
listen to the pronunciation of communication
Английский Язык - Турецкий язык

İletişimle neyi kastediyorsun? - What do you mean by communication?

Seyircisini kazanmak için konuşmacı, iletişim kurslarından öğrendiği retorik teknikleri kullanarak başvurdu. - To win his audience, the speaker resorted to using rhetorical techniques he learned from his communication courses.

{i} haberleşme

İngilizce bir haberleşme aracıdır. - English is a means of communication.

sosyal iletişim

TV ve radyo ile haber iletişimi artık çok yaygın. - The communication of news by TV and radio is very common now.

İngilizce bir haberleşme aracıdır. - English is a means of communication.

{i} kominikasyon
ç.komünikasyon jüyesi
{i} temas
{i} bağlantı
{i} yayma
bağlantı irtibat
{i} irtibat
{i} ulaşım

Modern iletişim ve ulaşım sistemleri sayesinde dünya küçülüyor. - Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

{i} nakletme
{i} tebliğ
Minister of Communications Ulaştırma Bakanı
{i} (mektup, not, telgraf gibi iletilen) haber
(Dilbilim,Politika, Siyaset) bildirim

Modern iletişim ve ulaşım sistemleri sayesinde dünya küçülüyor. - Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

İletişimle neyi kastediyorsun? - What do you mean by communication?

