
listen to the pronunciation of data
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Bilgi ana bilgisayardan sizinkine aktarılabilir, ve tam tersi. - Data can be transmitted from the main computer to yours, and vice versa.

Bilgi çoğunlukla yanlıştır. - The data is often inaccurate.


Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

Veri henüz derlenmiş değil. - The data hasn't been compiled yet.

(Ticaret) işlenmemiş bilgiler
(Ticaret) done

Onun raporunda sunulan istatistiki veriler hareketin sıklığını tahmin etmede bizim için çok faydalı. - The statistical data presented in her paper is of great use for us in estimating the frequency of the movement.

Bu veriler hipotezi desteklemektedir. - This data supports the hypothesis.

{i} data
{i} malumat
data processing bilgi toplayıp lüzumlu yere aktarma işlemi
{i} girdi
{i} çoğ. veya tek. bilgi
(Askeri) VERİ: Olayların, fikirlerin veya talimatların belli bir kalıp içinde insanlar veya otomatik vasıtalar tarafından haberleşme, yorum veya işlem içinde sunulması. Anlamın verildiği özellikler veya kıyas miktarları gibi her çeşit temsiller
istatistik analizi
data base
(Bilgisayar) veritabanı
data base
(Bilgisayar) bilgi tabanı
data bus
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) veri ana yolu
data bus
(Bilgisayar) veriyolu
data date
(Bilgisayar) veri tarihi
data description language
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) veri betim dili
data from
(Bilgisayar) veri kaynağı
data link
(Askeri) bilgi gönderme irtibatı
data log
(Bilgisayar) veri günlüğü
data look
(Bilgisayar) veri görünümü
data map
(Bilgisayar) veri haritası
data only
(Bilgisayar) sadece veri
data page
(Bilgisayar) veri sayfası
data set
iletişim aygıtı
data sheet
veri sayfası
data view
(Bilgisayar) veri görünümü
data well
(Bilgisayar) veri kutusu
data access
veri erişimi
data access control
veri erişim denetimi
data acquisition
veri edinme
data administrator
veri yöneticisi
data area
veri alanı
data array
veri dizisi
data attribute
veri özelliği
data available line
veri hazır hattı
data bank
bilgi bankası
data bank
veri bankası
data base
veri tabanı
data base administration
veri tabanı yönetimi
data base administrator
veri tabanı yöneticisi
data base analyser
veri tabanı çözümleyicisi
data base dump
veri tabanı dökümü
data base maintenance
veri tabanı bakımı
data base management
veri tabanı yönetimi
data base manager
veri tabanı yöneticisi
data base record
veri tabanı kaydı
data base structure
veri tabanı yapısı
data base trace
veri tabanı izi
data bus
veri yolu
data capture
veri yakalama
data cell drive
veri hücresi aygıtı
data cell storage
veri hücresi belleği
data center
veri merkezi
data chain
veri zinciri
data chaining
veri zincirlemesi
data channel
veri arnası
data channel
veri kanalı
data channel
veri oluğu
data channel multiplexer
veri kanalı çoklayıcısı
data check
veri denetimi
data circuit
veri devresi
data code
veri kodu
data collection
veri toplama
data collection terminal
veri toplama uçbirimi
data communications control unit
veri iletişimi denetim birimi
data communications equipment
veri iletişim donatımı
data communications exchange
veri iletişimi santralı
data compaction
veri sıkıştırma
data compression
veri sıkıştırma
data concentrator
veri yoğunlaştırıcı
data control
veri kontrolü
data conversion
veri dönüştürüm
data conversion language
veri dönüştürme dili
data converter
veri çevirici
data cycle
veri deviri
data degradation
bilgi azalması
data delimiter
veri sınırlayıcısı
data density
veri yoğunluğu
data dependent protection
veri bağımlı koruma
data description
veri tanımı
data description language
veri açıklama dili
data description library
veri açıklama kitaplığı
data dictionary
veri sözlüğü
data dispenser
veri dağıtıcısı
