
listen to the pronunciation of controlled
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык
kontrol edilmiş

Araba dijital kontrollü klima ile donatılmıştır. - The car is equipped with digitally controlled air conditioning.

Nükleer reaktörün koruyucu somut tabakası kontrollü patlamalar kullanılarak imha edilecek. - The concrete layer of the nuclear reactor's shielding will be destroyed using controlled explosions.

{f} kontrol et

Yabancılar gizlice Dünya'nın ilerlemesini kontrol etti. - Aliens controlled Earth's progress in secret.

İnka İmparatorluğu yönetimi her şeyi kontrol etti. - The government of the Inca Empire controlled everything.

{f} kontrol etmek

Öfkeyi kontrol etmek zordur. - Anger is hard to control.

Tarifeleri blok olarak kontrol etmenin ülke ülke kontrol etmekten daha uygun olduğunu vurgulamak istiyorum. - I would like to stress that it is more convenient to control tariffs as a bloc rather than country by country.

{f} denetlemek

Enflasyon kontrolün dışına çıkıyor. - Inflation is getting out of control.

Doğum kontrolü için bir prezervatif kullandın, değil mi? - You used a condom for birth control, right?

controlled airspace
(Askeri,Havacılık) kontrollü hava sahası
controlled approach
(Askeri) kontrollü yaklaşma
controlled economy
(Ticaret) kontrollü ekonomi
controlled environment
(Tıp) kontrollü ortam
controlled exercise
(Askeri) kontrollü tatbikat
controlled interception
(Askeri,Havacılık) kontrollü önleme
controlled maintenance
kontrollü bakım
controlled maintenance
(Bilgisayar) kontrollu bakım
controlled maintenance
(Bilgisayar) denetimli bakım
controlled mosaic
(Askeri) fotoplan
controlled release
(Tıp) kontrollü salım
controlled slip
(Bilgisayar) kontrollu kayma
controlled slip
denetlenen kayma
controlled slip
(Bilgisayar) denetlenmiş kayma
controlled slip
kontrollü kayma
controlled study
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kontrollü araştırma
controlled system
(Bilgisayar) denetlenen dizge
controlled variable
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kontrol edilen değişken
controlled variable
(Bilgisayar) denetlenen değişken
controlled voltage source
(Bilgisayar) bağımlı gerilim kaynağı
controlled area
kontrollü alan
controlled atmosphere
kontrollü atmosfer
controlled cooling
kontrollü soğutma
controlled heating
kontrollü ısıtma
controlled prices
kontrol altında tutulan fiyatlar
controlled rectifier
kontrollü redresör
controlled variable
kontrollü değişken
controlled atmosphere
(Tarım) Kontrollü atmosfer, denetimli atmosfer; sebze ve meyvelerin depolama ömrünü artırmak için oksijenin ve karbondioksitin kontrol edildiği depo içi atmosferi
controlled substance
kontrollü madde
controlled tower
kontrol kulesi
controlled Process
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrol edilmiş işlem
controlled aerodrome
(Havacılık) kontrollü havaalanı
controlled aerodrome
(Havacılık) kontrollü meydan
controlled aggression
(Askeri) kontrollü saldırı
controlled airspace
(Askeri) KONTROLLU HAVA SAHASI: Kontrollu uçuşlar için hava trafik kontrolu hizmetlerinin sağlandığı boyutları tanımlanan bir hava sahası
controlled area
(Askeri,Teknik) kontrollü bölge
controlled area
(Nükleer Bilimler) denetimli bölge,denetimli (kontrollu( alan
controlled area
denetimli alan
controlled area
(Çevre) kontrol altında tutulan alan
controlled area floor drain system
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrollu bölge zemin drenaj sistemi
controlled atmosphere
denetimli atmosfer
controlled atmosphere
kontrol edilen atmosfer
controlled atmosphere storage
(Gıda) kontrollü atmosferde depolama
controlled blasting
(Jeoloji) denetimli patlatma
controlled burn
(Jeoloji) denetimli yanma
controlled combustion
kontrollü yanma
controlled company
(Ticaret) kontrol edilen şirket
controlled cooling
denetimli soğutma
controlled cord tractional
(Tıp) doğumdan ve oksitosik madde verilmesinden sonra uterus sertleşmesini takiben plasentanın çıkarılması (halas) için uygulanan yöntem kimse
controlled cryptographic items
(Askeri) kontrollü kripto malzemesi
controlled current source
bağımlı akım kaynağı
controlled deployment bag
(Havacılık) hareket kontrol torbası
controlled effects nuclear weapons
(Askeri) ETKİLERİ KONTROLLU NÜKLEER SİLAHLAR: Normal patlama etkisinin dışında belirli etkilerin yoğunluğunda değişiklik meydana getirecek şekilde hazırlanmış nükleer silahlar
controlled environment