(Hukuk) bildirim / tebliğ
communication satellite
haberleşme uydusu
communication adapter
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iletişim uyarlayıcısı
communication barriers
iletişim engelleri
communication cable
(Askeri,Teknik) haberleşme kablosu
communication channel
haberleşme kanalı
communication devices
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iletişim aygıtları
communication faculty
(Eğitim) iletişim fakültesi
communication form
iletişim formu
communication media
(Bilgisayar) iletişim ortamı
communication medium
(Bilgisayar) iletişim ortamı
communication models
iletişim modelleri
communication network
haberleşme şebekesi
communication network
haberleşme ağı
communication server
(Bilgisayar) iletişim sunucusu
communication server
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iletişim işgöreni
communication skill
iletişim becerisi
communication skills
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) iletişim becerileri
communication system
(Dilbilim) iletişim dizgesi
communication system
haberleşme sistemi
communication systems
(Askeri) muhabere sistemleri
communication systems
iletişim sistemleri
communication theory
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iletişim kuramı
communication unit
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) iletişim birimi
communication airplane
muhabere uçağı
communication channel
iletişim kanalı
communication control character
iletişim denetim karakteri
communication control device
iletişim denetim aygıtı
communication device
iletişim aygıtı
communication executive
iletişim yöneticisi
communication line
iletişim çizgisi
communication line control procedure
iletişim hattı denetim yöntemi
communication line discipline
iletişim çizgisi düzeni
communication line error discipline
iletişim çizgisi hata düzeni
communication medium
communication medium
iletişim aracı
communication network
iletişim ağı
communication performance
komünikasyon performansı
communication receiver
haberleşme alıcısı
communication satellite
iletişim uydusu
communication system
iletişim sistemi
communication terminal
iletişim terminali
communication word
iletişim sözcüğü
communication advisor
İletişim danışmanı
communication centre
haberleşme merkezi
communication studies
(Bilim, İlim) İletişim bilimleri
communication theory
iletişim teorisi
communication tower
haberleşme kulesi
communication adapter
iletisim uyarlayicisi
communication and computer systems
(Askeri) muhabere ve bilgisayar sistemleri
communication art
iletişim sanatı
communication chief
(Askeri) MUHABERE UZMANI ASTSUBAY: Atanmış olduğu birlikteki bütün muhabere vasıtalarını kullanmak ve muhabere teşkillerine nezaret etmek hususunda ihtisas eğitimi görmüş astsubay
communication cord
imdat freni
communication countermeasures
(Askeri) MUHABERE KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ (HV.): Özellikle muhaberede kullanılan elektronik karşı tedbirler
communication cover
(Askeri) haberleşme örtüsü
communication cover
(Askeri) MUHABERE ÖRTÜSÜ, HABERLEŞME ÖRTÜSÜ: Bak. "communications security" ve "transmission security"
communication engineering
iletisim muhendisligi
communication equipment
communication file
(Askeri) İRTİBAT DİZİSİ; İRTİBAT ERİ: Bknz. "connecting file"
communication file
(Askeri) irtibat eri
communication file
(Askeri) irtibat dizisi
communication intelligence analysis
(Askeri) HABERLEŞME İSTİHBARATI ANALİZİ: Başkasının muhaberesinde istihbarat temini işlemi. Buna, düşman muhaberesinin dinlenmesi, telsiz göndermeçlerinin yerlerinin tespiti ve kriptolu haberlerin çözülmesi dahildir
communication jamming
(Askeri) muhabere karıştırması
communication language
(Askeri) (DATA AUTOMATION) HABERLEŞME DİLİ (BİLGİ İŞLEM): Haberleşmeyi yapan iki taraf arasında işlenmiş bilgileri göndermede kullanılan işaretleri, söz dizimi, harf dizimi tam bir dil yapısı
communication link
İletişim Bağı
communication link
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) iletişim bağlacı
communication manager
İletişim Yöneticisi
communication net
haberleşme ağı
communication network management
iletisim agi yonetimi
communication officer
(Askeri) KITA MUHABERE SUBAYI: Alay ve taburdaki muhabere görevine atanmış sınıf subayı. Ayrıca bakınız: "signal officer"
communication operation instruction
(Askeri) MUHABERE TALİMATI: Bknz. "signal operation instruction"
communication pipe
şube hattı
communication pipe
bağlantı borusu
communication plan
(Askeri) muhabere planı
communication planning
iletişim planlama
communication policy
iletişim politikası
communication port
İletişim Kapısı
communication procedure
(Askeri) HABERLEŞME USULÜ: Haberleşmeyi kolaylaştırmak ve haberleri, muhabere vasıtaları ile, seri ve emin bir şekilde ulaştırmak için kısaltılmış esas, sinyal ve standart çalışma usulleri
communication procedures
(Askeri) Muhabere usulleri
communication protocol
iletisim protokolu
communication radio
iletişim telsizi
communication range
(Askeri) haberleşme mesafesi
communication relay
(Askeri) muhabere irtibatı
communication satellite
communication sector
iletişim sektörü
