SAVUNMA AĞI: Bir iç limanı açıktan atılan torpillere karşı kapamak veya demirli ya da seyir halindeki münferit bir gemiyi korumak için kullanılan ağ
unarmed defence
(Askeri) SİLAHSIZ SAVUNMA: Silahsız bir insanın, silahlı veya silahsız bir düşmana karşı, düşmanı hatalı şekilde kuvvet kullanmaya mecbur edecek surette, savunması. Buna, genellikle (judo) denir
united states defence command
(Askeri) abd savunma komutanlığı
written defence
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The action of protecting from attack
Something used to oppose attack

Save breed, to brave him when he takes thee hence.

An argument in support or justification of something

Against thy reasons making no defence.

Defence is action that is taken to protect someone or something against attack. The land was flat, giving no scope for defence By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of having it used against you
What you'd better have around de yard if you're going to let de children play outside
is pronounced
The action of guarding oneself from the attacks of an opponent Fencing being the art of defence (Self defence)
a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense"
If you come to someone's defence, you help them by doing or saying something to protect them. He realized none of his schoolmates would come to his defense
The spelling defense is used in American English, and in meaning
the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial"
military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program"
to move to defend against an threat, e g to protect a piece that is attacked; more generally, a period of the game where the player is meeting and anticipating threats during an attack Also used for opening systems chosen by Black, e g King's Indian Defence There is a section in the Canon on Defence
the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory"
{i} protection, security (also defense)
an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion"
That which defends or protects; anything employed to oppose attack, ward off violence or danger, or maintain security; a guard; a protection
the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"
not being hit by the opponent's offensive actions, either by parrying, avoiding, or moving out of distance
Defence is the organization of a country's armies and weapons, and their use to protect the country or its interests. Twenty eight percent of the federal budget is spent on defense. the French defence minister
In a court of law, an accused person's defence is the process of presenting evidence in their favour. He has insisted on conducting his own defence
Reply to Particulars or Statement of Claim
protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease"
Protecting plea; vindication; justification
(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
What you'd better have around the yard if you're going to let the children play outside
The defence is the case that is presented by a lawyer in a trial for the person who has been accused of a crime. You can also refer to this person's lawyers as the defence. The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police
The defences of a country or region are all its armed forces and weapons. the need to maintain Britain's defences at a sufficiently high level
The defendant's answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiff's or prosecutor's case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiff's action
A unit attacked by an enemy can return fire and engage in defensive combat By spending 1 CP, the unit can engage in a disciplined defence, which allows it to fire normally A unit attacked by an enemy but having no CP can only mount a ragged defence, where all weapons fire and combat is done with a -2 penalty, and all weapons are fired at their maximum rate of fire
In games such as football or hockey, the defence is the group of players in a team who try to stop the opposing players scoring a goal or a point. Their defence, so strong last season, has now conceded 12 goals in six games I still prefer to play in defence. attack
The act of defending, or the state of being defended; protection, as from violence or danger
a structure used for defense; "the artillery battered down the defenses"
Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc
A defence is something that you say or write which supports ideas or actions that have been criticized or questioned. Chomsky's defence of his approach goes further = justification
Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance
A defence is something that people or animals can use or do to protect themselves. The immune system is our main defence against disease = protection
(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense"
defence accord
A political agreement of mutual military assistance
defence force
An organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack, defense [US], defence [Brit, Cdn], defense force [US]
Defence Minister
Defense Minister, high government official responsible for the entire country's protection from its enemies
defence counsel
lawyers for the defendant
defence disposition
defense formation or plan, strategic deployment of forces for the defense of an area
defence force
defense: an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion"
defence layout
strategic deployment of forces for defense of an area
defence mechanism
A defence mechanism is a way of behaving or thinking which is not conscious or deliberate and is an automatic reaction to unpleasant experiences or feelings such as anxiety and fear
defence mechanism
reaction of self-protection by an organism; mental process whereby one avoids unpleasant ideas or impulses (Psychoanalysis)
defence of duress
exemption from criminal responsibility for actions that a person was forced to commit
defence of intoxication
exemption from criminal responsibility due to behavior while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs (as long as the intoxication was not agreed to by the accused)
defence of justification
{i} exemption from criminal responsibility for one who carries out a law or obeys an order that is not morally legal
defence of necessity
exemption from criminal liability concerning actions which were necessary to prevent grievous injury to life liberty or property
defence plea
legal argument negating the accusation brought against the defendant
defence readiness conditions
conditions in which (a country, group of people, etc.) is ready to defend itself
defence service law
law pertaining to military service
derived defence
legal defence of a shareholder in the name of a corporation
Nuremberg defence
Alternative spelling of Nuremberg defense
Twinkie defence
A legal defense of diminished responsibility based on a claim that irregular behavior is caused by a poor diet or junk food
Twinkie defence
Any spurious legal defense
Government policy or structure related to the military