data division
veri bölümü
data document
veri belgesi
data element
veri elemanı
data element chain
veri elemanı zinciri
data element dictionary
veri elemanı sözlüğü
data entry
veri girişi
data entry device
veri giriş aygıtı
data entry operator
veri giriş operatörü
data exchange
veri alışverişi
data file
data dosyası
data file
veri dosyası
data file
veri kütüğü
data file organization
data dosyası organizasyonu
data file processing
data dosyası işlemi
data flip flop
veri yazbozu
data flow
veri akışı
data flow diagram
veri akış diyagramı
data flowchart
veri akış şeması
data fork
veri çatalı
data formatting statement
veri biçimlemesi deyimi
data gathering
veri toplama
data gathering system
veri toplama sistemi
data group
veri grubu
data group
veri türkümü
data group
veri öbeği
data handling equipment
veri işleme ekipmanı
data handling system
veri işleme sistemi
data hierarchy
veri akışı
data integrity
veri bütünlüğü
data interchange format
veri değişim biçimi
data item
veri maddesi
data level
veri düzeyi
data link
veri iletişimi
data link eacape character
veri bağlacı kaçış karakteri
data logger
veri kaydedici
data logging
veri kaydı
data lsb
data lsb
data management system
veri yönetim sistemi
data manipulation
veri manipülasyonu
data model
veri modeli
data multiplexer
veri çoklama
data name
veri adı
data net
veri ağı
data network
veri ağı
data organization
veri organizasyonu
data origination
veri hazırlama
data plotter
veri çizici
data point
veri göstergesi
data preparation
veri hazırlama
data preparation operator
veri hazırlama işletmeni
data processing
veri işlem
data processing
veri işleme
data processing
bilgi işlem
data processing department organization
bilgi işlem bölümü organizasyonu
data processing standard
bilgi işlem standartı
data processing system
veri işleme sistemi
data processor
veri işleyici
data protection
veri koruma
data purification
veri arıtımı
data receiver
veri alıcı
data record
veri tutanağı
data record
veri kaydı
data reduction
veri hazırlama
data reference
Veri Gönderisi
data reference line
veri taban çizgisi
data reliability
veri güvenilirliği
data representation
veri gösterimi
data representation code
veri gösterim kodu
data request line
veri talep hattı
data security
veri güvenliği
data segment
veri kesimi
data set
Veri Kümesi
data signalling rate
veri iletim hızı
data sink
veri biriktirici
data source
veri kaynağı
data statement
veri deyimi
data station
veri istasyonu
data storage
veri saklama
data storage
veri depolama
data storage device
veri saklama aygıtı
data storage medium
veri saklama ortamı
data storage unit
veri saklama birimi
data stream
veri akışı
data structure
veri yapısı
data system
veri sistemi
data tablet
veri tableti
data text
veri metni
data transfer
veri aktarımı
data transfer register
veri aktarım yazmacı
data transmission
veri iletimi
data transmission equipment
veri iletim donatısı
data transmission system
veri gönderme sistemi
data type
veri türü
data unit
veri birimi
data usb
data usb
data validity
veri onayı
data word
veri kelimesi
data/text merge
veri/metin birleştirme
data administration
veri yönetimi
data analysis
veri analizi
data flow system
veri akış sistemi
data haven
veri cenneti
data link escape character
veri bağlacı kaçış karakteri
data logger
veri kayıt
data loss
(Bilgisayar) Veri kaybı
data origin authentication
veri kaynağının gönderildiği biçimde alındığının doğrulanması
data pen
veri kalem
data processing centre
bilgi işlem merkezi, bilgi işlem özegi
data processing department
bilgi işlem departmanı
data processing standards
bilgi işlem standartları
data register
veri kayıt
data scientist
(Bilgisayar) Veri bilimci

Rising alongside the relatively new technology of big data is the new job title data scientist.

