
listen to the pronunciation of compass
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

Dinsiz bir toplum, pusulasız bir gemi gibidir. - A society without religion is like a ship without a compass.

Tom her zaman çantasında bir harita ve pusula taşır. - Tom always carries a map and compass in his bag.

{i} kapsam
{i} çevre
{f} kapsamak
{i} pergel

Pergelle bir daire çizdim. - I drew a circle with compasses.

manyetik pusula
(Muzik) ses genişliği
idrak etmek

Haberlerde sürekli yer alan trajik olaylar yüzünden birçok insan şefkat yorgunluğu çekiyor. - Many people are experiencing compassion fatigue because of the constant tragedies being reported in the news.

(Askeri) ortak harekat modelleme, planlama ve simülasyon stratejisi; Bilgisayarlı İntikal Planlama ve Durum Sistemi (common operational modeling, planning, and simulation strategy; Computerized Movement Planning and Status System)
(Askeri) PUSULA: Yön tayinine yarayan alet. Bir manyetik pusulanın daima mıknatısı kuzey kutbunu gösteren manyetik bir ibaresi vardır
{i} kuşatmak
sağlamayı başar
{f} sarmak
{f} erişmek
{i} menzil
{f} anlamak
{f} başarmak
pusula,v.etrafını dolaş: n.sınır
{f} gizli plan kurmak
{i} kavramak
(Otomotiv) kumpas

Sizin şefkatiniz beni hep şaşırtıyor. - Your compassion never ceases to amaze me.

Senin şefkatin nerede? - Where is your compassion?


Hiçbir şey merhamet kadar önemli değil. - Nothing is as important as compassion.

Hayatta ne kadar acı çekersen, o kadar merhametli olursun. - The more you suffer in life, the more compassionate you become.

{i} kapsam

Bu kez test kapsamı o kadar geniş olmayacak mı? - This time the scope of the test won't be so broad?

Sorun, anlayışımın kapsamı dışındadır. - The problem is beyond the scope of my understanding.


Senin şefkatin nerede? - Where is your compassion?

Her duyarlı yaratık şefkati hak ediyor. - Every sentient creature deserves compassion.


Pergelle bir daire çizdim. - I drew a circle with compasses.

faaliyet alanı
compass rose
rüzgâr gülü
compass saw
oyma testeresi
compass bearing
pusula kerterizi
compass brick
dairesel duvar tuğlası
compass card
pusula kartı
compass needle
pusula iğnesi

Pusula iğnesi kuzeye döndü. - The compass needle swung to the north.

compass needle
pusula ibresi
compass rose
compass route
pusulayla gidilen rota
compass saw
delik testeresi
compass plane
dışa oluklu rende
compass rose
Rüzgar gülü
compass acceleration error
(Askeri) pusula ivme hatası
compass acceleration error
(Askeri) PUSULA İVME HATASI: İvme ibreleri saptırdığı zaman dikey manyetik unsurların bir manyetik pusulada sebep olduğu hata
compass azimuth
(Askeri) PUSULA SEMTİ, PUSULA İSTİKAMET AÇISI, MANYETİK İSTİKAMET AÇISI: Bir noktanın, kuzeyden, saat yelkovanı istikametinde, pusula ile ölçülen açısı. Bu açı, pusula değişmelerinden dolayı, manyetik kuzeyden ölçülen istikamet açılarına eşit olmayabilir
compass azimuth
(Askeri) manyetik istikamet açısı
compass azimuth
(Askeri) pusula istikamet açısı
compass azimuth
(Askeri) pusula semti
compass bearing
pusula yönü
compass bearing
(Askeri) PUSULA CİHETİ: Pusula vasıtasıyla tespit edilen yön veya kerteriz
compass brick
(İnşaat) kemer tuğlası
compass compensation
(Askeri) PUSULA DENKLEŞTİRMESİ, PUSULA AYARLAMASI: Bir pusulayı; yakındaki uçak veya gemilerin madeni kısımları arasında hasıl olan manyetik kuvvetlerle denkleştirerek yapılan ayarlama usulü
compass compensation
(Askeri) pusula denkleştirmesi
compass compensation
(Askeri) pusula ayarlaması
compass course
(Askeri) PUSULA BAŞI: Bir uçak, tank şahıs vesairenin rotası. Bu rota; pusulanın gösterdiği kuzey-güney hattı ile uçak, tank, şahıs vesairenin hareket istikameti arasındaki yatay açı ile ifade edilir
compass course
(Askeri) pusula başı
compass declination
(Askeri,Teknik) pusula sapması
compass declination
(Askeri) PUSULA SAPMASI (TOP): Hakiki kuzey ile pusula ibresinin gösterdiği istikamet arasındaki açı
compass direction
(Askeri) PUSULA YÖNÜ/İSTİKAMETİ: İstikameti pusulanın kuzeyden saat yelkovanı yönünde ölçülen açısal mesafe şeklinde ifade edilen yatay yön
compass error
(Askeri) PUSULA HATASI: Pusula göstergesinin gösterdiği kuzey ile hakiki kuzey arasındaki fark toplamı
compass kit
uzaktan kumandalı pusula kiti
compass locater
(Havacılık) mevki belirtici radyo cihazı
compass march
(Askeri) pusulalı yürüyüş
compass needle
pusuta iğnesi
compass north
(Askeri) PUSULA KUZEYİ: Bak. "magnetic north"
compass patrols
pusula keşif yolu
compass pencil
pergel kalem
compass plane
kavis rendesi
compass plane
yuvarlak rende
compass rose
(Askeri) RÜZGAR GÜLÜ: Genellikle derecelerle işaretlenmiş, yönleri gösteren ve uygun bir nesne üzerine basılan veya çizilen tedrici bir daire
compass saw
kıl testere
compass window
yuvarlak kemerli pencere
{i} olanak
{i} sevecenlik