Department of Defense.

goal defence
A player allowed in the centre third and the defensive goal third, including the shooting circle
preemptive self-defence
The concept of an armed attack on another state, when not at war, on the belief that the other state represents a real attack threat. It differs from a preemptive strike which applies to states which are already at war
space defence
Alternative spelling of space defense
wing defence
A player allowed in the centre third, defensive goal third, but not the shooting circle
{n} a guard, resistance, vidication, reply
Civil Defence
organized action taken by citizens to defend themselves or repair damage caused by war or disaster
European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co
European aerospace company that is one of the world's largest. It was formed (2000) from the merger of Aerospatiale Matra of France, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace (Dasa) of Germany, and Construcciones Aeronáuticas S.A. (CASA) of Spain. It holds an 80% share in the European airplane manufacturer Airbus S.A.S. and is responsible for the final assembly of Airbus aircraft. It has a controlling interest in the trinational venture Astrium (created 2000), whose facilities in France, Germany, and Great Britain cover a broad range of the space business from ground systems and launch vehicles to satellites and orbital infrastructure. Its Eurocopter subsidiary produces military and civil helicopters. It also has stakes in Arianespace, which markets the commercial services of Ariane launch vehicles; the Eurofighter consortium to develop a multirole combat aircraft; and the French aerospace firm Dassault
Foreign Affairs and Defence
government committee dealing with foreign affairs and defence issues
Israel Defence Forces
Israeli Army
Minister of Defence
{i} head of the government office responsible for the military and matters of national and domestic security
Ministry of Defence
MOD the British government department that is responsible for the UK's armed forces. The minister in charge of this department is the Secretary of State for Defence
Ministry of defence
government office responsible for the military and matters of national and domestic security
Ulster Defence Association
the full name of the UDA
Ulster Defence Regiment
the full name of the UDR
acted in self defence
committed an act in order to protect oneself, acted for self preservation
active defence
defense of an area using all possible military means
air defence
system of defense against attacks (aircraft, missiles, etc.) which come from the air
appear for the defence
represent the defense in a court of law
case for the defence
statements made by a defense attorney and witnesses for the defense
civil defence
civ·il de·fence in AM, use civil defense Civil defence is the organization and training of the ordinary people in a country so that they can help the armed forces, medical services, or police force, for example if the country is attacked by an enemy. a civil defence exercise. civil defense the organization of ordinary rather than military people to help defend their country from military attack
When the players move the ball away from their own goal
protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease" military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program" a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense" the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory" an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion" the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial" (sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense
(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense"
a structure used for defense; "the artillery battered down the defenses"
Protecting plea; vindication; justification
Anything employed to oppose attack(s)
The defendant's answer or plea; an opposing or denial of the truth or validity of the plaintiff's or prosecutor's case; the method of proceeding adopted by the defendant to protect himself against the plaintiff's action
Logistic Agency (DLA) Reserve
the speech act of answering an attack on your assertions; "his refutation of the charges was short and persuasive"; "in defense he said the other man started it"
That which defends or protects; anything employed to oppose attack, ward off violence or danger, or maintain security; a guard; a protection
(Def) = The basic Difficulty to hit a character
Fighting in order to stay alive
Coverage provided in most liability policies, which pays for the cost of defending the insured in the event of lawsuit regarding a covered loss Defense cost, in the auto policy, is said to be "unlimited," in that the policy requires the insurer to pay whatever is necessary to defend the Insured
a defendant's answer or plea denying the truth of the charges against him; "he gave evidence for the defense"
To furnish with defenses; to fortify
the defendants statement or reasons why he should not be liable to the plaintiff for the allegations made
an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack; "he joined the defense against invasion"
(1) declarer's opponents
An argument in support or justification of something
The defendant's facts or arguments that demonstrate why the plaintiff is not entitled to the relief requested Top of Page
the justification for some act or belief; "he offered a persuasive defense of the theory"
The way of defending the offense so that they don't get a basket
protection from harm; "sanitation is the best defense against disease"