(Askeri) KONTROLLU ÇEVRE (HV.): Bir insan alet veya rampa üzerinde henüz fırlatılmamış füze gibi herhangi bir cismin bulunduğu içindeki rutubet, ısı, basınç, vesaire hususların kontrol altında tutulduğu çevre
controlled equipment
(Askeri) kontrollü teçhizat
controlled equipment
(Askeri) KONTROLLU TEÇHİZAT: İlgili sınıf başkanı tarafından tespit edilen özelliklere göre, mahdut şekilde dağıtılan teçhizat
controlled exchange regime
(Ticaret) döviz kontrolü sistemi
controlled exercise
(Askeri) KONTROLLU TATBİKAT: Temelinde karşılıklı etkileşim tiplerini teşvik etmek amacıyla, planlama makamları tarafından katılan birliklerin bir kısmı veya hepsi üzerinde uygulanan kısıtlamalarla tanımlanan bir tatbikat. Ayrıca bakınız: "free play exercise"
controlled export items
(Askeri) kontrollü ihraç maddeleri
controlled failure point
(Askeri) kontrollü kırılma noktası
controlled failure point
(Askeri) KONTROLLU KIRILMA NOKTASI (HV.): Ağırlık altında kırılması muhtemel olan ve kontrol altında bulundurulan bir nokta
controlled firing area
(Askeri) KONTROLLU ATIŞ BÖLGESİ: Uçuş halinde bulunan hava araçlarını tehlikeye düşürmemek için top atışlarının kontrol altında yapıldığı hava bölgesi. Ayrıca bakınız: "restricted area"
controlled firing area
(Askeri) kontrollü atış bölgesi
controlled flight
(Havacılık) kontrollü uçuş
controlled forces
(Askeri) FAALİYETLERİ KONTROL ALTINDAKİ KUVVETLER: Etkili ve sürekli bir politik ve askeri idare altındaki askeri ve milis kuvvetler
controlled fragmentation
(Askeri) KONTROLLU PARÇA TESİRİ: Patlama halinde önceden tespit edilmiş çap, biçim, yoğunluk ve hızda parça tesiri meydana getirecek bir mermi, mayın, el bombası ve böyle bir maksadı planlama ve imal tekniği
controlled fragmentation
(Askeri) kontrollü parça tesiri
controlled frequency list
(Askeri) kontrollü frekans listesi
controlled fusion
kontrollü füzyon
controlled heating
denetimli ısıtma
controlled information
(Askeri) KONTROLLU BİLGİ: Arzulanan değerlendirmeleri düşündürtmek üzere bir aldatma harekatında düşmana iletilen bilgi
controlled information
(Askeri) kontrollü bilgi
controlled interception
(Askeri) KONTROLLU ÖNLEME: Dost hava araçlarını bir yer, gemi veya hava istasyonundan kontrol etmek suretiyle yapılan bir hava önleme faaliyeti. Ayrıca bakınız: "air interception"
controlled item
(Askeri) KONTROLLU MADDE: Bak. "controlled supplies" ve "regulated item
controlled items
(Askeri) (EXPORT) KONTROLLU İHRAÇ MADDELERİ (HV.): Özel ihracat kontrollarına tabi tutulmaları kararlaştırılmış emtia
controlled launching tank
(Havacılık) kontrollü atma tankı
controlled leakage drain system
(Nükleer Bilimler) kontrollu kaçak drenaj sistemi
controlled leakage system
(Askeri) KONTROLLU SIZDIRMA DÜZENİ (HV.): Bir hava aracı veya uzay aracı kabininde karbondioksit ve diğer işe yaramaz maddelerin kontrollü şekilde dışarı atılmasını ve ihtiyacın depolanmış oksijen ve diğer gıdalarla bütünlenmesini temin suretiyle vücut metabolizmini sağlayan düzen
controlled leakage system
(Askeri) kontrollü sızdırma düzeni
controlled load
(Bilgisayar) denetlenen yük
controlled maintenance
kontrollu (denetimli) bakim
controlled map
(Askeri) sıhhatli harita
controlled map
(Askeri) kontrollü harita
controlled map
(Askeri) KONTROLLU, SIHHATLİ HARİTA: Nivelman ve nirengi şebekesine dayanarak gayet hassas şekilde yapılmış harita. Böyle bir haritada ölçek, yan ve yükseklikler doğrudur. Ayrıca bakınız: "map"
controlled materials
(Askeri) gizli dokümanlar
controlled materials
(Askeri) KONTROLLU MALZEME, KONTROLLU HARP MALZEMESİ: 1. Nolu savunma malzemesi yönetmeliğinin 1 Nolu çizelgesinde gösterilen şekil ve biçimde yeni, yeniden ergitilmiş, yeniden haddeden geçirilmiş veya çekilmiş durumda, yerli veya ithal malı çelik, bakır, nikel halitası ve alüminyum
controlled materials
(Askeri) kontrollü malzeme
controlled materials
(Askeri) kontrollü harp malzemesi
controlled medium
kontrol edilen ortam
controlled mine
(Askeri) KONTROLLU MAYIN: Yerleştirilmesinden sonra mayının emniyetli veya faal kılınmasını veya ateşlenmesini sağlayacak derecede kullanıcı tarafından kontrol edilebilen bir mayın
controlled mine
(Askeri) kontrollü mayın
controlled mosaic
(Askeri) FOTOPLAN, KONTROLLU, MOZAYİK: Mesafe ve istikametleri doğru bir şekilde göstermek için, nirengi noktaları yardımıyla yapılan mozaik. Ayrıca bakınız: "mosaic", "restification", "uncontrolled mosaic"
controlled net