communication security
communication security regional issuing office
(Askeri) MUHABERE EMNİYETİ BÖLGE DAĞITIM BÜROSU: Kara Kuvvetleri hesabına, belirli bölgelere, dünya çapında kripto lojistik destek sağlamak üzere ABD Anayurdu'nda tesis edilmiş faaliyet merkezi
communication server
iletisim isgoreni, sunucu
communication service
muhaberat servisi
communication service authorization
(Askeri) MUHABERE HİZMET YETKİSİ (HV. ): Özel muhabere ortaklıklarıyla akdedilmiş genel sözleşmeye dayanarak muhabere yetkisinde belirtilmiş sınırlar dahilinde belirli tesis ve hizmetlerin temini maksadıyla yapılan hizmet isteği veya tali sözleşme
communication setting
İletişim Ayarları
communication space
haberleşme alanı
communication space
iletişim alanı
communication supplementary activity
communication supplementary detachment
communication terminal
iletişim ucu
communication theory
iletisim kurami
communication to the parties
(Avrupa Birliği) taraflara tebliğ etme,bildirme
communication traffic security
(Askeri) MUHABERE TRAFİK EMNİYETİ: Bak. "traffic security"
communication trench
(Askeri) İRTİBAT HENDEĞİ: Bknz. "connecting trench"
communication violence
communication watch officer
communication zone
(Askeri) muhabere bölgesi
communication zone
(Askeri) MENZİL SAHASI: Ulaştırma şebekesi, ikmal ve tahliye tesisleri, ve sahra kuvvetlerinin yakın destek ve bakımı için lüzumlu diğer teşkilleri içeren, harekat alanının geri kısmı (harekat alanının gerisinde fakat muharebe bölgesine bitişiktir). Ayrıca bakınız: "combat zone", "rear area"
communication zone depot
(Askeri) MENZİL SAHASI DEPOSU: Menzil sahasında bulunan ve yedek ikmal maddeleri bulunduran ikmal tesisi
communication/signal center
(Askeri) HABERLEŞME MERKEZİ: Mesajları almak, göndermek ve teslim etmek sorumluluğu verilmiş bir büro. Ayrıca bakınız: "message center"
combined communication board
(Askeri) birleşik muhabere kurulu
computer communication
bilgisayar iletişimi
combined communication board
(Askeri) BİRLEŞİK MUHABERE KURULU: Birleşik Kurmay Başkanlığının muhabere işlerini düzenleyen bir müessese
combined communication board publications
command combined communication center
command, control and communication countermeasures
(Askeri) KOMUTA, KONTROL VE MUHABERE KARŞI TEDBİRLERİ: Düşman komuta kontrol ve muhabere imkan ve kabiliyetlerini etkilemek, derecesini düşürmek veya imha etmek amacıyla bilgiyi esirgemek için istihbarat tarafından desteklenen harekat emniyeti, askeri aldatma, karıştırma ve fiziki imhanın entegre bir şekilde kullanılması ve dost komuta kontrol ve muhabere sisteminin bu tip faaliyetlerden korunması. a. COUNTER: KARŞI KOMUTA KONTROL VE MUHABERE SİSTEMİ: Karşı tarafın komutanlarını ve diğer karar vericilerinin kendi kuvvetlerinin komuta ve kontrolünde etkili olmalarını önlemek için alınan tedbirlerden oluşan komuta kontrol ve muhabereye karşı tedbirler. b. PROTECTION: KORUMASI: Hem düşman hemde dost karşı komuta kontrol ve muharebe harekatına rağmen dost komuta kontrol ve muhabere sisteminin etkinliğini idame ettirmek için alınan önlemlerden oluşan komuta kontrol ve muharebe karşı tedbirler
audio communication
(Askeri) ses iletişimi
burst communication
(Bilgisayar) çoğuşmalı iletişim
customer communication
(Ticaret) müşteri iletişimi
cut off communication with
iletişimini kesmek
duplex communication
(Bilgisayar,Telekom) çift yönlü iletişim
establish communication
bağlantı kurmak
global communication
(Bilgisayar) küresel iletişim
healthy communication
sağlıklı iletişim
infrared communication
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kızılötesi iletişim
infrared communication
kızılötesi bağlantı
interior communication
iç iletişim
international communication
uluslararası iletişim
interpersonal communication
bireylerarası iletişim
interpersonal communication
kişilerarası iletişim
oral communication
sözlü iletişim
peer to peer communication
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) eşdüzeyler arası iletişim
pure communication
(Ticaret) saf iletişim
terrestrial communication
yerüstü iletişim
wireless communication
kablosuz haberleşme
wireless communication
kablosuz iletişim
written communication
yazılı iletişim
air communication service
hava haberleşme servisi
air to air communication
havadan havaya haberleşme
animal communication
hayvan iletişimi
asynchronous communication
eşzamansız iletişim
auditory communication
işitsel iletişim
digital communication
dijital iletişim
direct communication
doğrudan iletişim
duplex communication
iki yönlü iletişim
electronic communication
elektronik haberleşme
linguistic communication
dilsel iletişim
mass communication
kitle iletişim
mass communication
kitle haberleşme
means of communication
iletişim araçları
oral communication
sözlü haberleşme
psychic communication
ruhsal iletişim
psychical communication
ruhi iletişim
radio communication
serial communication
Seri İletişim
two-way communication
çift yönlü iletişim
ultrasonic communication
ültrasonik iletişim
Picture Exchange communication system
Resim Değiş Tokuşuna Dayalı İletişim Sistemi
channels of communication
iletişim kanalları

