
listen to the pronunciation of continuous
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Tüketim toplumu ev atıklarındaki devamlı bir artışa katkı sağlıyor. - The consumerist society contributes to a continuous increase in the amount of household waste.

{s} sürekli

Kuzey rüzgarı bütün gün sürekli esti. - The north wind blew continuously all day.

Tüm gün sürekli yağmur yağdı. - It rained continuously all day.

{s} aralıksız

Yağmur üç gün boyunca aralıksız yağdı. - It rained continuously for three days.

(Bilgisayar) sürekli yazıcı
continuously mütemadiyen
(Tıp) Devamlı, fasılasız
{s} devam eden
aynı sayfa
(printer) sürekli (yazıcı)
{s} zincirleme
continuous audit
(Ticaret) sürekli teftiş
continuous chip
(Mekanik) akma talaş
continuous duty
(Bilgisayar) sürekli çalışma
continuous form
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sürekli kağıt
continuous functions
(Matematik) sürekli fonksiyonlar
continuous improvement
sürekli gelişme
continuous mapping
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) sürekli gönderim
continuous model
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sürekli değişkenli model
continuous operation
sürekli işletme
continuous printer
(Bilgisayar) sürekli yazıcı
continuous process
kontinü metod
continuous variable
(Bilgisayar,Dilbilim,Teknik) sürekli değişken
continuous wave
(Askeri) devamlı dalga
continuous wave
(Fizik) sönümsüz dalga
continuous annealing
sürekli tavlama
continuous beam
sürekli kiriş
continuous bleaching
kesintisiz ağartma
continuous brake
devamlı fren
continuous braking system
devamlı frenleme sistemi
continuous control
sürekli kontrol
continuous control
sürekli denetim
continuous cooling diagram
sürekli soğuma çizgesi
continuous cooling transformation
sürekli soğuma dönüşümü
continuous crossing
sürekli çaprazlama
continuous current
sürekli akım
continuous current
doğru akım
continuous deformation
sürekli deformasyon
continuous diffusion
sürekli difüzyon
continuous dyeing
kesintisiz boyama
continuous equation
devamlılık eşitliği
continuous feed
sürekli besleme
continuous film printer
sürekli film basıcı
continuous finishing
kesintisiz bitim işlemi
continuous flow
sürekli akış
continuous flow irrigation
sürekli akış sulaması
continuous footing
sürekli temel
continuous form
sürekli form
continuous function
sürekli fonksiyon
continuous furnace
sürekli fırın
continuous heating furnace
sürekli ısıtma fırını
continuous hot dip coating
sürekli sıcak daldırmayla örtme
continuous hot dip galvanizing
sürekli sıcak daldırmayla galvanizleme
continuous load
sürekli yük
continuous market
sürekli pazar
continuous mixer
kesintisiz çalışan karıştırıcı
continuous oscillation
sönümsüz osilasyon
continuous paper
sürekli kağıt
continuous phosphating
sürekli fosfatlama
continuous power
sürekli güç
continuous power
devamlı güç
continuous process
kesintisiz işlem
continuous processing
sürekli işlem
continuous quenching
sürekli su verme
continuous radiation
sürekli radyasyon
continuous random variable
sürekli rastgele değişken
continuous reverse voltage
sürekli ters gerilim
continuous sampling
sürekli örnek alma
continuous service brake
devamlı servis freni
continuous set
sürekli küme
continuous simulation
sürekli simülasyon
continuous spectrum
devamlı spektrum
continuous suture
kontinü sütür
continuous wave
sürekli dalga
continuous welding
dikiş kaynağı
continuous wing
yekpare kanat
continuous assessment
sürekli değerlendirme
continuous basis.
sürekli olarak
continuous cash flows
sürekli nakit akımları
continuous casting
(Mühendislik) sürekli döküm
continuous dyeing machine
kontinü boyama makinesi, kesintisiz boyama makinesi
continuous filmprinter
sürekli film basıcı, sürekli başım aygıtı
continuous girder
sürekli kırış, mütemadi kırış
continuous growth; an accretion
sürekli büyüme; bir katma
continuous printer
sürekli başım aygıtı
continuous rating
sürekli görev anma değeri, sürekli hizmet anma değeri
continuous stationery
sürekli kağıt
continuous tense
Sürekli gergin
continuous ager
(Teknik,Tekstil) kesintisiz buharlayıcı
continuous ager
(Teknik,Tekstil) kontinü buharlayıcı
continuous ager
(Tekstil) kontinu buharlayıcı
continuous arch
sürekli eğme
continuous arch
mütemadi kemer
continuous auditing
(Ticaret) sürekli denetleme
continuous beam
mütemadi kiriş
continuous bleaching
(Teknik,Tekstil) kontinü beyazlatma
continuous budget
(Ticaret) sürekli bütçe
continuous budget
continuous carryover
(Mekanik) sürekli su yürümesi
continuous cleavage
(Jeoloji) devamlı klivaj
continuous cleavage
(Jeoloji) devamlı dilinim
continuous current
mütemadi akım
continuous drying
sürekli kurutma
continuous dyeing