(Askeri) KONTROLLU ÇEVRİM: Müşterek bir muhabere kanalında bulunan istasyonlar grubu. Bu gruptaki istasyonlardan birisi kontrol vazifesiyle görevlendirilir. Diğerleri ancak izin verildikçe yayın yapabilirler
controlled parachute tower
(Askeri) kontrollü paraşüt kulesi
controlled parachute tower
(Askeri) KONTROLLU PARAŞÜT KULESİ: Bir paraşütün kablolar arasında inişine imkan veren tertibat ve teçhizata sahip kule. Paraşütle atlama eğitiminde kullanılır
controlled passing
(Askeri) KONTROLLU GEÇİŞ: Bir zamanda sadece tek bir trafik şeridini alabilen yolun bir noktasını veya kısmını sıra ile diğer tarafa geçirmek üzere sağlanan ters yönlerde hareket eden iki şeritlik trafik vasıtasıyle oluşturulan bir trafik hareket usulü
controlled passing
(Askeri) kontrollü geçiş
controlled pattern
(Askeri) bağlantılı yük atma usulü
controlled pattern
(Askeri) BAĞLANTILI YÜK ATMA USULÜ: Uçuş halindeki bir hava aracından paraşütle ikmal maddeleri, silah vesaire atılması ve atılan eşyanın dağıtılmasını önlemek için ip, ağ ve diğer vasıtalarla toplu bir halde bağlanması
controlled pedestrian crossing
kontrollü yaya geçidi
controlled port
(Askeri) kontrollü liman
controlled port
(Askeri) KONTROLLU LİMAN: Giriş ve çıkış demir yeri tahsisi ve iç trafiği askeri makamların kontrolu altında bulunan bir liman veya demirleme yeri
controlled process
(Havacılık) kontrol altında işlem
controlled process
(Havacılık) kontrollü işlem
controlled processing
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kontrollü işlem
controlled rectifier
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) denetimli doğrultmaç
controlled report
(Askeri) kontrollü rapor
controlled report
(Askeri) KONTROLLU RAPOR (HV.): Görülen ihtiyaç yeniden bir incelemeye tabi tutulmayı ve bir rapor kontrol işareti veya istisna hükmü verilmesini gerektiren bir rapor
controlled reprisal
(Askeri) kontrollü misilleme
controlled reprisal
(Askeri) KONTROLLU MİSİLLEME: Kullanılmamalıdır. bkz: "controlled response"
controlled response
(Askeri) KONTROLLU YANIT: Koşullara göre en avantajlı özel askeri yanıtı sağlayacak olan çok sayıdaki değişik uygulanabilir olan seçeneklerden birinin seçilmesi
controlled response
(Askeri) kontrollü yanıt
controlled response
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kontrol edilen tepki
controlled response
kontrollü tepki
controlled rolling
(Mekanik,Teknik) kontrollü haddeleme
controlled room temperature
(Tıp) kontrollü oda sıcaklığı
controlled route
(Askeri) KONTROLLU GÜZERGAH: Trafik veya hareket kısıtlamalarına tabi kullanımı bulunan, denetlenebilecek bir güzergah. Ayrıca bakınız: "route"
controlled route
(Askeri) kontrollü güzergah
controlled slip
kontrollu (denetlenen) kayma
controlled slipping
(Havacılık) kontrollü kayış
controlled solidification
(Havacılık) kontrollü katılaşma
controlled spillway
denetimli dolusavak
controlled strain test
deformasyon kontrollü test
controlled stress test
gerilme kontrollü test
controlled stretching
(Havacılık) kontrollü gerilme
controlled submarine
(Askeri) kontrollü denizaltı mayını
controlled submarine mine
(Askeri) KONTROLLU DENİZALTI MAYINI: Bak. "controlled mine"
controlled subsidence
denetimli oturma
controlled supplies
(Askeri) KONTROLLU İKMAL MADDELERİ: İlgili sınıf başkanının tespit ettiği öncelik sırasına göre ve mahdut miktarlarda dağıtımı yapılan ikmal maddeleri. Ayrıca bakınız: "controlled item" ve "regulated item"
controlled supplies
(Askeri) kontrollü ikmal maddeleri
controlled tab
(Havacılık) kontrollü flatner
controlled test
(Havacılık) kontrollü deney
controlled tower
(Askeri) KONTROLLU PARAŞÜT KULESİ: Bak. "controlled parachute tower
controlled war
(Askeri) kontrollü harp
controlled war
(Askeri) KONTROLLU HARP, SINIRLI HARP: Bu terim kullanılmamalıdır. Bak. "limited war"
controlled war
(Askeri) sınırlı harp
controlled weir
kontrollü dolusavak
combined information bureau; controlled image base
(Askeri) birleşik enformasyon (danışma) bürosu; kontrol edilmiş görüntü temeli
command controlled stocks
(Askeri) KOMUTANLIK KONTROLUNDAKİ STOKLAR: Tayin edilen bir NATO komutanının hizmetine, muharebeyi lojistik olarak etkileyecek esnekliği sağlaması için verilen stoklar. "Emrine verilmiş" sözü depolama, bakım, muhasebe, rotasyon veya mal devri, fiziki emniyet ve netice olarak belli bir muharebe sahasına nakliyat sorumluluğunu kapsar
computer controlled
bilgisayar kontrollü
be controlled
kontrol yapmak
kontrolünü yapmak
(Bilgisayar) denetimi