Düşmanın telsiz iletişimlerini izlediler. - They monitored the enemy's radio communications.

exchange for communication
iletişimde değişim
group communication
grup iletişimi
hazard communication standard
(Teknoloji) Tehlike iletişim standardı
human communication
insan iletişim
informal communication
informal iletişim
intercellular communication
(Biyoloji) Hücreler arası haberleşme/iletişim
internal communication
iç iletişim
intersystem communication
sistemler arası iletişim
intrasystem communication
sistem içi iletişim
mass communication
Kitle iletişimi
mobile communication
mobil iletişim
personal communication
kişisel iletişim
remote communication
uzaktan iletişim
social communication
sosyal iletişim
special communication tax
özel iletişim vergisi
structural communication
yapısal iletişim
telephonic communication
telfon türü iletişim
theory of communication
iletişim teorisi
ultrasonic communication
ultrasonik iletişim
(Askeri) muhabere

Düşmanın telsiz iletişimlerini izlediler. - They monitored the enemy's radio communications.

Roket yörüngeye bir iletişim uydusu koydu. - The rocket put a communications satellite into orbit.

(Askeri) HABERLEŞME; MUHABERE: Bir şahıs veya yerden bir diğerine her çeşit bilginin gönderilmesi vasıtası veya metodu
Английский Язык - Английский Язык
The potential for information exchange

The node had established communication with the network, but had as yet sent no data.

A message; the essential data transferred in an act of communication

Surveillance was accomplished by means of intercepting the spies' communications.

The body of all data transferred to one or both parties during an act of communication

The subpoena required that the company document their communication with the plaintiff.

A passageway or opening between two locations

A round archway at the far end of the hallway provided communication to the main chamber.

The concept or state of exchanging information between entities

Some say that communication is a necessary prerequisite for sentience; others say that it is a result thereof.

An instance of information transfer; a conversation or discourse

The professors' communications consisted of lively discussions via email.

A connection between two tissues, organs, or cavities

and here a free communication had been established between the aorta and the vena cava.