Tom'un acımasız olması Mary'yi şaşırttı. - Tom's lack of compassion surprised Mary.

kavrama gücü
{i} ufuk

Bu konu bizim çalışma kapsamında değildir. - This subject is not within the scope of our study.

(Askeri) DÜRBÜN: Bak. "telescope"
dili teleskop
gyro compass
(Askeri) cayropusula
gyroscopic compass
(Askeri) cayropusula
{i} amaç
steering compass
(Askeri) dümenci pusulası
bearing compass
kerteriz pusulası
bow compass
çekit pergeli
bow compass
kavis kompası
bow compass
kavis kumpası
{i} sevgi
acısını paylaşma
declination compass
sapma ölçer
declination compass
sapma pusulası
drawing compass
resim pergeli
dry compass
kuru pusula
fetch a compass
magnetic compass
manyetik pusula
mariner's compass
gemici pusulası
hareket serbestliği
anlama yeteneği
standard compass
miyar pusulası
magnetic compass
pusula manyetik
moral compass
ahlaki pusula
parabola compass
parabol pergeli
pocket compass
cep pusulası
aircraft compass
(Askeri) uçak pusulası
aircraft compass
(Askeri) TAYYARE PUSULASI: Çok kere manyetik olan tayyare pusulası. Bu pusula, düz rota ile uçuşlarda tayyarenin uçmakta olduğu istikameti tayinde veya kestirme (cross bearing) ile tayyarenin mevkiini tayin için kullanılır
aperiodic compass
(Askeri) DÜZENSİZ PUSULA; SALINIMSIZ PUSULA: Göstergesi, tek bir hareketle ve hiç titreşim yapmadan, göstereceği cihete yönelip duran pusula
boat compass
filika pusulası
bowl of compass
(Askeri) pusula küveti
brunton compass
brunton pusulası
(isim) pergel
direct indicating compass
(Askeri) DİREKT GÖSTERİCİ PUSULA: Kadranı, taksimat levhası veya göstergesi detektör vazifesi gören kısım üzerinde bulunan manyetik bir pusula. DIRECTING/CONDUCTING AND/OR CONTROLLING STAFF: HAREKAT MÜDÜRÜ (KONTROL) KARARGAHI MÜDÜRÜ, HAREKAT KARARGAHI (DZ.): Tecrübe, nitelik bakımından ve tatbikat talimatına tamamen vakıf olmaları dolayısıyle bir tatbikatın idaresi veya kontrolu için seçilmiş subaylar heyeti. Bu heyet mensuplarının hem mavi, hem turuncu görevlerini bilmeleri belirli mavi veya turuncu görevi almalarına engel olur
draftsman compass
(Askeri) PERGEL: Tam bir daireyi veya dairenin bir kısmını çizmek için kullanılan alet
flux gate compass
(Askeri) manyetik akımlı pusula
fluxgate compass
(Askeri) MANYETİK AKIMLI PUSULA: Bazı düzeltmelere bağlı kalarak gözetleyici manyetik meridyen istikametinin göstermek için manyetik akım prensibinden faydalanan bir alet
geological compass
jeolojik pusula
gyro compass
(Askeri) CAYRO PUSULA: Bak. "gyroscopic compass"
gyro magnetic compass
(Askeri) CAYRO MANYETİK PUSULA: İstikamet açısı ıskalasının, bir manyetik algılayıcı birimi sayesinde manyetik meridyenle aynı yönde tutulduğu yön cayroskopu
gyro magnetic compass
(Askeri) cayro manyetik pusula
gyroscopic compass