İnka İmparatorluğu yönetimi her şeyi kontrol etti. - The government of the Inca Empire controlled everything.

idare etmek

Kaderi idare etmek isteyen asla barış bulamaz. - He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

(Bilgisayar) denetle
(Ticaret) yönetmek
(Bilgisayar) control
voice controlled
ses kumandalı
automatic ground controlled approach
otomatik yerden kontrollu yaklaşma
hakim olmak
{f} kontrol et

Kendinizi kontrol etmeye çalışın. - Try to control yourselves.

Öfkeyi kontrol etmek zordur. - Anger is hard to control.

(ç.) (uçak/vb.) kumanda donanımı
crystal controlled oscillator
kristal kontrollü osilatör
crystal controlled transformer
kristal kontrollü transformatör
machine controlled
makina kontrollü
microprocessor controlled
mikroişlemci denetimli
remote controlled
uzaktan kumandalı
capable of being controlled
kabil kontrollü olma
remote controlled aircraft
pilotsuz uçak, uzaktan kumandalı uçak
temperature controlled
sıcaklığı kontrollü
ammunition controlled supply rate
(Askeri) MÜHİMMATIN KONTROLLU İKMAL ORANI: Kara kuvvetleri kullanımında, sarfiyatların söz konusu oranda tutulması halinde belirli bir zaman için belirtilmiş kuvvetin harekatlarını sürdürmek üzere elde bulundurulması beklenen mühimmat miktarı. Silahlar tarafından atılan mühimmat maddeleri için, günlük, her silah için devir cinsinden ve hacim olarak tahsis edilen mühimmat maddeleri için, günlük, her teşkilat için ölçü birimi cinsinden ifade edilmektedir. Taktik komutanlar, taktik harekatlar esnasında planlanan aralıklarda mühimmat sarfiyatını kontrol etmek üzere bu oranı kullanmaktadır. Her düzeydeki komutanlık kanalları vasıtasıyla yayınlanmaktadır. Bu oran, ast komutanlar ve mevcut mühimmat varlıkları tarafından arzedilen gerekli ikmal maddeleri oranına dayanarak belirlenmektedir
broadcast controlled air interception
(Askeri) YAYIN KONTROLLU HAVA ÖNLEMESİ: Önleme uçağına bir düşman baskınıyla ilgili devamlı bilgi yayını yapıldığı ve başkaca kontrola lüzum kalmadan önlemenin yapıldığı bir önleme şekli. Ayrıca bakınız: "air interception; close controlled air interception"
{i} hakimiyet
kumanda cihazları
(Tıp) Gözlem altında tutmak, kontrol etmek
(Askeri) (NATO) KONTROL YETKİSİ: Bir komutanın kendi komutası altında bulunanlardan başka birlik ve teşkillerin faaliyetleri üzerinde haiz olabileceği tam komuta yetkisinden daha az kısmi yetki. Bu yetki tamamen veya kısmen devredilebilir veya tahsis edilebilir
{i} denetim

Tom, Xbox One denetimcisini DualShock 4'ün üstünde tercih ediyor. - Tom prefers the Xbox One controller over the DualShock 4.