(Teknik,Tekstil) kontinü boyama
continuous dyeing machines
(Tekstil) kontinü boyama makinesi, kesintisiz boyama makinesi
continuous education
kesintisiz eğitim
continuous energy
kesintisiz enerji
continuous equation
süreklilik eşitliği
continuous extrusion
(Mekanik,Teknik) sürekli ekstrüzyon
continuous filter
devamlı filtre
continuous finishing
kontinü apre
continuous fire
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ/DEVAMLI ATEŞ: 1. Tanzim düzeltmesi yapmak üzere veya diğer nedenlerle ara verilmeden normal bir hızda yapılan ateş. 2. Sahra topçusunda veya deniz topçu ateşi desteğinde silah için emredilen atış hızı dahilinde, ateş sıhhatine bağlı kalarak belirtilen oranda veya mümkün olduğunca çabuk doldurup ateş etmek. Ateş'"görev sonu" komutuyla son verilinceye veya "doldurmayı kes" veya "ateşe ara ver" komutlarıyla geçici olarak ara verilinceye kadar devam edecektir
continuous fire
(Askeri) devamlı ateş
continuous fire
(Askeri) sürekli ateş
continuous fishing
(Denizbilim) sürekli balıçılık
continuous flooring
mütemadi döşeme
continuous footing
sürekli dayanak
continuous footing
(İnşaat,Jeoloji) şerit temel
continuous footing
(İnşaat) mütemadi temel
continuous frame
mütemadi çerçeve
continuous function
(Bilgisayar,Matematik) sürekli işlev
continuous furnace
sürekli ocak
continuous girder
(İnşaat,Teknik) sürekli kiriş
continuous girder
(İnşaat,Teknik) mütemadi kiriş
continuous girder
sürekli taşıyıcı
continuous girder
mütemadi taşıyıcı
continuous grading
(İnşaat) sürekli granülometri
continuous handrail
sürekli küpeşte
continuous hinge
(İnşaat) boy menteşe
continuous illumination fire
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ AYDINLATMA ATEŞİ: Hedef veya belirli bir bölge üzerindeki aydınlatmanın kesilmemesini sağlamak üzere aydınlatma mermilerinin belirli zaman aralıklarında ateşlendiği bir ateş tipi. Ayrıca bakınız: "coordinated illumination fire"
continuous inventory
(Ticaret) devamlı envanter
continuous kiln
sürekli çalışır fırın
continuous learning
(Eğitim) sürekli öğrernme
continuous line
(Otomotiv) devamlı çizgi
continuous load
devamlı yük
continuous loading
sürekli yükleme
continuous mapping
surekli gonderim
continuous method
(Nükleer Bilimler) sürekli yöntem
continuous mill
sürekli hadde
continuous mixer
kesintisiz karıştırıcı
continuous model
surekli degiskenli model
continuous paper
sürekli form
continuous paper
rulo kâğıt
continuous performance
devamlı gösterim
continuous plate
sürekli yaprak
continuous plate
mütemadi plak
continuous population
surekli evren
continuous process
(Tekstil) kontinü metod, kesintisiz yöntem
continuous processor
(Askeri) sürekli banyo cihazı
continuous processor
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ BANYO CİHAZI: Film veya kağıdı, devamlı şeritler halinde banyo eden otomatik cihaz
continuous quenching
sürekli suverme
continuous radiation
(Fizik) beyaz radyasyon
continuous rainfall
(Tarım) sürekli yağış
continuous rating
sürekli nominal güç
continuous reaction series
devamlı reaksiyon serisi
continuous sample
(Tıp) sürekli örnek
continuous sampler
sürekli örnek alıcı
continuous section breaks
sayfa içi bölüm sonları
continuous slab
sürekli plak
continuous slab
mütemadi plak
continuous spectrum
(Nükleer Bilimler) sürekli spektrum
continuous string
(İnşaat) sürekli limon kirişi
continuous strip camera
(Askeri) KESİKSİZ RESİM ÇEKME MAKİNESİ: İçindeki film, odak düzlemindeki bir yarıktan devamlı hareket halinde bulunan ve uçağın devamlı ileri hareketi sayesinde, kesiksiz uzunlukta bir resim çeken fotoğraf makinesi
continuous strip imagery
(Askeri) SÜREKLİ GÖRÜNTÜ ŞERİDİ: Bir arazi şeridinin uçuş yolu boyunca kesiksiz görüntüsünün verildiği şerit
continuous strip photography
(Askeri) KESİKSİZ RESİM ÇEKME: Bir arazı şeridinin uçuş yolu boyunca kesiksiz fotoğrafının çekilmesi
continuous structure
(İnşaat) sürekli strüktür
continuous thread
(Tekstil) devamlı iplik
continuous trade
(Ticaret) sürekli alım-satım
continuous truss
sürekli makas
continuous variable
surekli degisken
continuous vent
sürekli havalandırma
continuous vent
primer havalandırma
continuous wave
(Nükleer Bilimler) sürekli veya devamlı dalga
continuous wave
(Askeri) DEVAMLI DALGA: Bir telsiz istasyonundan hiçbir değişiklik yapılmadan gönderilen devamlı dalga
continuous weld
sürekli elektrik kaynağı
continuous weld
sürekli kaynak
continuous welding
sürekli kaynak
combatant commander; commander; continuous data recording
(Askeri) muharip komutan; komutan; sürekli veri kaydı
completely continuous operator
(Matematik) tıkız işleç
completely continuous operator
(Matematik) kompakt operatör
devamlı olarak