(Askeri) CAYROSKOPİK PUSULA: Bir hava aracında veya bir gemide önceden tespit edilmiş bir istikameti göstermek için kullanılan ve cayroskopik vaziyet değiştirmesine karşı mukavemet prensibine dayanan seyir aleti. Bir hava aracındaki cayroskopik istikamet göstergesi (directional gyro) cayroskopik pusulanın bir nevidir. Buna (gyro compass) da denir
keep within compass
sınırları içinde tutmak
landing compass
(Askeri) İNİŞ PUSULASI: Bak. "swinging compass"
lensatic compass
(Askeri) BÜYÜTEÇLİ PUSULA: Ateş idaresinde istikamet açılarının bulunması gibi hassas ölçülerin yapılmasında kullanılan ve taksimatı okumak için bir büyüteçle teçhiz edilmiş bulunan pusula
magnetic compass
(Askeri) MIKNATISI/MANYETİK PUSULA: İstikametleri göstermek için mıknatıslı bir ucu bulunan alet. Bu istikametler, gözlem noktasında dünyanın manyetik alanının yatay bileşenine göre pusulalarda görünür
pilot's compass
(Havacılık) pilot pusulası
points of the compass
pusula noktaları
prismatic compass
(Askeri) PRİZMATİK PUSULA: Bir nişan tertibatı ile birleştirilen ve istikamet açılarını ölçmek için kullanılan manyetik pusula. Bu alet; nişan sırasında ıskalanın okunmasını temin edecek bir mercek ile teçhiz edilmiştir. Dikey açıların ölçülmesi için bir klinometre ile de teçhiz edilebilir
radio compass
(Askeri) RADYO KOMPAS: Telsiz istasyonlarından gelen yön işaretlerini alan sabit, daireyi çubuklu uçak anteni. İşaretler yan ıskalası üzerindeki bir gösterge tarafından kaydedilir. Bu alet, döndürülebilen ve bir dairevi anteni bulunan istikamet bulucudan (radio direction finder) farklıdır
remote indicating compass
(Askeri) SERBEST EĞİMLİ PUSULA: Manyetik göstergesi, sapma nedenlerinden mümkün olduğu kadar serbest kalacak şekilde bir uçağa monte edilmiş manyetik pusula. Pusula göstergelerinin uçağa uygun şekilde yerleştirilmiş birkaç kontrol kadranı (repeater dials) üzerinde okunabilmesi için ayrıca bir göndermeç sistemi dahil edilmiştir
çevre sorunları bilimsel komitesi
{i} niyet
sun compass
güneş pusulası
swinging compass
(Askeri) AYAR PUSULASI: Uçak pusulasının kalibrasyonu için, çok defa, bir ölçü olarak kullanılan manyetik bir pusula
swinging compass
(Askeri) ayar pusulası
swinging the compass
(Askeri) pusula ayarı
swinging the compass
(Askeri) PUSULA AYARI: Bir pusula hatasının düzeltilmesi ve kaydı. Bu iş, pusula yerleştirilip kullanılmaya hazır hale getirildikten sonra yapılır
watch compass
(Askeri) KOL PUSULASI: Saat gibi muhafaza içinde bulunan ve sefer teçhizatının bir parçası olarak verilen pusula
watch compass
(Askeri) kol pusulası
wrist compass
(Askeri) bilek pusulası
wrist compass
(Askeri) kol pusulası
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
A space within limits; area

In going up the Missisippi , we meet with nothing remarkable before we come to the Detour aux Anglois, the English Reach: in that part the river takes a large compass.