Tom beni denetimde bıraktı. - Tom left me in control.

{i} yönetim, idare, egemenlik, hâkimiyet
control group deney yapılan
{i} otorite
{f} idare etmek, hâkim olmak
(Tıp) Gözlem (deney) sonuçlarını karşılaştırmada standart olarak kullanılan herhangi bir şey (deney hayvanı gibi)
{i} idare

Kaderi idare etmek isteyen asla barış bulamaz. - He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace.

{i} sorumluluk
kontrol kolları ve düğmeleri
denetim denetim, denetlemek
{i} güç

Franko'nun güçleri İspanya'da kontrolü ele geçirdi. - Franco's forces took control in Spain.

Tom öfkesini kontrol etmekte güçlük çekiyor. - Tom has difficulty controlling his anger.

{f} işletmek
hâkim olma hâkimiyet
(Askeri) (INTELLIGENCE) KONTROL (İSTİHBARAT): Bknz. "control, (DOD, IADB) parts 3 and 4"
istenilmeyen bir şeyin etkisini azaltacak program ve tedbir
spiritualizmde medyumu hareket ettiren ruh
delusion of being controlled
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kontrol edilme kuruntusu
effective United States controlled ships
(Askeri) Birleşik Devletler kontrollü gemiler
ground controlled approach
(Askeri) yer kontrollü yaklaşma
ground controlled approach
(Askeri) YERDEN KONTROLLÜ YAKLAŞMA: Meydana yaklaşmakta olan bir uçağı, hem gözetleme radarı hem hassas yaklaşma radarlarından faydalanmak suretiyle, iniş durumuna getirmek için uygulana teknik ve usuller. Ayrıca bakınız: "optical landing system"
ground controlled approach procedures
(Askeri) YERDEN KONTROLLÜ YAKLAŞMA USULLERİ: Bir uçağın yaklaşım sırasında, karaya indirme durumuna getirmek için, gözlem ve hassas yaklaşım radarı kullanarak yer kontrol ile konuşma tekniği. Ayrıca bakınız: "automatic approach and landing"
hardware controlled
donanimla denetlenen
hardware controlled
(Bilgisayar) donanımla denetlenen
humidity controlled storage space
(Askeri) RUTUBETİ KONTROLLU DEPOLAMA SAHASI: Rutubetin belirli sınırlar içinde tutulduğu yer
learner controlled instruction
officially controlled
(Ticaret) hükümetçe denetlenen
officially controlled
(Ticaret) resmi denetime tabi
originator controlled
(Askeri) kaynak kontrollü
program controlled
bilgisayar kontrollü
radio controlled
radyo kontrollü
radio controlled
uzaktan kumandalı
rent controlled
kira denetimli
solenoid controlled by ground
(Otomotiv) şasi kontrollü selenoid
temperature controlled storage space
united states controlled shipping
(Askeri) ABD KONTROLÜNDEKİ DENİZ ULAŞTIRMASI: ABD bayrağı altındaki ve "ABD'nin yani milli bir seferberlik zamanında ABD hizmetine verebileceği beklenen gemilerle yapılan deniz ulaştırması
voice controlled
(voice activated) ses kumandali
voltage controlled crystal oscillator; voltage controlled oscillator
(Askeri) gerilim kumanda kristal osilatörü; gerilim kumanda osilatörü
voltage controlled oscillator
(Askeri) gerilim kontrol osilatmrü
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
inhibited or restrained in one's words and actions
Simple past tense and past participle of control
restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds; "controlled emotions"; "the controlled release of water from reservoirs"
inhibited or restrained in ones words and actions
{s} regulated, monitored; managed, restrained
past of control
curbed or regulated; "controlled emotions
controlled chaos
A state, or situation, which appears to be completely disorganised, and yet where some people have things under control

We arrived home to a scene of controlled chaos, with painters, electricians, plumbers, and workmen of all shapes and colours all over the house.