Sürekli kan kaybediyoruz. - We are continuously losing blood.

Yüzme havuzlarında, su sürekli olarak filtrelerden pompalanır. - In swimming pools, water is continuously pumped through a filter.

ha bire
vızır vızır
ha babam
dır dır
harıl harıl
ara vermeden
present continuous tense
şimdiki zaman
render continuous something
devamlı kılmak
sürekli olarak

O sürekli olarak konuştuğu için onunla anlaşamazsın. - You cannot get along with him because he speaks continuously.

Tom sürekli olarak Mary'yi aradı. - Tom called Mary continuously.

future continuous tense
sürekli gelecek zaman
future perfect continuous tense
gelecekte bitmiş zamanın sürekli şekli
interrupted continuous wave
sürekli kesik dalga
past continuous tense
sürekli geçmiş zaman
past perfect continuous tense
sürekli geçmişte bitmiş zaman
present continuous
şimdiki zaman
present perfect continuous
sürekli bitmiş zaman
present perfect continuous tense
sürekli bitmiş zaman
The Simple Past Continuous Tense
Şimdiki zamanın hikayesi
absolutely continuous function
Tamamıyla sürekli fonksiyon, bütünüyle sürekli fonksiyon
modulated continuous wave
modüle devamlı dalga, kiplenik sürekli dalga
sürekli olmayan
past continuous
Geçmişte sürekli
piecewise continuous
Parçalı sürekli