A pair of compasses (a device used with a pencil to draw an arc or circle on paper)
To accomplish; to reach; to achieve; to obtain
In a circuit; round about

Near the same plot of ground, for about six yards compasse were digged up coals and incinerated substances,.

To surround; to encircle; to environ; to stretch round
A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic or true north)
The range of notes of a musical instrument or voice

There is a truth and falsehood in all propositions on this subject, and a truth and falsehood, which lie not beyond the compass of human understanding.

To plot; to scheme (against someone)
To go about or round entirely; to traverse
{v} to surround, grasp, obtain, effect, accomplish
{n} a circle, space, limits, moderation
navigational instrument for finding directions
the limit of capability; "within the compass of education"
To purpose; to intend; to imagine; to plot
A devise for detecting the earth’s magnetic field and aligning with the lines of force / A devise for laying out a specific distance or marking an arc / a unit of measure, usually defined as 6 feet
Navigation instrument, either magnetic (showing magnetic north) or gyro (showing true north)
An instrument used for drawing circles, describing circles, or measuring distances Consists of two hinged, movable legs
Compasses are a hinged V-shaped instrument that you use for drawing circles. In navigation or surveying, the chief device for direction finding on the Earth's surface. Compasses may operate on magnetic or gyroscopic (see gyroscope) principles or by determining the direction of the Sun or a s(Tarih) The oldest and most familiar type is the magnetic compass, used in different forms in aircraft, ships, and land vehicles and by surveyors. Magnetic compasses work as they do because the Earth itself is a magnet with a north-south field (see geomagnetic field) that causes freely moving magnets to align themselves with the field
bring about; accomplish; "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass"
An instrument used to determine the direction of magnetic north (See Bearing and Azimuth)
{i} instrument that indicates magnetic north; boundary, limit
A pair of compasses
An instrument whose magnetized metal needle aligns itself with the magnetic fields of the earth This causes one end of the needle to point north Mariners used this information to navigate the ship The Chinese are said to have invented the first compass over 2000 years ago See Lodestone
An instrument which is used to find directions
To reach round; to circumvent; to get within one's power; to obtain; to accomplish
Operational code name for British operations in Egypt against the Italians in December 1940
- A device for determining directions It uses a magnetic needle that points to magnetic north
navigational instrument for finding directions drafting instrument used for drawing circles the limit of capability; "within the compass of education"
The instrument which shows the heading of a vessel
a device used to determine direction
An instrument for determining direction, especially one with a horizontal magnetic needle that rotates freely until it points to the magnetic north
drafting instrument used for drawing circles
An instrument that uses the earth's magnetic field to point to the direction of the magnetic North Pole; used by navigators to determine the direction a yacht is heading and to set a course
An inclosing limit; boundary; circumference; as, within the compass of an encircling wall
To go about or entirely round; to make the circuit of
the range of pitches between a tune's lowest and highest notes, expressed here as the number of notes in the diatonic scale Thus a tune with the range of an octave would have a compass of 7
An instrument for determining directions upon the earth's surface by means of a magnetized bar or needle turning freely upon a pivot and pointing in a northerly and southerly direction
An inclosed space; an area; extent
Moderate bounds, limits of truth; moderation; due limits; used with within
A tool used to find direction
travel around, either by plane or ship; "We compassed the earth"
An instrument for determining directions relative to magnetic north
To curve; to bend into a circular form
A circle; a continent
The range of notes, or tones, within the capacity of a voice or instrument
To inclose on all sides; to surround; to encircle; to environ; to invest; to besiege; used with about, round, around, and round about
an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control: "the range of a supersonic jet"; "the ambit of municipal legislation"; "within the compass of this article"; "within the scope of an investigation"; "outside the reach of the law"; "in the political orbit of a world power"
A magnetic or electronic device used to determine the cardinal directions (usually magnetic north)
(1) An instrument, which indicates the direction of magnetic North, by means of a pivoting magnetic needle mounted on a circular dial or card The dial or card indicates the cardinal directions, and can also have directions shown as compass points (up to 32) or in degrees (360°) (2) An instrument for drawing and measuring circles, consisting of two legs connected at one end by a movable joint (See cardinal direction, compass point and compass rose)
COMputer assisted Passport for the Architecture of Safety Systems Systems safety and hazard analysis tool
A compass is an instrument that you use for finding directions. It has a dial and a magnetic needle that always points to the north. We had to rely on a compass and a lot of luck to get here
An instrument for drawing circles or arcs
{f} surround, encircle; comprehend, understand
Navigational instrument that indicates the presence of machinery and magnets on board ship by spinning wildly
Square or circle used to indicate the AccuDraw drawing plane origin, axes, and coordinate system Color-coded hash marks indicate the positive X and Y axes
get the meaning of something; "Do you comprehend the meaning of this letter?"
a device for determining direction
Extent; reach; sweep; capacity; sphere; as, the compass of his eye; the compass of imagination
bring about; accomplish; "This writer attempts more than his talents can compass