data security manager
veri güvenliği müdürü
data sets
veri setleri
data streams
veri akışları
data system
BİLGİ SİSTEMİ: Bilgileri işlem veya karar dokümanları haline getiren, elle veya otomatik olarak çalışan, bütün vasıtalar. Bu vasıtalar; belirli bir iş veya faaliyetle ilgili bilgileri kaydetmek, işlemek ve bildirmek için düzenli ve toplu bir vasıta meydana getiren form, usul ve işlemleri de içine alır
data system interface
BİLGİ İŞLEMİ ORTAK YÖNÜ: Sistemler arası bilgi alıp verme kabiliyetine sahip iki veya daha çok bilgi sisteminin müşterek bir yönü; veya otomatik bilgi işlem sistemleri ya da tek bir sistemin parçaları arasındaki müşterek bir sınır
data transfer rate
(Bilgisayar) Veri aktarım hızı
data warehouse
(Bilgisayar) veri ambarı
data adapter aerospace drift; data administrator; Department of the Army; direct
(Askeri) veri adaptörü hava-uzay sapması; veri yöneticisi; Kara Kuvvetleri Bakanlığı (ABD'de); doğrudan eylem/faaliyet; İdare Başkanlığı (DIA); ikili ajan (iki taraflı casus)
data processing
(Gıda) esas tutulan
Data kelimesinin tekil hâli
(Gıda) taban
kıyas hattı
kıyas çekidi
Турецкий язык - Турецкий язык
Aslında kendileri ekonomik olmayan ancak ekonomi dünyasını dışarıdan kuşatan veya çerçeveleyen, nüfus, teknik bilgi, hukuk düzeni ve yönetim biçimi ögelerinden her biri
Bilgisayar tarafından üretilen ve işlenebilen bilgi elemanı için kullanılan genel terim
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A collection of object-units that are distinct from one another
plural form of datum: pieces of information

With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet gives one only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allow one to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get.

"A formalized representation of facts or concepts suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by people or automated means " The term "data" is often used to refer to the information stored in the computer
A representation of facts, concepts, or instructions in a formal manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human beings or by computers
Facts represented in a readable language (such as numbers, characters, images, or other methods of recording) on a durable medium Data on its own carries no meaning Empirical data are facts originating in or based on observations or experiences A database is a store of data concerning a particular domain Data in a database may be less structured or have weaker semantics (built-in meaning) than knowledge in a knowledge base Compare data with information and knowledge
Representation forms of information dealt with by information systems and their users [642 1-G-1]
Data can be defined in many ways Information science defines data as unprocessed information Data is converted into information, and information is converted into knowledge For the purposes of Enterprise, data is a small unit of information, i e a learner's name or an exam mark
A formal representation of raw material from which information is constructed via processing or interpretation
You can refer to information as data, especially when it is in the form of facts or statistics that you can analyse. In American English, data is usually a plural noun. In technical or formal British English, data is sometimes a plural noun, but at other times, it is an uncount noun. The study was based on data from 2,100 women To cope with these data, hospitals bought large mainframe computers
A gathering of facts, concepts or instructions in a formalized manner, made suitable for communication, interpretation or processing Anything other than voice
Data is an un-processed collection or representation of raw facts, concepts, or instructions in a manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by humans or by automatic means
Data is information that can be stored and used by a computer program. You can compress huge amounts of data on to a CD-ROM. data compression data encryption data mining data processing data structure data transmission sense data
pieces of information
A re-interpretable representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing Operations can be performed upon data by humans or by automatic means Any representations such as characters or analog quantities to which meaning is or might be assigned A representation of facts or instructions in a form suitable for communication, interpretation, or processing by human or automatic means Data includes constants, variables, arrays, and character strings
1 (Computer application) Alpha and numeric characters which are processed by a computer 2 (General use) Facts or information gathered for a specific purpose
All data (electronic and hard copy) and information required to support the core process This includes numbers, characters, images or other method of recording, in a form which can be assessed by a human or (especially) input into a computer, stored and processed there, or transmitted on some digital/communication's channel
Information stored on the computer system, used by applications to accomplish tasks
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; "statistical data
Any information contained in a computer file Normally names and address plus other demographic information
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation
Refers to information in numerical form that can be digitally transmitted or processed
a term that describes the BITS, BYTES, etc, that a computer stores and manipulates Data processed in a useful way becomes information
Information that is collected, stored or processed systematically
{i} information, facts
factual information, especially results of an experiment or clinical trial
Social science data are the raw material out of which social and economic statistics are produced Social science data originate from social research methodologies or administrative records, while statistics are produced from data Data are the information collected and stored at the level at which the unit of analysis was observed Summaries of these data are usually statistics Data must be processed to be of practical use This compilation is accomplished with statistical software, which reads the raw data from a computer file
Digital information or just information, depending on the context
Factual information used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation; a collection of numerical facts
the information and evidence gathered during the assessment process for use in determining the level of teaching performance See Evidence, Extant Data, Information
Programs, files, and other information stored in, communicated, or processed by a computer
Digital information that is input to, output from, or processed and stored in a computer
a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn; "statistical data"
1 in the context of remote sensing, a computer file containing numbers which represent a remotely sensed image, and can be processed to display that image 2 a collection of numbers, strings, or facts that require some processing before they are meaningful
data bases
plural form of data base
data binding
A general technique that binds together two data sources (or two separate representations of the same data) and keeps them synchronized
data center
Alternative spelling of data centre
data centers
plural form of data center
data centre
A facility used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems
data centres
plural form of data centre
data communications
The movement of data between computers, or between central computers (especially mainframes) and remote terminals
data compression
Any of several techniques for reducing the number of bits needed to represent an item of digital data, either to save storage or to use less bandwidth when transmitting it
data cube
A very large three-dimensional array or table
data democratization
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data division
The part of a COBOL program in which the format and layout of external files and databases, and internally-used variables and constants are defined