"Parçalı sürekli fonksiyon".

present continuous
(Dilbilim) (Present Continuous Tense) Şimdiki zaman
present perfect continuous
(tense) sürekli bitmiş zaman
thread; continuous line
iplik; sürekli çizgi
1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons; continuous carrier wave
(Askeri) 1980 Birleşmiş Milletler Konvansiyonel Silahlar Kongresi; süreki taşıyıcı dalgası
chemical warfare; continuous wave
(Askeri) kimyasal harp; devamlı dalga (MORS)
ara vermeden/vermeksizin
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
Such that each open set in the range has an open preimage

Each continuous function from the real line to the rationals is constant, since the rationals are totally disconnected.

Expressing an ongoing action or state
Such that, for every x in the domain, for each small open interval D about f(x), there's an interval containing x whose image is in D
Without intervening space; continued; protracted; extended

a continuous line of railroad.

Not deviating or varying from uniformity; not interrupted; not joined or articulated
Without break, cessation, or interruption; without intervening time

he can hear its continuous murmur.

connected, extended, or prolonged without separation or interruption of sequence
{a} joined together, closely united
Without break, cessation, or interruption; without intervening space or time; uninterrupted; unbroken; continual; unceasing; constant; continued; protracted; extended; as, a continuous line of railroad; a continuous current of electricity
A collection is continuous if for any given member of the set there does not exist another element "closest" to the original member; e g , the real numbers from 0 to 1
Same as ordered A field is continuous if it takes continuous values; compare with categorical (field)
No gap between successive rostered Day and Night shifts Could be continuous system providing 24hrs cover for seven days a week, or a semi-continuous system providing periods of continuous cover for less than seven days a week
{s} uninterrupted, unbroken; successive
Continuous data can have any value in an interval of real numbers That is, the value does not have to be an integer Continuous is the opposite of discrete or categorical
The growing of crops in succession without a seasonal fallow
(adjective) continuous ink jet (noun) See Figure 1--> Without a break or synchronous Events occurring regularly in the time domain The adjective applied to that branch of ink jet technology where drops are generated at a regular unbroken rate Print selection is then made by deflections of the ink droplets after they are charged so that they either are intercepted by a catcher and not permitted to impact the substrate or charged and deflected to intercept the substrate at specific locations Continuous ink jet technology is the oldest and the most mature ink jet technology Its advantages are long print (throw) distance (distance from the printhead to the substrate) and extremely high droplet production rate, in some cases as high as 150,000 droplets per second, per channel Disadvantages are the requirement for conductive inks, a more expensive and complex system because of the requirement for re-circulation and less drop placement accuracy because of the requirement for deflection
In English grammar, continuous verb groups are formed using the auxiliary `be' and the present participle of a verb, as in `I'm feeling a bit tired' and `She had been watching them for some time'. Continuous verb groups are used especially when you are focusing on a particular moment. Compare simple. = progressive
One that does not have interruptions in space
Data or variables that differ by amounts or degrees An example of continuous data is a person's age in years or months
have intervals that are unbroken sequences (e g growth of a plant) Continous variables can be represented by line graphs
A rachis or other organ that does not disarticulate
of a function or curve; extending without break or irregularity
A continuous process or event continues for a period of time without stopping. Residents report that they heard continuous gunfire. all employees who had a record of five years' continuous employment with the firm = unbroken + continuously con·tinu·ous·ly The civil war has raged almost continuously since 1976 It is the oldest continuously inhabited city in America
Precipitation which does not cease, or ceases only briefly
Thread - An uninterrupted protruding helix on the neck of a container that holds a screw-type, or CT, closure
A single member which is supported in more than two locations
continuing in time or space without interruption; "a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light"- James Jeans; "a continuous bout of illness lasting six months"; "lived in continuous fear"; "a continuous row of warehouses"; "a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it"; "moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks"
without any gaps or spaces
Not deviating or varying from uninformity; not interrupted; not joined or articulated
A continuous line or surface has no gaps or holes in it. a continuous line of boats
A characteristic of an attribute that is conceptualized as a surface over some region Examples are certain attributes of a resource, such as chemical stressor indicators measured in estuaries
Continuous means that you can always find a number between any other two numbers, no matter how close together they are Time is continuous -- you can always find a moment in time between any two other moments in time
a term used to describe raster data layers that contain quantitative and related values See continuous data
unbroken, as in: He writes his name in one long, continuous line
Varies continuously and can have any value e g length, time
-See Continuous Rating
A type of random variable which may take any value over an interval This is contrasted with a discrete random variable, which may take only a limited set of values
Commonly, subset of real numbers, where there is a measurable difference between the possible values Integers are usually treated as continuous in practical problems
continuous clock
In sports that use a clock, especially American football, a rule where the clock operates continuously in a one-sided game, so as to hasten the end of the contest
continuous function
a function whose value changes only slightly when its input changes slightly
continuous function
a function from one topological space to another, such that the inverse image of any open set is open
continuous functions