controlled explosion
The explosion of a small explosive charge either to destroy a suspect package or unexploded ordinance, or to gain access to a locked enclosure that may be booby-trapped
controlled substance
A drug deemed to be illegal by a government (especially the United States of America) except for very limited professional testing purposes
controlled vocabulary
A carefully selected set of terms - words and phrases - such that each concept from the domain of discourse is described using only one term in the set and each term in the set describes only one concept
controlled access road
A controlled-access road or limited access road is a road to which access from adjacent properties is limited in some way. It can mean anything from a city street to which the maintaining authority limits driveway access to a freeway (or other equivalent terms). The precise definition of these terms varies by jurisdiction
controlled burning
Controlled or prescribed burning, also known as hazard reduction burning or swailing is a technique sometimes used in forest management, farming, prairie restoration or greenhouse gas abatement. Fire is a natural part of both forest and grassland ecology and controlled fire can be a tool for foresters. Hazard reduction or controlled burning is conducted during the cooler months to reduce fuel buildup and decrease the likelihood of serious hotter fires. Controlled burning stimulates the germination of some desirable forest trees, thus renewing the forest. Some cones, such as sequoia and serotinous require heat from fire to open cones to disperse seeds
controlled company
company controlled or dominated primarily by one party
controlled experiment
a scientific test done in a place where you can control all the things that might affect the test
controlled fire
fire which is intentionally lit and kept under control
controlled himself
restrained himself, held himself back
controlled price
regulated price
controlled substance
a drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are controlled by law
controlled substance
a drug that is illegal to possess or use without permission from a doctor
controlled the urge
restrained the desire, exercised self-control
The method and means of governing the performance of any apparatus, machine or system, such as a lever, handle or button
restraint or ability to contain one's emotions, or self-control
An interface element that a computer user interacts with, such as a window or a text box
To exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of, oversit

With a simple remote, he could control the toy truck.

controlled remotely using radio signals
radio-controlled car
a model car controlled by remote
Operated by remote control
Possessing self-control, having mastery of ones own desires
Of things manipulated or regulated directly by the mind

Medical technology seeks to develop thought-controlled artificial limbs.

to exercise a directing, restraining, or governing influence over
{n} power, authority, a check, a restraint
{v} to govern, check, restrain, stop

She cannot control her children. - She can't control her children.

When the flight crew has their aircraft under control, everything is working normally and yet it still crashes into the ground, that's CFIT. - When the flight crew has their aircraft under control, everything is working normally and yet it still crashes into the ground, that's a Controlled Flight Into Terrain.