a team's function of preventing the opposition from scoring
(noun) (1) The act of defending against attack, danger, or injury (2) A means or method of defending or protecting
(psychiatry) an unconscious process that tries to reduce the anxiety associated with instinctive desires
{i} protection, security; rampart (also defence)
The act of defending, or the state of being defended; protection, as from violence or danger
n the method of protecting one's self from danger
military action or resources protecting a country against potential enemies; "they died in the defense of Stalingrad"; "they were developed for the defense program"
the defendant and his legal advisors collectively; "the defense called for a mistrial"
The confidence that Americans' lives and personal safety, both at home and abroad, are protected and the United States' sovereignty, political freedom, and independence, with its values, institutions, and territory intact are maintained (synonymous with National Security)
The partnership that does not have the contract
see defence. the American spelling of defence. the players in a game of football etc whose main job is to try to prevent the other team from getting points. Black Panther Party for Self Defense civil defense defense economics defense mechanism European Defense Community Missile Defense Alarm System Midas self defense Self Defense Force Strategic Defense Initiative Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights
A team's attempt to keep the opposing team from scoring The team without possession of the ball
(sports) the team that is trying to prevent the other team from scoring; "his teams are always good on defense
the federal department responsible for safeguarding national security of the UnitedStates; created in 1947
1 A denial, answer plea disputing the validity of a plaintiff's case, or making some further contention that renders the defendant not liable upon the facts alleged by the plaintiff
The action of defending or protecting from attack, danger, or injury
A surprisingly nebulous concept which I describe as "disruption" Obviously, staying alive despite opponent efforts is disruption of their game But things like card-denial or a first-turn Black Vise or Strip Mining their crucial color lands are also disruptive, and therefore defensive
the act of preventing the offense from scoring; the team without the ball
The team that is on the field, attempting to get three batters out and return to offense
The defendant's facts or arguments that demonstrate why the plaintiff is not entitled to the relief requested
or Defence French défense: Latin defensa: defendere, to strike down or away, ward off, repel Mid Eng defence 2 That which is offered by a defendant as sufficient to defeat a suit - by denying, justifying, or confessing and avoiding, the cause of action A term used in common law pleading in the sense merely of "denial" U S v Ordway, 30 F R 32 (1887)
Each of these represents a different type of defense We will go over channels and defense later Armor and magic can increase and decrease these values
Act or skill in making defense; defensive plan or policy; practice in self defense, as in fencing, boxing, etc
Prohibition; a prohibitory ordinance
In a civil case, the facts or arguments presented by the defendant to show why the plaintiff doesn't have a right to the relief asked for In a criminal case, the reasons why a defendant should not be convicted of the charge(s)
That which is offered and alleged by the party proceeded against in an action or suit, as a reason in law or fact why the plaintiff should not recover or establish what he seeks; what is put forward to diminish plaintiff’s cause of action or defeat recovery
The team defending their goal line The defense does not have the ball; rather, they attempt to keep the offense from passing or running the ball over their (the defense's) goal line
filed a statement of defence
filed a legal statement to protect himself
foreign affairs and defence committee
group of people chosen to report and act upon foreign policy issues
man-to-man defence
act of closely guarding an opponent (Sports)
national defence service
military service
passive defence
defense using non-violent methods
penetrated the rival's defence
succeeded in breaking through his adversary's guard
pressing defence
closely guarding one's opponent (Sports)
rear defence stop line
defense systems on the home front that are a last attempt to stop the enemy
self-defence in AM, use self-defense1. Self-defence is the use of force to protect yourself against someone who is attacking you. Richards claimed he acted in self-defence after Pagett opened fire on him during a siege. courses in karate or some other means of self-defence
{i} organizing of citizens to defend themselves physically or to defend their rights; exemption from criminal responsibility which occurs when one defends oneself against a vicious attack (Law)
the act of defending yourself
Self-defence is the action of protecting yourself against something bad. Jokes can be a form of self-defence
statement of defence
official form in which a defendant lists the rationale of his defense, list of claims used to support the defense case
territorial defence organization
military unit that works to protect border towns
the defence system
all that is related to the military security of the citizens
witness for the defence
one who testifies for the defense counsel
zone defence
guarding a rival player who is in the same region

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