We use the data division to control the definition of these fields.

data element
An atomic unit of data that has:

A list of synonyms to data elements in other metadata registries.

data entry
The act of inputing data into a computer, such as by typing out handwriting, capturing data from scanned documents, taking responses from telephone interviews, etc
data flow
The route between origin, via nodes, to a destination taken by a packet of data
data flow
The transfer of data between the components of a computer
data flow diagram
A type of flow chart; a description of data and the manual and machine processing performed on the data as it moves and changes from one stage to the next. It also includes the locations where the data are placed in permanent storage (disk, tape, etc.)
data flow diagrams
plural form of data flow diagram
data flows
plural form of data flow
data fusion
Set of methodologies for fusing information coming from different, and sometimes non homogeneous, sources. The result of fusion is a qualitatively different knowledge always referred to a context
data glove
a glove containing sensors to detect movement of the hand and fingers, used to control a computer-generated virtual reality environment
data management
All the disciplines related to managing data as a valuable resource, such as data modeling or metadata management
data miner
One who carries out data mining
data mining
A technique for searching large-scale databases for patterns; used mainly to find previously unknown correlations between variables that may be commercially useful
data model
A database model, such as relational or hierarchical
data model
A result of applying a data modeling to some particular application, using a database model such as relational
data modeling
The process of creating a data model
data point
A socket for connecting to a phone line or other electronic network

I sat on the end of the row so I could use the data point.

data point
the data that the mark represents

I think the third data point is inaccurate. Let's measure it again.

data point
A mark on a graph or chart corresponding to a piece of data

Could you make all the yellow data points bigger?.

data points
plural form of data point
data processing
Any of many techniques in which data is retrieved, stored, classified, manipulated, transmitted and/or reported in such a way as to generate information; especially such processing using computers
data rate
The speed at which data is sent over a data link or channel; generally expressed in bytes per second
data rates
plural form of data rate
data set
a file of related records on a computer-readable medium such as disk, especially one on a mainframe computer; a dataset
data set
A set of data to be analyzed
data set
a modem (that connects a device such as a teletype to an ordinary telephone)
data smoothing
The mathematical process of fitting a smooth curve to dispersed data points
data stream
a sequence of digitally encoded coherent signals used in a transmission
data structure
An organization in software of data that allows more optimal searching, categorizing, or storage of information