Ground-Controlled Approach
{i} aircraft landing in stormy weather in which the pilot is provided with precise guidance for the final approach in landing using surveillance precision approach radar, gca
PLO controlled towns
towns in the West Bank of Israel and Gaza controlled by the Palestinian Authority
the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc
great skillfulness and knowledge of some subject or activity; "a good command of French"
"they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
In a graphical user interface (GUI), an object on the screen that can be manipulated by a user to perform an action Perhaps the most common controls are buttons that a user can click to select an option, and scroll bars that a user employs to move through a document or position text in a window
a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus"
A standard of comparison by which experimental results are evaluated A control differs from the experiment in a single variable, and enables the assessment of significance of experimental results
{i} rule, command; supervision; control panel; restraint
The people who control an organization or place have the power to take all the important decisions about the way that it is run. He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California Minebea ended up selling its controlling interest in both firms. + -controlled -controlled AGA Gas is Swedish-controlled. the state-controlled media
If you show control, you prevent yourself behaving in an angry or emotional way. He had a terrible temper, and sometimes he would completely lose control He was working hard to keep control of himself
Any of the physical factors determining the climate of any particular place, as latitude,distribution of land and water, altitude, exposure, prevailing winds, permanent high- or low-barometric-pressure areas, ocean currents, mountain barriers, soil, and vegetation
To exercise influence over, to suggest or dictate the behavior of
a standard against which other conditions can be compared in a scientific experiment; "the control condition was inappropriate for the conclusions he wished to draw"
In a case-control study, comparison group of persons without disease
1 To regulate restrain, correct, restore to normal 2 Applied to many communicable and some noncommmunicable conditions, control means ongoing operations or programs aimed at reducing incidence and/or prevalence, or eliminating such conditions See also command and control model; span of control
To control a piece of equipment, process, or system means to make it work in the way that you want it to work. a computerised system to control the gates the controlled production of energy from sugar by a cell. + -controlled -controlled computer-controlled traffic lights
If you have control of something or someone, you are able to make them do what you want them to do. He lost control of his car Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have
"they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls" a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus" verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; "control an account" exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces" lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger" verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; "Are you controlling for the temperature?
be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product"
That which serves to check, restrain, or hinder; restraint
To exercise restraining or governing influence over; to check; to counteract; to restrain; to regulate; to govern; to overpower
A duplicate book, register, or account, kept to correct or check another account or register; a counter register
Control of an organization, place, or system is the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. The restructuring involves Mr Ronson giving up control of the company The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic's territory. If you are in control of something, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way it is run. Nobody knows who is in control of the club In the West, people feel more in control of their own lives. If something is under your control, you have the power to make all the important decisions about the way that it is run. All the newspapers were taken under government control
Control is used to refer to a place where your documents or luggage are officially checked when you enter a foreign country. He went straight through Passport Control without incident. see also air traffic control, birth control, quality control, remote control, stock control
A synonym for a visible dialog or window object, such as include labels, text boxes, lists, combo lists, option buttons, and command buttons
the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc ; "they wanted to repeal all the legislation that imposed economic controls"
in vaccine clinical trials, the control group is given either the standard treatment for the disease or an inactive substance called a placebo The control group is compared with one or more groups of volunteers given experimental vaccines to detect any effects of the vaccines
Adherence to and compliance with approved policies and procedures to ensure organizational responsibility for property is established, accurate locations are maintained, usage is authorized, and safeguards for handling, storage, and use are observed
- the mail package format/creative that's done the best for you; the one that's yielded the greatest response
To control something dangerous means to prevent it from becoming worse or from spreading. One of the biggest tasks will be to control the spread of malaria
The part of an experiment that remains unchanged or whose change is carefully regulated The control is compared to the experimental subject to see if change occurs
An arrangement of chemical, electronic, electrical, and mechanical components that commands or directs the management of a system
exercise authoritative control or power over; "control the budget"; "Command the military forces"
researchers design experiments to eliminate (control for) the effect of non-experimental variables on the results For example, a study may compare the outcomes of two groups that differ only because one received the experimental condition and the other did not (the control group) Medication trials are often "placebo controlled" by using a control group that is treated similarly in all ways except they receive a non-active medication (placebo) instead of the active medication being studied
have a firm understanding or knowledge of; be on top of; "Do you control these data?"
discipline in personal and social activities; "he was a model of polite restraint"; "she never lost control of herself"
A security mechanism, policy, or procedure that can counter system attack, reduce risks, and resolve vulnerabilities, synonymous with safeguard and counter-measure
The process of comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, evaluating possible alternatives, and taking appropriate corrective action as needed
to command; screen displays can have controls such as dropdown list boxes, buttons and other such objects
An object that enables user interaction or input, often to initiate an action, display information, or set values Common controls are radio buttons, pull-down menus, check boxes, etc
Power or authority to check or restrain; restraining or regulating influence; superintendence; government; as, children should be under parental control
To verify or regulate (a scientific experiment) by conducting a parallel experiment or by comparing with another standard To verify (an account, for example) by using a duplicate register for comparison In experimental parapsychology a procedure undertaken in order to ensure that the experiment is conducted in a standard fashion and so that results are not unduly influenced by extraneous factors
A separate group or subject in an experiment against which the results are compared where the primary variable is low or nonexistence
Influence or authority over
handle and cause to function; "do not operate machinery after imbibing alcohol"; "control the lever"
If something is out of control, no-one has any power over it. The fire is burning out of control
(n ) An interface element that the user can manipulate to perform an action, select an option, or set a value Examples include buttons, sliders, and combo boxes
control (others or oneself) or influence skillfully, usually to one's advantage; "She manipulates her boss"; "She is a very controlling mother and doesn't let her children grow up"; "The teacher knew how to keep the class in line"; "she keeps in line"
