dışarıya itelemek yer bırakmamak

listen to the pronunciation of dışarıya itelemek yer bırakmamak
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык
Several things collected or closely pressed together; also, some things adjacent to each other

There was a crowd of toys pushed beneath the couch where the children were playing.

To press by solicitation; to urge; to dun; hence, to treat discourteously or unreasonably
{n} a multitude, mob, fiddle
{v} to press or set close, swarm, encumber
To press or drive together; to mass together
To push, to press, to shove
To fill by pressing or thronging together; hence, to encumber by excess of numbers or quantity
When people crowd around someone or something, they gather closely together around them. The hungry refugees crowded around the tractors Police blocked off the road as hotel staff and guests crowded around. = cluster
To urge or press forward; to force ones self; as, a man crowds into a room
The lower orders of people; the populace; the vulgar; the rabble; the mob
To carry excessive sail
To approach another ship too closely when it has right of way
a large number of things or people considered together; "a crowd of insects assembled around the flowers"
To press together or collect in numbers; to swarm; to throng
{f} gather together, group together; press in
A particular crowd is a group of friends, or a set of people who share the same interests or job. All the old crowd have come out for this occasion
dışarıya itelemek yer bırakmamak