instrument used to determine the direction of magnetic north See Bearing and Azimuth
any instrument for finding direction The most commonly used is a magnetic compass, consisting of a thin piece of magnetic material with the north-seeking pole indicated, free to rotate on a pivot and mounted on a compass card on which the points of the compass are marked When the compass is properly adjusted and used, the north-seeking pole will point to the magnetic north, from which true north can be found from tables of magnetic corrections
A passing round; circuit; circuitous course
> A device with a magnetic needle that is used to determine geographic direction The needle is free to pivot until it is aligned with the magnetic field of the earth Christie's Maritime sales typically feature some of the finest compasses in varying sizes, from hand size to deckhead and binnacle
{i} sea card
compass error
The combination of variation and deviation which is the horizontal angle between the direction indicated by a magnetic compass and true north
compass needle
A magnetized pointer (usually marked on the North end) within a compass, free to align itself with the Earth's magnetic field
compass needles
plural form of compass needle
compass point
Any of the horizontal directions indicated on a compass. There may be 4, 8, 16 or 32 compass points on a compass, depending on its size and accuracy
compass points
plural form of compass point
compass rose
A graduated circle, usually marked in degrees, indicating directions and printed or inscribed on an appropriate medium
compass roses
plural form of compass rose
compass swing
The process of swinging and compensating a ship or aircraft compass by determining and reducing the deviation coefficients and recording the residual deviations; now done by computer
compass card
compass in the form of a card that rotates so that 0 degrees or North points to magnetic north
compass card
A freely pivoting circular disk carrying the magnetic needles of a compass and marked with the 32 points of the compass and the 360 degrees of the circle
compass card
compass rose, circular card attached to the needle of a mariner's compass on which the degrees indicating direction are marked
compass error
incorrect instruction regarding the exact direction of the magnetic north caused by a malfunction of the compass
compass plant
A perennial herb (Silphium laciniatum) in the composite family, native to prairie regions of the Midwest United States and having radiate yellow flower heads and erect, basal, pinnately divided leaves
compass plant
any of several plants having leaves so arranged on the axis as to indicate the cardinal points of the compass
compass point
any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass
compass point
A compass point is one of the 32 marks on the dial of a compass that show direction, for example north, south, east, and west
compass point
any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"
compass point
Refers to one of the four "directions" in the Compass of Sustainability: Nature, Economy, Society or Well-Being
compass point
A unit of compass direction One of the 32 divisions of the circular dial or card of a compass, equal to 11°15' or 11 25° of a circle
compass rose
The symbol on a map which shows the directions--N S E W
compass rose
used to show direction on a map
compass rose
n A symbol found on some maps showing the four cardinal directions
compass rose
A circle drawn on a map, (usually a navigational chart) which is subdivided in a clockwise direction from 0° to 360° , with 0° indicating true North On older maps and charts, it was a decorated diagram of cardinal directions, divided into 32 points, originally called rosa ventorum, or "rose of the winds"
compass rose
a symbol that consists of a circle with a pointed star in it, which is printed on maps and shows which direction is north, south, east, west etc
compass rose
device drawn on maps to show the directions
compass rose
A direction marker on a map
compass rose
The resulting figure when the complete 360° directional system is developed as a circle with each degree graduated upon it True North is indicated as 000° and is also called true rose This is printed on nautical charts for determining direction
compass rose
(1) A circle on a chart indicating the direction of geographic north and sometimes also magnetic north Charts usually have more that one compass rose In that case the compass rose nearest to the object being plotted should be used as the geographic directions and magnetic variations may change slightly in different places on the chart (2) A device used to draw circles
compass rose
A circle divided into 32 points for a total of 360 degrees and printed on a chart as a means of determining the course of a vessel
compass rose
a square figure that helps you find in what direction you are going
compass rose
an object that appears on maps to identify four main directions: north, south, east and west
compass rose
compass card, circular card attached to the needle of a mariner's compass on which the degrees indicating direction are marked
compass saw
a handsaw with a thin triangular blade for cutting curves
I need a compass
Indicates that the speaker needs a compass
box the compass
To make a complete reversal in stance or opinion
box the compass
To know, and be able to recite the 32 points and quarter points of the magnetic compass from North, both clockwise and anticlockwise
boxed the compass
Simple past tense and past participle of box the compass
boxes the compass
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of box the compass
boxing the compass
Present participle of box the compass
Deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it
magnetic compass
An instrument containing a freely suspended magnetic element which displays the direction of the horizontal component of the Earth’s magnetic field at the point of observation
prismatic compass
A compass, equipped with a small prism, that allows the heading to be read while sighting
tell-tale compass
Alternative spelling of telltale compass
telltale compass
An upturned compass, suspended from the ceiling of a cabin, allowing a captain or other officer to check the course of a ship without going to the deck