Examples: matrix, stack, queue, dequeue, list, vector, scene graph.

data structures
plural form of data structure
data synchronization
The establishment of equivalence between data collections (typically on different servers), where each data element in one item maps to a data item in the other, and their data is equivalent
data synchronization
Data synchronization is the electronic transfer of standardized product and location information between trading partners and the continuous harmonization of that data over time
data table
Any display of information in tabular form, with rows and/or columns named
data transfer rate
the transmission speed of a communications channel; measured in bits or bytes per second
data type
a classification or category of various types of data, that states the possible values that can be taken, how they are stored, and what range of operations are allowed on them
data types
plural form of data type
data warehouse
A collection of data, from a variety of sources, organized to provide useful guidance to an organization's decision makers
data warehouses
plural form of data warehouse
Attributive form of data base

data-base management.

Synchronised with a data source by means of data binding
Attributive form of data structure

data-structure analyst.

data stick
(Bilgisayar) Memory stick
(plural: data) A measurement of something on a scale understood by both the recorder (a person or device) and the reader (another person or device). The scale is arbitrarily defined, such as from 1 to 10 by ones, 1 to 100 by 0.1, or simply true or false, on or off, yes, no, or maybe, etc
(plural: data) a fact known from direct observation
(plural: data) a premise from which conclusions are drawn
(plural: datums) a fixed reference point

Datums are another important map aspect related to projection. A datum provides a base reference for measuring locations on Earth's surface.