Controls are the methods that a government uses to restrict increases, for example in prices, wages, or weapons. Critics question whether price controls would do any good They have very strict gun control in Sweden
a spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance
a relation of constraint of one entity (thing or person or group) by another; "measures for the control of disease"; "they instituted controls over drinking on campus"
An object in a container view that a user can manipulate with a pen to cause instant action with visible results or to change settings to modify a future action Source: NUIG
/ Control Marker/ Marker- a trapezoid-shaped marker (usually orange or red and white) used to mark features on an orienteering course, usually with clipper or control punch attached to mark a control card as proof of arrival
In a scientific experiment, the control is the group that serves as a standard of comparison It is exposed to the same conditions as the experimental group, except for the variable being tested In the standard lettuce seed bioassay, the control is the set of seeds grown in distilled water rather than in a test solution
verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; "Are you controlling for the temperature?
The complete apparatus used to control a mechanism or machine in operation, as a flying machine in flight; the mechanism controlling the rudders and ailerons
A control is a device such as a switch or lever which you use in order to operate a machine or other piece of equipment. I practised operating the controls. the control box. If someone is at the controls of a machine or other piece of equipment, they are operating it. He died of a heart attack while at the controls of the plane
When a government controls prices, wages, or the activity of a particular group, it uses its power to restrict them. The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs. Control is also a noun. Control of inflation remains the government's absolute priority
the state that exists when one person or group has power over another; "her apparent dominance of her husband was really her attempt to make him pay attention to her"
a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine; "the speed control on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her"
lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; "moderate your alcohol intake"; "hold your tongue"; "hold your temper"; "control your anger"
verify by using a duplicate register for comparison; "control an account"
A graphic object that causes instant actions or visible results when the user manipulates the object with the mouse Standard controls include buttons, scroll bars, checkboxes, sliders, and pop-up menus
the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable" (physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc; "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters" a mechanism that controls the operation of a machine; "the speed control on his turntable was not working properly"; "I turned the controls over to her" power to direct or determine; "under control" the economic policy of controlling or limiting or curbing prices or wages etc
power to direct or determine; "under control"
(physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc; "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters"
Action(s) taken to mitigate risk in the achievement of a business objective This is a global view of control, inclusive of all actions, including, but not be limited to, developing policies and procedures, assigning responsibilities, assigning authorizations and accountabilities, monitoring and reporting activity, and establishing review or audit points within a process Risk refers to any undesirable result such as inaccuracy, incompleteness, or non-compliance, as well as the risk of fraud
In direct mail promotional testing, the basic package against whose results other packages are compared Usually, the control is the winning package in a previous test or tests
restraint or ability to contain ones emotions, or self-control
If something harmful is under control, it is being dealt with successfully and is unlikely to cause any more harm. If the current violence is to be brought under control, the government needs to act. allosteric control arms control AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System birth control Centers for Disease Control and Prevention control system control theory exchange control numerical control Total Quality Control wage price control
In a surveillance exercise, the one directing the team remotely, usually by electronic communications
For the purposes of determining whether the Act applies to a record that is "under the control" of a public body, "control" means the authority to manage the record, including restricting, regulating and administering its use, disclosure or disposition
the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable"
In a clinical trial, one therapy must be tested against another to determine if there are any differences between treatments The control is the treatment being tested against the new therapy and may or may not be a therapy that is already considered standard treatment for the disease
{f} rule, command; restrain; supervise; examine, check
To check by a counter register or duplicate account; to prove by counter statements; to confute
If you control yourself, or if you control your feelings, voice, or expression, you make yourself behave calmly even though you are feeling angry, excited, or upset. Jo was advised to learn to control herself I just couldn't control my temper. = restrain + controlled con·trolled Her manner was quiet and very controlled. = restrained
crystal controlled
In wireless, equipment whose operating frequency is directly established by a crystal, rather than indirectly as in a frequency synthesizer Also commonly used to refer to equipment which is only able to operate on one fixed frequency, as versus a number of synthesized frequencies Back to top DAT Digital Audio Tape
ground-controlled approach
aircraft landing in bad weather in which the pilot is talked down by ground control using precision approach radar
having the price regulated or controlled by government
radio controlled model
small toy aircraft that is flown and controlled by radio signals
A radio-controlled device works by receiving radio signals which operate it. radio-controlled model planes. controlled from far away using radio signals
operated and guided by radio; "a radio-controlled airplane
randomised controlled trial
A trial in which participants are randomly assigned to two groups: one (the experimental group) receiving the intervention that is being tested, and the other (the comparison group or controls) receiving an alternative treatment or placebo The different treatment groups allows assessment of the relative effects of intervention
randomised controlled trial
A prospective experimental study Individuals similar at the beginning are randomly allocated to two or more treatment groups and the outcomes of the groups are compared after sufficient follow-up time Properly executed, the RCT is the strongest evidence of the clinical efficacy of preventive and therapeutic procedures in the clinical setting
randomised controlled trial
An experimental approach wherein subjects from a sample, in this case, children with speech and language delay, are randomly assigned to either a treatment or a non-treatment group
A remote-controlled machine or device is controlled from a distance by the use of radio or electronic signals. a remote-controlled bomb
Someone who is self-controlled is able to not show their feelings or not do the things that their feelings make them want to do. My father, who had always been very self-controlled, became bad-tempered
showing restraint, able to control one's actions
temperature-controlled room
room that has a system for regulating the temperature
Турецкий язык - Английский Язык

Определение controlled в Турецкий язык Английский Язык словарь

(Bilgisayar) control

    Расстановка переносов


    Турецкое произношение



    /kənˈtrōld/ /kənˈtroʊld/


    [ k&n-trOl ] (transitive verb.) 15th century. Middle English controllen, from Middle French contreroller, from contrerolle copy of an account, audit, from Medieval Latin contrarotulus, from Latin contra- + Medieval Latin rotulus roll; more at ROLL.


    ... It's all controlled by the Android tablet hooked up through an ADK, much like the one ...
    ... and doing a controlled experiment is one of the most important innovations in medicine ...