{n} the act of imparting or exchanging, a conversation, boundary, passage
knowledge: synonymous with creation, an expression of our unified relationship to God which can be likened to a flow of spirit and love; only spirit can communicate, unlike the ego, which is separate by nature true perception: we experience communication in our right minds through the Holy Spirit, allowing His Love to be shared through us
Association; company
Transmission of intelligence between two points (origin and reception) without alteration of sequence or structure of the information content See also data communication
{i} exchange of information or ideas; transfer, passing along; letter, message
The process of transmitting and receiving messages According to Roman Jakobson and others, an analysis of this process yields six factors: addresser, addressee, contact (or channel), context, code, and the message itself Corresponding to these factors are six functions: emotive, conative, phatic, reference, metalinguistic (or metacommunicative), and aesthetic or poetic This process has been taken as the focal object of semiotics
A trope, by which a speaker assumes that his hearer is a partner in his sentiments, and says we, instead of I or you
A process by which information is transferred between at least two parties
That which is communicated or imparted; intelligence; news; a verbal or written message
Transmission of information
A communication is a declaration by which a State expresses its views relating to the treaty, notifies a new domestic law or specify the content of a domestic law in relation with the treaty, rectify an error or an omission made upon ratification Communications may be made under the terms of the treaty, for example when a State has to designate a competent national authority, or formulated spontaneously by States
The process of giving, sending, or exchanging thoughts, feelings, opinions, and information orally or in writing
The trasmission and reception of data
Intercourse by words, letters, or messages; interchange of thoughts or opinions, by conference or other means; conference; correspondence
something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without official communication from Moscow"
Participation in the Lord's supper
The act or fact of communicating; as, communication of smallpox; communication of a secret
the activity of communicating; the activity of conveying information; "they could not act without official communication from Moscow"
The creation of shared understanding through interaction among two or more agents Communication depends upon interpretation of some message by the listener Shared understanding is constructed through the detection and repair of misunderstandings (as opposed to a one-way transmission of data) The understanding created through communication can never be absolute or complete, but instead is an interactive and ongoing process in which common ground, i e , assumed mutual beliefs and mutual knowledge, is accumulated and updated
(The evolution of) Thinkquest on the development of verbal and non-verbal communication Includes timeline, symbols, mass media and interactive features, including a quiz, survey and forum
the interchange of ideas across space Its fullest definition is the consideration and action of impelling an impulse or particle from source-point across a distance to receipt-point, with the intention of bringing into being at the receipt-point a duplication and understanding of that which emanated from the source-point The formula of communication is cause, distance, effect, with intention, attention and duplication with understanding See also cause; effect
The transfer of information between stations
A sharing of meaning through the transmission of information
the electronic transmission of content from one point to another; see also Information Highway Communications
Means of communicating; means of passing from place to place; a connecting passage; connection
communicating openly and often about developments, tailoring communications to target audiences and delivering through existing processes
A sharing of meaning through the transmission of information p 456
Exchanging tokens of meaning between separate parties It includes focused attention, an intention to be understood, a common space, separate realities, interpretation, understanding
something that is communicated by or to or between people or groups
a connection allowing access between persons or places; "how many lines of communication can there be among four people?"; "a secret passageway provided communication between the two rooms
The transfer of information and understanding from one point or person to another The basic elements in the process of communication are an information source, encoding, transmission, reception, and decoding
Communications are the systems and processes that are used to communicate or broadcast information, especially by means of electricity or radio waves. a communications satellite. communications equipment
Transfer of information from one location to another so that meaning is understood
– The creation of customized and segmented messages founded on careful listening that address both institution and audience needs and goals
The successful transmission of information through a common system of symbols, signs, behavior, speech, writing, or signals
The act of transmitting verbal and non-verbal information and understanding between seller and buyer
(a) an exchange of information between participants; (b) an act of sharing, and coming together; (c) an opportunity to be in community
A communication is a message. The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President. see also communicate. animal communication communication theory privileged communication confidential communication
The process by which information and feelings are shared by people through an exchange of verbal and non-verbal messages In the context of medical education, its primary function is to establish understanding between patient and doctor In an atmosphere of effective communication, patients improve faster, cope better with post-operative pain, require less psychotropic drugs, and experience numerous other health benefits
In the Common Connector Framework, the interface definition and its implementation of the various connectors It provides the common way of communicating with a host system
communication mix
The range of approaches and expressions of a marketing idea developed with the hope that it be effective in conveying the ideas to the diverse population of people who receive it

You must know how to use the elements of the communication mix to communicate the product’s existence, value and benefits to the target customers.