a premise, starting-point, or given fact
A datum is a fixed starting point of a scale For example, the datum-level for elevation is typically taken as mean sea level The datum for latitude is the prime meridian (through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England)
a mathematical reference framework for geodetic coordinates defined by the latitude and longitude of an initial point, the azimuth of a line from this point, and the parameters of the ellipsoid upon which the initial point is located
1 (pl. data) A fact or proposition used to draw a conclusion or make a decision. See Usage Note at data.2. (pl. datums) A point, line, or surface used as a reference, as in surveying, mapping, or geology
Data Processing
data base
A collection of structured information for creating a specific format out of some, or all, of the collected data
data base
in computer technology, a collection of related information stored in a computer
data base
In electronic records, a set of data, consisting of at least one file or of a group of integrated files, usually stored in one location and made available to several users at the same time for various applications
data base
A collection of logically related records or files
data base
A collection of data stored in computer-readable form
data base
A program designed for storing information in organized categories
data base
A large, ordered collection of information
data base
A large amount of data stored in a well-organized manner A database management system is a program that allows access to the information
data base
Data organized and stored so that it can be manipulated or extracted to meet various applications but managed independently of them [SAA]
data base
Collection of data organized for rapid search and retrieval
data base
A collection of data put together to serve a particular purpose Computers are used to store and manipulate data Recording list of information in a database makes it easier to organise and retrieve it later
data base
a collection of interrelated data stored together to serve one or more applications; stored so as to be independent of the programs using the data
data base
A group of data stored together and organized according to characteristics that the data have in common
data base
A large amount of data stored in a well-organized manner A data base management system (DBMS) is a program that allows access to the information
data base
A set or collection of interrelated data stored and managed for a particular project A data base can be stored in machine readable form (on magnetic tape, disk or optical disk) or it can be on paper (as in a book) The same as a data bank except that the data is for a specific project Data base can also mean a collection of information or material (in digital or analogue form) such as an archive or library
data base
A structured collection of data (not imply any physical media)
data base
A collection of information kept in accessible form for purposes of research, comparison and analysis
data base
raw facts usually organized around a topic, account number, or key to make specific items easy to find
data base
in ERDAS IMAGINE, a set of continuous and thematic raster layers, vector layers, attribute information, and other kinds of data which represent one area of interest A data base is usually part of a geographic information system
data base
body of data stored in a computer (arranged for rapid expansion, updating and retrieval)
data base
A collection of files that, when taken as a set, represent a coherent whole Example: the contract database may be 30 separate files or "views" of client orders for airtime
data base
Internal storage of information that can be easily handled by the system
data base
A set of one or more computer files that is used by one or more application programs and that minimizes data redundancy
data base
A collection of data i e the Careplan data file
data mining
Nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data, or the search for relationships and global patterns that exist in databases [Bob Klevecz "The Whole EST Catalog" Scientist 12 (2): 22 Jan 18 1999] more Algorithms & data analysis glossary
data mining
A technique to analyse data in very large databases Analysis can reveal trends and patterns and can be used to improve vital business processes
data mining
Category of DBMS applications that seek to find new information and relationships within multiple, often heterogeneous, legacy data stores; for example, searching and analyzing customer sales transaction detail to determine buying habits by ZIP code or other demographic criteria See Active Data Warehousing page
data mining
Applications that retrieve data over the grid and apply an algorithm; under development
data mining
A technique of sifting through vast amounts of data to discover trends in customer needs, buying patterns, profitability, and other critical business measurements Usually requires the construction of a data warehouse
data mining
The practice of searching databases for hidden patterns of data which reveal additional information to create detailed profiles -- which may or may not be sold to third-parties
data mining
The comparison and study of large databases in order to discover new data relationships Mining a clinical database may produce new insights on outcomes, alternate treatments or effects of treatment on different races and genders
data mining
a type of application with built-in proprietary algorithms that sort, rank, and perform calculations on a specified and often large data set, producing visualizations that reveal patterns which may not have been evident from mere listings or summaries View records related to this term
data mining
Finding unexpected relationships in a data set Similar to exploratory data analysis Vitalnet is excellent at data mining Some say data dredging, since if you look long enough, you will always find unusual events just by chance
data mining
The process of discovering previously unknown information from the data in data warehouses
data mining
The process of analyzing large volumes of data using pattern recognition or knowledge discovery techniques to identify meaningful trends and relationships represented in data in large databases
data mining
searching, accessing, extracting and manipulating data in databases Exploration en profondeur de données
data mining
(Computers) data processing used to search for hidden information and hidden patterns in a group of data
data mining
Extraction of useful information from data sets Data mining serves to find information that is hidden within the available data
data mining
The function of database applications that probe for hidden or undiscovered patterns in given collections of data These applications use pattern recognition technologies as well as statistical and mathematical techniques and can have a key impact on the return on investment (ROI) for a technology expenditure upon discovering marketing or customer service data about one's clients Data mining is not simple, and most companies have not yet actively mined their data, though nearly all have plans to do so in the future
