Amerika Birleşik Devletleri 50 eyaletten oluşmaktadır
- The United States comprises 50 states.
Güney Yarımküre, çoğunlukla okyanuslardan oluşur.
- The Southern Hemisphere is comprised mainly of oceans.
Yiyecek, protein, karbonhidrat ve yağlardan oluşur.
- Food is comprised of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
İsveç, Danimarka ve Norveç'i içeren Kalmar Birliği, 1523'te ayrıldı.
- The Kalmar Union, comprising Sweden, Denmark and Norway, broke apart in 1523.
Seeing then the angles comprised of equal right lines are equal, we have found the angle FDE equal to the angle ABC..
Our committee comprises a president, secretary, treasurer and five other members.
The parts are comprised by the whole.