communication studies
An academic field that deals with processes of communication, commonly defined as the sharing of symbols over distances in space and time
communication studies
Communication studies is an academic field that deals with processes of communication, commonly defined as the sharing of symbols over distances in space and time. Hence, communication studies encompasses a wide range of topics and contexts ranging from face-to-face conversation to speeches to mass media outlets such as television broadcasting. Communication studies, as a discipline, is also often interested in how audiences interpret information and the political, cultural, economic, and social dimensions of speech and language in context
Communication Minister
government official who is in charge of matters of communication
Communication and Science Minister
government official who oversees a nation's communication and science industries
communication channel
route for communication messages to be conveyed
communication channels
routes for communication messages to be conveyed
communication cord
a chain that a passenger can pull to stop a train in an emergency (=a sudden dangerous situation)
communication disorder
Any of various disorders, such as stuttering or perseveration, characterized by impaired written or verbal expression
communication engineering
The branch of engineering dealing with the development and operation of communications technology, including telecommunications and computer programming
communication log
record kept of incoming information at a radio or communications terminal
communication protocol
standard procedure for transmitting information
communication satellite
satellite which transmits and receives information (aids in the exchange of information, ideas, etc.)
communication security
measures taken to prevent the enemy from tapping into one's communication system
communication system
apparatus which allows communication and information transfer between two different agents which are connected to the system
communication system
facility consisting of the physical plants and equipment for disseminating information a system for communicating
communication theory
or information theory Field of mathematics that studies the problems of signal transmission, reception, and processing. It stems from Claude E. Shannon's mathematical methods for measuring the degree of order (nonrandomness) in a signal, which drew largely on probability theory and stochastic processes and led to techniques for determining a source's rate of information production, a channel's capacity to handle information, and the average amount of information in a given type of message. Crucial to the design of communications systems, these techniques have important applications in linguistics, psychology, and even literary theory
communication trench
trench built at an angle to a defense trench in order to allow concealed entry (Military)
confidential communication
A statement made to someone, such as one's physician, attorney, priest, or spouse, who cannot be legally compelled to divulge the information
communications (attributive)
That communicates
plural form of communication
electronic communication
communication which is transferred electronically
inter-process communication
Alternative spelling of interprocess communication
interprocess communication
A set of techniques for the exchange of data among two or more threads in one or more processes
nonverbal communication
Communication in a form other than written or spoken words, such as gestures, facial expressions or body language
osmotic communication
Communication that is picked up or absorbed by another person
power line communication
The distribution of data and other signals via electric power distribution wires
power-line communication
Alternative spelling of power line communication
record communication
A telecommunications process that produces an electronic message that is transmitted, received, stored or archived, and may be retrieved
record communication
A telecommunications process, that produces a hard copy record of the transmission, such as a teletypewriter printout or a facsimile printout
space communication
Communication between space vehicles, or between such vehicles and a base on Earth, the Moon or other planet, especially when using high-frequency radio waves
two-way communication
Any form of communication between two parties, both of whom can send and receive messages
verbal communication
Oral communication; speech
verbal communication
The process of sending and receiving messages with words, including writing and sign language
Organizational communication
Organizational communication, broadly speaking, is: people working together to achieve individual or collective goals
Picture Exchange communication system
Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a form of augmentative and alternative communication. It is typically used as an aid in communication for children with autism and other special needs. The system has been used with a variety of ages including preschoolers, adolescents and adults who have a wide array of communicative, cognitive and physical difficulties. Recent literature reviews have supported PECS as an evidence-based practice
hazard communication standard
(Teknoloji) An OSHA regulation that requires chemical manufacturers, suppliers, and importers to assess the hazards of the chemicals that they make, supply, or import, and to inform employers, customers, and workers of these hazards through MSDS information
information and communication technology
Information and communications technology or information and communication technology (ICT), is often used as an extended synonym for information technology (IT), but is a more specific term that stresses the role of unified communications and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals), computers as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information
intercellular communication
(Biyoloji) Intercellular communication refers to the communication between cells

One important mode of intercellular communication is the release of soluble cyto- and chemokines.

interpersonal communication
Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information between two or more people
means of communication
Way to communicate, resource that facilitates communication
structural communication
Structural communication was developed by John G. Bennett and his research team in the 1960s, originally designed to simulate the structure and quality of a small group tutorial through automated means. It was intended as means of addressing the issue of providing high level learning from a relatively few sources of understanding to many. In essence it deals with a communication as both content and form, or as information and structure - or ‘information about information’. An effective two-way communication would involve mutual verification of understanding through comparisons of structure. In structural communication, information is provided that participants have to organize in explicit ways
used in communication; "he had few communicational grooves available for use
communications satellite Paramount Communications wireless communications
{i} means of communicating; network of routes for sending messages and transporting troops and supplies
the discipline that studies the principles of transmiting information and the methods by which it is delivered as print or radio or television etc
telecommunications, the science and technology of communicating, especially by electronic means
"communications is his major field of study
plural of communication