data mining
The process of using statistical techniques to discover subtle relationships between data items, and the construction of predictive models based on them The process is not the same as just using an OLAP tool to find exceptional items Generally, data mining is a very different and more specialist application than OLAP, and uses different tools from different vendors Normally the users are different, too OLAP vendors have had little success with their data mining efforts
data mining
Data mining involves collecting information from data stored in a database, for example in order to find out about people's shopping habits. Data mining is used to analyse individuals' buying habits. the process of using a computer to examine large amounts of information about customers, in order to discover things about them that are not easily seen or noticed. Type of database analysis that attempts to discover useful patterns or relationships in a group of data. The analysis uses advanced statistical methods, such as cluster analysis, and sometimes employs artificial intelligence or neural network techniques. A major goal of data mining is to discover previously unknown relationships among the data, especially when the data come from different databases. Businesses can use these new relationships to develop new advertising campaigns or make predictions about how well a product will sell. Governments also use these techniques to discern illegal or embargoed activities by individuals, associations, and other governments
data mining
A process of reviewing information in a database and making new connections among the information
data mining
Data mining entails analyzing information for previously undiscovered correlations between two markets Data mining connections can be made through associations (baseball fans also watch football), sequences (buying wood and then buying paint), forecasting (based on patterns found), and clustering (grouping information in a new way)
data mining
Analyzing information in a database using tools that look for trends or anomalies without knowledge of the data's meaning Data mining is crucial in CRM strategies, particularly in e-commerce
data mining
As the term suggests, data mining is the analysis of data to establish relationships and identify patterns
data mining
refers to the many methods of data analysis(often using sophisticated algorithms) to answer open-endedquestions about your data Data mining is easily used by non-technical people and provides information in real time
data mining
data processing using sophisticated data search capabilities and statistical algorithms to discover patterns and correlations in large preexisting databases; a way to discover new meaning in data
data mining
The process of analyzing data to identify patterns or relationships
data mining
The analysis of database information; this usually involves identifying specific product information and codes, cleansing data and re-formatting it
data mining
The process of analyzing large amounts of data in order to extract new kinds of useful information (such as implicit relationships between different pieces of information)
data mining
A technique using software tools geared for the user who typically does not know exactly what he's searching for, but is looking for particular patterns or trends Data mining is the process of sifting through large amounts of data to produce data content relationships This is also known as data surfing
data mining
An information extraction activity whose goal is to discover hidden facts contained in databases Using a combination of machine learning, statistical analysis, modeling techniques and database technology, data mining finds patterns and subtle relationships in data and infers rules that allow the prediction of future results Typical applications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis
data processing
(computer science) a series of operations on data by a computer in order to retrieve or transform or classify information
data processing
A general term for any work done on a computer, especially work done by the computer Often applies especially to database work, as distinguished from desktop publishing, word processing, programming, or spreadsheet calculation
data processing
A general term for any work done on a computer
data processing
Covers the actions taken by the Computer Department on data files such as sortation, file formatting, generating salutations etc
data processing
taking 'raw' data such as weather data from an electronic weather station and using it to produce useful output such as rainfall bar charts or temperature graphs
data processing
Handling information, either manually or electronically, such as posting daily transactions and computing interest
data processing
(p 522) Name for business technology in the 1970s; included technology that supported an existing business and was primarily used to improve the flow of financial information
data processing
Organization of data for the purpose of producing desired information; involves recording, classifying, sorting, summarizing, calculating, disseminating and storing data (The February issue of Quirk's Marketing Research Review has a section devoted to data processing service providers )
data processing
the conversion of crude information into data that is in a usable or storable form
data processing
Data processing is the series of operations that are carried out on data, especially by computers, in order to present, interpret, or obtain information. Taylor's company makes data-processing systems. the use of computers to store and organize information, especially in business. Manipulation of data by a computer. It includes the conversion of raw data to machine-readable form, flow of data through the CPU and memory to output devices, and formatting or transformation of output. Any use of computers to perform defined operations on data can be included under data processing. In the commercial world, data processing refers to the processing of data required to run organizations and businesses
data processing
The handling, manipulation and storage of information
data processing
The execution of a systematic sequence of operations performed upon data to transform it into information
data processing
Manipulation of data according to prescribed rules to obtain answers to specific questions
data processing
handling of information (especially by a computer)
data processing
Application of procedures, mechanical, electrical, computational, or other, whereby data are changed from one form into another
data processing
using computer hardware and software to manipulate data and perform calculations Traitement de données
data processing
This describes the process of handling the large volumes of data that arise from an organisation’s daily activities Although data processing describes a wide range of activities, the most common are transaction processing and process control
data processing