plural form of continuous function
continuous phase
The fluid phase of a colloid within which solid or fluid particles are distributed
continuous variable
A variable that has a continuous distribution function, such as temperature
continuous variables
plural form of continuous variable
Continuous quality improvement
A philosophy and attitude for analyzing capabilities and processes and improving them repeatedly to achieve the objective of customer satisfaction
continuous assessment
If pupils or students undergo continuous assessment, they get qualifications partly or entirely based on the work they do during the year, rather than on exam results
continuous basis
A calendar system classification that is used by institutions that enroll students at any time during the academic year For example, a cosmetology school or a word processing school might allow students to enroll and begin studies at various times, with no requirement that classes begin on a certain date
continuous basis
A calendar system with no requirement that classes begin on a certain date It's used by schools that enroll students at many different times during the academic year (e g , cosmetology schools)
continuous compounding
method of calculating interest according to the principal and interest already accrued
continuous fire
fire which is constantly burning, fire which is never extinguished
continuous flow process
(Ticaret) A manufacturing process of gas, liquid or other form that is not broken into individual batches or lots as it moves from one status or stocking point to another
continuous forms paper
type of paper in which all sheets are attached end to end by a perforated line
continuous linkage
savings account that is linked to the same rate of inflation or to the same dollar rate as a prior account
continuous paper
paper with a continuous connection of perforated sheets
continuous replenishment
(Ticaret) A method typically used between retailers and distributors or manufacturers that uses point-of-sale inventory and sales data to trigger automatic replenishments, with the vendor assuming responsibility for initiation and fulfillment
continuous spectrum
A spectrum having no lines or bands, especially a spectrum of radiation distributed over an uninterrupted range of wavelengths
continuous tense
progressive: a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going
continuous tone
image in which the tones have smooth transitions
continuous variable
A variable is called continuous if its values are real numbers as are time, distance, any physical or flow measure
continuous variable
A measure score in which each individual value for the measure can fall anywhere along a continuous scale (e g , mean time to thrombolytics which aggregates the time in minutes from a case presenting with chest pain to the time of administration of thrombolytics)
continuous variable
a variable that theoretically can assume an infinite number of values (something that is measurable and ongoing)
continuous variable
A quantitative variable is continuous if its set of possible values is uncountable Examples include temperature, exact height, exact age (including parts of a second) In practice, one can never measure a continuous variable to infinite precision, so continuous variables are sometimes approximated by discrete variables A random variable X is also called continuous if its set of possible values is uncountable, and the chance that it takes any particular value is zero (in symbols, if P(X = x) = 0 for every real number x) A random variable is continuous if and only if its cumulative probability distribution function is a continuous function (a function with no jumps)
continuous variable
A variable that is not constrained to be an integer
continuous variable
A variable that can take any value that represents a measurement
continuous variable
A variable is said to be continuous if the values / observations belonging to it may take on any value within a finite or infinite interval You can count, order and measure continuous data
continuous variable
variable whose measurement can take an infinite number of values
continuous variable
A variable that can be divided into smaller units without limit
continuous variable
A quantitative variable for which any value is possible within the range of values
continuous variable
The potential values of a continuous variable are numbers which can be meaningfully ordered from "highest" to "lowest " Age and Gross Domestic Product are examples of continuous variables Compare categorical variable
continuous variable
One that can be measured to finer and finer degrees given the instrumentation needed
continuous variable
A quantitative variable that can assume an infinite number of values associated with the numbers on a line interval Normally continuous variables are the result of some measurement process Grade point average is a continuous variable because it can assume any value between 0 0 and 4 0
continuous variable
close window
continuous variable
An ordinal variable with values that can be broken down into ever-more granular numeric units (example: age, height, and weight )
continuous variation
Variation within a population in which a graded series of intermediate phenotypes falls between the extremes
continuous wave
A form of spectroscopy in which a constant amplitude electromagnetic wave is applied [Chapter 3]
continuous wave
  A wave of constant amplitude and constant frequency   (188)
continuous wave
The output of a laser which is operated in a continuous rather than a pulsed mode For purposes of safety evaluation, a laser operating with a continuous output for a period > 0 25 s is regarded as a cw laser
continuous wave
A laser beam that is produced continuously rather than as a series of pulses
continuous wave
A laser that is on continuously from the time it is turned on until the time it is turned off Contrast a CW laser with a pulse laser
continuous wave
(CW) A sustained sinusoidal oscillation or oscillatory wave in which additional energy is added during each cycle Also known as an undamped wave A continuous wave can be modulated with audio, video or data A wave whose successive oscillations are, under steady-state conditions, identical When the wave is unmodulated the signal is highly monochromatic While the term is most commonly associated with the operation of non-spark type wireless transmitters, Tesla said he was able to produce "a perfectly continuous wave" with his more advanced disruptive discharge machines See also damped wave
Without pause

