a word naturally of frequent occurence in Scripture Sometimes the word "pastor" is used instead (Jer 2: 8; 3: 15; 10: 21; 12: 10; 17: 16) This word is used figuratively to represent the relation of rulers to their subjects and of God to his people (Ps 23: 1; 80: 1; Isa 40: 11; 44: 28; Jer 25: 34, 35; Nahum 3: 18; John 10: 11, 14; Heb 13: 20; 1 Pet 2: 25; 5: 4)
A fault in a croquet stroke, whereby the mallet accelerates or deviates from its initial line once it has make contact with the striker's ball The striker is said to be shepherding the balls
If you are shepherded somewhere, someone takes you there to make sure that you arrive at the right place safely. She was shepherded by her guards up the rear ramp of the aircraft. someone whose job is to take care of sheep. to lead or guide a group of people somewhere, making sure that they go where you want them to go shepherd sb into/out/towards etc sth
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