Systematically performing a series of actions with data May be done by manual, mechanical, electromechanical, or electronic (primarily computer) means Often used interchangeably with automatic data processing (ADP) See also AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING (ADP), INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (IRM)
data processing
The execution of a systematic sequence of operations performed on data Synonymous with information processing
data processing
Operations performed on data to provide useful information to users
data processing
  The systematic performance of operations upon data such as handling, merging, sorting, and computing   (188)  Note:   The semantic content of the original data should not be changed   The semantic content of the processed data may be changed   Synonym information processing
data processing
work done by a computer to formulate data such as payroll, accounting etc
data processing
the manipulation, recording and handling of data by means of electronic equipment Computer processing of business information
data processing
Capture, storage, manipulation, and retrieval of data
data processing
A special insurance usually on an all risks basis Covers physical loss and loss from business interruption if the damage necessitates shutdown of operations
data sheet
information sheet, page containing detailed information about a particular object (such as technical specifications for a computer component, etc.)
For marine applications, a base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths It is called a tidal datum when defined in terms of a certain phase of the tide Tidal datums are local datums and should not be extended into areas which have differing hydrographic characteristics without substantiating measurements In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks See chart datum
The quantities or relations which are assumed to be given in any problem
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the Earth (e g , as a spheroid) The corresponding datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example, the North American Datum for 1983 (NAD83) is the datum for map projections and coordinates within the United States and throughout North America
A benchmark in surveying which is a point of known location ( in 3D space and in relation to sea level) Datum is also a word used in archaeology to represent an individual measurement, the sum of individual datum is data
A reference ellipsoid is used with an "initial point" of reference on the surface to produce a datum, the name given to a smooth mathematical surface that closely fits the mean sea-level surface throughout the area of interest The "initial point" is assigned a latitude, longitude and elevation above the ellipsoid Once a datum is adopted, it provides the surface to which ground control measurements are referred
a single fact, as in: We based our measurements on the datum of the boiling point of water (Note: rarely used outside scientific literature)
an item of factual information derived from measurement or research
1 Any numerical or geometrical quantity or set of such quantities which may serve as a reference or base for other quantities 2 See chart datum
(n) A theoretically exact point, axis, or plane used as a reference for tabular dimensioning A datum marks the origin from which the location and orientation of geometric features are established
A base elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths In order that they may be recovered when needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known as bench marks See chart datum
Changing technology has led to different values for the same geographic points over time Datum refers to which standard you are using for known points If you are going to use your collected data with prexisting data, you need to match up the datum and coordinate systems Some examples of datum are NAD-27 and WGS-84 (North American Datum 1927, World Geodetic System 1984)
plural: data a fact known from direct observation
A fixed reference point on an archaeological site from which measurements are taken
Any level surface taken as a plane of reference from which to measure elevations
plural: datums a fixed reference point
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the earth (e g , as a spheroid) The datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example, the North American Datum for 1983 (NAD83) is the datum for map projections and coordinates within the United States and throughout North America
Any point, line or surface used as a reference for a measurement of another quantity A model of the earth used for Geodetic calculations A more complete explanation is available in the Standards Section
In surveying, a reference system for computing or correlating the results of surveys There are tow principal types of datums: vertical and horizontal A vertical datum is a level surface to which heights are referred In the United States, the generally adopted vertical datum for leveling operations is the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 The horizontal datum is used as a reference for position The North American Datum of 1927 is defined by the latitude and longitude of an initial point (Meade's Ranch in Kansas), the direction of a line between this point and a specified second point, and two dimensions that define the spheroid The new North American Datum of 1983 is based on a newly defined spheroid (GRS80); it is an Earth-centered datum having no initial point or initial direction
Any position or element in relation to which others are determined, as datum point, datum line, datum plane
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three dimensional shape of the Earth The corresponding datum is the basis for a planar coordinate system For example the North American datum, 1927 is the datum for coordinates used in Volusia County's GIS
Any permanent line, plane or surface used as a reference datum to which elevations are referred
A set of parameters specifying the reference surface or the reference coordinate system used for geodetic control in the calculation of coordinates of the points of the earth Commonly, datums are defined as horizontal and vertical datums separately For the practical use of datum it is necessary to have one or more well monumented points with coordinates given in that datum
Something given or admitted; a fact or principle granted; that upon which an inference or an argument is based; used chiefly in the plural
1 Any numerical or geometrical quantity which may serve as a reference or base for other quantities In marine applications, a base elevation or plane used as a reference from which to reckon heights or depths, plural: datums 2 A single piece of information, plural: data
{i} fact, factual information; detail
plural: data a single piece of information
plural: data a premise from which conclusions are drawn
is an elevation above mean sea level to which all gage height readings are referenced
A set of parameters and control points used to accurately define the three-dimensional shape of the Earth The datum defines a geographic coordinate system, which is the basis for a planar coordinate system
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data transferi
data transfer