The captain was quick enough, racing back to the companion and down the stairs in two bounds, where, although the cabin was half full of water, he contrived to wrench away the tell-tale compass that swung over the saloon-table; and he was on the poop again with it in an instant. The instrument, however, was heavy, but he had hard work to carry it with both hands; and he managed to get to the side with it. — J.C. Hutcheson, Teddy, 1887.

{n} an instrument to make circles
{n} pity, mercy, feeling
{v} to pity
beyond the compass
out of bounds, off limits
bow compass
A drawing compass with legs that are connected by an adjustable metal spring band
cardinal compass point
one of the four main compass points
past of compass
Rounded; arched
An instrument for describing circles, measuring figures, etc
{i} instrument for drawing circles and measuring, calipers
consisting of two, or (rarely) more, pointed branches, or legs, usually joined at the top by a rivet on which they move
plural of compass
present participle of compass
Curved; bent; as, compassing timbers
the ability and willingness to break a person's spirit until they change their opinion to jibe with that of the Gang
Literally, suffering with another; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration
the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it
the humane quality of understanding the suffering of others and wanting to do something about it a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
is demonstrating care and sensitivity in word and action
The wish to free others from their suffering
Compassion is a feeling of pity, sympathy, and understanding for someone who is suffering. Elderly people need time and compassion from their physicians. a strong feeling of sympathy for someone who is suffering, and a desire to help them compassion for (compassio, from compati , from com- ( COM-) + pati )
Genus: Empathy Differentia: Towards suffering people that you value Comment: Compassion for evil people is context-dropping
{i} pity, mercy, sympathy
a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering
A word for kindness and caring about how other people feel
The use of tax money to buy votes
(an emotion we feel for someone which is less restricting than feeling sorry for them)
The mind that cannot bear the suffering of others and wishes them to be free from it See also Great compassion See Joyful Path of Good Fortune
four points of the compass
four corners of the earth (north, south, east and west)
magnetic compass
compass based on an indicator (as a magnetic needle) that points to the magnetic north
magnetic compass
device used to determine direction by using a metal needle that always points toward the north
magnetic compass
An instrument that uses a magnetized steel bar to indicate direction relative to the earth's magnetic poles
radio compass
radio receiver that identifies the direction of movement according to radio signals
radio compass
a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals
radio compass
A navigational aid consisting of an automatic radio receiver and a directional antenna that determine the transmission direction of incoming radio waves
sea compass
The mariner's compass
sea compass
See under Compass
set by the compass
determine one's position by using a compass
set one's compass
determine direction with a compass
within the compass
in the area of -

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    Турецкое произношение



    fail, lose


    /ˈkəmpəs/ /ˈkʌmpəs/


    [ 'k&m-p&s also ' ] (transitive verb.) 14th century. For noun: Middle English compas (“a circle, circuit, limit, form, a mathematical instrument”) Old French compas Medieval Latin compassus (“a circle, a circuit”) Latin com- (“together”) + passus (“a pace, step, later a pass, way, route”); see pass, pace. For verb: Middle English compassen (“to go around, make a circuit, draw a circle, contrive, intend”) Old French compasser; from the noun; see compass as a noun.


    compasses, compassing, compassed


    ... sailed the ocean blue, you would get lost.  With the compass knowing the position of ...
    ... To guide him, the compass, an invention from China. ...