The river continuously flows to the sea, it will never pause to let us cross on dry land.

future continuous
A tense used to express an ongoing action in the future. In English it is formed by use of will be (or shall be) and a present participle

Example: Next year, I will be working in a different company.

future perfect continuous
A tense used to express an ongoing action completed after some time in the future. In English it is formed by use of will have been (or shall have been) and a present participle

Example: By the end of this year, I will have been working here for 10 years.

lower semi-continuous
Such that, for each fixed number, the subspace of points whose images are at most that number is closed
past continuous
: A tense used to describe actions and states continued in the past period of time
past perfect continuous
A tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing up to a certain time in the past. In English it is formed by using had been with a present participle

Example: She had been living in England for three years before moving to Sweden.

present continuous
A tense that describes an ongoing action in the present. In English it is formed by use of a form of be with a present participle
present perfect continuous
A tense that expresses an unbroken action continuing at the present time, started in the recent past. In English it is formed by using have been with a present participle

Example: I have been working in this bank all my life.

Attributive form of present continuous, noun
uniformly continuous
That for every real ε > 0 there exists a real δ > 0 such that for all pairs of points x and y in X for which D_X (x, y) , it must be the case that D_Y (f(x), f(y)) (where DX and DY are the metrics of X and Y, respectively)

A uniformly continuous function is a function whose derivative is bounded.

upper semi-continuous
Such that for each fixed point x there is some neighborhood whose image's limit superior is x's image
upper semi-continuous
Such that, for each fixed number, the subspace of points whose images are at least that number is closed
at every point; "The function is continuously differentiable"
with unflagging resolve; "dance inspires him ceaselessly to strive higher and higher toward the shining pinnacle of perfection that is the goal of every artiste"
ceaselessly, without stopping
at every point; "The function is continuously differentiable
In a continuous maner; without interruption
The state or quality of being continuous
{i} succession, continuity
the quality of something that continues without end or interruption